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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Mischief Maker »

BryanM wrote:This is something I've been thinking about the difference between capital ownership and worker ownership. In a co-opt, the incentive to expand is nearly non-existent (your share of the take is based on your labour, after all. Spending your money to give jobs to other people only makes sense if those "other people" are family or friends, and you don't have to sacrifice much or anything to do it.). So when the two collide, the capital model of ownership is superior at creating a universal brand.

It's a concern I have when Richard Wolff talks about his ideas of how the workplace should be like - I don't see how the eventual nepotism won't begin to parallel capitalism eventually.
Funny you mention co-ops, there was a good interview on the Majority Report yesterday with the director of the National Center for Employee Ownership that should give some food for thought:

I don't think your idea about co-ops only expanding for family and friends holds water. Willy Street Co-op recently opened a second branch in Middleton, Hy Vee is an employee owned big box grocery store chain that's expanding all over the country. There are all kinds of large co-ops growing all over the place.

They probably won't do scumbag moves like opening a kamikaze franchise next door to a new competitor to operate at a loss for a few years before the competitor shuts down and the franchise follows suit.

The main problem with co-ops, as pointed out in the interview, is the massive glut of money in private equity thanks to the Bush/Trump tax cuts that allow wall street vampires to massively out-bid employees for buying a company off a retiring entrepreneur.
szycag wrote:

This is the coolest political move I've ever seen in my life. It's like a who's who of douchebags.
Bernie Sanders brings the big-dick energy.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by ED-057 »

Why does a co-op need to expand? They aren't slaves to shareholders, they just need to make payroll. If they're big enough to do their thing efficiently and meet market demand then where is the motivation? On the other hand if they do poorly they can be displaced by a competitor. But the opposite of infinite growth is sustainability. Not having to feed the wall st parasite is one of the best things about a co-op, no?

different topic:
Michael Hudson talks to Max Keiser: ... 8b4626.mp4 ... _wages.jpg

Productivity rises without wage growth. Where'd the money go? Some might say that the elites stole it. However another possibility is that the increased productivity is an accounting illusion that doesn't actually exist. GDP only appears to rise because it counts asset bubbles and rent-seeking as production. After all, how much of your own job is really productive and how much is just procedures, rituals, and red tape needed to satisfy the suits?

And of course, there is no competing leftist economics because what passes for the left (the D party) has been stacked with identity politics loonies.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Rob »

BryanM wrote:concentration camps
Why is the Holocaust lexicon and the imagery that conjures in the mind suddenly being used to describe border control, and where is it coming from?

detention center: an institution where people are held in detention for short periods, in particular illegal immigrants, refugees, people awaiting trial or sentence, or youthful offenders.

concentration camp: a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in 1933–45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz.

This is not a remotely reasonable swap.
Mischief Maker wrote:Because our foreign intervention into central/south America sucks even worse.

Most of these people are fleeing drug cartel violence inspired by the very death squads Ronald Reagan subverted the constitution to arm. You know how in Game of Thrones the white walkers do that thing where they slaughter an entire village of people, then afterward nail a child to a tree and arrange the body parts of the other victims in weird patterns? That's the kind of thing those death squads did. How the hell do you make your gang scary enough to avoid being ripped off in the aftermath of that shit?
Yeah, you know what, Ronald Reagan made Aztecs sadistically violent and the CIA makes Mexicans fail at standardized tests. And now California has the lowest quality of life in the U.S. Ghost of Reagan?
And the very same ghouls who fueled that horror are sitting at the topmost echelons of US government right now, instead of a jail cell where they belong.
The author of books such as Tested by Zion: The Bush Administration and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and Faith or Fear: How Jews Can Survive in a Christian America. I can only imagine the content of those books and what motivates this individual. Is imagining a canard or a trope? I can't remember.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by BulletMagnet »

Rob wrote:Why is the Holocaust lexicon and the imagery that conjures in the mind suddenly being used to describe border control, and where is it coming from?
Not that you or any of the other trolls actually care, but as has been already pointed out (and, as always, blissfully ignored) on here the term most accurately recalls the "camps" set up by the USA to imprison Japanese citizens during WWII; they weren't sent there explicitly to die, but were concentrated into awful conditions (and, in some cases, did die from them, just as today's migrants have) for a long period of time to appease the xenophobic streak, since proven laughably unjustified, in the country at the time.

