COVID-19 in your part of the world

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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BulletMagnet »

ED-057 wrote:They never had this authority.
Right here is the crux of the whole matter, namely that you, unless I'm missing something, believe that no level of government, even in the midst of a public crisis, is authorized to limit, to any extent, any of the rights enshrined in the Constitution; myself, while not exactly an accredited scholar on these matters, in the same manner as my reaction to absolutist Second Amendment views find it exceedingly difficult to believe that this is truly the sort of nation the founders had in mind, especially when recalling government efforts, some of them much farther-reaching, but somehow infinitely less controversial, than anything we're likely to see now, to combat other major causes of death from car accidents to opioids. Heck, even ignoring (which, of course, you have) my aforementioned citation of certain types of speech which are expressly prohibited under the law, you could go right to the Declaration's most famous phrase and argue whether, in our current situation, one's right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness trump the accompanying right to life.

And here's the other thing; the Constitution being written as it is, there has been ongoing back-and-forth as to its precise meaning, very much including the limits of both individual rights and governmental authority, happening non-stop since before it was ratified, and will continue to happen as long as the nation exists (that's kinda the reason we have a Judiciary branch in the first place). By all accounts, however, you seem to think, or are at least willing to declare, that the debate is all but completely done and dusted; you accuse me of "want[ing] to remove those limits" placed on the government's power as if the matter was ever settled in the first place, or ever will be. Out of one side of your mouth you say I have the right to question "the nation's founding principles" (which, again, is a massive semantic thumb on the scale right at the outset), but out of the other side of it take the de facto position that any such inquiry is by its very nature invalid; this is precisely why and how I sent your previous complaints about "thought crimes" back in your direction.

Something tells me that nothing I or anyone else says, whether on the subject of law, history, health, sociology, whatever, is likely to ever make you or your cadre give so much as an inch on this, for reasons which have nothing whatsoever to do with the validity of any of those arguments, but while I'm here, a few things I find it difficult to simply leave hanging:
Trump is considering something. Not much to be said without knowing what that 'something' is.
I hope you realize what an abrupt and downright radical departure this is from literally everything you've said up until this point; at the very least, based on your aforementioned position when it comes to issues like these it'd be reasonable to expect that just on principle you'd have something to say about this; all of a sudden, however, you're somehow willing to take a "wait and see" approach before passing judgement.

Even more incredulously, this measure is, even devoid of details, openly declared from the outset to be unabashedly intended to favor a particular side of the ideological aisle (on the pretext that it's being treated "unfairly", which is very much its own debate to hash out), which, judging by your oft-voiced distaste for partisan food fights (notwithstanding your willful misunderstanding of who I meant by "these folks"), should stick even more uncomfortably in your craw.

So, why doesn't it?
So your answer is no then, which was already obvious based on your repeated attempts to have me answer for random positions which I never advocated."
See, but you do advocate for them when the circumstances suit you, even if you either genuinely don't realize it (which I doubt) or are just hoping nobody notices: your opinion on what should or shouldn't be done in response to this outbreak, the same as mine or anyone else's, is unquestionably influenced by your political views (I would simply love to see you try to argue, especially at this point, that it isn't :lol:), among countless other things, and as such your continued insistence to limit discussion to "individual issues" is, to put it bluntly, ridiculous on its face, and little more than an attempt to bar keenly relevant offshoots from the discourse as soon as they become inconvenient.

On a completely unrelated note, I notice that discussion of the administration's "open the churches" edict has been quietly dropped.
It's shocking that at this point I should even have to say this: knowledge and speech are two different things!
The thing is, you can't impart knowledge, or thus utilize it on anything greater than an individual scale, for good or ill, without speech, so when you're deciding how to treat one, you also have to figure out how to treat the other - this is what I mean when I say that, like it or not, issues like these are inextricably linked. But again, you already knew that.
So you imagine the people who you favor to be more thoughtful than the ones you don't favor.
Sorry, but that's outright pathetic; I stated plainly why I viewed today's "liberate" protestors differently from the Civil Rights figures of decades past, and it had nothing to do with whether or not I agreed with them. Read the post again: the sole distinction I cited was that Gandhi et al were willing to take a measure of discomfort and risk onto themselves as they sought their desired outcomes, while the "liberate" crowd is only willing to shift the ongoing perils of the pandemic onto others in order to make life immediately more convenient for themselves. I also made sure to note that this does not mean that "liberators" don't have the right to say what they want, but that it does give the rest of us a frame of reference when judging just how deeply-held their convictions truly are.

