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Do it . 8)
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Post by Vanguard »

Jonpachi wrote:You guys are really making me want to pick up a Vita just for this. I so wish it was on the Switch... I love this game, but I just don't get enough time with it, and having it for commutes and lunch breaks would be a dream.
Bear in mind that the original Vita version has different and much less content than Chronicle Saviours.
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Vanguard wrote:
Jonpachi wrote:You guys are really making me want to pick up a Vita just for this. I so wish it was on the Switch... I love this game, but I just don't get enough time with it, and having it for commutes and lunch breaks would be a dream.
Bear in mind that the original Vita version has different and much less content than Chronicle Saviours.
That's the PSP version you're thinking if, the Vita version is exactly the same as the PS4 CS. Dariusburst PSP is a different (albeit quite similar) game in the same engine with a different story. Basically there are three main campaigns: Dariusburst PSP, Another Chronicle, and EX.
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Post by Jonpachi »

Any other Vita shmups on physical media worth looking into?
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Post by Vanguard »

ACSeraph wrote:That's the PSP version you're thinking if, the Vita version is exactly the same as the PS4 CS. Dariusburst PSP is a different (albeit quite similar) game in the same engine with a different story. Basically there are three main campaigns: Dariusburst PSP, Another Chronicle, and EX.
Oh whoops! Sorry for the misinformation!
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Post by EmperorIng »

After 4, almost 5, years of playing the game, on and off, I finally found the final zone in Chronicle Saviours mode. At last, The End is in sight. I've been wanting to try my hand at beating Gigantic Bite for so long, and getting to the final stage in this campaign is very tiring, given the huge amount of stages you have to beat.

This is going to be a tough one to beat. Gigantic Bite is at the end of a long and somewhat exhausting series of stages, all designed to cheap-shot you through enemy formations so you have less shields going into the fight. I'm not crazy about the default ship, Legend's slow-moving Burst laser either, making it harder to quickly snap up a defensive line to block incoming fire. Add to that the game's already finicky visual cues about when to counter-burst and you have a real pain in the ass in the making.

I did check the cheat-sheet map of CS mode, and beat another few campaigns to unlock the 'practice' stage with Gigantic Bite, Bedon. There is also a practice zone before the final campaign, with a single solo fight with Azure Nightmare (a very fun boss), which I used to get its patterns down (tip: never, ever shoot its disco ball during an attack phase).

The CS Mode map for easy reference:
The final zone is top-left, with Bedon, the practice fight with Gigantic Bite, being found if you travel down from the final zone, go down at the fork, and it's the first zone on the left of the next fork (with only one zone to its left).

If I'm lucky, I hope I can record a run defeating the final zone.

Speaking of which, I've posted it elsewhere, but I'll add to this thread a pretty clutch no-miss of the Extreme route that I managed to record. I wasn't expecting a no-death run, but I was starting to get confident of the 1cc, even though the floating debris graveyard, Y, is one of my least favorite stages for survival... Funnily enough, I think zone's T and Y are easier than the zones above them, S and X. Zone S in particular is very annoying with a thousand floating boxes coming at you at sixty miles-per-hour, with power-ups tucked in so deep that you inevitably get hit and are underpowered for the bosses. Fuck that.

My PTY clear of DariusBurst

Checking the Darius wiki, it looks as if one of the Whip series of bosses, Dreadful Whip, is on Zone X. There's another boss, in all my years, I've never played. I have some additional motivation to scour the arcade mode. 8)
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Post by ACSeraph »

Congrats on making it to the end EmperorIng. I made it all to Gigantic Bite with the default ship, but he ultimately broke my spirit and I never was able to do it. Seeing your post is giving me a bit of motivation. Once I get this Darius Force clear done maybe I'll give it another honest go.
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Post by m.sniffles.esq »

I so wish it was on the Switch...
As I said in the "Shooter of the Decade" thread, I really don't understand why Taito hasn't ported this to every platform imaginable, because it's the kind of game that makes converts out of nonbelievers. I've seen it happen.

"2D shooters? Why would you still fuck around with those? Oh, holy shit!!"

Plus, it's challenging enough to be satisfying, but not punishing. Thus, not scaring off the noobs. Looks fucking great widescreen with no need to mess around with TATE. And has that epic, majestic feel Ikaruga has (which was the last shmup I can think of that made converts en masse).

