Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 owner)

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Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 owner)

Post by Xyga »

So it goes without saying the 360 is old enough to be a 'retrogaming' platform, although besides the obvious shmups it is a bit difficult to remember which games remained exclusive to the system and worth playing/owning.

Assuming no PS3 owner (to which you could add no Xbone), what can you think about that's not been ported to PC or PS4 etc ?

All genres and regions welcome. LIVE exclusives and DLC entirely gone are out.

EDIT: that's probably a rather short list, that's why it is a bit hard to build.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by kitten »

armored core 4 and for answer are both exclusive to that generation. really fast-paced mech action titles that differentiate themselves a fair bit from both preceding and future AC titles by being heavily focused on tricky aerial combat. i got the highest marks possible in 4 on the hardest difficulty, but burned out somewhere during for answer and never got to giving it quite the same treatment. for answer has some battles against comically enormous super-structure mechs that are pretty impressive. i overall feel like daemon x machina did what these games did a bit better, but they hold their own appeal and have some benefits over that game. the competitive multiplayer scene might be dead at this point, but if you watched JP player replays of high-skill matches, the maneuvering will blow your mind.

technically, AC5 and verdict day are also exclusives, but they were too heavily focused on territorial squad battles, and the territories in the US were horribly poorly considered right from the start. i imagine they're wastelands at this point, but i think the servers are at least still up, unlike with chromehounds.

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asura's wrath is like playing a shonen anime and a hell of a lot of fun. if you've ever enjoyed a cyberconnect 2 stint (like the .hack series or little tail bronx series [e.g. tail concerto]), i feel like this is worth checking out. surprisingly competent brawling mechanics, though a considerable portion of the game is capped with quick-time events. i personally feel like the QTE's work intrinsically well with the game's presentation and that people mostly hated on that because it was a meme to hate QTE's at the time (even though they were acclaimed at first despite the abundance of them in the stellar RE4). absolutely not on the level of being comparable to something like dragon's lair as some made it out to be. i really and genuinely got massively engaged in this game and think it is badly overlooked. i thought even at the time the narrative ended at a fair point, but a lot of people hated the cliffhanger - it later got wrapped up as dlc rather than a sequel, and people got outraged at that, too.

the game also features some additional DLC - two chapters that are done by prolific anime studios that are literally just a series of QTE's but still surprisingly engaging and a treat for the eyes, and two chapters where you battle ryu and akuma from street fighter. i enjoyed these a lot. the game has really, really superb art direction and i suggest reading this series of articles starting with this one on the game's art and interesting interpretations. it's a little bit sexist and a little bit stupid, but i probably don't need to preface that for this forum - if anything, it might be encouragement. again, it's like you're playing a shonen anime, and a really fun one, at that. you play the game for that hot-blooded anime thrill you get from watching shit like gurren lagann, first and foremost.

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earth defense force 2017 technically got an enhanced vita port (some of the enhancements arguably damage the balancing and you could consider it a near-different game), but i'm putting it here, anyway. got a friend who will actually couch co-op with you? you want to pick this up. it's not the best shooter and it's certainly not the best looking, but there's an addictive grind through something like 50 missions on 5 different difficulty levels where you just blow the fuck out of some ants with increasingly bigger and badder guns. very silly atmosphere and great, dumb fun.

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fable II never got ported to PC, unlike both fable and fable III, and it's my favorite of the trilogy. somewhat like a combination of the sims meets zelda, fable II has a charming, quaint little world you occupy for your game-long power fantasy of either being an adored saint or comically shit-headed mother fucker. or you can just be capricious, but it's more fun to swing one direction or another. fable III kinda clogs the game up a lot and fable lacks a lot of the depth of interactive elements (while also only allowing you to play as the boy, even in the remake), this one gets it just right. there's some stupid elements i dislike like becoming a roided muscle beast if you upgrade strength (III fixes this and makes those cosmetic changes not just tied to leveling), but i usually only upgrade skill (ranged weapons) when i play and just become some 7-foot-tall benevolent gun deva, instead.

there's a few actually clever ideas w/r/t player consequence in this game that i feel like later games should have capitalized on, like moral choices actually punishing you for choosing the "good" option by removing hard-earned level-ups or even worse irreversible cosmetic changes. there's one particular late-game decision that i always choose the cruel choice on despite playing the game almost entirely as a saint, whereas most games with these moral choices make it too easy to just pick the morally generous choice every time. the game is a bit embarrassing about the implementation of some elements and needlessly easy, but if you're easily charmed by god sims and wish you could play one that's a more grounded, third-person adventure, this should be up your alley. we're well past the molyneux lying hype, and you can look at this game for the neat & fun stuff it did instead of wondering where all the lofty, promised features are.

