Streets of Rage 4

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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by it290 »

I feel like the inability to special during hitstun had to be a deliberate design choice to make the game harder given how relatively easy it already is. I was surprised by it and I agree that it seems questionable overall balance-wise given that makes the neutral specials relatively useless.

I didn't mind the Estel 2 fight but the commish boss fight itself is easily my least favorite. I'm probably not doing it right but I always deal with the adds first since the commish wipes the floor with me otherwise, but doing so is a super tedious process and makes the fight take an eternity + not a lot of fun afterwards. But without doing so I feel like I'm not safe against grabs if I try to get any damage in beyond a jump kick plink or two.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by YoniArousement »

Imagine being headbutted by R. Bear or Vice/Zack and not being able to special out of it.

Stage 7 should have had an entirely different boss. I didn't really like the idea of fighting Estel twice. One thing I liked about SOR3 is that it mostly did away with fighting the same bosses multiple times, or palette swaps of previous bosses. Bosses shouldn't need hyper armor to be challenging.

Once the GUI tool I found makes texture replacing possible, we could change character sprites around. They aren't indexed, though, so they aren't limited to 256 colors.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Stevens »

I'm glad it's not just me. I want to like this game more than I do, and with a few tweaks I feel it could be a great companion piece to Remake, but right now there are just certain things about it that make it a chore to play.

The fights that get the super armor thing right are Nora, Estel, and Shiva. The Twins ,both individually and together, are also pretty good fights although I don't really care for the robot.

The Diva fights are bad, they're just tedious as fuck. Max is fair to fight, but just unsatisfying as he never reacts to being hit. I think the Commish fight would be better if the room was a little bigger, but come to think of it his office is basically the same size of the train car you fight him on later.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Mischief Maker »

Okay, guys. I just DL'ed SoR Remake again to compare and contrast.

TL:DR, better music and brighter graphics, but in terms of gameplay you guys seriously need to take off the rose-tinted glasses and drink some Git Gud juice.
  • I appreciate the super armor in SoR4 now. How do SoR Remake bosses deal without it against a sustained combo assault? In one of three ways:
    1. They fold like a lawnchair,
    2. They hop outside the playable area,
    3. they just randomly recover mid-combo, even if you're in the middle of a high-commitment move like Axel's forward special, and use an inescapable counter/throw.
    With the SoR4 commissioner, it's clearly telegraphed with white and red flashes when he's got his super armor up and when he's coming in for a throw. With the SoR Remake wrestler, it's entirely up to RNGesus whether your jab is going to hit or whether you're going to get caught in an inescapable grab attack that eats a quarter of your lifebar.

    Besides, with the one exception of the DJ boss, super armor in SoR4 only prevents bosses from getting stunned, it doesn't prevent the damage. You can still get a couple hits in on Diva while she charges her snake with, for example, Blaze's aerial knee/kick combo that bounces her backward from enemies that don't go down.
  • I almost never used sprint and roll dodge in Remake, and understand their removal from 4 because they're unnecessary. It's not like Fight'n Rage where the sprites are so tiny and the vertical hitboxes so generous that you need those moves, just sliding up and down is enough to avoid most of the worst a boss has to offer, like the commissioner's dash grab. The only reason you use dash in Remake is for dash attacks, and 4 has those dash attacks. It's just trimming the fat. Or play Cherry.
  • Holy crap do I hate enemies hopping out of the playable area then sniping from hiding. I dare any of you to try defending that horrible mechanic and say why SoR4 is worse without it.
  • The enemy types in Remake kinda blend together after a while, while every enemy type in 4 has a specific role they fill and individual strategies to counter. And fighting mooks without air juggling and combo mechanics in Remake just gets boring after a while, but earlier levels stay fresh in 4 because now you're working out strategies to draw your combo out the longest.
  • I honestly didn't find the defensive special any more useful in Remake than 4. I think you guys are mixing it up with Fight'N Rage that leans much more heavily on special escapes than SoR ever did.
  • However, without question the music is better in Remake, the levels don't have that dark shadowy haze that 4 has which I recommend turning Ambience Factor to zero to undo, the level layouts are more varied and interesting (though to be fair they're also cherry-picked from 3 entire games)... yeah that's it.
SoR4 is superior to Remake. Git Gud.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by BrianC »

