COVID-19 in your part of the world

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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by MintyTheCat »

ED-057 wrote:The NCMI report which had identified the potentially threatening virus as early as November is all over the MSM today. Puts a damper on the blame-China effort doesn't it?

Although, since I didn't accept that excuse to begin with, having a federal government entity and the MSM team up to direct the blame somewhere else is cause for concern. Is this one of the times when they are NOT full of you-know-what?

But there is also this: ... -outbreak/
Scapegoating and passing the blame on down and along and across. I think that pretty much most countries were late to react though.

I agree, it is an excuse.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

Blinge wrote:
orange808 wrote:
auryn wrote: GAMERGATORS I imagine would react to COVID-19 with some kind of careless (dare I say "merciless"?) "let the weak cucks die but don't touch muh freedoms" attitude, except of course when it's their own grandpa that kicks the bucket. At which point they will be confused, just like the ...
Quite the opposite. That particular brand of lib would cringe if you stepped on a roach, ate dairy (stolen from the animal), or ate meat. They won't let anything die.

Combined with their wealthy backgrounds (and zero immediate threat to them), they are likely to advance the same "blank cheque" attitude toward Covid-19 that they use for environmentalism: a cause I support, but policy shouldn't be crafted on the backs of the poor.
You're probably going to react to this in a volatile manner, but I suggest you re-read Auryn's post as you seem to have missed the point entirely. The section you quoted about libs isn't even talking about libs..

also that little analysis was spot on, Auryn.
Gamergate people self identify as liberal and the chances of them taking a "libertarian militia right" stance on Covid-19 seems awfully remote.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Blinge »

uh, ok bro.
Good to know you've got the entire profile of gamergaters on lock.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

Oh, for fucks sake.

And, for clarity, I'm talking about the people at the center of the controversy: aka BILs hobby one day a month-- not the army of angry young guys worrying about losing their T&A in GTA.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BIL »

orange808 wrote:BILs hobby one day a month
More like paid gig, orange-san! I am the forum's OFFICIAL GiantSpaceKat liaison. :cool: I will ensure you great folks are the first to know when Revolution 60: Special Edition's unfinishably broken campaign is patched! Any decade now. Image In the meantime, I'd appreciate it if you could donate to my boss's other scampaign, to ensure she can bring similarly high-quality cyber security to our great state of Massachusetts!

Also, on a more sombre note, that page startled me - and believe me, when you've been tracking the scuttling Wu-beast as long as I have, that's fucking saying something! :shock:
Keep it under control, boss. Much Earth cash harvest soon. Image (I am trying to keep her from killing any more dogs)
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by auryn »

orange808 wrote:Oh, for fucks sake.

And, for clarity, I'm talking about the people at the center of the controversy: aka BILs hobby one day a month-- not the army of angry young guys worrying about losing their T&A in GTA.
I think there is just some confusion here, certainly Brianna was part of the original controversy, but she has always been among the "SJW adversaries" of the Gamergators.

here's a bit from her wikipedia, that shows she's actually opposed to Gamergate.

In October 2014, Wu posted multiple tweets about Gamergate advocates,[36][37] ridiculing them for "fighting an apocalyptic future where women are 8 percent of programmers and not 3 percent."[38] While she was monitoring 8chan's pro-Gamergate chanboard (/gg/), anonymous users posted sensitive personal information about her, including at least one post containing her address. Subsequently, Wu began receiving multiple, specific rape and death threats including her address, causing Wu to flee her home.[39] These threats have been widely attributed to Gamergate supporters.[38][40]

Anyway, back to COVID-19 survival strategies people. I'd just like to take this opportunity to promote my album which I finally managed to finish because of the lockdown! There's a lot of video game influence in the (especially in the last track, which is basically just an ode to playing Battle Bakraid) but no chiptune, there's more of a 90ies sample-happy vibe to it. ... eir-steely
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by cave hermit »

Wu got rape threats?

