Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Iran War. When.

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

I guess there's no alternative. Just be ready for the backlash from these nutters.

If there are enough votes, you immediately move on policies and completely remove all procedural roadblocks. That means knocking down any opposition or delay from the GOP in absolutely draconian fashion. That starts with expanded emergency "COVID" sessions because of the economy or whatever you want to say. Bottom line: get into the capital and stay as long as possible.

Add and appoint seven new justices and find the youngest people you can. Slam the door behind it by passing laws to raise the bar for any additional court tampering--and confirm the changes with your new court.

Raise an emergency census. Bring in more states. Make sure you hold the House next time--even if the Senate flips.

Yeah, you do have to knock through anything and everything you can in the next two years. There will be heck to pay on the other side, though. Just don't start believing that any of these zealots or libertarians will ever see the light.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

I'm very unexcited to see where in the cabinet Kasich will end up. Maybe he can be the president (Democrat, of course) 16 years from now when the Harris era ends. (They'll want as close to the full 16 years as they can get - this nonsense of Biden stepping down is bullshit. He would die in office.)

People used to say to me that a one party system would be terrible when I used to talk about how Texas was projected to turn blue by 2020 and that modern republicans were doomed in the long run. But it looks like they'll make it work. Somehow it seems even more dystopian than what we have now.

... christ, I just thought "what if Kasich was Kamala's vice president" and aged another 15 years. Who her vice will be is one topic that hasn't been discussed to death yet, I guess. Do elections really count even in Imagination Land if the people heading the parties are people nobody voted for and nobody likes?
orange808 wrote:Colorado is two things: Republican and Libertarian. People sometimes accidentally mistake libertarians for lefties. There are some liberals, but they are classic "centrists". White people in Colorado aren't voting for anything on the left. There's two kinds of conservatives there: rural classic Conservatives and urban Libertarians/Liberals that want to get high--and pretend to be good people on Facebook. These are the people that point to Obama and say "racism is over".
A ton of my old programmer coworkers moved to Colorado, like 30% of them. Affordable housing+land, some actual wilderness, somewhat cool weather for the ongoing apocalypse... it was a popular migration spot for our generation. Similar to how Vermont was invaded by hippies and went from being one of the only two states to reject FDR every single time to what it is today. The guys I worked with (and people who are effectively clones of them) are probably entirely responsible for that swing in 2008 - sorry Mischief they were busy living elsewhere at the start of their careers.

Your statements on Catholics... look, I get it. But this is a huge generic demographic to paint with a single brush. White Catholics are only 50-40 republican. "Latinos" are decidedly the absolute un-favorite of the powers that be. They're just ordinary people, not a withdrawn cult like the fundamentalist sects are.

That right there is an example of "grooming", which I'll get into in my next blog post.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Cheap land? lmao Not in the Rockies or down round the valley, mate.

Keep talking, bro. You're talking out of your behind, tho. Better check the facts.

There's cheap land in Detroit. There's cheap land in North Dakota. There's cheap land in rural Minnesota. Not in Colorado--unless you get way east into the tumbleweeds.

What it "is" today is a hotbed of California professional centrists (aka Silicon Valley libs) and Texas GOP imports. There's no cheap land.

I guess if you're very wealthy it's affordable enough, but certainly not "cheap". That's ridiculous. The Denver area hasn't been inexpensive since the 1980's.

Catholics are what I said they are. Every sperm is sacred.

Demographics don't describe edge cases. So? I knew that. Doesn't change the macro realities.

Still rejecting FDR 100%. Colorado won't support knocking down Silicon Valley monopolies. So, that's not any different.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Of course it was cheap as fuck, rural land always is. Then assholes roll in, convert the place into an urban yuppie utopia, and suddenly it's not so cheap anymore.

Literally half of Catholics believe abortion should be available in all or most cases. Leftists used to have some strong support from the religious minded and any kind of renaissance, would absolutely require their support. Even if you hate their guts, it makes no sense strategically to tell them that you think they're dogshit.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

The church is on a losing streak and they know it. There's no way for the left to align closely with the church. In fact, the left has been rolling The First Estate back for centuries. Nobody is more butt-hurted about the end of the grift than the Catholic Church. Their discontent (along with the nobles and monarchies) echoes across time every time you see a drawing or depiction of Napoleon--one of the longest smear campaigns ever divised. (Mind you: Not as long as the one the priests unleashed on Akhenaten, but still a prolific and lengthy effort.) Doesn't really matter what or where, the current church will always exist solely to serve itself and maintain the grift.