YoniArousement wrote: There's no telling when exactly foes' Hyper Armor wears off, and it makes most of them immune to grabs. It seems to exist in place of good A.I.
I don't understand this assumption. It's not like the AI in the game is poor. It's arguably better than the AI in the previous games. The enemies don't just sit there while super armor is on.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Mischief Maker wrote:TL:DR, better music and brighter graphics, but in terms of gameplay you guys seriously need to take off the rose-tinted glasses and drink some Git Gud juice.
No thanks.
they just randomly recover mid-combo, even if you're in the middle of a high-commitment move like Axel's forward special, and use an inescapable counter/throw.
The only enemies that apply to this statement are blocking enemies, some of whom have ways to bypass their attacks. Blocking enemies rarely seem to block back attacks, and some blocking enemies like kickboxers have no wakeup invulnerability, making them open for grabs. High priority blitzes, and jumpkicks from above/below where you bait the enemy to move into them are options too.

Blocking also stops enemy actions, as opposed to them just continuing their current action in an armored state, allowing you to react to being blocked by using a special.
With the SoR Remake wrestler, it's entirely up to RNGesus whether your jab is going to hit or whether you're going to get caught in an inescapable grab attack that eats a quarter of your lifebar.
Walking up and trying to jab Barbarian/Abadede is a very good way to get messed up and that there's better ways to handle him such as baiting and jump kicking him out of his dash. Many characters have jump kicks that beat him in priority during the dash, many more have blitzes that do it, and there are other options still. "Git Gud" as I believe a certain someone would put it.
I almost never used sprint and roll dodge in Remake, and understand their removal from 4 because they're unnecessary.
More player mobility options is generally better. Even if you don't have the skill/reflexes to appreciate the the full usefulness of being able to make quick vertical movements or run universally, and even if they aren't truly mandatory to use to beat the game doesn't mean that they're truly unnecessary or unappreciated.
Holy crap do I hate enemies hopping out of the playable area then sniping from hiding. I dare any of you to try defending that horrible mechanic and say why SoR4 is worse without it.
I've never seen anyone argue that screen edge wall bounce is a bad thing. Enemies going offscreen when hit isn't as insurmountable as you're making it out to be IMO, but there's nothing wrong with SoR4's approach, or even something like Battle Circuit where screen edges are solid for enemies (and instantly drop enemies to the ground, ending juggles).
fighting mooks without air juggling and combo mechanics in Remake just gets boring after a while
Smacks of "all beat em ups are just mindless button mashers" complaining. Are we going to start declaring any beat 'em up without air juggles is boring and repetitive? Congratulations on your promising future outlook writing mainstream game reviews.
I honestly didn't find the defensive special any more useful in Remake than 4.
SoR4's unwillingness to allow defensive specials to cancel hyper armor (even into an unjugglable state to make its use as a counter purely defensive) means it's worthless as a defensive reaction now, on top of its inability to break out of combos. Means they want specials to be entirely offense-oriented, but allows enemies to combo-lock you to death on a single hit. It's bad design that goes entirely against why desperation moves in beat 'em ups exist in the first place.
the level layouts are more varied and interesting (though to be fair they're also cherry-picked from 3 entire games)
And there's well over dozens of fanmade modpacks that do additional interesting things with levels meaning the only real limitation with creativity is the # of enemy types, and how you choose to use them when making levels.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by opt2not »

I'm digging the game. I think the improvements are a nice progression of the genre, and there are clearly versus fighting game influences here that I feel play well with the style of game.
The replayability seems pretty good with something like 16 unlockable characters all feeling very different from one another. I like that there's an Arcade mode and Battle mode as well.

The new character Cherry seems cool, but I haven't really figured out maximizing her combo damage yet. Her start-up frames on her specials are all very sluggish to me, so I gotta re-learn how to play the game with her.