If they got it out in front of the casuals, and chopped the price in half ($50 is too steep for everyone but the hardcore), I'm downright positive they'd make a tidy sum. The few critics that have covered it have already been long with praise. And I can only see that continuing. Which takes care of PR.
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Post by Sly Cherry Chunks »

EmperorIng wrote:After 4, almost 5, years of playing the game, on and off, I finally found the final zone in Chronicle Saviours mode....
Great post. Have fun with Kyokkuho! Legend is worth learning because of the missile point-blanking. You can speedkill GTV quite effectively.
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Post by EmperorIng »

Highly agree m.sniffles. I am surprised they haven't ported it over to the Switch for eeezy money, though I am a little leery given the performance issues games like Raiden V and RXN Raijin have had on the Switch. I would HOPE that a damn PSP game could run properly on the console though. I missed out on the LRG 'scalper edition' for the PS4.
What a joy to think they can reap double the profits with a Switch run, lol.
Sly Cherry Chunks wrote:Great post. Have fun with Kyokkuho! Legend is worth learning because of the missile point-blanking. You can speedkill GTV quite effectively.
Yes, the missiles do indeed make a difference as I am finding out. A funny glitch happened where I killed Trident Jaw so fast that he didn't have time to transform, but still glitched into his 'death' animation which was his full armor suite.

However, even practicing Gigantic Bite in Bedon is disheartening. There is just way too much shit flying at once, some of the most cluttered patterns in the game. I don't know how you are supposed to do this with the default shields - do they expect you to just by 99 shields and tank the fight? It's so discouraging :oops:

I credit fed through QTX tonight and fed through Blazing Whip (I think that's its name). What a damn hard boss. Easily more difficult than the 'harder' Slash Shell in Zone Y. I credit fed to learn his patterns but I never even saw the boss fire a burst laser! I was waiting the entire time, so I could learn how to pace the boss properly for the max bonus kill. So annoying.

I wish I knew the secret of getting all these wave bonuses with the max burst counter laser. A couple always get away and I miss my x94 bonuses, usually when those huge schools of enemies start swimming across the entire screen.
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Post by Sly Cherry Chunks »

EmperorIng wrote:However, even practicing Gigantic Bite in Bedon is disheartening. There is just way too much shit flying at once, some of the most cluttered patterns in the game. I don't know how you are supposed to do this with the default shields - do they expect you to just by 99 shields and tank the fight? It's so discouraging :oops:
Rack up about 30 shields to do it comfortably. Suriaha you can get to him with about 40 and Kyokkuho you can get 60+ on a good day. During the form where he's at the left of the screen, swinging the burst laser around while firing his splash cannon (and launching those homing enemies) you can really shorten the fight by point-blanking. The splash canon fires near then far, but both will miss you if you're right on his nose. Just watch out for the homing enemies. I'm almost certain point-blanking does more damage than counter-bursting. I've also got a feeling that he has less hp in Bedon so be prepared for a long fight when the time comes.

It can be done! Even by a mid-tier scrub like me. But bring along those 30 shields just to be safe.

Oh, and 4 years and 300 hours in and I still haven't met any of the Massive Whip variants. :oops:
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Post by M.Knight »

IIRC the Massive Whip bosses are not found in the CS Mode. Same as Dual Spin. They take up too much space to properly fit in the 16/9 screen.
There's Dreadful Whip in Arcade Expert Zone X as mentioned by Ing, but the other Whip variants are in Chronicle Mode.
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Post by EmperorIng »

Chronicle? I've barely touched it, since it struck me as CS mode and I'd rather work on unlocking stages/bosses there. But if there are exclusive bosses, I might have to trudge through and find them.

Also, just to clarify Sly, the zone I am trying to beat is Suriaha. I am in no way close to unlocking Kyukkuho, if the internet is telling the truth (EVERY mission? Not just the 'large icon' missions??). Talk about sapping my motivation; I've just been trying to plow through things as fast as possible to get to the end zone. :oops: Whatever, the game treats Suriaha's zone as the 'end' of the game anyway, iirc.
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Post by EmperorIng »

As an update, I managed a lucky break in Bedon, beating Gigantic Bite... but after buying 50ish shields (versus the 29 default the stage gives you). I guess that's something. If nothing else it let me survive long enough to see some of the patterns. It was my only attempt of the night that ended in success :roll:

Gigantic Bite's second pattern, where he is above you raining needles down on you, has a safe spot on the far upper right corner, nestled into him (and above his spawned goblin shark lackey). The homing bits won't hit you, and your missiles will take care of the needles that come at that spot.

