Pause Menu
自機セレ前: Before character select
自機セレ後: After character select
LOAD直後: At Quick Load point
Game Setting
System Settings
遅延対応設定: Input delay reduction. ON = less delay.
リプレイ自動登録設定: Automatically save replays. If off, it will prompt you after every run. If turned on and your replay storage is full, the lowest-scoring replay that you have not "locked" will be overwritten.
オートスタート: Auto-start. If on, the game will automatically start up your last-selected game mode after the opening movie has finished playing.
起動時のプレイサイド設定: Player side at game startup
Other Settings
パワーショットフルオート設定: Power shot full auto
デモ中の効果音設定: Attract mode sound
コンティニュー設定: Continues allowed
起動時表記の自動スキップ: Automatically skip the start-up warning screen
エンディングのスキップ設定: Automatically skip the ending
倍率カウンター表示: Show multiplier counter (常時ON = always on)
クイックリスタート設定: Quick Restart setting (see "Restart" above)
ボス体力の形態変化ポイント表示: Display phase change indicators on boss lifebars (like many later Cave games)
アーケード基板のサウンド再現: Reproduce PCB-faithful sound limitations
プレイヤーセレクト時の制限時間: Character selection time limit (9 sec or 99 sec)
プレイヤーの当たり判定表示: Display player hitbox
Ψセット システムボイス設定: "Psy" modes: system voice
- システムボイス(男): System voice (male)
- システムボイス(女): System voice (female)
- 相模祐介: Yusuke Sagami
- 美作いろり: Irori Mimasaka
- アリスマスター: Alice Master
- 近江覚: Satoru Oumi
- ガラ婦人: Ms. Garra
- 音量 小: Quiet
- 音量 中: Moderate
- 音量 大: Loud
- 音量 特大: Extra loud
Ψセット: "Psy" mode: use new character select artwork and character voices. Alice Master (the TLB) will appear. Alice Master (the character) can be selected if you've unlocked her.
ゲーム難易度設定: Difficulty setting
エクステンド設定: Extend setting
- 400万・800万: 4 million, 8 million
- 200万・500万: 2 million, 5 million
- EVERY 200万: every 2 million
- EVERY 100万: every 1 million
- EVERY 50万: every 500,000
オートリアー設定: Auto-barrier
当たり判定の縮小: Hitbox size reduction
- 縮小しない: Do not reduce
- わずかに縮小: Slightly reduced
- 縮小: Reduced
- 大幅に縮小: Drastically reduced
- 初期値200, 増分100: Initial value 200, increment of 100
- 初期値100, 増分50: Initial value 100, increment of 50
- 初期値50, 増分0: Initial value 50, increment of 0
Controller Setting
Square/Y button: cycle rapid fire setting for the highlighted button.
Screen Setting
画面回転方向: Screen rotation direction
Simple presets:
- 横画面くっきり: Horizontal, clean scaling
- 横画面フィット: Horizontal, fit to screen
- 横画面レトロモニター: Horizontal, retro monitor
- 縦画面くっきり(左回転): Vertical, clean scaling (left rotate)
- 縦画面フィット(左回転): Vertical, fit to screen (left rotate)
- 縦画面レトロモニター(左回転): Vertical, retro monitor (left rotate)
- フィット: Fit
- ドットバイドット: Dot by dot
- マニュアル: Manual
スキャンライン設定: Scanlines
壁紙設定: Wallpaper
Sound Setting
BGMボリューム設定: Background music volume
効果音ボリューム設定: Sound effects volume
Ranking Viewer
All Ranking
Circle button: Download replay
Square button: Show details
Triangle button: Show my position
Local Ranking
Circle button: Play replay
Square button: Show details
Replay Theater
Replay Filter Setting
Replay Type
- ロック中: Locked
- アンロック: Unlocked
- 最新のリプレイ: Newest replays
- スコアの高い順: Highest-scoring replays
Cross button: Return to filter settings
Square button: Lock replay
Triangle (long press): Delete replay
Arcade Challenge
("Training" in this context refers to the forced rewind-and-replay sequence whenever you die.)
Triangle/X: Auto-select (the game will choose a challenge for you)
Square/Y: Change player side
Options/Start: Return to main menu
Normal Training
Train 1 time upon death, guard barrier allowed
Sparta Training
Train 3 times upon death, guard barrier forbidden
Arcade Osarai
This is a mode where records of your past deaths in Arcade mode are collected, allowing you to re-play them to fix your mistakes and earn points that are used in rankings.
Circle/A: Play the selected segment
Triangle/X: Auto-select (the game will choose a segment for you)
Square/Y: View rankings
Options/Start: Return to main menu