TLDR: Overall I like the game, and some of the cons i mentioned could be easily patched out. Some blaring ones like the crap music obviously can't. But for me, the game is worth the price. I bought it on Switch, got the 10% release discount off , then used my Nintendo points to get another $3 off. So at the end of the day, $19 is what i paid and I've already got my value out of it.

Things I really like about the game:
- Everyone's fat. :lol: I like how people look thicc, and buff enough to take on 1000's of enemies in a nonstop fight. LOL
- Screen-edge wall bounce instead of passing through the edge of the screen into the unseen. This is definitely a versus fighter mechanic they threw in here to help boost combo juggles and keep the action on screen rather than throwing attacks off-camera.
- Animations are fluid, feel viseral on throws and slams.
- I like the artstyle, some don't, different strokes for different folks. The comic influence appeals to me, and the posing of the characters are more dynamic looking than the predecessor games.
- Dedicated pick-up button. At first i thought it was awkward, but as soon as i got used to it, it was clear that the designers chose this to combat the "pick-up instead of attacking" issue when you're fighting enemies near food.
- Throwing and catching weapons. There are some great moments you can have by throwing and catching your weapon in the middle of racking up combo attacks or grabbing and slamming enemies.
- Using specials highlights potential health that you could lose if you don't keep your attacks up. This is a nice gambling mechanic that promotes more offensive play, rather than using the "get-off me" specials as a defensive technique and thus costing health automatically.

Things that annoy me:
- The first half-dozen or so of unlockable characters are all the retro versions of the current line-up. I would've mixed it up with characters you haven't been able to play as before, like Shiva or Ester.
- Picking up food while holding a weapon is super finicky. You need to be directly center on top of food to pick it up while holding a weapon, otherwise you just throw your weapon.
- hit boxes for the knife dudes suck. There's hit collision behind them on their backs! wtf.
- enemies have wake-up attacks, yet you don't.
- bosses break your invincibility frames on specials. Which I understand why they do it, I just think it's annoying they could.
- Only a few songs in the soundtrack are good, the rest kinda grain on my ears. And the whole soundtrack is forgettable, unlike SoR2 or SoR3.
- The game seems a bit too easy on Normal and Hard. Hardest felt good for a challenge, but i had to sift through the previous difficulties to know that.
- Customizing the food's visuals is nice, I just wish it was mixed up, not like all large food is this one type, all light food is that one type.
- Boss fights are inconsistent in difficulty. Some are way harder than others.
- Anticlimatic ending. C'mon, I want that "Hans Gruber slo-mo falling from a tall building ending", something that shows your nemesis' reaction that they have been bested and failed. Not --beat the end boss --> roll credits.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Mischief Maker »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:
fighting mooks without air juggling and combo mechanics in Remake just gets boring after a while

Smacks of "all beat em ups are just mindless button mashers" complaining. Are we going to start declaring any beat 'em up without air juggles is boring and repetitive? Congratulations on your promising future outlook writing mainstream game reviews.
Have you played 4 yet? I'm not saying Remake is bad, just comparing two good brawlers and saying why I think one is better. Would Dodonpachi be less fun if they took out the chaining mechanic?

I think the people complaining about Hyper Armor are misleading folks. With the exception of one boss, it's not that all the bosses have a layer of HP that has to be broken through before they're vulnerable to being staggered, it's bosses can't be interrupted during certain moves, and the boss clearly flashes white when that's the case.
opt2not wrote:- Anticlimatic ending. C'mon, I want that "Hans Gruber slo-mo falling from a tall building ending", something that shows your nemesis' reaction that they have been bested and failed. Not --beat the end boss --> roll credits.
Well you do get the slow-motion mid-air panty shot of Ms. Y as she's thrown off her robot throne.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Sir Ilpalazzo »

On the subject of Streets of Rage Remake's Abadede, he was buffed in the latest version of the game (the 5.1 patch that was leaked in 2015 or so), which doesn't feel like a well-considered change. It doesn't really feel like there are good, interesting ways of fighting him in that version; you end up just baiting out his charge and jump-kicking out of it (or blitzing, if your character can), which makes for a tedious fight. You can't fight him at close range at all because of the speed and range of his jab and the insane range of his grab moves.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Mischief Maker »

Update: I have finished the unlockables. There are no unlockable part 4 characters beyond Adam.

