Radirgy S

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Re: Radirgy S

Post by GSK »

M.Knight wrote:Excellent news for the physical version but why a vinyl OST I wonder. Can't they just put it on a CD like normal, sane releases do?
There are VGM vinyl collectors who'll buy any old crap, as well as collectors of limited-print packages in general, who'll be all over this. If one wanted to ensure sales of their niche game at a certain price point, throwing in a vinyl is still a foolproof move. (If the collectors actually listened to some of the awful VGM vinyl out there it would have stopped working a long time ago, but here we are.)
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by M.Knight »

What a shame, though I can't say this surprises me that much. :lol:
Hopefully the soundtrack will also be available on its own later, as does every Milestone OST. Even the 3DS games have received soundtrack releases actually, so this one should be a no-brainer I think.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

So I ran a little experiment this weekend, with some surprising (at least to me) results.

I had two different casual gamers in my apartment this weekend ('casual' meaning they play Skyrim, Fallout, Fortnite, etc. No shooters at all) and I had them both check out Radirgy S, which they both really enjoyed.

The surprise came from me having them both play a little of the original Radirgy afterwards (which neither had played before) giving them some context and satisfying my curiosity. Both said they preferred S, which sort of shocked me. One described S as "a really enjoyable arcade game" while the original "was one of those grueling, punishing games." The other said that S "flowed better" and "eased you into the difficultly rather than trying to bury you right from the start" That person also like Space Invader mode better than the regular mode.

So, while this is a sample size of exactly two people, it does seem like there's some casual crossover potential, if Dispatch plays their hand correctly. They don't even need to worry about the casual set being unaware of the property because it doesn't seem like they'd be very interested in the proceeding titles anyway. If they give the digital version a reasonable price tag (ie don't try to gouge the hardcore) and do a little smart marketing, they may even have themselves a modest hit. At least from my perspective it seemed that both people I showed it to REALLY enjoyed it, they both played six or seven times, and I think both would probably buy it if the price was right and they were aware it even was released.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by FRO »

GSK wrote:
M.Knight wrote:Excellent news for the physical version but why a vinyl OST I wonder. Can't they just put it on a CD like normal, sane releases do?
There are VGM vinyl collectors who'll buy any old crap, as well as collectors of limited-print packages in general, who'll be all over this. If one wanted to ensure sales of their niche game at a certain price point, throwing in a vinyl is still a foolproof move. (If the collectors actually listened to some of the awful VGM vinyl out there it would have stopped working a long time ago, but here we are.)
I'm in that camp, where I like buying VGM OSTs on vinyl. Some of it is a love of the format, and some of it is the large format artwork, etc. I haven't been disappointed with the Gradius 1-3, Thunder Force IV, or Darius releases, so I'm hoping this is similar in quality. However, I'm not entirely confident in Dispatch, given how they've completely crapped the bed with Psyvariar Delta. I'm cautiously optimistic about this release, now that they've got that partnership with City Connection, but I'm still not giving them any more money until they deliver on what I've already paid for.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by GSK »

m.sniffles.esq wrote:So, while this is a sample size of exactly two people, it does seem like there's some casual crossover potential, if Dispatch plays their hand correctly. They don't even need to worry about the casual set being unaware of the property because it doesn't seem like they'd be very interested in the proceeding titles anyway. If they give the digital version a reasonable price tag (ie don't try to gouge the hardcore) and do a little smart marketing, they may even have themselves a modest hit. At least from my perspective it seemed that both people I showed it to REALLY enjoyed it, they both played six or seven times, and I think both would probably buy it if the price was right and they were aware it even was released.
They'll assuredly drop the price at some point (or it'll immediately drop due to low interest like every other Dispatch game) but the standard price is $30 and the collectors package is $50.
FRO wrote:I'm in that camp, where I like buying VGM OSTs on vinyl. Some of it is a love of the format, and some of it is the large format artwork, etc. I haven't been disappointed with the Gradius 1-3, Thunder Force IV, or Darius releases, so I'm hoping this is similar in quality. However, I'm not entirely confident in Dispatch, given how they've completely crapped the bed with Psyvariar Delta. I'm cautiously optimistic about this release, now that they've got that partnership with City Connection, but I'm still not giving them any more money until they deliver on what I've already paid for.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against VGM vinyl in general, there's just a lot of crap out there and some of the bigger VGM labels are the worst offenders. The ones you mentioned were done by reputable companies (STS, Data Discs), many aren't, and that's especially true of the vinyl that's produced exclusively as a promotional item.

