Super SD System 3

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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by fernan1234 »

Expecting TO to compensate rev. 2/3 users for releasing rev. B is unrealistic, for sure. In fact, I'd argue you're better off with that older revision, since it can be saved with the mods, based on multiple accounts. I actually bought rev. 3 last year and decided to re-sell it rather than mod it, because I guessed correctly that a new revision would come out eventually. TO did not even announce it, which was the smart thing. Only after the revision was finalized did we hear in community forums, and ultimately official confirmation from Alex and Todd here: viewtopic.php?p=1352981#p1352981 and

It was at that point that I decided to buy a rev. B, because it was claimed (and not just by TO) that all video and audio fixes were included. Based on my experience with two different consoles, I agree that the video was successfully fixed, but not the audio. Something failed along the design and/or production process there. Why do I believe this? Maybe the PCE I sent to FBX is really a $50 piece of crap that can't be saved. But after he said it had to be a problem with the console, I found a Core II in seemingly good condition, obviously of more recent manufacture, and when it comes to SD access noise it sounds exactly the same as the PCE. Maybe I just got unlucky with a $160 piece of crap. I'm the type of guy that likes to see and hear things for himself, so I'm waiting on a Supergrafx (not re-capped AFAIK) and a Core I later that I will test and then re-sell, hopefully without losing money, but at least I'll know. If they sound the same then maybe they're just $350 and $150 crap again, but at that point the only logical conclusion, for me, would be that the claimed audio fixes (which supposedly include eliminating or vastly reducing SD card buzz) fail in most circumstances. People need to know that the product's performance as claimed may only be true on a console with a full recap and new voltage regulator. Maybe. At this point I'd have to see it to believe it. It's almost comedic, all the requirements popping up to make this work as claimed.

I'm not the only one reporting unacceptable audio noise here. There's been a few posts also on the Turbografx subreddit. At this point I just think warnings need to be made more easily available to potential buyers. Not expecting anything from TO.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Gara »

Isn't recapping your console kind of common sense at this point? The people playing on Duo's have been recapping their stuff for years. I understand the draw of being able to pair a $50 console and calling it a day, but we have always been at the mercy of what time and wear does to old consoles. We don't have a conclusion at this point, but it seems to me that this issue is only becoming more well known because the ssds3 is taking these old consoles out of the junk pile and highlighting how much variance exists.

Buyer beware. Recap your consoles. There are lots of people who will do it for you if you are unable.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by PaTaito »

Mobiusstriptech wrote:Original equipment doesn't have the sound because it doesn't have a fpga and arm processor reading from a SD card. This is all EMI related. I said it, not that my opinion matters, FBX said it, I hope his opinion matters. Is the noise in the SSDS3 yes. However the console it is connected to plays a HUGE part in that. That is why the mileage varies from system to system.

We are talking about analog signals which are highly susceptible to any interference. I'm sorry that the experience you are having is not what you wanted but I know that I personally don't know how to make it better for the people who are having this issue.

TerraOnion could have just left it alone and everyone could have then paid for the mods on top of the device. Thus allowing the cycle to continue. They tried to do the right thing by implementing the community supplied fixes. Now there are issues that some people encounter and some people don't.

I guess my question is what do people expect the next step to be? It won't be a full hardware redesign. I'd expect the device to be discontinued before that happens. Myself, FBX, and Voultar have all said we are done trying to sort any of this stuff out. It's honestly just been extremely draining. I'm not trying to fight or argue. I just honestly don't know what the expectation is at this point.

I don't expect a thing personally. I'm just a simple sucker who is late to the party here, has purchased 2 of these things along with all the fixes for my last revision, and ended up in a worse place than before. I'm glad some people are having no problems but i honestly think the right thing for TO to do would be pull the plug on this thing given the product is so inconsistent and flawed by design. But then they don't accept returns so its a win/win for them(until people remember this balls up later on when considering their other stuff). Its a mickey mouse design if EMI is this much trouble 3 revisions in. This should have been sufficiently addressed in the early days to incorporate something to alleviate the issue. Its own power supply, some kind of shielding, something else i don't know(cheaping out?)...I guess though its easy for me to say that as a non business owner.