I read a conservative op-ed recently which hilariously complained that if we call what the Trump administration is doing "concentration camps", what will we call similar places that are even worse? Um, you call them "concentration camps" too (or "death camps", if the term applies), and then proceed to explain, if necessary, that they are worse than whichever other such camps you're comparing them to; seriously, is any degree of nuance just prohibited altogether, or do these people's thoughts have a Twitter-esque character limit? Or, golly gee, are they just constantly taking the piss while pretending to be actual participating citizens, and deserve to be mercilessly mocked as the assclowns they are? :lol:
Yeah, you know what, Ronald Reagan made Aztecs sadistically violent and the CIA makes Mexicans fail at standardized tests.
I can only imagine the content of those books and what motivates this individual.
Good to see you've taken the admin's request to heart.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Mischief Maker »

Rob wrote:
BryanM wrote:concentration camps
Why is the Holocaust lexicon and the imagery that conjures in the mind suddenly being used to describe border control, and where is it coming from?
Instead of us making up definitions willy-nilly, how 'bout we use the official Merriam Webster's dictionary definition:
Concentration Camp (n) a place where large numbers of people (such as prisoners of war, political prisoners, refugees, or the members of an ethnic or religious minority) are detained or confined under armed guard
emphasis added
Rob wrote:
And the very same ghouls who fueled that horror are sitting at the topmost echelons of US government right now, instead of a jail cell where they belong.
The author of books such as Tested by Zion: The Bush Administration and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and Faith or Fear: How Jews Can Survive in a Christian America. I can only imagine the content of those books and what motivates this individual. Is imagining a canard or a trope? I can't remember.
Beats me. You're the one clumsily wielding identity politics as some kind of get-out-of-jail-free card for mass murderers here.
Rob wrote:Yeah, you know what, Ronald Reagan made Aztecs sadistically violent
I know, those Aztecs were uniquely violent. Not like the lovable Druids, regularly performing human sacrifice as part of their religious ceremonies, or the civilized Romans, feeding human beings alive to animals as part of their entertainment industry, or the jolly Germans with their industrial-scale death camps as part of the "final" solution (after a number of preceding solutions that bore a striking resemblance to the camps on our border right now.)
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Rob »

bulletmagnet wrote: the term most accurately recalls the "camps" set up by the USA to imprison Japanese citizens during WWII
I'd love to see a poll showing that any group of Americans think of Japanese internment over Nazi Germany when they see the words "concentration camps". "Internment camps" brings to mind Japanese (and, less likely, German and Italian) internment. Migrant detention centers are something else entirely.

'Never Again Means Close the Camps!': Hundreds of Jewish Activists Surround ICE Office to Protest Trump Detention Centers
"If you've ever said, 'Never again,' or if you've ever wondered what you would have done if you were alive during the Holocaust, this is the time."
The attempt to connect the one thing with the other is ripe and explicit everywhere you find this language.
bulletmagnet wrote:Good to see you've taken the admin's request to heart.
Is this you or the admin speaking, and is it the facts or the mild commentary accompanying the facts that is the problem?

Adelson: US should drop atomic bomb on Iran
Asked by moderator Rabbi Shmuley Boteach whether the US should negotiate with Iran if it were to cease its uranium enrichment program, Adelson retorted, “What are we going to negotiate about?”
Adelson then imagined what might happen if an American official were to call up an Iranian official, say “watch this,” and subsequently drop a nuclear bomb in the middle of the Iranian desert.