I'm more against the trend of physical packages like these being aimed squarely at collectors and resellers--a lot of the new limited-print publishers brazenly pander to people who treat these things like trading cards and don't give the slightest shit about the actual product.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by Special World »

m.sniffles.esq wrote:So I ran a little experiment this weekend, with some surprising (at least to me) results.

I had two different casual gamers in my apartment this weekend ('casual' meaning they play Skyrim, Fallout, Fortnite, etc. No shooters at all) and I had them both check out Radirgy S, which they both really enjoyed.
Non-shmuppers are frequently surprising. When I was in college my roommates thought Eschatos had the best graphics of any of my shooting games, because it was in 3D and had perspective shifts. Not to slag on it--I think parts are actually really nice looking and the choreography is excellent. But it was a game I almost didn't buy because I thought it looked really low-rent.

Meanwhile Deathsmiles "looks like a sega saturn game." :roll: :wink:
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

Meanwhile Deathsmiles "looks like a sega saturn game."
That made me spit coffee this morning...

Not for nothing, Deathsmiles was another game I was convinced would do big crossover business as every 'casual' I showed it to seemed completely charmed by it.

That... didn't exactly work out.


While I understand that music licensing is big $$$$$, BUT, I wouldn't call getting this for the trailer "costly" but rather "a really sound investment"

PPS I've been hesitant to comment for various reasons, but I will throw a couple cents in by saying that the majority of these collector's edition VGM LPs aren't even remastered for analog media, meaning they sound like shit. But, the people who buy them couldn't care less because they're not concerned about how it sounds, only about what they can get for it.

But whatever, in my 30+ years of writing things on the internet, I've found that me and the collector set don't exactly see eye to eye on pretty much anything, and neither is going to change the other's mind any time soon.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by RawlingGunnar »

m.sniffles.esq wrote:So I ran a little experiment this weekend, with some surprising (at least to me) results.

I had two different casual gamers in my apartment this weekend ('casual' meaning they play Skyrim, Fallout, Fortnite, etc. No shooters at all) and I had them both check out Radirgy S, which they both really enjoyed.

The surprise came from me having them both play a little of the original Radirgy afterwards (which neither had played before) giving them some context and satisfying my curiosity. Both said they preferred S, which sort of shocked me. One described S as "a really enjoyable arcade game" while the original "was one of those grueling, punishing games." The other said that S "flowed better" and "eased you into the difficultly rather than trying to bury you right from the start" That person also like Space Invader mode better than the regular mode.

So, while this is a sample size of exactly two people, it does seem like there's some casual crossover potential, if Dispatch plays their hand correctly. They don't even need to worry about the casual set being unaware of the property because it doesn't seem like they'd be very interested in the proceeding titles anyway. If they give the digital version a reasonable price tag (ie don't try to gouge the hardcore) and do a little smart marketing, they may even have themselves a modest hit. At least from my perspective it seemed that both people I showed it to REALLY enjoyed it, they both played six or seven times, and I think both would probably buy it if the price was right and they were aware it even was released.
Should be "Trolling Gunner," amirite?
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

The LE Edition:
Personally, I thought the swag included (sorry) with the just announced Space Invaders Invincible LE is much cooler
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by Kiken »

Preordered the LE (according to the website it'll be limited to 500 pieces).
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

Earlier in the thread, there's was some question as to who exactly RS34 were (whether or not they were associated to Milestone at all, or a separate entity that bought the Radirgy license).

I found this article on 4gamer, and thanks to my superior google translate skills I was able to glom that it's basically two guys who were with Milestone from back in the Compile days. There was also the rumor that they were just Klon under a different name, and it seems that's untrue although they were both employees of Klon, I think (all of that seems a bit vague, but it could just be the translation).
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by RawlingGunnar »

I'm really liking that Radirgy Swag LE. I really need that in my life.
Should be "Trolling Gunner," amirite?
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

Something that's been bugging me is this
機体輸送券1/2/3/4: Mech transport ticket 1/2/3/4 - lets you start at progressively later parts of the game (rather than a continue, per se as mentioned by m.sniffles.esq above). 4 starts you in space.
If I select 4, and die pretty much instantly, I'll still post 222,000km on the leaderboard for doing nothing but pressing 'start' (I mean, I guess I had to do things to unlock that ability, but traveling that far was not one of them)

I'm guessing this is just an oversight that will hopefully get rectified in future releases, because as it stands, the distance leaderboard is pretty meaningless.