TO...Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Thanks to anyone who has replied anyhow.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Kez »

Honestly I think TO's problem is and has always been simply PR. In particular one member of their team appears to take it all very personally (understably) and lashes out online as a result.. they really need to just disappear from public forums, at least as a representative of TO. I am sure they are a perfectly likeable and reasonable person in reality, but it does not come across at times like this.

- Initial SSDS3 video issues? Not ideal but everyone makes mistakes. Denying the issue exists, calling people fussy and saying they should spend less time whining and more time gaming, banning users with genuine questions, etc. That was the real problem. A simple "We are sorry to hear some users are experiencing video issues and are looking into it" would have sufficed.

- The SSDS3 recall and update - this was really an admirable decision, would have been a great PR move except it was accompanied with more angry/rude debates on forums.

- Updating the hardware in light of community developments. This makes perfect sense, and it would be stupid to announce it while current units were still in stock. No business looking to stay afloat would make a call like that. The problem again is publicly stating "This is definitely the final revision we have no intention of working further on this". A planned out official statement from someone in PR would surely have been more along the lines of "We have no plans to update the design at this time." or something to that effect.

If this whole thing had been handled like that, I think this discussion would be going very differently. Although TO are a fairly small company, they produce expensive products, with premium packaging and overall presentation.. similar to Analogue. Imagine if their CEO was on here telling you to wash your hands before typing their name. TO really just need to distance themselves from the consumer.

It saddens me that the quality of the SSDS3 gets repeatedly overshadowed by all this nonsense. It is really an incredible product overall, even with the issues people are experiencing.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by the Goat »

Kez wrote:Although TO are a fairly small company, they produce expensive products
I agree with everything Kez said. Especially in regard to the prices Terraonion charges for their products. $300 for the SSDS3 is a lot. I mean, it is the same cost as a Playstation 4!

If the SSDS3 was sold as a hobby project, with a price to match, then I would be a lot more understanding of the issues. But Terraonion's public persona is so aggressive and self promoting. The SSDS3 is always pushed as, "the ultimate PC Engine expansion that does everything." I wish the SSDS3 could fully live up to the hype, and the price.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Bassa-Bassa »

Yep, thanks to Kaz for summing it up so well for those who didn't follow the whole story. As I took the time the other day to read about it here and there, I'd add that the SSDS3 recall, even if indeed admirable, was in the end another rushed fiasco which seems hard not to link with the guy's own mentality:
neodev wrote:We tried to deliver a fast solution to avoid the amount of ppl doing trash talk and putting pressure on us. Fact is that you need 2 months to just produce another batch of anything, one month to produce pcbs and another one to get a SMT slot, cause SMT factory only gives you a slot once all parts are there (else they would be waiting for everyone with promises and nothing would be produced at all).

This is totally incompatible with what people demands today : 0 second solutions. If you don't deliver a 0 second solution, people just keep pushing harder and harder and harder again.
Did they ever ask their customers? Nope. Did they actually listened then to those in the know about the technical flaws? Nope. Indeed, it seems they even got insulted (by that guy) when they tried to. Result: they served yet another flawed device. Have they ever apologized? Lol, nope.

So yeah, Terraonion's first issue is that guy as I stated, and not only for his overdefensiveness, I'm afraid. The ultraprotective, fangirlish reaction of the neogeo forum community where they officially announced the product seems to also have played a huge role.

Therefore any serious company, no matter if big or small, would have realized and would be offering some kind of compensation to old customers (at the very least!) Is it unrealistic to expect a non-profit purchase of the new revision? It's a premium, $300-device, indeed. I didn't pay that to get a clearly flawed A/V output, no matter if it depends on the console type you're using. If they charge that much, they should have tested that much.