"Then you say, ‘See! The next one is in the middle of Tehran. So, we mean business. You want to be wiped out? Go ahead and take a tough position and continue with your nuclear development. You want to be peaceful? Just reverse it all, and we will guarantee you that you can have a nuclear power plant for electricity purposes, energy purposes’," Adelson said.

“So a tremendous demonstration of American strength?” Boteach clarified. “So that they would get the message?”

“It’s the only thing they understand,” Adelson said.

“And do you see the current negotiations as a sign of weakness?” Boteach asked.

“Absolutely,” Adelson said.
Is it against the rules to quote Trump's top donor and offer no comment?
Last edited by Rob on Sun Jul 14, 2019 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Rob »

Mischief Maker wrote:You're the one clumsily wielding identity politics as some kind of get-out-of-jail-free card for mass murderers here.
I've done nothing of the sort.
I know, those Aztecs were uniquely violent.
I didn't say this. I'm saying that Ronald Reagan didn't introduce sadistic torture murder to Mesoamerica in the 1980s.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Mischief Maker »

Hey Rob, or anyone with an hour free while perusing this forum on a Sunday morning, if you want an understanding of MS 13 more in-depth than what's told by phrenology blogs, give a listen to this:

"Special episode on MS-13: how Ronald Reagan's fight against communism, Bill Clinton's idiocy and Elliot Abrams brutality helped create them, what the "13" in their name means and why they will likely never be a major factor in terms of expansion and membership."

It's a tad more complicated than just saying they're just a criminal "breed." But then so is reality. I skipped the patreon pitch at the beginning, you're welcome.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Rob »

I'll boot up some Blazing Chrome and give it a listen. :wink:
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by ED-057 »

Why is the Holocaust lexicon and the imagery that conjures in the mind suddenly being used to describe border control, and where is it coming from?
Because Trump is Hitler. Obviously. Nevermind that the detention centers predate Trump.

I have no doubt that conditions are terrible in these places, just like they are in US prisons. That's a police state for you. Let's not forget that we have an even more authentic death camp still running down at Gitmo. Organizations with more substantial resources at their disposal than a twitter account have tried to get some judicial action on that front but none has been forthcoming.

Congress could fix this immediately if they cared too. But they collectively agreed to stonewall, blame the other side, and do nothing.

But this is also why Trump needs to be Hitler. For one of the sides to be the lesser evil, the other side has to be pretty darn evil, considering that neither side can close Gitmo, refrain from funding terrorists, take a break from bombing somebody, admit that torture is bad, etc.
Yeah, you know what, Ronald Reagan made Aztecs sadistically violent
Which group of humans doesn't have sadistic violence somewhere in their history? Maybe death squads can form spontaneously on their own, like some group of disturbed neighborhood kids that like to squash toads. But the ones with government funding are still far worse. Al Qaeda could beat toad squashers in a fight easily.

BTW, I should mention that it wasn't just funding, but training. Whatever gruesome tactics they use to intimidate people could very well be from a CIA instruction manual rather than their own twisted imaginations.
were concentrated into awful conditions (and, in some cases, did die from them, just as today's migrants have) for a long period of time to appease the xenophobic streak
TPTB weren't appeasing xenophobia. They were using it as a tool to hype the war that they had been itching to get (everyone other than themselves) into.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by BryanM »

Gotta love how "shell shock" turned into "battle fatigue" turned into "PTSD". Quite surreal how much our language becomes wussified over the decades. It's like we've infantilized children who have to be protected from reality.
Because Trump is Hitler. Obviously. Nevermind that the detention centers predate Trump.
Nah - Pelosi, Ellen, Whoopi and the like love the camps. You will never in ten million lifetimes ever hear Biden use words like this.

The reason accurate language (as opposed to the intentionally offensive baby-brain "we can't possibly do anything bad, ever!" euphemism shit) is suddenly being used for the first time on TV is that it's the first time in 40+ years a leftist has been allowed to say anything on it.