You get the full lineup from SoR1&2, then SoR3's Axel, Blaze, Skate, Zan, and Shiva.

No Roo, Estel, or 4 version of Shiva or Max.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by opt2not »

Mischief Maker wrote:No Roo, Estel, or 4 version of Shiva or Max.
Awww that sucks! Maybe they're keeping those ones for DLC cash-ins.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by it290 »

So who wants to coordinate some online sessions? Or is the netplay not good enough?

Also: one good thing about the inability to escape stunlock with a special is that I find myself using the back attack much more frequently. I really mainly use it as an AI exploit in the previous games but here it's an absolutely vital tool.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by it290 »

Mischief Maker, that Ms. Y spoiler absolutely was a spoiler for me ha! I've been consistently taking out her brother first.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by BrianC »

Mischief Maker wrote:Update: I have finished the unlockables. There are no unlockable part 4 characters beyond Adam.

You get the full lineup from SoR1&2, then SoR3's Axel, Blaze, Skate, Zan, and Shiva.

No Roo, Estel, or 4 version of Shiva or Max.
It seems they are baiting the hook with Roo since he makes a cameo as a bartender. Hopefully, he'll make a full appearance in an update.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Stevens »

My scores are improving?

I'm getting moderately better at this combo thing. I've hit a handful of sick and two out of this worlds on various levels. I've naturally also lost some large combos also, but simply getting the counter higher more frequently is an improvement. All of my stage grades have gone up from B's and C's to A's and S's.

Not bad?
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by YoniArousement »

SOR3 Shiva is boringly OP, his blitz does good damage. His Goro Daimon-style front throw can lead to said blitz move. The game just feels harder as any of the modern characters. I heard that retro characters don't count towards leaderboards, probably for good reason.

Has anyone tried Parsec yet? It can achieve 4-player online.

I'd like to see SOR4 as a SORMaker Mod, but that might take a lot of time to create.

At the moment I spent more time watching Anthopants' streams of him playing SOR4 than actually playing SOR4 myself. I have several clips of him raging at it. Some people learn much faster than others.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by opt2not »

Fantastic article on the art development of these characters. I love the concept art progression process. ... -april-30/

Glad that they showed the actual line art animation to silence all the morons who think this is just cheap “flash animation”.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by spmbx »

I don’t think anyone thinks it’s actual flash-like. Just plenty of people (like me) who thinks it’s pretty shitty looking and reminiscent of flash.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Durandal »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote: SoR4's unwillingness to allow defensive specials to cancel hyper armor (even into an unjugglable state to make its use as a counter purely defensive) means it's worthless as a defensive reaction now, on top of its inability to break out of combos. Means they want specials to be entirely offense-oriented, but allows enemies to combo-lock you to death on a single hit.
That's false, defensive specials are still very useful even against armor attacks as demonstrated here.

Specials breaking you out of hitstun only ever worked when you are on the ground, not when you're juggled in the air, which is how you'll get combo'd by enemies most of the time. The only enemies that will lock you into a ground combo R. Bear-style are the kickboxers and red karateka (and the cops if you count their grabs), which is very uncommon for how you'll get hit most of the time. Compared to the older games there aren't as many use cases for using specials to break out of hitstun, and even so defensive specials are more reusable now that you can recover the health spent by them. Like offensive specials no longer having i-frames to not make them easily spammable now that health can be recovered, so defensive specials no longer break you out of hitstun to compensate. If anything, the inability to break out of hitstun asks of more anticipation and foresight out of the player by doing a defensive special before the Galsia jabs you, instead of right after. It's not like Final Fight where enemies are so fast that you need to be able to break out of hitstun to stand any chance at all.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by YoniArousement »

SOR3 Axel is missing one of his running animation frames apparently, and the first two animation frames of his Grand Upper each have a green pixel that's the exact same color as the background in Yawackhary's spritesheet up on the Spriters Resource. Perhaps I should tell SOF_Jordi about it.