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gears of war 2 is an extremely solid co-op shooter that largely improves on the first game. with high quality enemy variety, weapon balancing, and general combat mechanics, this game is a treat to play through with a friend and a very solid experience on one's own. unfortunately doesn't do a lot to really mitigate how monotone the visuals of the first game were and still suffers from issues like pacing bumps or occasionally fucking awful boss fights and gimmick areas, i still highly recommend this for both online & couch co-op. also, your default gun has a chainsaw on it, and you can rip dudes in half from the groin up if you hit them from behind. comical overkill violence in this game feels great.

the story is dumb and even dumber if you look into the extended lore, but just ignore it or laugh at the meat men's attempts at spinning drama. at the end of this game, the good guys establish rape camps to reproduce the human race and the bad guys reproduced exclusively through raping their humongous violent females the whole time. also, several characters get raped in the books, and the raddest girl in 3 i think fed her rapist their genitals or something insane. most of this is backstory, but the rape camps become a huge point of critique in 4, and it was apparently supposed to satirize fascist governments or something? fucking i don't know. don't look into gears lore. funny meat men.

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gears of war 3 is the crowning achievement of the gears series and very genuinely one of my all-time favorite games. i really consider this game a masterpiece, and it has enemy & setpiece variety on a level of satisfying mechanical execution comparable to something like doom. gorgeous visuals with occasional huge breaks from the grungey looks of the previous games, a 4p horde mode that revolutionized those kinds of modes in these games, a rock-solid campaign - this game is seriously just excellent. though it has up to 4 player campaign co-op, it's best played with just one partner, as too many starts to unravel the balancing a bit. the only serious downer on this game is that the last boss - when played on the hardest difficulty - is shockingly miserable. this game finally undoes the gears curse of shitty boss fights for every other encounter being near-golden and fluidly co-op centric, but the topper to this game is an incredibly out-of-place, fuckawful conclusion of a boss.

i really strongly suggest playing through the first two games before this, but this game is so good that if you've otherwise discounted the series, at least try this with a friend. i've seriously had more fun with gears 3 co-op than nearly any other tps/fps, and i've given that genre a pretty damn fair go. gears judgment completely blows and 4 gets the series back on track (better than 2 but doesn't hit 3's heights), but is on the xbone and pc, not the 360.

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was going to mention some halo games, but i think the master chief collection is finally hitting pc, so...?

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nier sucks, yoko taro is a hack, bite my ass. Image shitting on this before anyone gets a recommendation in, just listen to the soundtrack, instead. i really think he's an abysmal director and worse yet, just stupid. "but kitten, you recommend asura's wrath" - listen, asura's wrath knows that it is stupid. it revels in it. it is humble. there is hardly a director in games who so transparently and sentimentally tries to manipulate your feelings in such shamelessly ostentatious ways as he does, but it's all delivered with the utmost pretentiousness and as if the player is this naive, small child ready to be rocked by wave after wave of the game's noble depth of emotion and challenging philosophies. i'm all for myopically depressive stories on the state of the human condition, but not from someone as sophomoric as this chump. if i want to watch a depressed japanese man dissect himself in all his ugliness through obscenely bloated narrative dumps i'd rather play metal gear.

actually, thinking about it, i guess spec-ops: the line is probably the western equivalent of this kind of unchecked self-importance and patronizing bullshit. instead of a medciore ARPG, it's the western genre-of-choice, a mediocre TPS, though. it's available on pc, however.

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prey. just kidding. that game is jarringly fukken bad. also it's apparently available on everything, even the venerable zeebo.


what is... a zeebo.