Mobiusstriptech wrote:I am defending the fact that solutions exist for those that were bothered, myself included, and what we have now is something that is pretty great through the combined efforts of community members.
And again, you're missing some perspective. Most people don't have the means to solder those solutions. Nor somebody near enough who does the job, even if paid. You can't take this forum's members as the standard for that.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Mobiusstriptech »

Honestly I'm really not missing the perspective. I offered the video board and install for both audio and video at cost. Which in reality was less than my cost. So it definitely was obtainable and plenty of people took advantage of it, now having a solid solution.

In reality it's as simple as this, you don't like the company don't give them money. If you don't like the product don't buy it or sell the one you have and go some other route.

You aren't going to get the free replacement/discount/apology you are asking for.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by NoAffinity »

So, I've just started noticing some significant audio hum/noise on a few games. It seems to be title specific, but maybe useful in the larger critique of the hardware - possibly folks are getting noise on games that have inherent noise? Possibly there's some other explanation, but I did a shallow dive on it last night when I noticed it on a few games. My setup is a Pce cg2 on TG16 original nec power supply, recapped pce cg2, heavy duty shielded scart cable from rgc. Rev 1.05 firmware ssds3 (2nd gen SSDS3?) with fbx audio amp and fu-rgb, and replaced audio circuit fix cap (nichicon). The results:

Super Star Soldier, US and JAP - Noticeable background noise. Particularly noticeable in attract mode when there's no other audio. Not as noticeable during gameplay, but still present.
Psychosis, US - Noticeable background noise. The audio on this title seems to be at a higher native level than SSS, so it is more noticeable. Not as noticeable during gameplay, but still present.
Blazing Lazers, US - No noticeable noise
Fighting Street (emulated CD) - No noticeable noise
Akumajō Dracula X (emulated CD) - No noticeable noise

These results are interesting because the noise is clearly not present on CD titles, which were historically the biggest offenders as a result of the hardware configuration. I probably missed some details within this thread, and if so, please provide a refresher with regard to these other noisy titles.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by rayik »

fernan1234 wrote:
rayik wrote:I have a US TG16 that has been rgb modded and recapped. Using original PSU. SSD3S purchased just before B version. FBX audio bypass board installed with audio out to rca jacks. Sound output from SSD3S. Video output from TG16 mod (and not SSD3S). Audio and video fed into xrgb mini. No noise problems. Sounds fine.
Could be the TG16 is better in this regard, that the recap helps, and/or that video output is from the console helps.

Maybe someone can send rayik a rev. B SSDS3 to see if he gets the same results with his console? That would confirm that the integrated audio board works as well as the previous solution on a well-maintained console.

edit: I can do it actually. rayik, would you be okay with me sending you my rev. B unit to compare to yours? I'll just wait until next week when I get another console to test though.
I'd rather record some audio and post that first. Is there anything you'd want to hear. I do not have capture equipment so it will be an iPhone near the TV.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Bassa-Bassa »

Mobiusstriptech wrote:Honestly I'm really not missing the perspective. I offered the video board and install for both audio and video at cost. Which in reality was less than my cost. So it definitely was obtainable and plenty of people took advantage of it, now having a solid solution.
You did... where, please? Did you or Terraonion make an announcement in the official homepage, at least? Also, for how long was you offer available? Exactly when and where did a person like me need to be to take advantage of it? How much, in total, for somebody in Europe with no soldering gear (2 PCBs, shipping, installation service (+ shipping, most likely)? You need to add all that in order to have "a solid solution" for a device which cost $300? Not missing the perspective, are you serious?

I'm not blaming you, of course. I'm sure you did much more than anyone could expect from a third party, but believing that it's an affordable solution for everybody in need of it is fooling yourself.

In reality it's as simple as this, you don't like the company don't give them money.
But I already did because they promised a device free of flaws which wouldn't be getting any revision?

If you don't like the product don't buy it or sell the one you have and go some other route.
Sure. How much do you think I can sell it for, now a brand-new version which supposedly fixes the issues mine has is available?