Gitmo has always been referred to as a torture chamber in the left. Previously to that and Abu Ghraib, we'd just outsource that stuff to our ally nations.

That some leftist phonemes are finally allowed to seep through the cracks is one indication of the existing liberal power bloc coming apart.

The conservative liberals have seem to finally caught on and have suddenly started to finally openly embrace "social" liberals like Pelosi and Schumer. It's a bit surreal to see Trump and them openly acting like best friends now.

It's a panic move however. Like with how Christie was completely destroyed by smiling at Obama one time, this kills enthusiasm of the base. They can at least lie to themselves when they pretend to be different from each other on the theater stage, but once they start holding hands up there the illusion is dead. The kayfabe, broken.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Rob »

Yesterday we had a 69 year old "Antifa" (a hard thing to be with no "fa") man who tried to "liberate" an ICE facility with a gun and bombs, and the screed he produced before getting himself killed has the words "fascism" and "concentration camps" multiple times. This shows, very clearly, the state of mind of people who truly believe these way stations are "concentration camps", how scrambled their worldview has become by a lifetime of Hollywood and Howard Zinn (if they read, and he did cite A People's History specifically), and what they can be led to do when these trigger words are mainstreamed. Maybe this will be a step in the direction of getting this group classed as a terrorist organization, so they can finally feel the persecution they desire for their violent, terroristic acts.
It's a bit surreal to see Trump and them openly acting like best friends now.
There's nothing surreal about Trump screwing with his political rivals. He knows that he can make Pelosi dance and/or damage her reputation with her base (and get various Dem politicians attacking and one-upping each other) by doing this. He's not good at doing anything substantial, but he is good at this.
Last edited by Rob on Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Mischief Maker »

ED-057 wrote:Because Trump is Hitler. Obviously.
No, Donald Trump is Kaiser Wilhelm.

Mike Pence is Hitler.


Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Rob »

Mischief Maker wrote:Mike Pence is Hitler.

But the actual star in this photo: ... ice-woman/
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Mischief Maker »

THAT's the deflection?

It's said that because they aren't giving these captives any access to showers or soap, including the children, the smell of human filth in there is so thick it lingers on the guards' bodies long after they've gone home.

I already knew that this fascist resurgence was fueled by sexual dysfunction, (such as the proud boys and their weird anti-masturbation rules), but wanting to get it on with a woman who smells like the combined taints of hundreds of filthy men, packed like sardines and wrapped in mylar for months, is almost as disgusting as scat porn.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by quash »

When you call for a race war but it's okay because you're a woke journalist.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by BryanM »

Mischief Maker wrote:such as the proud boys and their weird anti-masturbation rules
No fap makes sense from a mystical and a practical perspective - if you're able to give yourself maximum reward in life without having to do anything to earn it, well, then you're living life on cheat codes.

The weirdest thing I heard about after entering the post-school "real world", is that there are heterosexual men out there grossed out by (natural cycle) blood. Ruining things for everybody else.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by ED-057 »

The reason accurate language (as opposed to the intentionally offensive baby-brain "we can't possibly do anything bad, ever!" euphemism shit) is suddenly being used for the first time on TV is that it's the first time in 40+ years a leftist has been allowed to say anything on it.
Really? Who was it?
The conservative liberals have seem to finally caught on and have suddenly started to finally openly embrace "social" liberals like Pelosi and Schumer. It's a bit surreal to see Trump and them openly acting like best friends now.
Which ones are conservative liberals and who is "them"? I'm confused.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Rob »

MS-13 gang members indicted after 'medieval-style' killing spree in Los Angeles
Nineteen of those indicted are considered illegal immigrants, and most of the group's members arrived in the U.S. in the past four years from Central America.
In one of the most horrific allegations, several are accused of luring a perceived rival gang member who they believed to have defaced MS-13 graffiti to the forest outside Los Angeles and killed him with a machete. They dismembered his body and cut out his heart before dumping the remains into a canyon, authorities said.
But we're supposed to get worked up over a chain link fence and a shortage of soap.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by BryanM »

ED-057 wrote:Which ones are conservative liberals and who is "them"? I'm confused.
Well yeah, the Democrats are almost completely conservative liberals on an objective material level. It's to the point anyone who doesn't openly touch themselves while talking about cleansing away the poor on the theater stage is what passes for a "social liberal" these days.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Mischief Maker »

Oh Rob, you chickened out and didn't listen, did you?

