Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BrianC »

Don't forget that many (all?) copies of the US PS1 Strider 2 had Strider 2 on Strider 1's disc and vice versa, if you plan on purchasing the game. Don't forgot to hold the mode button before starting up when playing Forgotten Worlds or Strider using a 6 button controller on the MD.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Bloodreign »

BrianC wrote:Don't forget that many (all?) copies of the US PS1 Strider 2 had Strider 2 on Strider 1's disc and vice versa, if you plan on purchasing the game. Don't forgot to hold the mode button before starting up when playing Forgotten Worlds or Strider using a 6 button controller on the MD.
Forgotten Worlds you must hold the Mode button down, but for Strider you don't have to do that as unlike Forgotten Worlds, you don't get an insta game over just by using a 6 button pad (the developers probably still laugh when seeing people ask how to get passed that in their finished product all these years later.)

I can picture the Forgotten Worlds developers saying " Stupid scrubs, you will never see through our trick, you will forever game over from doing absolutely NOTHING HAHAHAHA....arggh damn it, someone figured it out. Someone please hold me! :cry: ".
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

:0 ty for the advice on that bil, i'll make sure to consult it whenever i get ahold of the ps1 version.

fb - i haven't played forgotten worlds md, but i thiiiink the pc engine cd version is a better conversion? not that you only need to play only one, i reckon. i played the pcecd version a pretty decent chunk and had a good time with it, recording up if you want to check it out.

brian - what happens if i don't hold the mode button? D: i use a six-button pad all the time, it's super comfy. the three button is such a danged chonky thing, the xbox 'duke' of its day lol. maybe i exaggerate, it's got mostly decent buttons and an alright d-pad as well as a shape that isn more comfortable than it looks, i just find everything a bit better on the 6-button. one of the big advantages of the 6-button, to me, is that diagonal rotation is so gosh darned smooth! it's really deeply satisfying.

- -

anyway, runs are up!! along with reviews, feel free to comment/ask questions/etc.

shadow dancer default nomiss

batman md default nomiss (hard mode sucks, pumps enemy health uninterestingly, don't play it)

jewel master hard nomiss

chojin sentai jetman very hard nomiss

senjou no okami II hard difficulty, arcade mode nomiss

senjou no okami II secret difficulty, original mode nomiss (no guys ever downed!)
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Holy shit, Senjou II MD Original Nightmare with no deaths? :O Badass, will enjoy. Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by TransatlanticFoe »

Awww yeah Mercs original secret difficulty - watching that clear brings back memories! I tried it a few times when BIL pointed out its existence and I managed to find my post, buried in the Mega Drive thread:
TransatlanticFoe wrote:Tried it and hit Mission 8! Disclaimer: PAL Mercs. Mission 7 boss left me with just Rifle with a sliver of health so I died pretty much straight away!

This mode means stage 1 is really brutal and the boss fight was a hell of a relief. Found it easier once you get Rifle a couple of speed ups and you can outrun the enemies that come from behind! Burner is good for crowd control, switch to a sped-up Rifle when you're surrounded. Burner is especially useful in the swamp where you get knife enemies popping up everywhere, and in fact I spent most of the time with him. I'm sure the tanks and missile trucks fire faster, and both they and the bosses have more health. Sacrificed launcher and laser for damage at boss battles because their narrow shots are useless during the main game in this mode.
Once I worked out how to get through stage 1 in a reasonable state (this definitely took several attempts) I ploughed straight on to stage 8 and in hindsight probably should have warmed up on hard difficulty first because I did not remember how to face that stage 7 boss.

I mean yeah I'm playing in PAL so it's probably a bit easier but conversely burner is properly wading through molasses at 50 Hz!

Interesting that you discount burner (I mean you're good enough to not get rifle killed so why not stick with him - he is the absolute best through 90% of the game), because I found him really useful in the swamp and stuck with him thereafter purely out of fear of losing rifle.

Ultimately I didn't revisit the secret difficulty after that. It's an interesting take on an alternate difficulty but after that initial hurdle of stage 1 it didn't seem all that more challenging than hard mode. Think I'll give it another go when I next get the Mega Drive out, pop in a normal run beforehand so it's fresher in my mind. It is a mighty satisfying game after all.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

The one bit I recall enjoying using Burner was the final stage's dark rooms, where you can willy-wave all over the screen, leaving a glittering nightscape of burning corpses. Satisfying, and purdy! However, if a zako spawns nearby, there's a good chance you'll take contact damage before you can steer your mighty rod its way. So, it's far better to just spray your vicinity with Rifle while forging ahead.