I know that us fellow gamers have a deep appreciation for the works of Tolkien, but I didn't think that would translate into gamers trying to violently force themselves sexually onto a professional Gollum impersonator. Also this makes no sense regardless since Brianna Wu is a man (albeit a failed man), and all of us gamers are men. A man having sex with another man, especially one who resembles a plot critical character from the Lord of the Rings trilogy who was twisted by the foul magic of Sauron's One Ring, is verboten under the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2014, which considers such an act "aggravated homosexuality".

That dang dirty wikipedia website url domain is FALSE and DECEITFUL when it comes to the Gamer Uprising. Us gamers just wanted to throw off the shackles of oppression put on us by all those women and minorities, but unfortunately (((they))) had other plans. Using their army of SJWs and NPCs, (((they))), the women, and "minorities" embarked on a hateful smear campaign against the TRUE and HONEST gamers, painting us as criminals and thugs, when they are in fact the true criminals and thugs. Gamers truly are the most oppressed minority, not to be confused with "minorities", who are part of the SJW NPC Jewish cabal.

Thankfully the ultimate gamer, Donald Trump, was voted into the White House by the TRUE and HONEST gamer nation, and Qanon has confirmed that Daddy Trump, also known by his gamertag xX420PussySlayerXx, will cooperate with Nintendo of America in rounding up all the SJWs and NPCs and putting them into forced labor camps, where they will be forced to grind XP and gold for use by Pro World of Warcraft PVP players. Also China is responsible for disseminating the Coronavirus as justification to ban Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This is why communism does not work. Unforunately the SJWs and NPCs think otherwise, and are trying to force this vile ideology onto Gamers.

What I'm trying to say is that the Coronavirus is nothing more than another attempt by the commies, SJWs, NPCs, and the Jews to demonize Gamers. Think about it, the virus has a tendency to manifest asymptomatically in young people, and tends to kill older people. All gamers are young and hip, there are no old people who play video games, except maybe for the senior citizens who are still playing Modern Warfare 4 (zing!) so this is a targeted virus, like Foxdie from Metal Gear Solid. The plan was to infect gamers with the virus so that they unknowingly spread it to old people, who die, so then the Fake News Media can say that "GAMERS ARE DELIBERATELY MURDERING OLD PEOPLE, AND ALSO THEY HATE WOMEN AND MINORITIES". Well unfortunately for the NPCs, we've seen all this before! We've all played Metal Gear Solid 1, we know what's up, we know what's hip, Funko Pop vinyl figurines, we got those. Futanari shotacon doujinshi? Lit AF bruh.

What I'm trying to say is that I may be having a stroke. Please send help.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BIL »

I've done it, BulletMagnet-san. Image I've resurrected the decrepit spirit of the GG thread, and fused it to this thread to create the newest contender for Worst On Shumps. Please make the agreed payment of three McDonalds Big & Tasty Value Meals™ and a sealed copy of Ai Cho Aniki to:

Dr. Richard Penis
1 Tinkletowne Crescent
Weewillehwinkeh BLVD
247 RumpyPumpyAve
Cuck Island

auryn wrote:Anyway, back to COVID-19 survival strategies people. I'd just like to take this opportunity to promote my album which I finally managed to finish because of the lockdown! There's a lot of video game influence in the (especially in the last track, which is basically just an ode to playing Battle Bakraid) but no chiptune, there's more of a 90ies sample-happy vibe to it. ... eir-steely
Bakraid is an underrated OST! Some would say underrated game, too! Image Battle Logic fuckin jams, as does this arrangement! I dig that mildly funky martial beat. Image While the songs are quite different, the mood and pulse remind me of Metal Slug gem Ridge 256, you know?
[here's a bit from her wikipedia, that shows she's actually opposed to Gamergate.
Ah yes, I remember that fateful winter's day, when CMDR Striker challenged my boss to a MASSACHUSETTS DEATH RACE on the icy highway in his dread BATTLE PRIUS. Image Little-known is that the Commander deliberately wrecked his machine en-route to the showdown, in what I must begrudgingly call a tactical masterstroke. Knowing the mere prospect of appearing in the natural disinfectant of sunlight had already sent my boss scuttling, Striker's forfeit denied those who would have captured his classified Deagle Nation Parkour Racing techniques (strictly for use while sortieing on the darkest highways of Kabul).