“Death to the enemies of America. Leave this country if you hate our freedom," he yelled. "Death to antifa! (anti-fascism). You call it terrorism. I call it patriotism! You hear me? Die.”


The attack happened Friday, the first day of Ramadan, the holiest time of the year for Muslims.

[Jeremy] Christian was drinking sangria and shouting at the girls and other people on the train, according to court documents.

"Go home. We need American here." "I don't care if you are ISIS," and "Free speech or die," were among what he was yelling, the documents show.

After several attempted to get Christian to calm down, he then made a sudden move in the direction of victim Taliesin Namkai-Meche, who responded by standing up. Micah Fletcher, who was nearby, got up and stood next to Namkai-Meche.

Court documents indicate that Christian shoved Fletcher in the chest and appeared to pull a folding knife from his pocket and conceal it in his hand. Fletcher shoved Christian back and continued telling him to get off the train.

After stumbling and telling Fletcher to hit him again, Christian stabbed Fletcher in the neck. He then stabbed Namkai-Meche in the neck, according to court documents.

The third victim, Rick Best, got up to intervene and Christian stabbed him, court documents said.

Before leaving the train, Christian stabbed Namkai-Meche and Best again. ... 353963001/
[Joey Gibson] acknowledged to the Associated Press that Christian had shown up at a Patriot Prayer rally on April 29 with a baseball bat and had made the Nazi salute. ... -you-docs/

But we're supposed to get worked up over some spilled milkshakes.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Specineff »

Mischief Maker wrote:Oh Rob, you chickened out and didn't listen, did you?
Don't be so harsh. It's called "selective digression", similar to "sudden silence". Or EA's "surprise mechanics".
Don't hold grudges. GET EVEN.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Rob »

Mischief Maker wrote:Oh Rob, you chickened out and didn't listen, did you?
I'll get to it eventually, just to see what you think there is to "understand" about Central America's problems migrating north and becoming our problems. It's funny the lengths people will go to understand any head removing terrorist or chest flaying gang member as long as they're brown, while there's no understanding for opposition to treating white children like hostages in dubious integration schemes (forced busing). But I guess that, if you saw the Mother Jones writer quash linked above, activist liberals now think that depriving white people of self-determination is the new abolitionist movement, and if that means importing and rationalizing the presence of ISIS fighters and MS-13 gang members...
I was expecting Dylann Roof, but you only had to go back 2 years.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Mischief Maker »

Bernie and Warren KICKED ASS together tonight!

Also holy shit, CNN was more openly hostile to Bernie than even Fox News.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by BryanM »

Fox News has to be nice to populists. It isn't their job to defeat leftists - that's the Democrats' job. An illusion of Reagan and Trump as the people's president must be maintained - after all no one votes in order to give away all their money to the banks.

Gravel was excluded from their polls for 0% Delaney and friends. So there's not even a reason to watch this nonsense until we get to election day and get to see if they'll have to ratfuck Sanders on the second ballot or not.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by FinalBaton »

Do you guys truly feel like Sandor has a chance of becoming POTUS?

From my perspective as someone on the outside looking in : I can't imagine the Land of the Free, ever electing someone like him. I just don't see it : too many "call them conservatives", "call them rednecks", for that to happen. I can't fathom the USA ever adopting a system besides capitalism, or mayyyyybe some Social Democracy of the harder side(closer to capitalism. Think capitalism with a very few social programs). But nothing any more progressive than that.