To put it plainly, your response to what I said was completely fabricated out of whole cloth; the same, by the way, goes for your continued insistence that I "essentially" (:roll:) want more corporate control over published content (once again, totally consistent with my posts going back years :lol:) and more of that control to be the same time, it doesn't seem to register with you that the people most loudly supporting, and in some cases directly funding, the "liberate" protests are the ones most feverishly working to make corporations ever less accountable to the rest of us. And, to expound upon what I said just above, that gives me, and anyone else masochistic enough to try to keep up with this, a pretty clear window into just what caliber of "argument" is being made here.
There are many ways to build confidence, censoring dissent is not one of them. The assertions made by the author of 'Plandemic' are laughable to the vast majority of people, but after goog decided to censor her she is now a best-seller.
I'll readily submit that the "forbidden fruit" angle is a part of the popularity of such screeds, but the other, and in my view far more important, part is that they tell certain people what they want to hear - you say that the only workable solution to quackery is to just keep putting "good" information out there and letting it work its magic, but even if you ignore (which, once again, you have) the fact that nonsense is a lot easier to churn out than verifiable facts, how much of the target audience for the former will even bother to read the latter at all (especially if someone somewhere is foolhardy enough to label them a "group" of some kind, and thus completely justify their abject refusal to listen? :roll:), let alone be able to understand the more jargon-laden points unless additional effort (and time, and resources) are devoted to breaking them down to an elementary level, while the snake oil salesmen come up with a dozen more immediately-pleasing storylines to explain it all away?
Are doctors that disagree fake news?
I'm pretty sure that nobody has disputed the notion that the lockdown will have adverse health effects; the thing being debated is whether the best or only way to deal with those effects is to ditch lockdowns completely...or whether that's the only viable option under the Constitution, as you've posited, thus rendering any medical viewpoint on the matter moot from the get-go (there's those pesky "individual" issues sticking their noses where they don't belong again!).
No, I just pointed out how you were wrong to say that there are no checks on online speech.
No, you said, verbatim, when it comes to employees suing employers, "It [the country] is lawsuit-happy, and this has consequences" - moreover, since then, you've said that this, in your view, does not apply to libel/slander/etc. laws as applied to online speech, as you find such provisions notably less problematic. You clearly see a difference here: what is it?
I would say it's not so much about being a 'bad actor' but about who has a pile of money. My point was also not how this would be bad for businesses, but how it could have unintended blowback on workers.
I guess all those meat packers and warehouse workers must have cash to burn. Y'know, unlike their employers. :lol:

As for corporate shit rolling downhill, that's hardly a secret, but hell, even the mess that was the CARES act included provisions (over furious "pro-business" objections, naturally) to encourage businesses to use their allocated funds to keep workers on, as opposed to buying back stock or the like; if memory serves similar measures in some European countries have gone even further to that end. Or is that sort of action also beyond the Constitutional scope of the government?
Posessing a billy club and using it are two different things.
Again, this is better-suited for the "general" politics thread (notwithstanding the choking miasma hanging over it :lol:), but I'd be willing to propose that, independent of any hard-and-fast legal definition of the term, merely brandishing a weapon, especially under certain circumstances, is itself a "use" and serves a definite purpose. I imagine that folks from Britain and other places with mostly-unarmed police forces would probably have a viewpoint on that...though absent such input I find it more than entertaining enough to just strike my best Willy Wonka pose and casually wonder why the NRA doesn't allow firearms at its own conventions. :lol:

Happy Memorial Day. :lol:
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Bananamatic »

I will never understand what bulletmagnet is trying to achieve, I think he wrote a damn novel since trump's election day
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by ED-057 »

My ninja powers are not strong enough to cover this many straw men simultaneously. Seriously, when you insist that yes I really did intend all that stuff that you unilaterally read between the lines, after I just told you specifically that it was not intended, then everyone is just wasting their time here.

