COVID-19 in your part of the world

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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BryanM »

Seriously, the meat markets in China are a breeding ground for interspecies pathogens. Biological weapons meant to kill people aren't remotely this half-assed.
BulletMagnet wrote:Which earned me a now-familiar conversation-ending "Sure, just 'vote your conscience' on Election Day like an asshole and guarantee us another four years of this".
There's a very easy counter move to this one: "If the only problem in the entire world is that Trump gets to talk on TV, you can solve it for yourself right now: STOP WATCHING TV."
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by MintyTheCat »

Mills wrote:
MintyTheCat wrote:Pretty hard to watch:

The word that comes to mind is decimation.
Holy sh*t!

I think when the UK and US gov see this, they won't hesitate to impose lockdown. Youngest deaths in UK is 5yrs, 13yrs, 19yrs no underlying health issues.

The reality is when you don't see it in your neighborhood, you just don't wanna act with the lockdown. Especially this weekend when we will get the nicest weather this Sunday.
Yes, it is. Sadly this is how people often respond.

Really, in these situations a government must act decisively - as Taiwan's government did, but Taiwan has a good intelligence on what's happening in China and had time to close borders. Also, Taiwan put funding into having a plan and resources in order following their experience last time with SARS.

Pretty much everyone else has just been too slow to react and often to respond decisively.

It is very hard for people to understand how geometric rates work case load wise. This is basically akin to a bio warfare scenario.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Blinge »

Holy fuck I've tuned in late.
the US have really fucked the dog so hard even the Chinese wouldn't eat it.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Blinge wrote:Holy fuck I've tuned in late.
the US have really fucked the dog so hard even the Chinese wouldn't eat it.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by FinalBaton »

So I guess I could give an ETA of how it is here and for me :

So far the Québec government has handled this really well I think and it makes me hopeful.
Since 2 weeks and a half there has been a complete government-enforced shutdown here : schools closed and all non-essential business and services are closed too. and no gatherings, all shows cancelled and such with Police roaming the streets and checking in. regional movement inside the province has also been axed, with police cars parked across the roads forming check points.

We have a bit more confirmed cases than Ontario but that's because : 1 - we test more and 2 - we had a spring break, whereas the rest of North America didn't (ours is 2 weeks before everyone elses and while it was axed for the res of NA, here it was before this all blew up here).

I'm happy that the government is strongharming people into staying home because there's a good chunk of the population that would have not obeyed otherwise (and even with these war-laws, you still have some dickheads who don't obey the confinement rules).

That's proof that you can't trust people
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

There are idiots here encouraging people to break quarantine.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by FinalBaton »

Steamflogger Boss wrote:There are idiots here encouraging people to break quarantine.
good fucking grief...

Here before touristic-housing has been axed (my hometown is a touristic town), you had tons of touristic-houses landlords/renters who happily rented to people from other regions and countries... and even when touristic-houses got axed but inter-region travel still wasn't yet(that last part got done a bit later and more gradually), you STILL had these scums renting out to tourists.

''Who cares about human lives when I can make a couple hundred bucks, right?''
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

I can hardly wait for people that overextended into abnb to be nuked from orbit.

Ammon Bundy is the main asshole I was thinking of. Anti government nutso type.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by FinalBaton »

yeah the funniest thing so far, as been people who rent Air BnB's and who don't even own any of those numerous houses but rather rent them and then re-rent them to tourists, crying on social media. because now they gotta pay rent on those houses and there's no more money coming in. oh those delicious tears...
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by FinalBaton »

The very fiber of civility is being tested right now.

Today some waste of human skin ran over a security guard at Walmart because the latter was... doing his job and enforcing the social distancing rules to protect us all.