I think I tried using Homing there once ("oho! this must be his specialty area!"), only to witness typical homing weapon fuckery as my shots orbited madly around a distant target, while nearer ones blasted me. Never went back. 3;


I hate that shit! :O


What a dear little gem Fairyland Story is. Image


Hit the third castle this morning, seems to start getting a bit devious thereabouts. Such a cute detail how each castle gets its own little sprite, glimpsed in the distance at the start of each round.

Seems a bit more obvious than Mitsuji-san's Bubble Bobble et al, just innocently clobbering varmints with fresh baked goods (aka THE ENTOMBED :shock: Image). However, the score bonus for multi-splats, and the way AI can be pied pipered into lucrative setups, gives me minor noob guilt! So infernally tempting to just blast 'em out of the air mid-jump, sending them haplessly plummeting to the ground. Cakes don't land so good. Image


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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Jeneki »

Fairyland Story is gangsta as fuck.

Line of dudes heading your way? Cupcake the first one, use it to push the others (who look hilarious failing to push back), dump them all off a cliff and squish them with cake. Those bros don't even lift.

Giant caterpillar trying to eat you whole? Trick another enemy into the line of fire as you jump to safety, and watch that mofo panic and struggle as they're slowly pulled into a mouth of doom. Thug life!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by EmperorIng »

I'm glad you two are enjoying your exploration of Fairyland Story as much as I am.

I got to around round 21 at my best the other night, and I am continuing to poke around/experiment with getting those sweet, multiple, horrific death-by-cake-crushing kills. I too delighted in seeing some japanese stone man from the old stone age be helplessly pulled away by the dread worm into its death maw. It's eat or be eaten out there!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Vanguard »

Fairyland Story's slapstick mayhem is great. By the way, I've seen a few places claim that round 95 isn't winnable unless you're shrunk when you get there, or if you get a lucky powerup. That isn't true. Stand next to the seemingly-impossible gap and jump straight up. Press right immediately after Ptolemy leaves the ground and she'll make it in.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

^^^ Invaluable intel (■`ω´■) Marked for index!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Udderdude »

I kinda slept on Fairyland Story. Of course, I knew about it. Never really got that into it. Should rectify that mistake!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Vanguard wrote:Fairyland Story's slapstick mayhem is great. By the way, I've seen a few places claim that round 95 isn't winnable unless you're shrunk when you get there, or if you get a lucky powerup. That isn't true. Stand next to the seemingly-impossible gap and jump straight up. Press right immediately after Ptolemy leaves the ground and she'll make it in.
Very odd that there'd be claims of it being impossible; never having played it, what about this level is stumping so many players into thinking it's unwinnable? I found footage of it that doesn't seem to use a shrinking powerup for reference:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Vanguard »

The problem is the tiny gap separating the left and right halves of the screen. If you try to jump through normally you'll probably end up on the platform above it. Supposedly you can let an enemy shrink you in a previous stage and stay as small Ptolemy up to 95 to get through. There's no way to shrink in 95 itself so any mistakes will foil that method. You can also just kill yourself until the game is kind enough to spawn a powerup that wins the level for you. But you don't need any of that if you just do the jump correctly.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Jeneki »

Ah nice! I was wondering what the ACA manual was trying to say when it mentioned jumping and tapping. Unfortunately the choice of Engrish leaves much to interpretation.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

I could easily be wrong, but I think the ACA manual misses a few items, too. But then, picking up items not knowing WTF I'm doing is a quintessential part of the Taito Single Screener experience for me. :lol:

Along similar lines, I noticed ACA Zero Team's manual doesn't mention the back attack (hold [away] during combo). I'm usually hitting up forum posts / FAQs for these games, though. Actually, I get the impression ACA manuals might be transcribed from actual materials, which weren't always exhaustive... Metal Slug 3's flavour text (It's a camel. It should be neither over nor underestimated) rings a bell.

(for the uninitiated, ZT has a neat four-way option system for combo enders... hold [away] for the back attack, [up] for the big flashy finish, [forward/neutral] for the crowd-flooring knockout, and [down] for the classic Final Fight throw ender)

Great to know when you need an enemy disarmed, beaten and stuffed into a garbage can in short order. Image


Never thought we'd see another "buried alive in killer arcade ports" generation post DC/PS2, but I ain't complaining. Image Once M2 DECO/Toaplan stuff hits I'm gonna just clear my gaming calendar for the next year or two.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by copy-paster »

NES Contra 1LC and 5-ALL demonstration by our motherfucker Mike Matei. :shock:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

I have love for Fairyland Story, but never played it intensely. Most of my love comes from its excellent representation in Rainbow Islands. :P
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Blinge »

copy-paster wrote:NES Contra 1LC and 5-ALL demonstration by our motherfucker Mike Matei. :shock:
lmao that'll ruffle some feathers.

maybe he's just pretending to play and someone else is lying by his feet actually getting the win
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Blinge wrote:maybe he's just pretending to play
Honestly - and this goes for anyone who professes an enthusiasm for these games taking a run at FC/NES Contra - if he'd posted yet another trainwreck ala he and James's co-op attempt, I'd assume he was playing to the crowd. It isn't a notably hard game even by its era's console standards, let alone arcade ones.