You continue to mistake disagreement and censorship, as if criticism of one's positions is the same thing as silencing them. Without being able to separate these things, there is no possibility for meaningful discussion.

While you advocate for state censorship as a proposed means to enforce compliance with the will of the authorities, you should keep in mind that this will never mean the 99% get to censor the 1%. It will always mean the wealthy censoring the peons.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by ED-057 »

Check out this article from the World Socialist Web Site: ... s-m25.html

They are unabashedly pro-lockdown. But consider their position:
The struggle against the coronavirus pandemic is a struggle against the capitalist ruling class and its economy.
They want to crash the economy and destroy capitalism.

Toward that end, I say "good luck." I have no love for the stock market ponzi scheme. If you want to go on strike, shred your bills, default on your debts, and stay home, that's fine with me. But don't pretend this won't have collateral damage for innocent people. And don't forget about civil liberties. I should think that Trotskyists are not anxious to end up with 'Stalinism' again. Embracing lockdown just because it suits your purpose at this particular moment is a dangerous gamble. Big changes are coming, and revolutions don't always go the way people hope.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BulletMagnet »

ED-057 wrote:They want to crash the economy and destroy capitalism.
I'm not a card-carrying Socialist and can't speak for the group, but based on the link you provided, if you truly believe, or are willing to say you believe, that this is the long and short of what they're saying then yeah, methinks there's not a whole lot of meaningful discussion to follow; moreover, I am quite comfortable leaving observers to determine for themselves where the "straw men" lie. :lol:
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by kitten »

man, speaking as someone who has done some genuinely deranged rationalizing, pontificating, and arguing with god on this forum, at times, i still feel secure in balking at how much y'all are losing your damn minds trying to debate politics at large on here.

i've watched it for a couple of years at this point, and i don't think i've ever seen anyone walk anyway having convinced the other party of jack shit or even really sharpened their own knives. it kept me from joining the forum for a long time and has since become a rubbernecking activity whenever i check out this neck of the woods. just totally endless back and forth, when it comes to engagement. the most useful it feels you all are being to yourselves is when you're just scoffing at the absurdity and writing pseudo blog posts - bryanm probably wins the Good Posting Award, in that regard.

do you all hate each other? is this some kind of mutual masturbation where you all participate in endless bickering to keep each other motivated? is this both sides thinking if they ever stop posting, the other side will control the forum, so no one can ever stop? are you ever going to admit you need each other and just get fucking married? i don't even see some of y'all posting about games hardly at all 3: surely there is a more worthy arena than "shmups forum" for how years-long, literal-thousands-of-huge-posts some of you are taking this.

i found zen's politics repulsive, but with how much i see you guys happily throw yourselves at each other, don't you surely miss him? is this all some game to bait the right-leaning side into admitting something totally crazy like that they defend the nuremberg laws so you can ban them? i am seriously just fucking baffled, why do you all keep at it??? the sheer effort to keep going is like hobby-level, imagine telling someone you spend like 5+ hours a week arguing politics on a forum made to discuss pixelated space ships shooting aliens.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by ED-057 »

imagine telling someone you spend like 5+ hours a week arguing politics on a forum made to discuss pixelated space ships shooting aliens.
Lol, but then again imagine telling someone that twitdoor and fazepook exist and are worth a trillion dollars.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by kitten »

^ i've been trying to rationalize that notion, myself, and i guess this place has just become the twitter or facebook for some peeps? perhaps still-thriving forums have just become the mainstream social media alternative for those participating? for as loony, insular, and pointless i think fiercely arguing politics is on a forum like this is, the alternative is... i mean, you've got me, there, it's admittedly worse. i guess it's just an outlet. accepting it feels like a bleak, sad statement on how maladaptive online socialization is, these days, though :S we're all eating from where we take a shit. a forum is still less an echo chamber or outrage generator than a twitter thread, at least.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Queen Charlene »