If nothing else, it gives you a bit of a breather while you do some damage.
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Post by Sly Cherry Chunks »

EmperorIng wrote: Gigantic Bite's second pattern, where he is above you raining needles down on you, has a safe spot on the far upper right corner, nestled into him (and above his spawned goblin shark lackey). The homing bits won't hit you, and your missiles will take care of the needles that come at that spot.
Kind of embarrassed I never discovered this one for myself. Great tip! This shortens the fight even more.
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Post by EmperorIng »

Well, I might officially be a madman. TLDR; I did it.

Over the last few nights I was practicing the fight - and in addition, I was completing other areas to purchase the remaining ships (one to go as of this posting - the Assault).

I managed to beat Gigantic Bite in Bedon one or two more times, so I thought I was 'ready' to just start grinding Suriaha with the presets (Legend, no extra shields other than what you find). Between mountains of mistakes, I started to get some pretty reliable routes down, and figure out some scoring opportunities as my survival improved. Of course, this meant learning how to successfully burst-counter bosses to death, and take advantage of burst-counter lasering large chunks of stages where those special enemies appeared.

The fight with Bite itself is pretty tough, of course. One particular highlight: I initially wasn't prepared for the classic Darius "hurry the fuck up" cubes to appear if you took too long. In fact, one close-call run ended unceremoniously when those cubes spawned underneath me and collided into me, making me lose my shield and last life.

However, in one lucky run -between frantic laser shields, hurried movement, and precarious misdirection of enemy fire- I won out. Gigantic Bite fell down, during that particularly odious attack where he sidles up to the left side of the screen, small sharks spawning below, and red bullets+needles making quick work of your laser+shields. I could scarcely believe it! I had even managed to record the playthrough, to mark my achievement. With heart beating as I came down from the adrenaline rush, I watched the credits with satisfaction, taking in the goofy story that had somehow been told without my knowledge (Azure Nightmare is a transdimensional being that fused with the humans post-game to guide them in their evolution? What?).

After basking in the victory (final score: 201 million - ranked ~86th or so), I thought about uploading this run. Watching the footage it quickly dawned on me: there was no sound. I had misdirected the audio input for OBS. This made my victory turn sour pretty quick. I basically told myself that if I did it once, I'll do it again, and went back the next day. After making sure I had the audio right, I started grinding runs, again. More failures, but at least that meant more practice with Bite's patterns, and learning how to optimize scoring potential where I can - pacing the bosses so they die during their burst laser offensives, getting wave bonuses, etc.

After a while, another success, with proper audio this time. The problem? 199 million! A lower score than my previous attempt. That, I knew right away, was unacceptable. I can upload a video where my own score was worse than my best. I had a great run with 205 million during the fight, so I was on pace for a new PB, except I die during the run, to those suicide cubes.

So, there I go, again practicing on Christmas Eve's Eve late at night, until I get a pretty sloppy run with lots of mistakes. I get to Gigantic Bite with 19 shields - I knew I was going to lose, because that was just simply not enough to survive. The fight was down to my last life, and without a shield... and all of the sudden, I win! I really did not expect to do so. Final score: 202 million. A tiny improvement, but I'll take it! I upload it to my channel for posterity's sake, thinking I've had enough.

But in the back of my mind I thought to myself "Well, if you knew you could get to the final boss with a higher score than this, why don't you?" Do you see what I mean by crazy?

So on Christmas Eve morning, before I spend the rest of the day partying, cooking, etc., I go back to Suriaha, and really apply myself for a final bout at this campaign. I try new things to get more wave bonuses. I really pay attention to boss bursts and damage indicators. This one still has lots of sloppy mistakes - too many hits to popcorn zako, messing up to Azure Nightmare, etc. I get to Gigantic Bite with.. 18 shields! Even less. I'm skeptical of my chances, but I forge ahead. Against my own expectations, I win the fight, again, and crush my previous best, with a final score of 227 million!

I submit that run here now if anyone wants to see what "Legend"s are made of. 8)
Dariusburst - Suriaha clear with all defaults

If you are interested in my 'scrape by by my teeth' clear, you can watch my GB fight here.