You aren't going to get the free replacement/discount/apology you are asking for.
Well, showing the people who blindly defend them that they have no eyes, may suffice for now. Elsewhere, I'm showing potential customers how these people behave. A friend of mine already changed his mind in regards to buying an SSDS3 and I just started.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by maxtherabbit »

Bassa-Bassa wrote:
Mobiusstriptech wrote:Honestly I'm really not missing the perspective. I offered the video board and install for both audio and video at cost. Which in reality was less than my cost. So it definitely was obtainable and plenty of people took advantage of it, now having a solid solution.
You did... where, please? Did you or Terraonion make an announcement in the official homepage, at least? Also, for how long was you offer available? Exactly when and where did a person like me need to be to take advantage of it? How much, in total, for somebody in Europe with no soldering gear (2 PCBs, shipping, installation service (+ shipping, most likely)? You need to add all that in order to have "a solid solution" for a device which cost $300? Not missing the perspective, are you serious?

I'm not blaming you, of course. I'm sure you did much more than anyone could expect from a third party, but believing that it's an affordable solution for everybody in need of it is fooling yourself.

In reality it's as simple as this, you don't like the company don't give them money.
But I already did because they promised a device free of flaws which wouldn't be getting any revision?

If you don't like the product don't buy it or sell the one you have and go some other route.
Sure. How much do you think I can sell it for, now a brand-new version which supposedly fixes the issues mine has is available?

You aren't going to get the free replacement/discount/apology you are asking for.
Well, showing the people who blindly defend them that they have no eyes, may suffice for now. Elsewhere, I'm showing potential customers how these people behave. A friend of mine already changed his mind in regards to buying an SSDS3 and I just started.

you got taken for a sucker and bought a turd, it happens

crying to mobius isn't going to change that, sell your unit, take your loss, and move on sheesh
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by rayik »

Bassa-Bassa wrote:
Mobiusstriptech wrote:Honestly I'm really not missing the perspective. I offered the video board and install for both audio and video at cost. Which in reality was less than my cost. So it definitely was obtainable and plenty of people took advantage of it, now having a solid solution.
You did... where, please? Did you or Terraonion make an announcement in the official homepage, at least? Also, for how long was you offer available? Exactly when and where did a person like me need to be to take advantage of it? How much, in total, for somebody in Europe with no soldering gear (2 PCBs, shipping, installation service (+ shipping, most likely)? You need to add all that in order to have "a solid solution" for a device which cost $300? Not missing the perspective, are you serious?

I'm not blaming you, of course. I'm sure you did much more than anyone could expect from a third party, but believing that it's an affordable solution for everybody in need of it is fooling yourself.
Mobiusstriptech is not Terraonion. He made these available cheap to anybody who wanted them. He did not have to do that. Whether its doable for someone to install the mods is totally different. I appreciate what Mobiusstriptech did. Especially since he had no obligation to anyone to do that.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Bassa-Bassa »

maxtherabbit wrote: crying to mobius isn't going to change that
rayik wrote: Mobiusstriptech is not Terraonion. He made these available cheap to anybody who wanted them. He did not have to do that. Whether its doable for someone to install the mods is totally different. I appreciate what Mobiusstriptech did. Especially since he had no obligation to anyone to do that.
Did you even read my post and the previous conversation?
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by the Goat »

rayik wrote:Mobiusstriptech is not Terraonion. He made these available cheap to anybody who wanted them. He did not have to do that. Whether its doable for someone to install the mods is totally different. I appreciate what Mobiusstriptech did. Especially since he had no obligation to anyone to do that.
I appreciate Mobiusstriptech's work greatly. But people seem to be presenting that work as an excuse for Terraonion's bad behaviour. The fact the Terraonion let community members fix the design defects on their product, instead of doing it themselves, contributes to my negative perception of the company.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by maxtherabbit »

the Goat wrote:
rayik wrote:Mobiusstriptech is not Terraonion. He made these available cheap to anybody who wanted them. He did not have to do that. Whether its doable for someone to install the mods is totally different. I appreciate what Mobiusstriptech did. Especially since he had no obligation to anyone to do that.
I appreciate Mobiusstriptech's work greatly. But people seem to be presenting that work as an excuse for Terraonion's bad behaviour. The fact the Terraonion let community members fix the design defects on their product, instead of doing it themselves, contributes to my negative perception of the company.
I haven't seen a single post using mobius' work to excuse TO's transgressions, just offering it as a potential solution for those affected

most of us are just tired of hearing about it at this point, TO is not going to make it up to anyone - they have made that abundantly clear - I'm not defending that position, just stating the facts

if you don't like it (I don't), then don't buy anymore of their shit (I never did!)