BulletMagnet wrote:If you really want to delve into this one, I am always eager to know how you view "Antifa" type groups which like to "peaceably assemble" with billy clubs and other "arms"; if nothing else, both they and the 2A diehards (who, for some reason, frequently show up packing heat at events which have nothing whatsoever to do with the 2A...heck, they might make an appearance right at the polls in November) both claim that they only do what they do because they're "defending themselves".
the difference is that antifascists are fighting against government tyranny, police brutality, and capitalism's grip on the country, and the gun nuts are fighting for their right to go to the bar in the middle of a pandemic and infect more people.

the people fighting for our rights are currently getting gassed for the cause and the gun nut chalkies are enjoying peace while they protest safety.

context matters.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

I'm against the use of tear gas but I believe it didn't start until people started breaking windshields in a police car lot. They should find something else to use BUT that situation needed to be stopped once it escalates to physical damage of public property. Also seeing some looting now, which is sad but there are shitty people that will take advantage of any situation and I do not think that should be used to paint a negative light on the protest as a whole which does have merit. I mean, a black man was just straight up murdered by a police officer, no way around that. The cops should be in prison. Manslaughter AT BEST but I would strongly consider stronger charges.

The whole situation just blows ass. I've seen first hand (or is it second I'm not sure on the verbage) police discrimination. Full disclosure I am white but was in situations with a black friend where the police showed up and they had no interest in me. I refused to leave until my friend was in the clear too, because we did nothing illegal. This was many years ago when I was young. All my interactions with the police I was listened to and taken at my word, which is something I do not feel happens for black people AT ALL.

RE Twitter: I froze my account last night and it feels like a great decision so far.

I'll probably regret coming in this thread again, but I wanted to get all this off my chest because that situation had me very upset.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Queen Charlene »

i'm not against looting in a society where material needs are hoarded by the 1% in general, BUT the looting of that Target (which, by the way, is universally hated by almost every person in that neighborhood and has been ruining their area) never started until Target started turning people away from buying milk and medical supplies for the very people who were being assaulted by police BEFORE any rioting even occurred.

there is historical evidence from just the last 5 years alone that the police will escalate regardless if there was "property damage" or not. nazis were vandalizing and inciting violence here, in Portland, in Oakland, in almost every part of the country, several times in the last few years and police did nothing but watch and chat with them, but the moment that anarchists came out to protest, the police were out in full force way before any "aggravation" occured. we watched this happen in Ferguson years ago to Mike Brown, we saw it when Philando Castile was killed, we see it every time a Black person is killed by police.

honestly, the thing that really scares me about this is how possible it is that everyone protesting right now could become vulnerable to COVID for being out of their homes. it's infuriating and upsetting, that even in the middle of a fucking global pandemic, racism and police brutality continues unabated. BTW, a Black woman in Canada was just recently killed by police, as recently as several hours ago.

it really feels like none of us will ever truly be safe. every corner we turn, every badge we come across, every Confederate flag, is another moment in time that our lives could be snuffed out on absolutely zero grounds, and people will always find ways to justify what happens to us. it's terrifying and one of the things about living in America that disgusts me the most. (i'm 3/4 Black btw, so i am referring specficially to myself and other Black people with this statement.)
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by kitten »

Queen Charlene wrote:it's infuriating and upsetting, that even in the middle of a fucking global pandemic, racism and police brutality continues unabated. BTW, a Black woman in Canada was just recently killed by police, as recently as several hours ago.
i mean, historically, hard times mean harder racism. minorities are always scapegoats or targets for outlets of the increasing fear & paranoia. speaking of, china is blaming COVID-19 on their blacks and their politicians are even getting in on outright lying to the public about blacks being the primary cause for rapid proliferation of the virus. this world fuckin sucks lol
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

I do hope I didn't come off as trying to justify murder or the use of tear gas. Obviously I wasn't there, so I don't know the full truth behind the reported attacks on police property and I would agree the police are quick to escalate.

