Brexit: Leave wins!

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Brexit vote: should the UK leave the EU or not?

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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by BulletMagnet »

It really does seem like a lot of the Exit leaders were hoping to lose and then use the ensuing "see, it's an establishment conspiracy, we can't stand for this!" resentment to bolster something else entirely on their to-do list, rather than deal with the actual consequences of success.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by CIT »

Johnson gone. Farage gone. What a joke! Like all populist contrarians they put their tails between their legs once they actually had to take on responsibility and face being accountable. I guess it's just good it happened so soon.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Xyga »


I'm a fan of Farage now, troll of the decade !
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Bitter Almonds »

Mischief Maker wrote:
Durandal wrote:what the hell is going on anymore
When $2.1 trillion evaporates overnight, you know someone's gonna get clipped!
That turd got clipped. Anyway, hope everyone's havin' a good 4th of July... OG "brexit."
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by CIT »

Well, Brexit has certainly turned into a shit show. :lol:
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Weak Boson »

^hard to disagree. I feel really stupid because I am eligible for German citizenship but I haven't completed the process and now there if there is no extension I won't be able to get it done before Brexit. Although I guess this is a relatively trivial concern compared to the difficulties some people could face with no deal.

May has got to be one of the weakest leaders in our history. Her position has been dangerously unstable for a long time now. Obviously it would be stupid to expect her to have any kind of integrity, but her refusal to acknowledge the reality of her position or take any kind of responsibility still astounds me. Now she is showing her contempt for parliament again by once again trying to force her deal through.

I still had it in me to chuckle at the succession of constitutional crises we had last week, but at this point I'm honestly just finding the whole thing sad.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by spmbx »

i don’t believe a brexit will happen, it just looks like noone has the balls to say that so this gets dragged along. Which is getting pretty annoying for mainlanders who are stuck in brexit preparations too.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Xyga »

My money on no-deal, then the real shit show will begin :lol:
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Mischief Maker »

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Zen »

A Hard Brexit, should have been the de facto position.
It is surreal that any other option was given a moments consideration, as any "Deal" would involve paying to leave an extortion ring.
A most remarkable conceit that, along with the ploy to scuttle Brexit, is why the attempt was made to permanently take a "No Deal" option, off the table.

As for the propaganda, early on established and repeated ad infinitum by the "media class"; Project Fear, is reaching critical mass but still is not working.

The vote was taken on June 2016.
As we near the third year of naked, gross obstruction, outwardly led by a an unelected "leader", who is and was a remainer, I feel it not at all unreasonable to evoke Treason.

If it has escaped anyone's attention at this stage, the goal all along has been to halt and reverse.

It is the "E.U." position, to force all sovereign Nations who reject E.U. "Treaties", irrespective of National Constitutions and Laws, to demand a re-vote until the deplorable Nationalists "Get it right".
Having delayed the English vote on secession for many, many years, the Kalergi Club became a little too bold and played their "anyone is free to leave" ruse, a little too early.

Turns out, there are still Englishman left in England!


What is this?!
An American Socialist expat, living in England and gloating about his free healthcare? Do I have that right?

Its also seems that his grasp of English political nuance, is of the same calibre as his honour.
Which is to say, non existent.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by BulletMagnet »

Maybe I'm looking at this too simplistically, but after all this time I still can't get over the fact that all of Brexit's major cheerleaders resigned and washed their hands of the whole thing as soon as the votes were counted; I dunno, in the entirety of this thread (and likely beyond that) has a single pro-Brexit person attempted to explain why, if Brexit was going to be such a huge triumph, none of its most prominent advocates so much as pretended to want to stick around for it?

But what do I know, I'm not British - here's someone who is.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Zen »

I must confess, that I have not read this thread, having gotten myself banned on the first page of it, back in 2016. So I am unaware of any explanations given, for the question you raise.

Perhaps "Brexit's major cheerleaders", never thought that England might vote to leave?
Even if they did, maybe none of them wanted that post-brexit poison chalice?