Not saying it shouldn't happen : but it is my prediction that Bernie Sandor will never become POTUS.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by Specineff »

FinalBaton wrote:Not saying it shouldn't happen : but it is my prediction that Bernie Sandor will never become POTUS.
If my brother's in-laws are any indication (They watch Fox News religiously at dinner time), Trump will be getting other four years with a hand tied behind his back.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by FinalBaton »

Specineff wrote:If my brother's in-laws are any indication (They watch Fox News religiously at dinner time), Trump will be getting other four years with a hand tied behind his back.
This is what's most likely to happen I think. looks like more likely than not, Trump will get another 4 years
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by BryanM »

FinalBaton wrote:From my perspective as someone on the outside looking in : I can't imagine the Land of the Free, ever electing someone like him. I just don't see it : too many "call them conservatives", "call them rednecks", for that to happen.
This corporate propaganda stuff is easily debunked: Black Kenyan Marxist Socialist White Genocider Barack Hussein Allahabad Obama won in a massive landslide in 2008. Insane class traitor FDR won the entire country (except for the Laissez Faire paradise known as... Vermont). Your thesis falls apart before it can even stand up.

You're effectively a republican that's gone on record with being o-k with feudal lords still existing. So.. understand your preferential bias shouldn't be used in exchange of cold hard data.

The "swing" vote is the youth and the working class. (The so-called "rednecks", people I like to call "human beings", love Medicare for All and not dying of debt.) Other demographics are already locked in stone and therefore electorally meaningless. Your peers across the border didn't defeat Obama in the general, and they didn't make Clinton magically win.

Don't worry, they'll ratfuck Sanders if he wins a mere plurality of delegates and this gaslighting stuff you're doing is all rhetorical. Four more years of getting to loot everything is likely.

If he somehow gets the nomination, then feel free to be increasingly nervous on a daily basis.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary - Welcome to the Gravelanc

Post by FinalBaton »

BryanM wrote:This corporate propaganda stuff is easily debunked: Black Kenyan Marxist Socialist White Genocider Barack Hussein Allahabad Obama won in a massive landslide in 2008. Insane class traitor FDR won the entire country (except for the Laissez Faire paradise known as... Vermont). Your thesis falls apart before it can even stand up.

You're effectively a republican that's gone on record with being o-k with feudal lords still existing. So.. understand your preferential bias shouldn't be used in exchange of cold hard data.

The "swing" vote is the youth and the working class. (The so-called "rednecks", people I like to call "human beings", love Medicare for All and not dying of debt.) Other demographics are already locked in stone and therefore electorally meaningless. Your peers across the border didn't defeat Obama in the general, and they didn't make Clinton magically win.

Don't worry, they'll ratfuck Sanders if he wins a mere plurality of delegates and this gaslighting stuff you're doing is all rhetorical. Four more years of getting to loot everything is likely.

If he somehow gets the nomination, then feel free to be increasingly nervous on a daily basis.
Well it seems like my post got you rattled, which is a pleasent surprise :lol: I'll take it, I will savour this like an expensive meal, do not worry :D mmm... that's very yummy

You really should have done what Specineff did, which is : to take my post for what it is (a mere prediction) and nothing more, instead of seeing all sorts of weird other stuff in it.
It literally is just me saying "If I were to bet money on it, I'd bet on him never becoming president because I think his chances are extremely slim" (speaking of that, I'd like to take you up on that and make a bet with you, give you a chance to put your money where your mouth is : if Sandor ever becomes POTUS, you will earn $100 from me. If he never does, you will owe me $100. Now how about that?)

Also think about it : IF I were to gaslight as you alledge, then WHY in the world would I do it in a thread where there's no one to possibly influence??? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever...

'Bama was more moderate than Sandor, so your point is moot.

I have nothing to be nervous about, since this is not the leader of my country that we're talking about.
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