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shadows of the damned is a pretty serviceable RE4-like if you can tolerate or enjoy the nonstop stream of dick jokes, totally shameless obsession with the titty damsel, and suda51's somehow increasingly juvenile and chauvinist understanding of sexuality that was near the humiliatingly stupid lollipop chainsaw's level of peaking at about this point. play this on hard mode right off the bat, it's disappointingly a bit easy even still, but i feel like i can never just put this genre down. akira yamaoka even did some tracks for this - kind of a limited selection, but i really like this one. shinji mikami was apparently involved, too.

this game has been kind of forgotten since the evil within came out and thoroughly outclassed it, but it's worth a spin if you've already played that, all the dead space games, RE4, and frankly, also dark sector. that's surely someone on here. gosh, i would have never gotten tired of RE4 clones ; __ ;

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as far as xbla goes (RIP xblig, i would have had a lot to recommend, here, actually) -

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i have fond memories of the first 'splosion man, an action-platformer of sorts, but i can't give it a full recommendation because it has been forever and i had some sort of weird inclination toward the novelty of the service clouding my judgment a bit, back then. i thought it had some pretty decent pacing and level design, but that its sequel, ms. splosion man (which apparently recently received a switch port), was filled with awkward physics sabotaging the design and an overt trial-and-error slant which drove me straight to hating it. felt like everything done badly in the first game done much worse.

the developer, twisted pixel, also did this really cute 3D platformer-minus-the-platforming game by the name of the maw, which i'd similarly like to recommend but can't trust my memory well enough, but apparently got a windows port, anyway. were there some exclusive 360 levels or something? i... can't remember. i do remember confidently that their run 'n gun, comic jumper, which is still exclusive, was fucking abysmal.

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bangai-o: missile fury was... definitely a game. i wasn't a big fan of it, and bangai-o fans were decidedly mixed, but it's definitely worth bringing up in this thread for reference. takes the puzzle-solving orientation of spirits in a more extreme direction and has some occasionally seriously tough trial-and-error play. i've seen different people take different stances on all 3 games, and seen people strongly prefer one of the three above each of the others. can't say if this one is the best, i only ever liked the original and not that much - i'm no big treasure fan - but it's still trapped in the XBLA-exclusive library and a real treasure game.

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castlevania: harmony of despair is a severe mish-mash and butchering of assets from throughout the series history, but is a surprisingly good instance-runner. pick a dungeon and then start paring down your time on how quickly you can run it, get good enough equips from the one lower on the rung and move onto the next. this is a pretty addictive little game if you can get so much as a single friend to play it with, but it's just as good with a dedicated party. can be a tremendous fucking timesink, though.

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the dishwasher: dead samurai has an aesthetic that is incredibly, unmistakably that of a deviantart user who went through a period of obsession with jhonen vasquez, but the mechanics are surprisingly solid and it's a great translation of 3D hack 'n slash combat (ala itagaki ninja gaiden) to a more readable and precise 2D plane. i liked this game a lot, and the sequel is similarly quite good, perhaps even a bit better. very tough but highly satisfying. i feel like this is a weak blurb but i really did quite enjoy both of these games.

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from dust is a big personal favorite that got completely forgotten very, very quickly. literal sandbox game by eric chahi (heart of darkness, out of this world - two games i hate) where you try to grow a couple of small tribes of people by scooping up dirt and moving it around. you can also scoop lava and water, or dump one on the other to build solid ground. this game puts you in a very meditative mood and is reminiscent of old molyneux god sims (including a direct reference to him in a bonus stage) in a good way. i really enjoyed just scooping and moving stuff, but i very sincerely probably have undiagnosed autism and will literally spend eight hours in a row digging a cubic hole in a cliff in minecraft, so maybe temper your expectations if your brain isn't similarly damaged.

i really and honestly do love that game despite its flaws and enjoyed screwing around in it for hours. it maintains enough pretense of a challenge or objective to keep you from falling asleep but otherwise allows for some really joyful sculpting of the environment.