We will probably see a couple of these imbeciles, but in the medium term it will be beneficial to make these sacrifices and stay home and respect the draconian rules, endorsed/enforced by the govt. We need to be disciplined. it will more than pay off, saving hundreds if not thousands of human lives just here in the province. It is not easy, losing our comfort. and part of our freedom. but we must do it.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BIL »

I was just chilling out with my usual Sunday routine watching gas station explosions on Liveleak when it hit me - soon, this will be I R L :o

But mostly I was a bit miffed at that blubbering race-baiting pussy Juicy Smouliet trying to slink back into the public eye with another of those emetic "celebrity serenades u / celebrity totally gets ur problems" videos. "What's going on" is I wish Marvin Gaye's old man would come back from the grave and put one in Juicy's smarmy dome Imagepreferably before he can entices any more buff Nigerian muscle bros into his cockamamie schemes!
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Queen Charlene »

quash wrote: For clarity, if I had to rate my distrust and distaste for the US government on a scale from 1-10, I'd say I'm sitting at a 7. But the Chinese government? Off the charts.
i don't really see how it's possible to have any trust for the US government at this point. motherfuckers literally hid the outbreak from everyone and intentionally sold their stocks to make a profit before the market inevitably crashed once the virus became an epidemic here. that is way more than a 7 to me. and let's not even get started on the re-legalization of discrimination all over the country. cops are still killing people in their homes, resources are spreading thin, government workers are losing their jobs for even being honest about the pandemic, certain pockets of the US are being intentionally neglected to the point where we have to rely on other countries to get the equipment we need to get the problem under control, people are spending thousands of dollars just to get TESTED... how could a country exist like this with a government like this and not be given at least a 10?
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

The government isn't responsible for the existence of diseases and western countries don't have the ability to impose draconian measures by design.

Seriously: the government isn't to blame for this and nobody wants to live in a police state. Our limitations are by design. We made a choice. Do you really want to live in a police state?

Also, it's easy to sit in a chair playing video games half way around the world and say China needs to tell half their population they are ignorant and wrong about magic food.

As if Americans have found the courage to tell their own masses of ignorant knuckle draggers to put down the guns and bibles. Oops. Guess not.

Easier said than done, folks.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Blinge »

If a western government itself was threatened by its people you bet your ass you'd see draconian measures appearing very quickly.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

Blinge wrote:If a western government itself was threatened by its people you bet your ass you'd see draconian measures appearing very quickly.
Depends on the situation, because that would depend on how well the military took orders. If Trump asked the military to hurt civilians, there's no guarantee he wouldn't end up in jail on the wrong side of a coup.

America is not China.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Blinge »

orange808 wrote: Depends on the situation
But I thought western countries didn't have the ability to impose draconian measures by design?
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

Blinge wrote:
orange808 wrote: Depends on the situation
But I thought western countries didn't have the ability to impose draconian measures by design?
China's ruling "communist" party can do anything without fear of a coup from within the ranks and from political opponents. There is no "red line". They can never go "too far". Their authority is absolute.

No American president (or majority government) wields that kind of power and it's entirely by design.

You're arguing against logic and facts, here. Almost feels like you're arguing to argue. :)
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Blinge »

orange808 wrote:You're arguing against logic and facts, here.
Damn man that's one to put out at the end of an argument, i didn't even know this was an argument. You can't spunk your load that early!
Facts and logic? What you've done is move the goalposts.
Almost feels like you're arguing to argue. :)
aha, the smug little happy face afterwards. a shit-eating grin. I love it.
No American president (or majority government) wields that kind of power and it's entirely by design.
You gonna reduce your argument to just the US then? France, Italy, Spain, UK are all in lockdown.
(to varied degrees)

Your God Emperor could have at least done *something* It's not like he wasn't warned.
How's them malaria pills working out?
Last edited by Blinge on Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Vanguard »