Maybe it's the stupidity of a two party system. These zealots need candidates that will support their backwards ghost stories and challenge them with scripture. For instance, there's nothing christian about "I got mine, fuck you" politics. Also, nothing christian about promising to let voters chime in on judges and reversing course four years later; that's called lying and it's supposed to be against the magic book rules. But, maybe I'm hoping for too much, because zealots are hypocrites at heart--and they don't actually believe in anything or follow their cherished moral code when it's inconvenient. They're full of shit. Regardless, a proper evangelical party would split the votes out better.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

You know, when I say to people that Trump killed more Americans in one year than Osama Bin Laden did in his entire lifetime, I'm mostly aiming for shock value.

And yet, in another case of reality outrunning satire, "Populist" Tucker Carlson had Osama Bin Laden's niece on his show to endorse Trump (and do the usual oppression-olympics pity party that obscenely loaded right-wing oligarchs who inherited their wealth love to do on Fox.)
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by FinalBaton »

holy crap, just saw that residents of California pay pretty much as much taxes as I do here (thought for sure it was way lower).

yet they don't have access to universal healthcare. and probably not to as many cheap social programs as I do. and also the streets seem pretty damn dangerous and filthy in the bigger cities in SoCal, from afar of course.

doesn't look run very well. where is that money going? shadow agencies? pots-de-vin? same taxes as here but it seems hella more sketchy. no wonder you guys are so stressed/distressed. are there major benefits I'm missing that offset this or something?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Ronald Reagan fucked up property taxes in CA, a major source of revenue for things like schools, so things have to be shuffled around and cannibalized in weird ways.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by GaijinPunch »

Mischief Maker wrote:Ronald Reagan fucked up property taxes in CA, a major source of revenue for things like schools, so things have to be shuffled around and cannibalized in weird ways.
By that measure Chicago schools would be absolutely killing it, with Cooke County boasting the 2nd highest property taxes in the nation. They are not killing it.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Vanguard »

FinalBaton wrote:holy crap, just saw that residents of California pay pretty much as much taxes as I do here (thought for sure it was way lower).

yet they don't have access to universal healthcare. and probably not to as many cheap social programs as I do. and also the streets seem pretty damn dangerous and filthy in the bigger cities in SoCal, from afar of course.

doesn't look run very well. where is that money going? shadow agencies? pots-de-vin? same taxes as here but it seems hella more sketchy. no wonder you guys are so stressed/distressed. are there major benefits I'm missing that offset this or something?
Basically everything the US government does is for the sake of redistributing wealth from the poor to the rich. It's hardly even capable of anything else anymore. All the wealthiest men and all the biggest businesses are on welfare. The banks get public money, essentially for free, and then loan it right back to the public at a hefty interest rate. It's all a gigantic scam.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

FinalBaton wrote:holy crap, just saw that residents of California pay pretty much as much taxes as I do here (thought for sure it was way lower).

yet they don't have access to universal healthcare. and probably not to as many cheap social programs as I do. and also the streets seem pretty damn dangerous and filthy in the bigger cities in SoCal, from afar of course.

doesn't look run very well. where is that money going? shadow agencies? pots-de-vin? same taxes as here but it seems hella more sketchy. no wonder you guys are so stressed/distressed. are there major benefits I'm missing that offset this or something?
The healthcare system here is based on profit seeking - everyone in an organization wants a big raise and lackeys dream of living off the backs of lackeys of their own. Like any organization its inherently expansionary, and since they can't increase the number of customers, they're free to pump up the rents as much as they like, as their customers feel obligated to continue to live. Your country has cost controls and so pays less for the same thing. Our country exists to expand such unsustainable bubbles as much as possible. (Our endless military adventures we were just talking about are also a big rent imposed on us.)