I have no idea if you can move or not (finances etc), but if you can, Canada probably isn't a bad option. It's not perfect, but they get more right. I do believe it should be illegal to fly a confederate flag. I have to regularly drive by one (normally, when things aren't shut down by the rona) and it pisses ME off so I can't imagine seeing that shit as a person of color.
kitten wrote:i mean, historically, hard times mean harder racism. minorities are always scapegoats or targets for outlets of the increasing fear & paranoia. speaking of, china is blaming COVID-19 on their blacks and their politicians are even getting in on outright lying to the public about blacks being the primary cause for rapid proliferation of the virus. this world fuckin sucks lol
WTF. I believe you but link? Would like to share elsewhere.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by kitten » ... t-africans

here's one. there's a ton of these and it's a big enough thing that even the covid-19 wiki page has a section devoted to it (at least last i checked). just google "black in china covid-19" and check the news tab if you want to read around about it. it's some pretty serious shit!
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Okay thanks. I've been mostly trying to block out the news stream of constant negativity while still taking the virus seriously so I had not come across this story.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Bananamatic »

kitten wrote:
Queen Charlene wrote:it's infuriating and upsetting, that even in the middle of a fucking global pandemic, racism and police brutality continues unabated. BTW, a Black woman in Canada was just recently killed by police, as recently as several hours ago.
i mean, historically, hard times mean harder racism. minorities are always scapegoats or targets for outlets of the increasing fear & paranoia. speaking of, china is blaming COVID-19 on their blacks and their politicians are even getting in on outright lying to the public about blacks being the primary cause for rapid proliferation of the virus. this world fuckin sucks lol
Nearly every country outside of the america/western europe bubble is racist as shit, even attempting to do something about it like america does is an outlier
I literally don't know a single person here in czech who doesn't hate certain minorities
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by God »

nazis were vandalizing and inciting violence here, in Portland, in Oakland, in almost every part of the country, several times in the last few years and police did nothing but watch and chat with them,
This is an example of salami tactics:
The term salami tactics (Hungarian: szalámitaktika) was coined in the late 1940s by the Stalinist Communist Mátyás Rákosi to describe the actions of the Hungarian Communist Party in its ultimately successful drive for complete power in Hungary. Rákosi claimed he destroyed the non-Communist parties by "cutting them off like slices of salami." By portraying his opponents as fascists (or at the very least fascist sympathizers), he was able to get the opposition to slice off its right wing, then its centrists, then some left wingers, until only those Fellow travellers willing to collaborate with the Communists remained in power.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BulletMagnet »

I'd certainly like to know about the "moderate" elements of the contemporary American right which it itself didn't already slice off years ago. Also, I don't know what kind of case could have been made against their targets back then, but as of here and now the aforementioned group's leader just tear-gassed a group of peaceful protestors so he could do a photo-op where they'd been, and the Senate GOP subsequently blocked a resolution criticizing the action; naturally, the Watchdogs of Government Overreach are quiet as lambs.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

BulletMagnet wrote:I'd certainly like to know about the "moderate" elements of the contemporary American right which it itself didn't already slice off years ago. Also, I don't know what kind of case could have been made against their targets back then, but as of here and now the aforementioned group's leader just tear-gassed a group of peaceful protestors so he could do a photo-op where they'd been, and the Senate GOP subsequently blocked a resolution criticizing the action; naturally, the Watchdogs of Government Overreach are quiet as lambs.
Biden helped lock up an entire generation of people in the Clinton "crackdown".

That's my thing about protests happening away from the halls of power.

There's no change on the ballot.

So, I don't understand what the goal is. In a democracy, protests in the neighborhood are supposed to plea for votes.

There's nothing worth voting for on the ballot.

Protests should be directed around the state capitals, courthouses, police stations, and city administration facilities. All neighborhood protests are doing is providing easy cover for criminals to hijack protests.

Anyhow, Biden won't change a thing or help anybody. He's a Republican. There's no real victory to be had for over four years, because the best possible outcome is status quo. Beating Trump celebrations will soon give way to the realisation that nothing's changed. The flags will wave for a day and we'll go right back to the same thing.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Koa Zo »

orange808 wrote:soon give way to the realisation that nothing's changed. The flags will wave for a day and we'll go right back to the same thing.
Bullshit. Playing that "nothing will change" song is utter bullshit at this point.
Are you oblivious to how much the USA has changed over the past 3 years?
You're claiming that nothing will change when power swings back from the current Trump extreme?
Fucking non-sense.
Last edited by Koa Zo on Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