Queen Charlene wrote:i don't really see how it's possible to have any trust for the US government at this point. motherfuckers literally hid the outbreak from everyone and intentionally sold their stocks to make a profit before the market inevitably crashed once the virus became an epidemic here. that is way more than a 7 to me. and let's not even get started on the re-legalization of discrimination all over the country. cops are still killing people in their homes, resources are spreading thin, government workers are losing their jobs for even being honest about the pandemic, certain pockets of the US are being intentionally neglected to the point where we have to rely on other countries to get the equipment we need to get the problem under control, people are spending thousands of dollars just to get TESTED... how could a country exist like this with a government like this and not be given at least a 10?
Yeah, the cabal of pedophile war profiteers who rule the US will do literally anything for wealth and power. The one and only reason they aren't as egregiously evil and controlling as Winnie the Pooh is because they don't think they'd get away with it.
orange808 wrote:Also, it's easy to sit in a chair playing video games half way around the world and say China needs to tell half their population they are ignorant and wrong about magic food.

As if Americans have found the courage to tell their own masses of ignorant knuckle draggers to put down the guns and bibles. Oops. Guess not.
The chinese government is deliberately encouraging the use of traditional chinese "medicine" among their people. Likewise, the american government is constantly spreading harmful misinformation to its citizens. Please stop spreading absurd lies about how the hapless elites are powerless against the ignorance of the unwashed masses.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

You people have no concept of reality.

As for governments, the Chinese government may have the authority and power to ban wet markets and stop magic food fantasies. You're right. So far, they have avoided it, because they didn't think it was worth the trouble. Forcing ignorant middle aged and old people to listen to reason is like pulling teeth.

American government has no such luxury, because political opponents can use the "cold dead hand" thing to seize power and maintain the status quo. Backing real gun control would create a politically suicidal backlash from people--and there's always some opportunitist waiting to use the issue to make money. Real gun control would remove more guns from the streets than we produce. That has never been suggested by anybody in power--because the people wouldn't accept it.

You're not getting something. You keep pretending that gun and bibles culture flows from the government. It doesn't. That comes from people and those same people have equally religious suspicion of the government itself--and that's culturally encoded throughout. If the elected official doesn't support guns and bibles, they will change their votes. They care about stupid things and believe stupid things--and that's what swings their votes. (That's the problem!)

Blame your neighbors. They are the problem.

Doesn't matter what some dummy on a forum says, anyhow. I know what reality is. I'm right and I know it. You can write all the bullcrap you want. Won't make it true. :) Want something to change. Look at your neighbors. They have to change. So far, they aren't getting it.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

Blinge wrote:
orange808 wrote:You're arguing against logic and facts, here.
Damn man that's one to put out at the end of an argument, i didn't even know this was an argument. You can't spunk your load that early!
Facts and logic? What you've done is move the goalposts.
Almost feels like you're arguing to argue. :)
aha, the smug little happy face afterwards. a shit-eating grin. I love it.
No American president (or majority government) wields that kind of power and it's entirely by design.
You gonna reduce your argument to just the US then? France, Italy, Spain, UK are all in lockdown.
(to varied degrees)

Your God Emperor could have at least done *something* It's not like he wasn't warned.
How's them malaria pills working out?
No president could lock down New York down without committing political suicide.

I won't vote for a GOP-lite corporate stooge because of some fake "the other party would have done better" narrative. Biden is a Republican. Is that your aim?

You can put away the Trump sh*t. I hate Republicans. Hilarious that you would think a gun control supporter could vote GOP.

The truth is: western democracies don't have absolute power by design.

Maybe every choice has trade offs and there isn't a perfect answer. Maybe when you accept reality, you can start thinking about the best solutions overall.

Also, and this is parenthetical, "fair" is always defined on a macro level. It's got nothing to do with individuals. There are always winners and losers.

But, reality is harsh. Let's pretend. :)
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Blinge »

orange808 wrote: Maybe when you accept reality, you can start thinking about the best solutions overall.
bet you're a real hit at parties.

jesus christ.

maybe ol' potus could've done something to support hospitals. And not dither around doing dumb shit and saying it'll all be over in a flash, 'we've got it under control,' 'it's a miracle.'