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fruit ninja kinect technically got a sequel on the xbox one, but this game is actually pretty fucking fun if you have one of these dumb peripherals and the room to use it. swing your arms around like an idiot, get a high score, get a higher score, get surprisingly addicted to getting the perfect score. i think i was top 10 on the leaderboards at some point...

hole in the wall is a game based on the short-lived game show that was an import of a japanese game show that caught popularity on youtube for a video titled "human tetris" or something. you make shapes and try to hold them as a pretend wall closes in on you, forcing you to squeeze through it. fun party game, very silly. getting grouped with fruit ninja kinect as part of the "i have a kinect and i guess i want to do something with it???" category. this is possibly de-listed at this point, but whatever, it did get a physical version that is very cheap at this point, too.

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holy shit why did i write so much
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

There is no arguing with people that worship Nier and Nier Automata. They think it's deep because they've never once read a book or watched good old cinema.

Red Dead Redemption if you like that style of game and/or westerns.

Beautiful Katamari (should be actually exclusive still)

Lost Odyssey (fuckin duh best game on the 360)

Eternal Sonata

Blue Dragon

Alpha Protocol (fight me also I guess this is on PC but w/e I'm bringing it up)

Singularity (same as above)

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (PC SUX)

Lollipop Chainsaw (this game is stupid but it's fun and short FUCK YEAH)

Shadows of the Damned (seconding kitten's rec)
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by mamboFoxtrot »

doesn't seem like Hard Corps: Uprising has been ported to anything outside of 360/PS3 yet

going over my other 360 games, can't find anything else (of the non-shmup variety) that I played much of that hasn't been ported to PC by now
unless you want to count that Guardian Heroes port. (technically exclusive since it brought a whole new set of mechanics via Remix Mode)
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by kitten »

steamflogger, good mention on singularity, i can't believe i forgot about it. Image (edit: oh wait you said it's on pc lmao, maybe that's why) that one is really disappointingly easy, but is probably raven software's last hurrah before they succumbed to being the call of duty multiplayer map pack team ; __ ; has some really neat little gimmicks to it and is worth a play, but another one of those "start immediately on hard" games. i kinda liked wolfenstein 09 back in the day (holy shit as that a fucking decade ago???), too, which was also by them, but i remember not thinking it was so hot on a revisit. maybe i was just really in loved with nazi throat-stabbing and the cool gurgly death noises they made when you did that. it also used an idtech engine and had actually satisfying weight to its physics. iirc there's some common save corruption bugs on the 360 version of that made me lose a playthrough, though!

i have meant to play lost odyssey for five thousand years and never done it, but god damn, what a fantastic soundtrack. it's hard to listen to something like this and not miss the glory days of japanese composers in games. tracks like this one remind me of going through midgar and shinra HQ and there's direct, obvious homage to J-E-N-O-V-A in what might be the most badass final boss theme of all time. soundtrack seriously has huge FF7 vibes but is frankly better and i love it. this was around the time i seriously just lost the attention span for most jrpgs, so i never played it, but i feel i often lived the experience with the music.

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speaking of rpgs i never actually played, didn't a lot of people like resonance of fate? anyone got opinions on that?
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Lost Odyssey is so good, easily the best JRPG that generation and near the top overall for me. I loved it but I understand burning out on JRPGs and not wanting to play them for a bit. I go hot and cold with it and usually something great brings me back around.

I couldn't get into Resonance of Fate at all. I tried but just wasn't feeling it. I believe it is still gen exclusive though.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by kitten »

resonance of fate apparently just got a pc and ps4 remaster less than a year ago, hadn't even heard. someone had to bring it up to me - the wikipedia blurb when you search doesn't even mention when you search "resonance of fate," you've got to actually click the article lol
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by iconoclast »

Ninja Gaiden II - Peak of action gaming (PS3 version is butchered shite)
Child of Eden - Rez with better gameplay and a worse A/V presentation
Hard Corps Uprising - Best Contra
Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge
Bangai-O HD
Ace Combat 6
Blue Dragon
Project Gotham Racing 4
Operation Darkness
Gears of War 3
Project Sylpheed: Arc of Deception
Armored Core For Answer
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom
WET - solid second-rate TPS, underrated.
No More Heroes - On an extremely short list of games that's best on Wii
Nin2 Jump

That's probably all I liked that's still only on 360+PS3
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Operation Darkness is actual kusoge right? Not saying kusoge can't be enjoyed but I feel like this should be mentioned.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by iconoclast »

Nah it's a good strategy RPG. It just has Dreamcast tier graphics.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

I might have been thinking of something else. I remember trying a bunch of strategy games on 360 and quitting them all within an hour. Agarest War games are complete trash and so is Spectral Force 3. It's possible I didn't try Operation Darkness based on images I am looking at online.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Zaarock »

Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
Still the latest entry in the virtua fighter series. Graphics and all hold up well today and gameplay never gets old (those animations!)