This recall is taxing even my command of pointless internet bullshit that was funny five years ago, and so I now turn to disgraced Nazi lardbutt and Gamergate founder M. Jarbo, for a video summary. As the traitorous fatty elaborates within, even less known than Striker's ruse is the fact my boss had publically acknowledged him as an internet joke character months earlier. But the truth was no great obstacle when SyFy came offering the sweet publicity of TEH INTERNET RUINED MY LIFE, and so the legend lived once more.

On that note, again - please donate generously to our campaign. Nowadays, the best boss can do is The Young Turks! :sad: Infamous horse cock admirer Jonk UWYWWRRR got even less votes than my boss did, the lousy bum! :evil:

Needless to say GG is over, and unless you have professional obligations (like mine) or autism (like mine), you are wasting your energy discussing it. It is an ex-controversy, expired and devoid, most poetically ended by the very man who started it - the aforementioned white supremacist M. Jarbo. Have a listen, it's fine internet television! Be warned, Jarbo is known for violent, racist language. Unlike the rest of this post, I'm not doing a silly tongue-in-cheek thing here - he really does espouse a visceral disgust for those of African extraction that I find personally objectionable, being two-quarters KANG myself! I'm glad everyone's friend of justice, INTERNET VIGILANTE JIMOTHY O'SHAUGHNESSY struck him down with the violence he deserved!
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by FinalBaton »

Didn't know this Matt Jarbo character. What a racist. disgusting...

Remember kids : skin colour, it don't matter Image God said so himself.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by auryn »

BIL wrote: Bakraid is an underrated OST! Some would say underrated game, too! Image Battle Logic fuckin jams, as does this arrangement! I dig that mildly funky martial beat. Image While the songs are quite different, the mood and pulse remind me of Metal Slug gem Ridge 256, you know?
Ha, stage 7 soundtrack is one that I hear too few times still to remember it. But hell, Bakraid is probably one of my most-played shmups. I think I once tried to remix the track for the seaside stage but it wasn a success.
BIL wrote: Needless to say GG is over, and unless you have professional obligations (like mine) or autism (like mine), you are wasting your energy discussing it. It is an ex-controversy, expired and devoid, most poetically ended by the very man who started it - the aforementioned white supremacist M. Jarbo. Have a listen, it's fine internet television! Be warned, Jarbo is known for violent, racist language. Unlike the rest of this post, I'm not doing a silly tongue-in-cheek thing here - he really does espouse a visceral disgust for those of African extraction that I find personally objectionable, being two-quarters KANG myself! I'm glad everyone's friend of justice, INTERNET VIGILANTE JIMOTHY O'SHAUGHNESSY struck him down with the violence he deserved!

Although roughly speaking I only understand 25-30% of what you're saying, I do want to say that even though gamergate is over I still feel that in some strange way is was the starting point for the current political divisions/climate. The extreme polarisation, post-truth, the trolling, doxxing, etc etc
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Blinge »

BIL wrote:
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Dr. Double Double Dick is about to operate
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by FinalBaton »

Blinge wrote:Dr. Double Double Dick is about to operate
Dr. Double Dong
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BIL »

FinalBaton wrote:Remember kids : skin colour, it don't matter Image God said so himself.
Clicked expecting God and was not disappointed! Image God also remarked at the brass balls on Little Richard, who was pioneering the DEVILS MUSIC, in the 1950s American deep south, while black, AND gay! It's clear God would not approve of Jarbo's bullshit - in conclusion, God himself has disowned GG Image
auryn wrote:Although roughly speaking I only understand 25-30% of what you're saying, I do want to say that even though gamergate is over I still feel that in some strange way is was the starting point for the current political divisions/climate. The extreme polarisation, post-truth, the trolling, doxxing, etc etc
I do wonder. The modern web's outre willy-waving does seem to be resonating outward. Bit chicken/egg for me though. Maybe the internet just accelerated IRL Bullshit™.