On California specifically:

Every state (and the country) runs at a budget deficit. California passed a balanced budget initiative a little while back, a holy grail of liberals everywhere, from Nancy Pelosi to Tony Blair. The governor there has a line-item veto. In 2020, they were about the only state projected to end the year at a budget surplus... until the plague hit, and everything caught on fire.

As for the place being a slum, that's because you only see poor people in the news and the state's a punching bag for the fash. It's just like any other state, good or bad. Drop yourself anywhere in San Diego and you'll often be looking at a place that looks brand new, like I just did.

They do put some effort into maintaining their street infrastructure to a minimum standard, even in shitty places. (One hilarious example is when they repaved the road next to the house my grandmother used to live in. Roads need to be driven on to keep them healthy, and this stretch of road was completely superfluous - no houses, no uniquely useful access to a mainway, just access to one side of a olive grove on one side and a cotton field on the other. It was as cracked and jacked up as it was before within three years.. But this is an example of how great the infrastructure is - a massive network of gridlines with the streets. Numbered in a useful order, not given stupid names like someone's pet puppy. You can not get lost or trapped on a stupid noodle road in the bulk of California.)

The biggest drawback to the state imo is geographical - the valley is surrounded by mountains... like a valley. Every bit of land that can be monetized, is. As our core agricultural center of food people eat (other states like Kansas produce food that our food eats), there is a ton of loose soil everywhere. That soil gets into the air, so the air quality is horrible in most of its landmass.

As for the taxes themselves, they're not much different than in Texas for the average person. The income tax just pisses off assholes like Ellen DeGeneres, and making a wage laborer pay an extra $400 in one lump sum on top of everything else feels like absolute bullshit. Compared to Texas just looting a cool 8.25% out of your pocket every time you buy bread. Anytime you hear different is just partisan propaganda.

In civilized countries the income tax is taken out of one's paycheck throughout the year automatically in little bits instead of turning it into this massive misery ritual. Like everything else designed by man, things are designed this way for a reason.

Like how housing the homeless costs less than having them be homeless. They're willing to put boulders on the sidewalks so they don't have to see people sleeping on them, that's all the welfare they're willing to splurge for them.

I learned this year that Las Vegas's homeless shelter is their underground sewer system, from the news story about Jenni Lee's current lifestyle. At least give them a hooverville that they don't have to worry about drowning in their sleep on top of everything else, ffs.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

I was just catching up with the family on Boomerbook, and the algorithm popped up one of those demonic videos I've been seeing more and more of recently:

The glamour video of a cute 20-something girl who lives in her car and all the ways she makes it fabulous! This one was especially evil because she actually said she lives in her car as a "cost-cutting measure."

Why do I keep seeing more and more of these, why is it always a cute girl in a skimpy outfit/bikini, and are these a natural trend or an idea our tech overlords want to plant in our heads?

Edit: Gah! And right after posting this I go to youtube with a cleared browser cache, and there's another "girl-in-bikini-living-in-her-car-and-making-it-fabulous!" right at the top of the generic recommendations.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by GaijinPunch »

They need footage of her trying to find a place to take a shit after her morning coffee.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Well hey! Looks like the Bolivian people have ousted a fascist regime in a landslide despite the previous election being stolen.

And how did they do it? VOTING!

Delicious fascist tears.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Mischief Maker wrote:Why do I keep seeing more and more of these, why is it always a cute girl in a skimpy outfit/bikini, and are these a natural trend or an idea our tech overlords want to plant in our heads?
People being homeless is the hip new thing, yes. Like I might have mentioned once or twice, things might be heading toward an increasingly suboptimal arrangement.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics says their unemployment rate was a utopian 4 percent prior to this year, which makes President Trump the bestest president of all time if you put stock into their bad methodology.

The UN (Useless Nobodies) says like every species ever is going extinct. The UN is seriously one of the funnier jokes in our computer simulated dark sitcom. An organization devoted to making plans (greatly stripped down from a committee's minimum recommendations) to avert calamities that we're not going to do... and its chief function is reporting stuff to people with no power to do anything about it.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

1. Pope talks about getting along, looking after one another, and letting God handle the judgements.
2. Catholic assholes lose their fucking minds because he told them to stop being pious assholes.