take this entire situation as a cautionary tale against being an early adopter of anything ever again
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Bassa-Bassa »

maxtherabbit wrote: I haven't seen a single post using mobius' work to excuse TO's transgressions,
Mobiusstriptech wrote:I am defending the fact that solutions exist for those that were bothered, myself included, and what we have now is something that is pretty great through the combined efforts of community members.
Mobiusstriptech wrote:So I am not entirely sure where the problem is there.
Read the previous page, at least.

most of us are just tired of hearing about it at this point
(I never did!)
Can't think a reason why you are even here then, but hey.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by maxtherabbit »

Bassa-Bassa wrote:
Can't think a reason why you are even here then, but hey.
I'm drawn to dumpster fires like a moth to a lamp
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by the Goat »

maxtherabbit wrote:
Bassa-Bassa wrote:
Can't think a reason why you are even here then, but hey.
I'm drawn to dumpster fires like a moth to a lamp
So you are Terraonion's number one fan? </sarcasm>
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Mobiusstriptech »

To Bassa-Bassa, my offer was valid until I sold out of units. I produced over 300 of them which I sold at my cost. Price for my board and install of both boards was $35USD. Shipping was based on where you lived and I have literally zero control over that. It was advertised on this thread, on Facebook, on Twitter, on, on the RetroRGB weekly round up, on Atariage, on TerraOnion forums, multiple YouTubers commented on it, it was discussed on the RetroRGB round table.

Not sure how many more places needed to have it for you to find out but I'd say I covered the breadth. In fact I was offering for cost install of almost every revision of it for 6 months before the final board revision, which is freely available by the way, to anyone that was willing to accept a prototype and let me capture data.

My offer went up on December 10. Prior to that I had a mailing list and emailed every single person that responded to it even allowing them to purchase boards ahead of time. All of this was on my website. Where did you hear about the product that you wouldn't have heard about any of the issues or anything that was done by myself, FBX, or Voultar?

To this day I am still producing the boards but no longer at cost. That cost, wasn't even my cost. I lost money on every single sale because I had to pay taxes and pay for packaging. In a few cases I had to pay additional money to fix issues that were not even related to my work.

So yeah you had plenty of opportunities and still do. If you can afford to buy 2 of these knowing there are issues, complaining about $35USD is a crock.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Mobiusstriptech »

Matter of Fact. I will solve this for you right now Bassa Bassa. Me email is in my signature. Send me pictures of each of your SSDS3 devices. With the serial numbers visible. And proof that they both work via pictures of the same serial numbers in the menu of each. I will pay you for both units 240euros each. Plus the shipping to get them to me. I will then mod both of them with the fixes and sell them to someone who actually wants it. Then you can wash yours hands of all this and never deal with TerraOnion again. Enjoy!
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by fernan1234 »

Mobiusstriptech wrote:Matter of Fact. I will solve this for you right now Bassa Bassa. Me email is in my signature. Send me pictures of each of your SSDS3 devices. With the serial numbers visible. And proof that they both work via pictures of the same serial numbers in the menu of each. I will pay you for both units 240euros each. Plus the shipping to get them to me. I will then mod both of them with the fixes and sell them to someone who actually wants it. Then you can wash yours hands of all this and never deal with TerraOnion again. Enjoy!
Call dibs on one of those modded units :lol: Seems like they perform better than the rev. B with the integrated fixes.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by HDgaming42 »

Just checking back in--Stone Age Gamer refunded me as promised.

Now I'm stuck with a CoreGrafx unit and no Japanese HuCards. Ugh.