I don't claim to be an expert on murrica, but maybe you're right and your country's elemental weakness is a contagious virus. It's Super Effective.
The gOveRnMeNt IsN't rEsPonSiBle FoR DiSeAsEs. Nothing can be done soz guys. :cry:
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by MX7 »

your country's elemental weakness is a contagious virus. It's Super Effective
Great stuff made me laugh.

Came to a fairly depressing realization early on that this whole lockdown thing is a bit of a lark for middle class types such as myself but such a hateful ballache for everyone else. Who'd have thunk it. Hope everyone is OK.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

Blinge wrote:
orange808 wrote: Maybe when you accept reality, you can start thinking about the best solutions overall.
bet you're a real hit at parties.

jesus christ.

maybe ol' potus could've done something to support hospitals. And not dither around doing dumb shit and saying it'll all be over in a flash, 'we've got it under control,' 'it's a miracle.'

I don't claim to be an expert on murrica, but maybe you're right and your country's elemental weakness is a contagious virus. It's Super Effective.
The gOveRnMeNt IsN't rEsPonSiBle FoR DiSeAsEs. Nothing can be done soz guys. :cry:
Please quote where I said "nothing can be done".

I'll wait while you flail and try to make up a lie. :)

In fact, if you read the thread, I suggested it would have been less expensive overall to identify vulnerable people and mobilize a targeted response of necessary quarantine for vulnerable people.

Of course, that would mean "somebody is getting something for free" and you neoliberal types would worry that someone isn't working as hard as you are--and you'd have a goddamn seizure because your coworker got a free vacation and you didn't. Waaah!

No, let's shut down everything instead. Even though the long term costs will be infinitely more than a targeted response. Those "chosen" people that were at home getting free food would be "parasites". lmao

jesus christ, indeed.

Don't care if "telling it like it is" will be fun at parties. Good policy isn't party conversation. This isn't Idiocracy. Life isn't a party. I guess I "talk like a fag." Good job. You're clever.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by orange808 »

MX7 wrote:
your country's elemental weakness is a contagious virus. It's Super Effective
Great stuff made me laugh.

Came to a fairly depressing realization early on that this whole lockdown thing is a bit of a lark for middle class types such as myself but such a hateful ballache for everyone else. Who'd have thunk it. Hope everyone is OK.
That's the point. For the comfortable, this is no big deal.

But, the pain this will inflict on many working class people will be phenomenal.

I guess it's the perfect trick to distract them and buy four more years of status quo under Biden. Just blame Trump and sell the "lesser evil".

Never mind the fact that Biden couldn't have responded much better or taken the draconian measures that would have been required.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by BulletMagnet »

Just when I thought that today was a depressing enough day on the Covid front, now I'll also be wondering in the back of my head whether Daddy will jump in and straight-up pardon this asshole. :lol:
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Blinge »

orange808 wrote: In fact, if you read the thread, I suggested it would have been less expensive overall to identify vulnerable people and mobilize a targeted response of necessary quarantine for vulnerable people.
Aw, I'm not a neolib.
Your suggestion is better than what's actually been done, ie next to nothing.

bruh i'm not throwing homophobic slurs around 8)
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by XtraSmiley »

orange808 wrote:Doesn't matter what some dummy on a forum says, anyhow. I know what reality is. I'm right and I know it. You can write all the bullcrap you want. Won't make it true. :)
Holy crap this thread is still solid gold!

Also, I quoted you because, This is literally what everyone arguing (in earnest anyway, not a troll) on the internet believes in their own heads 100% of the time, so I guess these threads are just like junk food for the mind. Based on your posts though, I believe you are correct.
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by FinalBaton »

we are all, without exception, brainwashed in some way regarding info on this pandemic, so nobody is above this.

some of us are brainwashed by the media/govt

and the rest of us are brainwashed by conspiracy theories seen on
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Re: COVID-19 in your part of the world

Post by Mills »
Lockdown in Wuhan lifted after 70 days.

Checkout impressive lights show on city building
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