I made this little mod where Axel has his SOR3 colors for Final Crash SOR3, the best SOR3 player in the world:
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by drauch »

spmbx wrote:I don’t think anyone thinks it’s actual flash-like. Just plenty of people (like me) who thinks it’s pretty shitty looking and reminiscent of flash.
Agreed. I don't think anyone actually thinks it's flash, lol. Some characters in motion I think look pretty good, but then enemies like Donovan look absolutely amateurish.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Stevens »

I've S ranked stages 1 - 8 with Adam. 9 - 12 inbound. I have about 20 hours in so far and I think I've used Adam for 19 of them.

Minor tip. Always use your stars, all of them.

You're invincible, it keeps your combo going, and does a shit ton of damage. Using them is worth far more points than saving them. Also always go into the arcade games. There is no risk at all, and if you win you get another star.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Leandro »

drauch wrote:
spmbx wrote:I don’t think anyone thinks it’s actual flash-like. Just plenty of people (like me) who thinks it’s pretty shitty looking and reminiscent of flash.
Agreed. I don't think anyone actually thinks it's flash, lol. Some characters in motion I think look pretty good, but then enemies like Donovan look absolutely amateurish.
yeah, some enemies have terrible animation. Barbon comes to mind, his looks and moves are atrocious, and as a boss (one that had a presence in SOR2), he should have been treated way better.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Mischief Maker »

Leandro wrote:
drauch wrote:
spmbx wrote:I don’t think anyone thinks it’s actual flash-like. Just plenty of people (like me) who thinks it’s pretty shitty looking and reminiscent of flash.
Agreed. I don't think anyone actually thinks it's flash, lol. Some characters in motion I think look pretty good, but then enemies like Donovan look absolutely amateurish.
yeah, some enemies have terrible animation. Barbon comes to mind, his looks and moves are atrocious, and as a boss (one that had a presence in SOR2), he should have been treated way better.
I honestly don't want to come across as a fanboy for this game in this thread. If you want to shit on the music I'm all in. But you guys crapping on the art and animation, like Donovan with his bouncing chains and sagging pants, and calling it "amateurish" makes me think of this article.

Meh, amateurish pixel art.

WOAH! Amazing HD rendition!!!

I said it before and I'll say it again. Go to Advanced Video Options and turn "Ambience Factor" down to zero. Some whiny pricks complained that the sprites looked too bright in early teasers, so the squeaky wheel got the grease and they added an ugly Suicide Squad-esque opacity filter to the sprites when they're in low-light conditions, and the first time you see Donovan it's on a dark street.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Stevens »

Got the S on 9 and 10.

Curious how I would do in an arcade mode run.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by kitten »

the animation is inarguably technically competent to some degree, but i very genuinely find it repulsive. there's some really awful palette selections and everything is in Reddit Gold western comics art style, it hardly resembles the old game at all. i have a difficult time articulating exactly why, but the way that layers interact (particularly with the overt splash effects and ramped-up screen shake) draws some really ugly attention to how everything fails to compositionally connect. combine that with massive differences in line thickness & shading between characters and backgrounds (why do they do this? why did they do this?) and a total failure to balance character/object palettes to pop against backgrounds and you've got yourself a really unattractive mess.

there's an alarmingly overt usage of lighting effects that is highly symptomatic of these types of games that really icks me, too. why are there extremely persistent shadows (with no outline and constant transparency that disappear completely against the background but not the floor) that almost always cast in a fixed direction when the game has such a variety of light sources and constant splashes of lighting from hit effects? sometimes they shade by drawing the lighting onto the sprite, sometimes they put a shader over it, sometimes it's a selectively cast shader like light going through certain panes of a window. they not only can't pick one, but they often choose not to utilize one or the other when it feels they should.