Am I done? I might be, now. I wanted to push myself even higher in the rankings (just check the top score at the end of my video!), but I can say that I've beaten this final zone no less than 4 times now!

Did you know that Christmas Eve was the 10th anniversary of Dariusburst's initial PSP release? 2009/12/24. The game that started it all. I so badly wanted a PSP to play it back then. It's a good thing the game improved so much since that initial version. I think uploading these runs on the game's 10th birthday is a good present to it. I'm also glad that I'm taking the time to really rediscover what this game has to offer.
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Post by EmperorIng »

EmperorIng wrote:Zone S in particular is very annoying with a thousand floating boxes coming at you at sixty miles-per-hour, with power-ups tucked in so deep that you inevitably get hit and are underpowered for the bosses. Fuck that.
A few weeks later and I can confirm that these feelings are 100% accurate, if not understated. Stupid fucking box stages, why is this game so fond of them?

I'm currently practicing OSX, not really for scoring potential, but because I don't want to just repeat previous stages on my way to zone X (e.g. I already did PTY, so I don't want to do PSX or PTX). I like QTX quite a bit actually as a route. Scoring opportunities are pretty good in them thanks to mid-stage burst counter bonuses. But again, I want to record a run at the moment that doesn't have repeats. :mrgreen: I can see myself tackling QUY and QUZ afterwards.

Zone S and X are way harder than T or Y, both for scoring and survival. S has the boxes, which eat up your shots, and distract you from the waves by dangling in crucial shot/shield pickups. Halfway through the stage you also have those annoying swarms of enemies that shimmy around and pepper you from top and bottom, making it very difficult to dodge, even IF you have a defensive laser set up.

X isn't too bad, but that one section towards the mid/end with the Coronatus, and the turret pillars top and bottom, all firing away... I have a laser set up as a shield and hide in the bottom left corner... I don't even attempt to score. Of course after that is another fast moving section with... boxes. Seriously, couldn't they have thought of something cooler? Dreadful Whip is certainly the toughest boss I've fought outside of GTV. I never even saw it go into a burst mode when I credit fed just to see all the patterns.

On a different note: I discovered, thanks to some replay watching, that boss parts destroyed with burst (and particularly burst counter) have the same multipliers applied to them as do regular waves. This changes up my approaches to bosses a lot! I had already intuited that the bosses worked on G-Darius rules (that is, you ought to kill them with a counter burst), but the boss part destruction bonuses are significant: for example, destroying Knight Fossil's dorsal fin and one of his side fins with the burst counter (along with the boss himself) is the difference between finishing Zone O with a score of 11/12 mill and 30 million! That gives one hint as to how the top scores for these routes are typically double mine.

I also learned through experimentation that it seems as if the multiplier bonus you receive for enemy waves is dependent, partially, on how much of the wave you kill with the Burst. This one doesn't seem to be as clear-cut, so if someone knows how the multiplier bonuses work, please chime in!
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Post by Neorebel »

Quick question guys - did the standard version of Darius Burst from LRG on PS4 come with an instruction manual or inner insert similar to Battle Garegga? Trying to determine if the copy I got on ebay is missing it. Thanks :)
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Post by BurlyHeart »

Picked this back up again last night, partly inspired by EmperorIng's posts. I'm a Darius noob and didn't care much for the game back when I first played it, but last night I had an absolute blast.

Played through AC Original route ADH, getting to the final boss (Violent Ruler) with 2 lives before dying a lot. Did a bit of CS mode too completing the first few stages easy enough. Also had a look through digital booklet and some of the 3D boss designs are incredible, as are their names!

It's a fun game and not too taxing in the earlier stages. The scope of the game is daunting tho! There's seems like so much to see and complete. It can be quite hard to figure out what to do at first. Shame there's no physical manual (to my knowledge) but I did find a useful one online at their official site. I'll stick with the easier routes on arcade until I can clear them while doing a few missions on CS.
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No missed ADH, with a score just under 8million. Switched to the Gaiden ship and I'm loving it. VERY happy as I was only going for a 1cc but ended up not dying at all. Also, something happened during the Violent Ruler fight that I had never experienced in a shmup before - it was like I became super aware or 'in the zone' as the say. I could see everything really easily. Was a hell of a rush.