That it's simultaneously an immortal classic of sidescrolling action is something other developers should think on, including those responsible for a few of its initially more harrowing, ultimately more static sequels. It's not a hard game to dominate, but if you don't, it'll quickly find a way to slam you on your head. This is one means for your game to attain immortality. Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Squire Grooktook »


Went for a somewhat speedy playstyle, though I did get slowed down in a few places~

What a game. Almost tempted to go for a 1lc now but I'm pretty sure I'd have to save state practice the last stage. Or maybe just the harrowing zerg rush that is the final room. Helluva battlefield gauntlet, that.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Nice. :cool: Final room stopped me from attempting a 1LC for now, so many friggin enraged Xenos. I think I figured out a fairly cheesy n' safe final boss strategy, involving a
10'clock safespot and charged MG shots
but the preceding quarter-mile of xeno-infested floorguts was keeping me scurred.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Yee. I'm actually more tempted to try and 1cc it with the other two weapons, since they all seem balanced and unique enough that you can effectively treat them as separate "characters" rather than weapon pick ups. I've seen a 1cc on Youtube with Rocket/Blackhole, so maybe machine gun/napalm would be interesting.
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

TransatlanticFoe wrote:Interesting that you discount burner
i would... very strongly suggest playing on 60hz and seeing if you still feel the same way, i'd be curious to see what you have to say, there. he's just too slow for how fast what happens happens for me, and requires a lot of slow trudging and precautionary rear sweeping. i imagine on 50hz that the added time to react is probably enough to mitigate how slow the turning is, but that simply playing as him still clogs the pacing, regardless.

- - -

been writing some stuff more than playing last few days, my heavy play streak's energy calming for a bit... i'm currently getting "BUTTMAD" at strider MD, however. there's a few parts in this that just seem like bullshit and i can hardly figure out how to mitigate them. at the same time i'm becoming more endeared to the game, i'm also becoming more frustrated by it lol.

1. as far as i can tell, being aerial or not when some pods spawn in will consistently cause them to spawn in without their power-up if they were meant to have one. this is fucking stupid. you can miss the first robot drop in the game very easily by doing this. pretty sure that doesn't happen in arcade.

2. the aerial ride in stage 2 feels harder than i remember it being on arcade. sometimes the planes will get you there without a hitch, sometimes you wind up taking numerous hits. get hit near the forward area and you'll glitch while trying to climb up and fall to your death. i cannot understate how frustrating and random this segment is, the way these things move is demonic. do the bombs also have more hp than arcade?

3. speaking of climbing up (the transition from an underhang to standing on top of the object), it feels considerably buggier than in the arcade version. so does detaching from hanging. the arcade version has its own problems with the occasionally uh... "not smooth" transitions between animations or enemies (or you) seeming to just fall apart to questionable hitboxing, but this MD version seems to be really lousy with it in more ways just than this. i find this transition most frustrating in both that segment of stage 2 but also when moving the pendulums to the midboss - occasionally i will clip to ceilings repeatedly and just eat shit. this also happens on the gap with moving platforms over the full health in stage 3, where i'll just get hitched to a million things trying to drop down and sometimes get scooted by a platform over the deadly part of the gap. augh.

4. the gravity chamber bosses seem dramatically more annoying. it is really hard to get hits in on them while rotating and i've found a couple "safe spots" i tend to abuse that have a roughly 3 pixel window for which you can stand and get a couple hits in each rotation. this is beyond tedious and completely uninteresting, feels like a huge waste of time on each run and winds up consuming more than two entire minutes of a pretty brisk game. i'm pretty sure that in the arcade version, you can get a ton more hits in per rotation if you get sucked up - maybe my spacing just sucks? is there a "good" rotation?