this is a mess, and i could pick so many more egregious screenshots because the game very consistently has these problems. it's like the fx guy, the sprite guy, the background guy, and the lighting guy were all different people who either weren't talking to each other or constantly asserting over one another. mouseover a YT playthrough's bar and then skim it and watch the thumbnail - significantly more than half the game looks like mud. then, do the same for a high def upload of something like SoR2 and compare how much more easily you can find and distinguish the player character and how much more the palette & colors pop even when the game is drab all over. i'm obviously cherry-picking in the below example, but genuinely try playing this game with the SoR2 upload i linked versus an SoR4 one.


i also find it important to point out that no matter how luxurious the number of frames are on any given character, the silky smoothness of the lighting effects creates a really uncanny dissonance. e.g. frame-by-frame the terry sprite in the old article mischief maker linked and watch how literally every single frame of motion subtly matches a shadow movement on his pants legs. then frame-by-frame a streets of rage 4 character moving through a light shader (e.g. the window panes in the huge bar) and watch how many frames will go by where the light passes over the player character sprite before the sprite changes to a different frame. this does not look good! modern games are really lousy with this and it is ALL OVER this one.

the d.j. boss fight is maybe the most extreme example of disparate elements that don't belong in the same game, much less animating all over the fuck damn place at different rates. seriously, really do this: go to a 60fps upload of that boss fight, slow to 1/4th speed, and then watch how freakishly smooth the lights all are compared to the other animated elements. it is really severely fucked, and while this is an extreme example, it litters the entire game. sprites get washed over with weird charge effects and glow pretty frequently and it just looks bad and weird - like a photoshop layer is being actively manipulated over a video game.

going back to the character shadows for a moment, i have to point out how bad this looks:


like, god damn. his arms are actually separate sprites and there are certain areas of the game where this is super super obvious because the shadows suddenly overlap in strange ways. some will be defined and almost totally opaque at some times while others have a weird fade on them take priority under/over another one of the body sprites in a weird way. the multiple sprites also look bad on the character himself, particularly during the breathing animation or idle jab - you can tell they were drawn separately and then attached in a distracting way.

it's not like many individual elements of this game are all that ugly and god knows some monumental effort went in, but they are assembled in a really remarkably bad way. like, jesus, if you're going to use this many lighting effects and gradient colors and etc. etc. just go with tweening instead of drawing that many frames and drop the dang line thickness.
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Mischief Maker
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Mischief Maker »

Ambience factor is 100% on all those screenshots. Like I keep saying, turn ambience factor to zero and the muddiness problem is solved.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Leandro »

Mischief Maker wrote: I honestly don't want to come across as a fanboy for this game in this thread. If you want to shit on the music I'm all in.
The music is so so, there's a lack of identity in the soundtrack. There are high and lows like in the SOR3 ost, but the highs don't go as high as sor3, and the lows go much lower. The sound design is terrible, the Pipe hit sounds so weak, it was one of the most iconic sfx from sor2, how could they overlook that.

BTW Blaze and Axel animation are great. I have problems with some enemies like Barbon.
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Bratwurst »

spmbx wrote:I don’t think anyone thinks it’s actual flash-like. Just plenty of people (like me) who thinks it’s pretty shitty looking and reminiscent of flash.
It's because the art looks vectorized and I'm guessing it is so the game can scale in and out. This doesn't allow for a lot of gradience (Textures like watercolor, oil paint, etc.) and most definition has to be thick, no pencil thin lines or it looks worse.

This is the second time Lizardcube's dipping into an established series after Wonderboy 3. Any guesses as to what other Sega property they'll cover next?
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Re: Streets of Rage 4

Post by Stevens »

Bratwurst wrote:
spmbx wrote:I don’t think anyone thinks it’s actual flash-like. Just plenty of people (like me) who thinks it’s pretty shitty looking and reminiscent of flash.
It's because the art looks vectorized and I'm guessing it is so the game can scale in and out. This doesn't allow for a lot of gradience (Textures like watercolor, oil paint, etc.) and most definition has to be thick, no pencil thin lines or it looks worse.

This is the second time Lizardcube's dipping into an established series after Wonderboy 3. Any guesses as to what other Sega property they'll cover next?

Drop Joe from Shinobi III as a DLC character to tease.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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