Guardian Heroes XBLA (2nding this)
Not an exclusive per-se but this port is high quality & has tons of additional modes and features with thought put into them. The team who worked on this were super into the game and it shows. The remix mode rebalances all characters and makes boss AI smarter. It's mainly meant to balance versus mode but is a massive step up in difficulty if used for the main game and all characters play different. There's an expanded multiplayer lobby system that allows so much customization it looks like some fan made PC port instead of a digital console port.

I would highly recommend Afterburner Climax and Outrun Online Arcade but these are unobtainable now..

I remember hearing the Armored Core games run better on 360 until Verdict Day which fixed PS3 performance. Some hardcore fans bought 360s for them and some other games (much like shmups)
Virtual-On series ports on 360 are excellent but they're all out on a PS4 collection in less than two months.

re Resonance of Fate: I enjoyed it a lot at first. But felt like the last parts of the game was rushed/unfinished compared to stronger points around the middle. I'm a fan of Tri-Ace rpgs in general (Valkyrie Profile, Star Ocean 2 etc.)
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by ACSeraph »

From Software's Ninja Blade is an underrated third person hack and slash that nobody seems to remember. It predated Souls hype making From a household name, but if it came out today I'm sure everyone would blindly fawn over it.

Dead or Alive 4 is dirt cheap and great fun even for casual single play. It's an iconic 360 exclusive for me.

Samurai Showdown Sen is objectively terrible but it's a guilty pleasure of mine. It feels really brutal and the kills are extremely satisfying.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Wow I forgot Ninja Blade. That game is definitely worth a run.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Gespenst »

Gotta recommend Project Sylpheed as well, if you loved Strike Suit Zero series this plays fairly identically minus the mecha transformation aspect.

Larger scale battle (think Ace Combat 6 scale) and far less capital ship babysitting objectives are its plus point compared to SSZ. Otherwise the story is basically cookie cutter mecha show of its era (but you dun play it for the story either) and the game overly relies on multi lock weapons, to the point higher end anti-fighter missiles can lock up to whooping 60 targets simultaneously - thus makes most of the game as simplistic as "lock at every fighters you can see, spam missiles, flip, rinse and repeat" or keep spamming anti-capital ship rockets/cannons at capships although granted your anti-ship weapons are fairly underwhelming early on.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Xyga »

Intereting, several titles I forgot about or totally ignored back then.

Is the original Bayonetta still a rational pick here or no longer since the PC port ? (dunno, PC port could be laggier or whatever downsides)
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Zaarock »

Bayonetta PC should be the way to go. Much better framerates and less slowdown.

Same deal with Vanquish. You can also turn off things like motion blur which is great. Though that one has inaccuracies in terms of damage taken / dealt. They fixed a lot of it but now some things don't do enough dmg. Some things are affected by framerate. The highest difficulty and any challenge runs are a bit easier than originally. So it's not a super accurate port but still the way to go if you choose one version imo.

Ninja Blade also has a PC version. Hearing bad things about the port quality though..
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by BurlyHeart »

Assuming you don't have it on Dreamcast, Under Defeat is a great shmup, and Mamorukun Curse is not too bad either.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by TransatlanticFoe »

Re: Resonance of Fate (mentioned in block I am not even going to try to quote properly on my phone)...

It's a great concept but the execution is a bit disapponting. Its key mechanics are poorly explained and you will lose turns getting stuck on objects you swear you shouldn't have touched.

As it is, once you work out a few key strategies (armour breaks, use of jumps, lining up tri-actions or whatever they are called, managing debuffs) the game becomes rather trivial and the cinematic action wears a bit thin as you ease through encounters. The game mitigates this by basically not explaining anything important, so it's entirely possible to get stuck because you won't have even needed to develop a required strategy.