PS This game is really fucking addicting

Re: Radirgy S

Post by xxx1993 »

Is it true the game’s endless and there’s no bosses in the game?
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by mojilove »

xxx1993 wrote:Is it true the game’s endless and there’s no bosses in the game?
The game is endless, but only if you fulfill certain conditions (which I don't know yet) in a run. Only about 40 people on the online leaderboard have done this.
Also, the best players on the leaderboard have only got to about 35 minutes when playing endless. Your life gauge apparently goes down much more rapidly as you go further in a single endless run.

There are no bosses in the game. The developers mentioned in an interview that they were thinking of including bosses but they couldn't find a way to make it work with the flow of the game.
The flow of the game is to remain invincible by chain bombing, while trying to destroy as much as you can along the way - it is really exhilarating.
m.sniffles.esq wrote:If I select 4, and die pretty much instantly, I'll still post 222,000km on the leaderboard for doing nothing but pressing 'start' (I mean, I guess I had to do things to unlock that ability, but traveling that far was not one of them)
The distance leaderboard is split into like four main groups: (a) people who have gone past the moon; (b) people who have finished a run but have not gone past the moon; (c) people going at least to space (via ticket or otherwise); (d) none of the above.
There is a big gap between people who have gone past the moon and people who haven't in all the leaderboards. It would be generous if they split them for endless/non-endless conditions at least.

Re: Radirgy S

Post by xxx1993 »

So the game eventually ends, huh? I'm guessing this game mainly functions as a score attack or time attack kind of game, then.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by KAI »

It does, at least in this vid
https://twitter.com/koushikatyou/status ... 1529921537

No idea if the game has other modes aside of that one.

Re: Radirgy S

Post by xxx1993 »

If there are others, please tell me.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

I apologize if this is fucked up, i'm on my phone. Anyway, the game has an end. However, it is possible to go beyond the end by meeting certain criteria. Thus far, very few people have done so

Re: Radirgy S

Post by xxx1993 »

If anyone does so, please tell me.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

Okay, back on a real keyboard.
I'm guessing this game mainly functions as a score attack or time attack kind of game, then.
Kinda. Much like the original, it's sort of halfway between a caravan and survival title. There are no continues, it's 1cc or nothing, and getting that 1cc is no walk in the park.
If there are others, please tell me.

I guess you're talking about modes. And no, there's only one mode. As stated earlier in the thread, there are various enhancements/handicaps you can unlock and enable before you start, such as the 'space invader' mode, which places your mech at the bottom of the screen and only allows you to move left of right (my personal fave). But no score attack, arrange, etc.
If anyone does so, please tell me.
If you can read/write Japanese, there is this person. Who I'm pretty sure was the first person to do it. BTW (ATTN: mojilove) Their tweet on Jun 19th states you need to collect 30 stars before the moon (the end) in order to go past it. Speed doesn't matter contrary to previous reports.
後は実力勝負…頑張って。 #ラジルギスワッグ
---google translate sez---
Collect more than 30 "high waste" by the goal (details are unknown), you can go beyond the universe regardless of speed. After that, it ’s a game of strength. #Rajirgi Swag

Re: Radirgy S

Post by xxx1993 »

30 stars before the moon? I wonder what happens then? Maybe a bonus ending of sorts? Man, I hope someone uploads it on YouTube soon.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by mojilove »

Got past the moon!!!!!!!

I had seen that tweet from bbastg before, but someone else replied that they got 30 stars and it didn't work for them, so I was unsure.

I had aimed to get stars and regular junk items for many runs before but I didn't have the capacity to count them (too busy focusing on not dying).

Tried it just now and counted up to 30 stars and it kept going - no moon or ending at 384400km!
It's just endless waves of enemies past the moon as far as I know.

No need to worry about not getting hit (as a possible condition that people on twitter were guessing about) - just make sure to get speed items to keep the OVER going (simply to help build the bomb meter quicker - I came out of the OVER state midway, so it is not a requirement for endless), as well as the stars.
The real trick is in getting familiar enough with the game that you can look for star items on top of keeping your wi-fi gauge up and continuing to chain bomb.