What to do, what to do...I can't really re-sell it for any value whatsoever unless I know it works (without a buzz). I don't suppose anyone has some garbage Japanese HuCard game they'd consider sending me in the mail? Cheapest games on eBay are $20+ and there's nothing local.

Everyone talked about how the CoreGrafx caps didn't go bad (or nearly as quickly/often as the Duos) so I never considered it to be a contributing factor (maybe it was, maybe it wasn't?). I guess I won't know until I get a game...
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Mobiusstriptech »

How much? I might need a CoreGrafx to go with one of these SSDS3 that Bassa-Bassa has.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by PaTaito »

FBX wrote:so it seems to be a universal problem with FPGA/ARM paired with SD card access when hooked into analog architecture and pulling power from it.
So some kind of seperate power supply for the SSD3 would really help eliminate this? All of the FPGA based analogue consoles run off USB power, so really how hard could it be for TO to incorporate this. Ahhh, but then that would cost them a few euro's on their 240!!!
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Bassa-Bassa »

Mobiusstriptech wrote:To Bassa-Bassa, my offer was valid until I sold out of units. I produced over 300 of them which I sold at my cost. Price for my board and install of both boards was $35USD. Shipping was based on where you lived and I have literally zero control over that. It was advertised on this thread, on Facebook, on Twitter, on, on the RetroRGB weekly round up, on Atariage, on TerraOnion forums, multiple YouTubers commented on it, it was discussed on the RetroRGB round table.

Not sure how many more places needed to have it for you to find out but I'd say I covered the breadth. In fact I was offering for cost install of almost every revision of it for 6 months before the final board revision, which is freely available by the way, to anyone that was willing to accept a prototype and let me capture data.

My offer went up on December 10. Prior to that I had a mailing list and emailed every single person that responded to it even allowing them to purchase boards ahead of time. All of this was on my website. Where did you hear about the product that you wouldn't have heard about any of the issues or anything that was done by myself, FBX, or Voultar?

To this day I am still producing the boards but no longer at cost. That cost, wasn't even my cost. I lost money on every single sale because I had to pay taxes and pay for packaging. In a few cases I had to pay additional money to fix issues that were not even related to my work.

So yeah you had plenty of opportunities and still do. If you can afford to buy 2 of these knowing there are issues, complaining about $35USD is a crock.
I think you may be confounding me with someone else, which is normal given the amount of issues already present in this thread. Here's my first post: viewtopic.php?p=1357727#p1357727

I only have one SSDS3 being a rev. 2? (served after the recall, that is), which was ordered before release (because I wanted to show support being a young Spanish company), so I couldn't know about the issues beforehand aside of some people explaining to them once they learned about the specs that they chose the wrong RGB output in regards to the MD2 RGB cable components or something (and they (he) responding with their usual "stop trolling, we know what we are doing").

Your mention of the issues getting fixed just with $35 confirms that you indeed, at least, lost the perspective. Here's VGP's prices, excluding shipping:
EUR146.64 ... n-service/

Firstly, your board alone doesn't fix the audio issues as far as I know, and then, with shipping from and to Europe, I don't estimate the final cost is much less than that quoted price.

Again, I'm not blaming you and never did, much the contrary. But persisting on that there's a cheap, affordable solution for everybody is beyond any sense unless you feel the need of defending Terraonion for some reason. Nobody would waste his time in complaining for $35. And don't forget that not everybody knows the english language. Yet, the company left those alone in the dark since the homepage doesn't mention anything.

I'll admit that I didn't want to know about the device or anything related for quite a few months, though. After spending the money on the device, the console, the recommended Packapuch cable, the PS controller adapter and god knows what else and finding out the severe A/V issues, learning that there was no intention to ever fix it or even acknowledge it, I just decided to forget about it. Selling it all would have taken a time I didn't have either, on the othe hand.