The overworld hexagon matching is a nice puzzle aspect but using it to chain status effects into dungeons is a little pointless because the effects apply to you as well - it's only really worthwhile for a second playthrough where you know what's ahead.

On paper it's great and if the whole core concept (submachine guns to build damage potential, pistols to finalise it, grenades to smash the shit of everything, build/chain attacks) appeals then it's worth a look. As awesome as it sounds, it can be frustrating in a couple of spots where you need to use rigid strategies you'll have had no cause to consider/know about... and it is largely unchallenging once you get your head around it.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by ZellSF »

Steamflogger Boss wrote:Operation Darkness is actual kusoge right? Not saying kusoge can't be enjoyed but I feel like this should be mentioned.
I'm not sure if you're going by your opinion or general opinion, but general opinion on strategy games can be trusted about as much as general opinion on shmups.

Can't comment on Operation Darkness though. Want to play it, but region locked :(.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Cannonballs »

So armored core 4 is better on 360 vs PS3?
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by kitten »

Cannonballs wrote:So armored core 4 is better on 360 vs PS3?
zaarock already said this - "I remember hearing the Armored Core games run better on 360 until Verdict Day which fixed PS3 performance. Some hardcore fans bought 360s for them and some other games (much like shmups)"

which is what iremember, too. i remember some enthusiasts of japanese gaming at the time being furious that it was marginally better on 360.

imho just play the one you like the controller most on.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Marc »

kitten wrote:i have meant to play lost odyssey for five thousand years and never done it, but god damn, what a fantastic soundtrack. it's hard to listen to something like this and not miss the glory days of japanese composers in games. tracks like this one remind me of going through midgar and shinra HQ and there's direct, obvious homage to J-E-N-O-V-A in what might be the most badass final boss theme of all time. soundtrack seriously has huge FF7 vibes but is frankly better and i love it. this was around the time i seriously just lost the attention span for most jrpgs, so i never played it, but i feel i often lived the experience with the music.
Honestly, I gave up on JRPG around the time of FF X and never missed them in the slightest.
I downloaded this when it went free on X360 for a week or so just in case, and it sat there unplayed for another 12 months.
I eventually got bored / in enough of a shitty mood to boot it up, and I'm so glad I did. It's as good as the best FF games, and actually managed to succeed in reminding me exactly why I used to enjoy this genre, when I'd spent a good.... 18 years..... thinking I was totally done with them.

Really would recommend making some time to dive into this. Only think is now, I enjoyed it so much I'm a bit worried that I'll struggle to find anything else that lives up to it. I tried FF XII-2 off the back of this and lasted all of a couple of hours. I've got Tales of... Zestiria(?), same story. I think I'll just be hanging on for FF VIIremake seeing as it's now confirmed to have a proper ATB option.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Jonny2x4 »

kitten wrote:
Cannonballs wrote:So armored core 4 is better on 360 vs PS3?
zaarock already said this - "I remember hearing the Armored Core games run better on 360 until Verdict Day which fixed PS3 performance. Some hardcore fans bought 360s for them and some other games (much like shmups)"

which is what iremember, too. i remember some enthusiasts of japanese gaming at the time being furious that it was marginally better on 360.

imho just play the one you like the controller most on.
I was under the impression that multiplats during the 7th gen generally ran better on the Xbox 360 over the PS3 and that PS3 versions only started becoming just as good as their 360 counterparts late in the generation once developers had a better understanding of the hardware. Part of it has to do with the fact that Sony went with the CELL processor, which was good for everything except actually running games on it. The only advantage the PS3 had over the 360 was the fact that it used Blu-ray instead of DVD as storage media, which allowed for lossless video and audio on games like Catherine.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by apatheticTurd »

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (the PC version is completely different, and so is the Xbox/PS2 iteration) is a very good game if you like shooters with very slight tactical elements like Star Wars Republic Commando.