Yep. They are exactly what I said they are
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by MJR »

Just yesterday, I bumped into this very interesting essay:

Game designers analysis of Qanon

Very interesting read.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Yeah, I talked about how entertainment is critical to get people interested in politics. The republican's racist QAnon game vs the democrat's racist Russia Russia Russia game, there's no contest which is more engaging.

The relevant point of the Borat thing with Rudy is glossed over. Rudy expected to have some kind of intercourse with a slave (and the social status of the women used in the kind of meetings he thought that was is effectively that of a slave - from literal trafficked slaves to high tier prostitutes making a couple thousand buckeroos a job, they are neither king nor lackey so the bottom of society they occupy.) and he's done that kind of thing hundreds of times and this is normal in our world. It's the equivalent of a friendly handshake at their level.

The deep fiction is that of the options we're allowed is some kind of "good guy" or that you can "push" bought representatives to do things with words despite no example of such a thing happening in history. People just refuse to accept a bleak reality and prefer a warm comforting fantasy.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

As Piketty points out, the greatest achievement of the superwealthy and supermanager class is their ability to exist in anonymity. People aren't fantasizing; they truly don't understand what's going on. Although, you are right about our lack of curiosity and critical thinking as a group.

I keep hearing Twitter will save us with cancel culture. lmao
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Eh, with voter participation hovering at around 50% and practically half of the people voting are doing lesser evil voting, I don't know if our system of legal and open bribery is that big of a secret. TV has just been that effective of a rallying tool for consolidating power - the unions are dead, the socialist rags are dead, we could have a voter participation rate of 20% with 80% voting against the other guy and things wouldn't be any different. You can't buy something if you don't know it exists. does make me bash my head into things when stuff like "Bloomberg has dropped out of the race! What a great win for progressives!" gets said. It's giving them the benefit of the doubt to assume such people are propagandists of capital, as the only other alternative is they're younger than 2 years old and haven't developed the understanding of object permanence - that when Mommy holds a blanket up over her face, she's still there behind the thing.

...........that also reminds me of freaking probable child rapist William Gates. Man can't be satisfied with being invisible, he has to have people worship him and perpetuate this "good capitalist/bad capitalist" nonsense. A big lol last week was had when we found out he maxed out to Lindsey Graham, which was just sad and pathetic.

At least Musk is smug and open with his evil. "We'll coup whoever we want, deal 'wit it." It's respectable.

...... then again.... he might have a lot less to keep behind closed doors.... freakin' Gates.... so gross....
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by GaijinPunch »

BryanM wrote:the unions are dead,
You've clearly never been to Illinois.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

GaijinPunch wrote:
BryanM wrote:the unions are dead,
You've clearly never been to Illinois.
And you must have forgotten when the flight attendants' union broke Trump's govt. shutdown last year.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by rapoon »

Mischief Maker wrote:
GaijinPunch wrote:
BryanM wrote:the unions are dead,
You've clearly never been to Illinois.
And you must have forgotten when the flight attendants' union broke Trump's govt. shutdown last year.
I remember two Air Traffic Controllers, both of whom are childhood friends and employed at Love Field, refusing to come in for work.

Regarding QAnon: after Milton William Cooper was blown to bits by local police, the conspiracy theorists needed a new messiah.
Who better than a pig-farmer, former j-porn peddler, in the philippines.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

rapoon wrote:Regarding QAnon: after Milton William Cooper was blown to bits by local police, the conspiracy theorists needed a new messiah.
Who better than a pig-farmer, former j-porn peddler, in the philippines.
A certain spherical Texan is incensed you'd just ignore his run as conspiracy Tupac like that.

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by GaijinPunch »

rapoon wrote: I remember two Air Traffic Controllers, both of whom are childhood friends and employed at Love Field, refusing to come in for work.
Love Field - Pure Dallas. :)

My mom actually moved to Texas a million years ago b/c she was a flight attendant for AA when there was no DFW. She even told me my Dad (who trust me, was a very typical 80s dad) would drive her to work, through the back door in the fence along the runway in his convertible mustang, and flipped off some guy that would yell at them. That was a different world, a few worlds ago.