Mobiusstriptech wrote:Matter of Fact. I will solve this for you right now Bassa Bassa. Me email is in my signature. Send me pictures of each of your SSDS3 devices. With the serial numbers visible. And proof that they both work via pictures of the same serial numbers in the menu of each. I will pay you for both units 240euros each. Plus the shipping to get them to me. I will then mod both of them with the fixes and sell them to someone who actually wants it. Then you can wash yours hands of all this and never deal with TerraOnion again. Enjoy!
That's pretty generous, thanks. You're again doing the work of Terraonion at your own cost and expense, it seems. But whatever. My unit has very, very few hours of usage and was never opened. The box and rest of the content are also in pristine condition though if you want it too you'll have to give me some weeks since I carried it to the family house. If you're still fine after knowing the details, I'll try to send you the pictures these weekend and we can follow via email. No two units as you can see but a like-new Packapunch MD2 cable, if you also want it in the package.

(But hey, if you think I can solve the flaws just by spending $35, I can enjoy that scenario too, just let me know the howto!).
Last edited by Bassa-Bassa on Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by thebigcheese »

Just to be clear, it's not his board. He is installing Voultar's and FBX's boards.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Bassa-Bassa »

Ah, thanks for that.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Mobiusstriptech »

The only additional cost for the audio fix was purchasing the audio board from FBX, which he and others can attest I did on many occasions. The overall additional cost, including shipping and buying the audio board from FBX was under $100USD for most customers inside and outside the US. You can't compare my pricing to VGP because VGP was selling at a low margin but still at a profit, I was not. $35 was install of both boards and the FU-RGB video board. With the FBX board coming in at another $40, if you bought from him directly.

You mentioned shipping 2 boards, which is where my belief that you had multiple units came from. If you only have 1, that's even less money out of my pocket. I have no intention/desire/plan to defend TerraOnion. I have nothing to do with them.

What I don't like is seeing someone come on a forum and complain about how a random person who went out of their way to help the community, didn't do enough. So yes, I will buy your device and sell it fixed to someone who actually wants it. Then you will have nothing to complain about and your frustration over ignoring 9 months worth of work (6 months of solid R&D/3 months of sales/installs) and saying that you weren't personally made aware will no longer matter.

This type of stuff is why you see myself, Voultar, and FBX saying we are done trying to solve the issues. It's not just because there always seems to be something. It's because we run into these situations where someone can't let it go and harasses us and the community, hammering on points that have been made countless times.

Nobody is forgetting what transpired over the last year. It's chronicled all over. We have screenshots and videos for proof of everything. At $300 I absolutely agree it should have been perfect, but it wasn't. So now there are solutions, you can choose to live with it the way it is, you can choose to get the fixes which do correct everything, or you can find something else. I'm offering to solve your problem for you because I am tired of it and will have 0 problem selling the unit after I install the fixes.
thebigcheese wrote:Just to be clear, it's not his board. He is installing Voultar's and FBX's boards.
To be clear on this, my name may not be on Voultars board, but I provided the vast majority of testing during the entire design phase. I provided the boards and manufactured them at cost to the community. I continue to offer the boards pre-assembled at a reasonable price and still installed for an even more reasonable price. Voultar can come on and disagree if he wants but I feel like this board is every bit a joint effort and equally mine and his.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by HDgaming42 »

Mobiusstriptech wrote:How much? I might need a CoreGrafx to go with one of these SSDS3 that Bassa-Bassa has.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by fernan1234 »

Mobiusstriptech wrote:
To be clear on this, my name may not be on Voultars board, but I provided the vast majority of testing during the entire design phase. I provided the boards and manufactured them at cost to the community. I continue to offer the boards pre-assembled at a reasonable price and still installed for an even more reasonable price. Voultar can come on and disagree if he wants but I feel like this board is every bit a joint effort and equally mine and his.
When earlier I praised the video of the newest SSDS3 I only gave credit to Voultar, being ignorant of the fact that you deserve an equal share of credit. Sorry about that. Hats off to Mobius also for the video output! Now the SSDS3 looks just as great as my IFU-30 that got RGB-modded in Japan, which I used to think was the pinnacle of how good this system can look.
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