I like Full Auto.
kitten wrote:
Cannonballs wrote:So armored core 4 is better on 360 vs PS3?
zaarock already said this - "I remember hearing the Armored Core games run better on 360 until Verdict Day which fixed PS3 performance. Some hardcore fans bought 360s for them and some other games (much like shmups)"

which is what iremember, too. i remember some enthusiasts of japanese gaming at the time being furious that it was marginally better on 360.

imho just play the one you like the controller most on.
Both Armored Core 4 and For Answer are considerably better on 360.

For AC4:

-Framerate. Both versions run at 60 FPS but missions that chug like a 3DO game on PS3 run mostly smooth on 360.

-Regulations. The game had balance patches called "Regulations" whose gimmick is that you could roll back to an earlier version if you didn't like the changes. The regulation servers on 360 are still up while the western ones for PS3 had taken down. FUrthermore the 360 version is at 1.60, while western PS3 only got to 1.40 before being taken down. (The caveat is that DLing the regulation files requires a Gold Xbox Live subscription, however).

- (If you care about them), the 360 version has cheevos while the PS3 version was released well before the Trophy system was implemented.

-FRS points. By doing certain task, you can unlock "FRS memory" to tune up certain aspects of the mech. The PS3 version caps out at 300 FRS but 360 has 337 total. This also means you can't replicate Berlioz's build on PS3.

For Answer doesn't have as many differences (and the PS3 version does have the exclusive feature of letting you carry over schematics you created and unlocked in AC4, though only the designs, not the parts or money) but it runs at 60 fps on 360 vs 30 fps on PS3 and 360 doesn't have the super-low framerate during Arms Forts battle bug.
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Shelcoof »

mamboFoxtrot wrote:doesn't seem like Hard Corps: Uprising has been ported to anything outside of 360/PS3 yet

going over my other 360 games, can't find anything else (of the non-shmup variety) that I played much of that hasn't been ported to PC by now
unless you want to count that Guardian Heroes port. (technically exclusive since it brought a whole new set of mechanics via Remix Mode)
Zaarock wrote:Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
Still the latest entry in the virtua fighter series. Graphics and all hold up well today and gameplay never gets old (those animations!)
Xbox One backwards compatible :D

ACSeraph wrote: Samurai Showdown Sen is objectively terrible but it's a guilty pleasure of mine. It feels really brutal and the kills are extremely satisfying.
Thank god someone else there likes Sen :D
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Obiwanshinobi »

(Never mind.)
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Obiwanshinobi »

apatheticTurd wrote:For Answer doesn't have as many differences (and the PS3 version does have the exclusive feature of letting you carry over schematics you created and unlocked in AC4, though only the designs, not the parts or money) but it runs at 60 fps on 360 vs 30 fps on PS3 and 360 doesn't have the super-low framerate during Arms Forts battle bug.
Wasn't it supposed to be that low only when playing Regulations later than 1.20?
Apologies for the double post.
Is the first Full Auto playable without resorting to "Unwreck" command? 2 is (and pretty good a game at that, although I wouldn't recommend resolutions higher than 720p, would gladly disable anti-aliasing in hope to improve framerates, too).
I might add, a PC game Crashday felt very akin to Full Auto 2: Battlelines, not in the least due to the former's framerate on my PC...
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Xyga »

Shelcoof wrote:Xbox One backwards compatible
Well the Xbone isn't really on my list of "reasons to skip a 360 release", because the backwards compatibility doesn't cover the whole library, and this current gen honestly the PS4 is the more interesting console to own.

IMHO looking at a making a 360 'short retro collection' if one could call it that, the main three game-excluding factors would be;
- significantly better PS3 port
- same quality or better PC port
- same quality or better PS4 port

Anyway thanks for all the inputs, it's kind of impressive how little of 7th gen is left of exclusive/orignal, if you have a JP/Asia 360 it's easy to end up with more shmups than all other genres combined. ^^
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Re: Xbox 360 retro: worthy exclusives ? (assuming no PS3 own

Post by Gespenst »

I might add, a PC game Crashday felt very akin to Full Auto 2: Battlelines, not in the least due to the former's framerate on my PC...
Crashday has more emphasis on traditional demolition derby, as a car combat game minigun and missiles are the only weapon everyone have when weapons are enabled and races are checkpoint based instead of closed circuit.
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