Anywho, back on unions, check out the teachers vs city of Chicago in 2018. I'm all for teachers getting a fair deal but I've never seen a union butt fuck someone on TV. Chicago is as blue collar as it gets and favor for the union was 50/50 at best. Their president was trying to earmark taxes that were from projects (namely gambling and weed) that hadn't even started yet. :? The teachers union clearly kicked the shit out of the city, and then had the balls to ask for the days they lost in the strike back (which was laid out on the table as off the table at the start -- spoiler, they got half of them mere hours before the teachers lost their insurance). And that's just one of the many unions in Chicago. So yeah, not even close to dead.
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

First Bolivians throw the fascists out on their asses, then Chile rewrites its Pinochet-penned constitution!

It's almost like voting DOES make a difference!

Almost like narratives that say the system is permanently controlled by an international cabal of child-sacrificing elites who cannot be defeated at all is just disempowering propaganda meant to prevent the left from realizing their cynicism blinded them to the fact that their monolithic enemy is actually a paper tiger.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by FinalBaton »

Uh oh. Hunter's hard drive is riffe with forbidden things.
Joe's got deals/tempering with Ukraine and China, just like Trump has with Russia. Bunch of clowns all of them.
This is also thesame kinda stuff they tried to impeach Trump over :roll:

I guess people who voted early missed this :lol: (although Twitter did a spectacular job of burying this)

In other news : at first I was 50% sure that Trump's COVID ''infection'' was a work, but now I'm 99.9% sure. he's gonna play it as ''COVID is nothing to worry about'' which benefits him politically. wouldn't surprised me either if he cut a deal with one of them vaccine purveyors.
Guy is a great entertainment writer tho, gotta give him that. He gives WWE creatives a run for their money.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

FinalBaton wrote:Uh oh. Hunter's hard drive is riffe with forbidden things.
Joe's got deals/tempering with Ukraine and China, just like Trump has with Russia. Bunch of clowns all of them.
This is also thesame kinda stuff they tried to impeach Trump over :roll:
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by system11 »

Mischief Maker wrote:
FinalBaton wrote:Uh oh. Hunter's hard drive is riffe with forbidden things.
Joe's got deals/tempering with Ukraine and China, just like Trump has with Russia. Bunch of clowns all of them.
This is also thesame kinda stuff they tried to impeach Trump over :roll:
Link? ... r-BB1akUNn

It's fairly obvious Hunter/Joe are dirty as hell, but they're part of an establishment political family so why this would be news to anyone is beyond me. That's what these people do. It's one of the reasons nobody likes them. Shady deals, foreign interests, it's how politicians become rich. If you're interested enough to really go digging apparently the actual images of Hunter & various women etc have been uploaded now, personally I think this aspect of it isn't particularly helpful or interesting, and it certainly isn't relevant unless Hunter is running for president, unless you consider blackmail angles. I think that part is where the believable facts stop and the conspiracies start though. If the FBI had been bothered to look into this sooner (they've had it since Dec 2019) it would be debunked already I'm sure.

People are going to complain about the working (and increasingly "middle") classes being screwed all the time, they're going to complain about corrupt politicians and vent their obvious dislike of the establishment. They'll complain about vast global corporates dodging business taxes and giving sub living wage jobs to people in the developing world, they'll ignore the fact that Biden has literally lost his mind and that Kamala has a pretty horrible record on law and order right after protests about law and order. They'll complain about the US trying to be the world police and killing people across the globe because it serves establishment interests. They really dislike being told grand lies, but haven't really paid much attention to the fact that they just went through nearly 4 years of the Russia nonsense from senior elected representatives who did little else. They'll support media and big tech promoting and defending this mess too, and encourage the silencing of other voices.

And then they're going to vote for more of it.

The US is so, so close to breaking the legacy democrat party so it can be reborn or replaced - but few people have the guts or sense to actually pull the trigger. When you have unions and minorities supporting Trump in increasing numbers, it's probably time to sit back and work out what you really wanted and what you should do with your vote to get it even if the gratification is not instant. Trump hasn't even been wholly bad. If you think he has, you're actively avoiding a balanced picture.

I wouldn't even bet a beer on the outcome of this one.
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