One thing I know: while the godhead of GG was kicked square in his doughy mangina by the noble Jimothy, causing the cretin to spin in circles on the floor explosively shitting himself like a vile mockery of a Catherine wheel... the world of the flesh bears an indisputable mark. Image

The SJWs of the 21st century abandoned a horrible weapon on Twitter.

That mistake has returned to haunt Massachusetts in the form of Senator Wu.

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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

auryn wrote:
orange808 wrote:Oh, for fucks sake.

And, for clarity, I'm talking about the people at the center of the controversy: aka BILs hobby one day a month-- not the army of angry young guys worrying about losing their T&A in GTA.
I think there is just some confusion here, certainly Brianna was part of the original controversy, but she has always been among the "SJW adversaries" of the Gamergators.
Precisely, so I apologise for any confusion.

Although, I was always clearly discussing the "SJW" types from the beginning--and the unique brand of privilege that shaped their worldview--although I see Wu found some awareness (and advisors) to try and broaden her message.

Then again, I must be a SJW, because our current health system is killing black Americans at an alarming rate. It's not actually Covid-19, it's the fact that black Americans aren't being taken care of and their health suffers.

Of course, this won't be "productive". It will be "political". It will make it "about me". I'll be a "SJW".

Yeah. What the f ever. Something needs to change.

Also, this complete shut down will hurt the most vulnerable among us.

It's a complete shitshow.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by auryn »

orange808 wrote: Precisely, so I apologise for any confusion.

Although, I was always clearly discussing the "SJW" types from the beginning--and the unique brand of privilege that shaped their worldview--although I see Wu found some awareness (and advisors) to try and broaden her message.

Then again, I must be a SJW, because our current health system is killing black Americans at an alarming rate. It's not actually Covid-19, it's the fact that black Americans aren't being taken care of and their health suffers.

Of course, this won't be "productive". It will be "political". It will make it "about me". I'll be a "SJW".

Yeah. What the f ever. Something needs to change.

Also, this complete shut down will hurt the most vulnerable among us.

It's a complete shitshow.
I don't think there's anything wrong with speaking about aspects of society that bother you. I don't think there's anything wrong with calling attention to problems that affect you personally, in fact you are expected to do so in a democracy. Society is unfair, obviously. It's just that it's psychologically unhealthy to constantly focus on the bad aspects, even though they are clearly there. In some sense, complaining about inequality is a lot like complaining about earthquakes or rain, it's an unfortunate part of the natural landscape. Complaining sometimes helps and certainly everybody does it, but if you complain too much and about things that are not easily fixable, you risk frustrating and annoying people which is IMHO why fanatical SJW types are not loved in most internet fora.

But what really worries about SJW's is the virtue signalling / purity testing stuff... I mean, absolutely everyone has some seriously unpleasant traits in their psyche... bigotry, anger, narcissism, vanity, slothfulness, impulsiveness, neediness etc etc etc. There is some use for "calling out" egregious behaviour in others, for sure. But having absolutely 0 tolerance for any of the above traits (to the point where you feel the need to "cancel" anyone that exhibits them) means that you probably suppress / deny / are blind to those aspects in yourself. That means those impulses will subconsciously start controlling your behaviour in maladaptive ways. This is one of the oldest insights of psychology, it comes from Jungian psychoanalysis (which is what the Persona JRPG series is loosely based on). It unfortunately not taught with enough enthusiasm in psych101 classes.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BIL »

I suppose there is a useful connection to be made between Wu (and other GG infamies - Quinn, Sarkeesian*, etc) and the Wu Flu. Like the notion of electing a documented fantasist to congress on the pretence of "cyber security" expertise, hugging strangers in the street in a time of global pandemic is a patently terrible idea granted unquestionable excellence by political correctness.