On to the next route 8)
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Post by CloudyMusic »

BurlyHeart wrote:No missed ADH, with a score just under 8million. Switched to the Gaiden ship and I'm loving it. VERY happy as I was only going for a 1cc but ended up not dying at all. Also, something happened during the Violent Ruler fight that I had never experienced in a shmup before - it was like I became super aware or 'in the zone' as the say. I could see everything really easily. Was a hell of a rush.

On to the next route 8)
Congrats, and thumbs up for using Gaiden, my ship of choice too :wink: The high autofire rate and Black Hole Bomb are very satisfying.
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Post by EmperorIng »

BurlyHeart wrote:No missed ADH, with a score just under 8million. Switched to the Gaiden ship and I'm loving it. VERY happy as I was only going for a 1cc but ended up not dying at all. Also, something happened during the Violent Ruler fight that I had never experienced in a shmup before - it was like I became super aware or 'in the zone' as the say. I could see everything really easily. Was a hell of a rush.
Nice job on the No-Miss! Gaiden ship can be tough without the burst but the black hole bomb makes for some cathartic enemy destruction.

I've had that feeling before, especially during this game. It's like all the bullets slow down and you see all the paths through the patterns. Every now and again this happens to me during Violent/Golden Ruler, but not all the time :wink: I agree also that the game grew on me - I was 'meh' on it for a good while before it clicked with me recently.
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Post by Special World »

Does anyone have a good superplay video that demonstrates scoring in this game? I've watched some vids but i haven't seen a lot of laser duels or anything, which i am told is this games bread and butter (?)
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Post by CloudyMusic »

Most of the ship types score in different ways, so it depends on what ship you use.
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Post by BurlyHeart »

Thanks guys, I'm really happy. It's my first proper traditional style shmup clear.

I like Gaiden's no nonsense big bullets and the black hole bomb is so violent. Seems to do a ton of damage to bosses too.

@CloudyMusic, actually I watched your video vs Violent Ruler as I was having trouble when it lays at the bottom of the screen, moves forward and shoots a ton of bullets upwards. Without a fixed burst, I couldn't get across the screen without dying. The trick was to just go a little earlier and bomb when returning. Was also impressed with your tactic of going behind the boss, tho I didn't try implement it in my run.

Would like to improve my score, but there's so much to do in this game I'll just move onto to the next route.
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Post by BurlyHeart »

Actually I made a mistake - my score for ADH was over 90,000,000.
Had a quick run through AEI. Killed Thousand Knives no problem, but Ancient Barrage is an absolute beast! Gonna take some practicing (which I am sure is a mode many have requested).
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Cleared route ADI with a score of over 84m. Just missed(!) the no-miss getting hit by a unseen bullet 5 seconds before a Thousand Knives died. A no miss would've been a nice score boost so was frustrating :lol: Still good for No.59 in the rankings.

Also been grinding Zone E - Ancient Barrage (turtle) is a real jerk! Have her patterns down, but when I think I have it in the bag, I die and then die more. Does anyone know where she is located in CS mode so I can practice her quicker?
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Post by Special World »

CloudyMusic wrote:Most of the ship types score in different ways, so it depends on what ship you use.
How about scoring for the Gaiden ship? Does the bomb increase your score or are you just trying to kill all the dudes in a formation to get a multiplier?
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Post by CloudyMusic »

Special World wrote:
CloudyMusic wrote:Most of the ship types score in different ways, so it depends on what ship you use.
How about scoring for the Gaiden ship? Does the bomb increase your score or are you just trying to kill all the dudes in a formation to get a multiplier?
Anything killed with the bomb gives an additional x4 multiplier, which means a maximum of x96 if your base multiplier is at the max of x24. Killing high-value targets (boss parts, large enemies, huge zako formations) with the bomb is very important. Also keeping your shot at one of the single green wave versions (large or small) is very important, as it recharges your bomb meter much much faster for whatever reason.
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Post by Special World »

Amazing, thank you. So when i take out a formation, say, i get the x24 multiplier at the end. So does that mean it is most important to get the "last kill" for the formation with the bomb?

Also, call me a Darius noob, but does that mean i only want to pick up green and white powerups? I dont exactly get the powerup level system in this.

Noob thoughts: I feel like i'm super meh on the burst ships, but the Gaiden one is quite fun. Not sure if there are any other really fun ones. Major increase in difficulty between the easy tier and normal tier. I got pwned by Violent's lasers, so i'm gonna have to look that up. Couldn't see an escape; i assume i have to bomb to block them.
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