280 mil score and 560 thousand km distance! I am now at the very bottom of the pack that got past the moon in the distance leaderboards :P

Good luck to everyone else in trying it - hope to see you all in outer space too!

Re: Radirgy S

Post by xxx1993 »

So it's just even more enemies, huh?
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

Wow! Congratulations mojilove!
You're in some truly rarified air, who cares if it's the bottom of the rarified air?

Seeing that I've only hit the moon twice, I doubt if I'm going past any time soon (although, I'm always sure to grab every star I see, just in case). Both times I hit the moon, I felt like Rocky in the 12th round, exhilarated, but completely exhausted. I can only imagine how you felt...
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by cj iwakura »

Final boss should be the original protagonist out for revenge.
heli wrote:Why is milestone director in prison ?, are his game to difficult ?

Re: Radirgy S

Post by xxx1993 »

Why would you think that? I doubt Shizuru would hold a personal vendetta.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by cj iwakura »

As a joke.
heli wrote:Why is milestone director in prison ?, are his game to difficult ?
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by mojilove »

Thank you m.sniffles.esq! I actually got that score at night as I couldn't get to sleep. Getting past the moon for the first time didn't help me get to bed at all hahaha

Just got 680 mil score and 1 mil km in a really good run - very lucky with life items!

Discovered something new: there is a "strong sword" which is maybe stronger than the regular sword?
I think you can get it if you collect about 30 of the regular junk items in a run.
You also get them by default with the "budget engine" or "evader OS" items, if you select the mech on the right and you use the green wide shot (it won't be available by default if you switch to the red X-shaped shot, but you will have it again if you switch back in the middle of a run.)

The strong sword slashes with a purple colour, as opposed to the regular blue colour.

I just got my new score with the budget engine - such a good game!!
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

The strong sword slashes with a purple colour, as opposed to the regular blue colour.
Whenever I play the mech on the right, it's sword slashes purple (and yes, seems much stronger), regardless of mode. The trade off being it's shot's spread is much more narrow. I always though this was just default attributes inherent to that mech... It's certainly the mech I use the most, as I've found that it's diagonal shot offers a bit more movement freedom. And really, the higher your altitude gets, the more worthless your shot becomes. Many of the higher level enemies are bullet sponges, if not downright impervious to them altogether. The more powerful sword (and also the ability to shield launch) comes in real handy.
I just got my new score with the budget engine
So slowing down actually helped you? That's awesome.
such a good game!!
Man, it sure is. I'm not going to throw around the "c" word just yet. But I will state with complete confidence that RS34 should be very proud as they have put together something very special.

I can give a simple object example to something they did very right. Recently, I picked up Rolling Gunner, which despite some problems I have with it's concept's execution, is a very slick and well put together game. That said, It's almost unbelievable it was made as a Switch exclusive, as it plays terribly un-docked.

In contrast, RS34 could have scrubbed up the 2005 graphics, and delivered "Raidirgy--Widescreen Edition" and everyone would have more or less been happy. Instead, they re-engineered they entire thing for the Switch, and delivered a game (a shmup, no less) that works pretty much as well portably as it does on your television (trust me, some of my biggest score were posted on the bus).

In fact, they probably could have delivered a more 'traditional' shooter with big-ass bosses and lots of weaving through bullet curtains which would have made for a real snazzy trailer and probably netted bigger sales, but would have played a lot worse on the console it was being designed for. Instead, they gave it some thought and care, and came up with something that runs the risk of alienating some folks, but ultimately works much better for it's chosen venue.

Was it worth it? I guess time will tell. When it finally gets a english release, I'm expecting a (perhaps large) portion of the 'hardcore' that's going to reject the shit out of it. Hell, some have already rejected it based on the trailer, because you have a healthbar. I'm fully expecting another portion that's going to play for ten minutes and say "this is not Cave-esqe, therefore it is garbage" and case-closed.

So anyway, I have to give props to RS34 for making a game that is already appealing to only a small audience, and risking making that audience even smaller by not delivering exactly what they want, but instead what they feel is correct. That must have been a very difficult trigger to pull, but at least I feel that it's one very much worth pulling.
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