5. the machinegunner's placement toward the beginning of stage 5 - HOW ON EARTH do i avoid taking a hit, here? the only strategy i've found works with an iota of consistency is coming into the stage with at least one robbit, grabbing the second robbit, then getting the robo panther, climbing up to the right of his machinegun stream (to the left and you get a stream of nuisance enemies spawning right on you), and then waiting for the panther to maul him. this is weirdly specific and usually requires i have gotten through the rest of the game without losing a life, which is not a consistent thing. sometimes if you get to him with a robbit, you'll get lucky and it'll hit him.

6. the streams of little flying nuisance enemies that launch projectiles seem worse than i remember from arcade. do they have more hp? is it that their firing intervals are meaner? i don't know, but i wind up getting clipped by them pretty often. when i feel i am responding to them adequately quickly.

anyone have any general strategies for the reverse chamber in st5 on the MD version, in general? that shit is brutal. i really want to go grab a ps1 version and play something closer to arcade :B but then i'll have to play on the ps2 d-pad ; A ; i can get a clear on default on MD, but not consistently and grabbing a nomiss seems like a total crapshoot.
Last edited by kitten on Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Marc »

Not feeling Fairyland Story. It's nice, but so obviously lead on to better things that I'd rather play one of those instead.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

marc, are you suggesting there are "better things" in life than ptolemy's sprites?
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

kitten wrote:i'm currently getting "BUTTMAD" at strider MD, however. there's a few parts in this that just seem like bullshit and i can hardly figure out how to mitigate them. at the same time i'm becoming more endeared to the game, i'm also becoming more frustrated by it lol.
Despite its relatively high mainstream profile, and despite it being an easier game by arcade standards, Strider's pretty ornery. ;3

Generally speaking, in order of stability, it's PS1 > AC >> MD. Even the cart is fairly masterable, but it struggles with the most intricate setpieces in stage 5. For example, the laser grid miniboss reprise... it's a snap somersaulting through the grid on AC/PS1, but an absolute fucking nightmare on MD, with anything less that perfect execution banging Hiryu's knee on the turret. IIRC it's better to use the dumb-looking corner hop tech instead.

Here's some very general tips for AC/PS1 no-missing, which should roughly transpose onto MD.
1. as far as i can tell, being aerial or not when some pods spawn in will consistently cause them to spawn in without their power-up if they were meant to have one. this is fucking stupid. you can miss the first robot drop in the game very easily by doing this. pretty sure that doesn't happen in arcade.
I never quite figured out what governs Flying Mosqueman drops (one of those games I can't resist using Proper Enemy Terminology at any opportunity... :mrgreen:). That's a good lead, if air/ground positioning contributes... wouldn't be the strangest thing I've heard of, WRT player input-determined drops.
2. the aerial ride in stage 2 feels harder than i remember it being on arcade. sometimes the planes will get you there without a hitch, sometimes you wind up taking numerous hits. get hit near the forward area and you'll glitch while trying to climb up and fall to your death. i cannot understate how frustrating and random this segment is, the way these things move is demonic. do the bombs also have more hp than arcade?
This section has always felt pretty interchangeable to me (playing AC/MD on defaults). Note that you can mitigate the bombs, somewhat, via their object limit. Also note the PS1 port does away with this limit and is subtly yet more assholic.