The Emperor's New Clothes is not a new story, ofc. But those who forget history are doomed to have their CC details stolen after a feckless housewife hired the cheapest coder she could Craigslist to encrypt her site, before subsequently dying of COVID-19 secure in the knowledge that At Least They Weren't Racist™.

Hooray for Brianna! Hooray for the CCP! Hooray for this selection of artisan chocolates, never mind your meddling brain telling you it's actually a bunch of dog shit. You should do something about those prejudices, and chow down bigot.

*I've never considered Juanita-chan a scam artist, unlike the other two. While they fabricate personas, credentials and projects wholesale, she is an avowed faith leader. A Billy Graham to Johnny and Blowy's L. Ron Hubbards. However she does (did?) benefit from the self-same air of untouchability that is the target of this riveting post. She was also similarly lax on following through with projects paid for, but you could say the same of that lazy shitbird George RR Martin, who is no less of an author for his lack of recent output.


Nothing personnel, kid.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by FinalBaton »

BIL wrote:Clicked expecting God and was not disappointed! Image God also remarked at the brass balls on Little Richard, who was pioneering the DEVILS MUSIC, in the 1950s American deep south, while black, AND gay! It's clear God would not approve of Jarbo's bullshit - in conclusion, God himself has disowned GG Image
I think now is time for you to reveal that YOU were the kid who wrote that letter to Mr. Kilmister back then :lol:

(or at least, I like to think it's part of the BIRRU storyline..)

Young BIL :
''Mr. Lemmy, my black family and friends don't understand my unbridled passion for heavy \m/etal and for HARD GAMING. What should I do''

Lemmy :
''Tell 'em to shove it, kid 8) Screw 'em. Go and find a place where your love of metal and HARD GAMING will be appreciated. Go try the Shmups forum for a start''
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BIL »

I like to think of myself as the ongoing test case of Lemmy's "everyone of all races should screw each other like crazy" philosophy. :lol:
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by FinalBaton »

BIL wrote:I like to think of myself as the ongoing test case of Lemmy's "everyone of all races should screw each other like crazy" philosophy. :lol:

''Everyone will just screw each other and eventually everyone will be coffee-like''

Product of GLOBAL FUCKING Image of hyper-lust and XTREEM DEGENERACY Image wear it like a sick badge of honour :lol:
Last edited by FinalBaton on Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: COVID-19 virus

Post by BulletMagnet »

What are your favorite conspiracy theories?
Just saw a new one this morning: 5G cell phone towers are somehow responsible for the spread of the disease, apparently a number of them have been vandalized and workers have been harassed in Britain. Keep up the exemplary work, truth seekers!
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by mamboFoxtrot »

yeah, that one got mentioned way back
they've went further since then! :lol:

I did a little searching to see if SPANISH FLU CAUSED BY RADIO WAVES was an old one getting brought out again but I think they deadass made it up just this March
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Re: COVID-19 virus

Post by auryn »

BulletMagnet wrote:
What are your favorite conspiracy theories?
Just saw a new one this morning: 5G cell phone towers are somehow responsible for the spread of the disease, apparently a number of them have been vandalized and workers have been harassed in Britain. Keep up the exemplary work, truth seekers!
This is going on in the Netherlands too. People actually tried to set fire to several communications towers last night...
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BulletMagnet »

In other news, remember the article I linked a little ways back about the company that got US taxpayer money to build a cheap, reliable ventilator, only to focus on pricier models and sell them overseas? The administration, apparently detecting a kindred spirit, have not only retained their services but just made them a much...friendlier deal.