Koa Zo wrote:
orange808 wrote:
BulletMagnet wrote:soon give way to the realisation that nothing's changed. The flags will wave for a day and we'll go right back to the same thing.
Bullshit. Playing that "nothing will change" song is utter bullshit at this point.
Are you oblivious to how much the USA has changed over the past 3 years?
You're claiming that nothing will change when power swings back from the current Trump extreme?
Fucking non-sense.
Bollocks. Fucking bollocks.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Vanguard »

Koa Zo wrote:Bullshit. Playing that "nothing will change" song is utter bullshit at this point.
Are you oblivious to how much the USA has changed over the past 3 years?
You're claiming that nothing will change when power swings back from the current Trump extreme?
Fucking non-sense.
Sure has been a while since power swung away from war profiteering and handouts for the rich. When do you think those will go away? Occupy wall street didn't break the banks' grasp over the world, how long until power swings away from them?

Raising awareness of problems only helps if the world's normies aren't Metal Gear guards irl who return to their designated patrol routes as soon as they go two minutes without stimulation.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by GaijinPunch »

Queen Charlene wrote:i'm not against looting in a society where material needs are hoarded by the 1% in general
Okay, Bane.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Lags »

Koa Zo wrote:Are you oblivious to how much the USA has changed over the past 3 years?
Yea I miss Obama. He dropped more bombs than any President in history. Drone struck Pakistan over 350 times (Trump only struck 5 times, yuck! weak!) Gitmo never closed. Libya destroyed. Syria ruined. Trillions spent on nukes. Amazing.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by CIT »

orange808 wrote:There's nothing worth voting for on the ballot.
That's not the point of democratic elections.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Vanguard »

CIT wrote:That's not the point of democratic elections.
Seems to me like it should be. What is the point if your choices are shit or shit?
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Koa Zo »

Lags wrote:
Koa Zo wrote:Are you oblivious to how much the USA has changed over the past 3 years?
Yea I miss Obama. He dropped more bombs than any President in history. Drone struck Pakistan over 350 times (Trump only struck 5 times, yuck! weak!) Gitmo never closed. Libya destroyed. Syria ruined. Trillions spent on nukes. Amazing.
Yeah, that's all that was ever done during his administration. Sure.

I'm not overtly supporting anyone, and I never supported Obama, though I'm surely voting for those that are more inclined to preserve the environment, consumer rights, and racial inequality, among other issues you apparently choose to ignore.
Playing the "no point in voting, they're all the same" tune is some pathetic defeatist bullshit to the core.
Is your entire purpose to undermine our democracy, is that what you fuckers are on about?
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BulletMagnet »

Vanguard wrote:What is the point if your choices are shit or shit?
Unpleasant as each are, and as much as one hopes to avoid both, there is a difference between a crusty turd you have to stop to scrape off your shoe and a septic tank backup that renders your house unlivable.

I don't know offhand if you're from the USA or not, but if you are, out of curiosity, what would you say is the last Presidential election we've had where one, let alone both, of the choices wasn't notably shitty in some way that we eventually had to deal with?
Playing the "no point in voting, they're all the same" tune is some pathetic defeatist bullshit to the core.
Every time I hear this all I can ever think to say is "Presumably you're happy with how Election 2000 turned out," because that election was, more than any other, both driven and determined by such sentiment, and methinks the inherent wisdom of such an attitude has had plenty of time to speak for itself since.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

Koa Zo wrote:Are you oblivious to how much the USA has changed over the past 3 years?
That's the thing. It hasn't changed much at all.

Some circumstances have changed. There's a nasty flu and a depression, but I didn't get to vote against either of those things.

Comfortable people like to believe that the protests are about Trump. You keep thinking you can go back to the Obama years and everything will come up roses. What you don't understand is the protesting is also an indictment of Obama's "bait and switch" presidency.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Mischief Maker »

Just wanted to inject into this discussion that Donald Trump and the entire Republican party are all Neoliberals.

So are the young Federalist Society judges they have been placing into lifetime judgeships at a breakneck pace. Courts that will be making decisions on policing, the environment, organized labor, and voting rights for decades to come. Neoliberals all.

Sometimes I think people lose sight of that fact.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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