A general tip - always be holding [up] when you know a hit is inbound. This way, Hiryu will always grab the hovercraft, rather than getting slam-dunked straight through it.
3. speaking of climbing up (the transition from an underhang to standing on top of the object), it feels considerably buggier than in the arcade version. so does detaching from hanging. the arcade version has its own problems with the occasionally uh... "not smooth" transitions between animations or enemies (or you) seeming to just fall apart to questionable hitboxing, but this MD version seems to be really lousy with it in more ways just than this. i find this transition most frustrating in both that segment of stage 2 but also when moving the pendulums to the midboss - occasionally i will clip to ceilings repeatedly and just eat shit. this also happens on the gap with moving platforms over the full health in stage 3, where i'll just get hitched to a million things trying to drop down and sometimes get scooted by a platform over the deadly part of the gap. augh.
It may be that I've just self-inoculated to the game's inherent jank (a milder form of the outright neurosystem-rewiring body horror that is Holy Diver), but I find them both about as assholic here. NB this entire section, from the initial hovercraft to the Tong Poo (Image) fight, is infamously hated far and wide. While it's definitely possible to clear it consistently, it may be there are simply no good answers here. :lol:
4. the gravity chamber bosses seem dramatically more annoying. it is really hard to get hits in on them while rotating and i've found a couple "safe spots" i tend to abuse that have a roughly 3 pixel window for which you can stand and get a couple hits in each rotation. this is beyond tedious and completely uninteresting, feels like a huge waste of time on each run and winds up consuming more than two entire minutes of a pretty brisk game. i'm pretty sure that in the arcade version, you can get a ton more hits in per rotation if you get sucked up - maybe my spacing just sucks? is there a "good" rotation?
Again, both of these things just suck, imo. Note you technically don't need to orbit either - use POW sword to hit mk1 from the floor, do the same to mk2 if you were lucky enough to get a POW sword in st5, or failing that, use the 3o'clock inverted ceiling spot to chip him down before going for an abortive ride. It's been a good half-decade, but I recall this working fine on MD.
5. the machinegunner's placement toward the beginning of stage 5 - HOW ON EARTH do i avoid taking a hit, here? the only strategy i've found works with an iota of consistency is coming into the stage with at least one robbit, grabbing the second robbit, then getting the robo panther, climbing up to the right of his machinegun stream (to the left and you get a stream of nuisance enemies spawning right on you), and then waiting for the panther to maul him. this is weirdly specific and usually requires i have gotten through the rest of the game without losing a life, which is not a consistent thing. sometimes if you get to him with a robbit, you'll get lucky and it'll hit him.
It's a giant PITA. I assume you know about the AC method - with the lack of a guaranteed POW sword, it seems you indeed need to precision-engineer a wacky contraption that'll get the clean kill. Doesn't help that your Diplodal Saucers seem a bit less reliably lethal on MD (this is by far my biggest personal distinction between the two versions, jammed-up st5-2 gravity somersaulting aside)
6. the streams of little flying nuisance enemies that launch projectiles seem worse than i remember from arcade. do they have more hp? is it that their firing intervals are meaner? i don't know, but i wind up getting clipped by them pretty often. when i feel i am responding to them adequately quickly.
About the same, they're real asswipes. General strategy is to move on where possible, and if not, find a safe place to stop and dispatch the currently-pursuing wave.
anyone have any general strategies for the reverse chamber on the MD version, in general? that shit is brutal. i really want to go grab a ps1 version and play something closer to arcade :B but then i'll have to play on the ps2 d-pad ; A ; i can get a clear on default on MD, but not consistently and grabbing a nomiss seems like a total crapshoot.
While it looks ugly as hell, pratfalling down the slope and then executing as normal should get you the same results as the AC game. The alternatives are too slow and failure-prone for my liking (if Hit Mice attack while you're inverse-grappling over the gap, you're screwed AFAIK)
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

kitten wrote:marc, are you suggesting there are "better things" in life than ptolemy's sprites?
Yes, the big-ass version of it from Bubble Memories
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Bloodreign »

Ahhh Fairyland Story, I can remember the first time I stumbled upon it in emulation, it was love at first sight. Turning enemies into sweet delicious cakes, that you feed to your enemies the hard way, by crushing them with it. This is where the PS2 Taito Legends 2 and Japanese Taito Memories comes in handy, being able to play it on real hardware.

There's the red potion, turns you into a mouse, then you can kill motherfuckers by touching them. Then there's the one that makes the moon come out, and all enemies turn briefly into cakes, you know what to do with those cakes (multiple hits by one cake brings silver, then gold coins out). Then there's another one that brings out falling stars, Bubble Bobble reused that one, great for sitting back from a distance, watching those stars absolutely slaughter the enemies. There's also one that allows you to shoot fireballs, I believe the powerups are the same for each stage in every playthrough, they don't seem to change what order they come in for each playthrough.

The death animations are cute too, get burned, watch Ptolemy blink her eyes in black, or grey face. Regular deaths get you carried out in bubbles, getting hit a second time by a shrink spell when you are already shrunk, and I believe you just disappear. Stages do get devious the further and further you are in, some downright nasty in design. It is easy to get trapped in pits you cannot get out of, only having to wait for the little time up devil to come and get you by death. Some enemies must be killed last, because they are your only way to cross certain pits, if you have one enemy left that you absolutely cannot get, sit tight, after a bit the enemy will disappear and the stage will end, only works when there is just 1 enemy left on the screen.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Mortificator »

More Makaimura! Looks like lots of remakes of content from the first three games. That jellyfish & dragon stage at 0:49 is a new concept though (unless I'm forgetting something from Ultimate).
RegalSin wrote:You can't even drive across the country Naked anymore
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Bassa-Bassa »

It's only the arcade games what they're paying homage to. Really eager to know who's developing this. Doesn't look like something Capcom could produce in house.

Bloodreign wrote:This is where the PS2 Taito Legends 2 and Japanese Taito Memories comes in handy, being able to play it on real hardware.
Those are as emulation as Mame is. Likely less accurate, even.
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