Apologies for borrowing this from an unrelated thread:


More such stuff from the same site here, here and here.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BIL »

Nobody need apologise for keeping the memory of Akumajou Mokushiroku alive, however incidentally. Renon a G. Image :wink:
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by auryn »

BulletMagnet wrote:In other news, remember the article I linked a little ways back about the company that got US taxpayer money to build a cheap, reliable ventilator, only to focus on pricier models and sell them overseas? The administration, apparently detecting a kindred spirit, have not only retained their services but just made them a much...friendlier deal.
Yeah that's some pretty shameful behaviour by Philips. Their consumer electronics department has been floundering for years now (their TV's are straight garbage, they go defective very quicky in my experience and their menu/software/GUI is awful too) so I guess their trying to stay afloat by 1: overcharging for simple but hip lighting technology 2: opportunistic overcharging on medical technology.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

Buckle up for austerity next January.

The economic realities haven't sunk in, yet.

Five years minimum from now before anything can be done. Should Biden win, "bipartisan" cuts will be coming.

Obviously, Trump will also perform identical cuts with fake staged "opposition" from the "left" (Dems that would otherwise do the exact same thing under the guise of "bipartisan" cooperation).

Vote for it or for it.

I get the feeling people aren't taking this seriously. Jobs won't just come back when the quarantine is lifted. It doesn't work that way. There are no save states in real life economies. You can't pick up where you left off.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by ZacharyB »

So you have to wait another 5 years before you can buy that Ferrari, or Hyundai Elantra, or whatever. On March 1st 2020, 0 in New York were dead from the virus; Today, over 8,000. Those people are never buying anything ever again. I don't know about your beliefs on the afterlife, but it would be a safer bet to assume that this life is the only one you get.

This doesn't even account for the hospitalized people—1 in 5 cases—who will be saddled with thousands in debt in uninsured (or even uncovered by insurance) medical costs. That's not an economic stimulus, either. Imagine if everyone were going about willy-nilly like their usual animal selves, just contracting and giving away the virus at unimpeded will. Remember, it's confirmed airborne at close range, and most contagious 2-3 days before sympoms even develop.

P.S. As deadly as the virus is, the pandemic is also saving lives by forcing people to stay home and not get into car accidents, get murdered, get sick in some other way, get into any other shenanigans, etc... The car accidents not-happening alone is probably worth a thousand lives, at least.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

ZacharyB wrote:So you have to wait another 5 years before you can buy that Ferrari, or Hyundai Elantra, or whatever. On March 1st 2020, 0 in New York were dead from the virus; Today, over 8,000. Those people are never buying anything ever again. I don't know about your beliefs on the afterlife, but it would be a safer bet to assume that this life is the only one you get.

This doesn't even account for the hospitalized people—1 in 5 cases—who will be saddled with thousands in debt in uninsured (or even uncovered by insurance) medical costs. That's not an economic stimulus, either. Imagine if everyone were going about willy-nilly like their usual animal selves, just contracting and giving away the virus at unimpeded will. Remember, it's confirmed airborne at close range, and most contagious 2-3 days before sympoms even develop.

P.S. As deadly as the virus is, the pandemic is also saving lives by forcing people to stay home and not get into car accidents, get murdered, get sick in some other way, get into any other shenanigans, etc... The car accidents not-happening alone is probably worth a thousand lives, at least.

In your rush to paint me as some privileged monster, you made it crystal clear that you are comfortable and unaffected by any of this. You aren't staring down homelessness or hunger. I'm not either, but I know people that are in trouble. I also have an idea of the long lasting economic downturn we are facing--and the way it will eventually hurt and kill people.

Cold as it may be, fairness is always defined at a macro level. At some point, the cost exceeds the gains, here Sorry.

I don't even know how to address your glib dismissal of how the economy works. And, while I'm not fond of it, I certainly don't entertain fantasies that realities will disappear on my whim.

In your effort to save already sick people, you're creating circumstances that will lead to huge problems of all kinds. It's called a tradeoff. Here on Earth, we acknowledge these realities when we weigh decisions. You can't just turn the economy off without serious long lasting consequences.

Statistics? One in ten got the sack--and we're not done yet
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by FinalBaton »

Being a massive CRT fan, I'm stoked to see that the pandemic has brought these back into use by non-GAYMERS

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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Obiwanshinobi »

Apologies if already posted.

The rear gate is closed down
The way out is cut off

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