I could make better guesses but that is all they would be, guesses.

As to your; someone who might understand it all because he is "British";
Sam Byers? On Brexit?!

It is an article that I highly recommend readers of this thread peruse. Though, perhaps not for the reasons BulletMagnet intended.

I would also strongly suggest, that one views the articles' - British Airways - "Made by Britain" advert, that, for Sam Bryers,
does not seem "progressive" enough!
(Comments are disabled for this video.) Indeed.

For the uninitiated; regarding that condition, that even the "left" in America concede as "Trump Derangement Syndrome", Sam Byers would be that species of "remainer",
hard-hit with Brexit Derangement Syndrome.
An embarrassing pseudo intellectual, beloved of "the media" (read; The Guardian, New York Times) his views glibly mock as "regressive",
anything other than his shiny-happy, progressive, globalist stupor. All done in happy-happy, joy-joy, protected media safe spaces, of course.

Mr Byers is pushing his book; Perfidious Albion, which features a version of Bruegel's The Tower of Babel, as it's front cover art (with Union Jack atop, no less!)
It is a tale of post-brexit dystopia, along the lines of V for Vendetta and I would encouraged those interested, to read the blurb.
But let us not hold that against him. Back to the article;

"As we walk the supermarket aisles, speculating as to the continuing availability of our favorite foods,
as we sit with our European loved ones and try to convince ourselves of the security of their stay,
as we lay out the day’s medicines and fret about the continuing viability of their procurement,
Brexit is inescapable
This is hug-box hysteria. Disgusting.

Not even half way into this polemic, we get assaulted with the inevitable "climate change".
In an article on "Brexit" . . .

He even manages to force in some chiding from the United Nations!

If you do not "get" Mr Byers by this point, I guess my post is not for you. If, on the other hand, you do; glad I could help!

Concerning the British Airways - "Made by Britain" ad, that Byers uses to fuel his article;

""Made by Britain" spotlights people who have helped shape culture and represent British values."

What are these "British" values, I wonder?

One of British Airways' British-Culture-shapers, is Grayson Perry - "Artist".
Who decided that he was? Well, the press, of course; "In 2008 he was ranked number 32 in The Daily Telegraph's list of the "100 most powerful people in British culture"".
Hints of Sam Byers "media rise" perhaps?

Here is Garyson Perry, as he appears in the British Airways ad;


Back to Mr Byers book of dystopian, Right-wing future;
Given that in present-day England, I would get arrested for "misgendering" Mr Grayson (oh. dear!),
is Sam Byers not abjectly confusing his fascistic fiction, with the objective, present day, sad state of Globalist England?

"Brexit has exposed my country as a solipsistic backwater."
A Nation and it's people, becoming self aware once more, is a glorious thing to behold but according to Mr Byers, England's re-emerging Nationalism, is self-centred, vestigial horror.
Sam Byers World, is one of Civic national, cultural tourists.
Kalergi would be proud.

"“Britishness”— that never-quite-defined and often nebulous shared culture"
Sam Byers, spells it out. Literally. And he still does not get it.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Ajora »

Brexit means Brexit.
There was a time, in the era of great chaos, when the Earth and the moon were at war with each other. A daredevil from the moon piloted a bizarre aircraft. It was feared, and because of its shape, called... Einhander.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by BulletMagnet »

Zen wrote:Perhaps "Brexit's major cheerleaders", never thought that England might vote to leave?
Even if they did, maybe none of them wanted that post-brexit poison chalice?
What "poisoned chalice"? Brexit, according to all of them, was going to be great, and especially great if it was a "hard" exit: Britain would cast off the shackles of Brussels, save a bunch of money, get their borders back, this was all supposed to make life better for Britain's people. If they believed a word of what they said and were so confident that the naysayers would be proved so spectacularly wrong, what "poisoned chalice" were they afraid of, exactly (to that end, why make the public, many of whom were tragically uninformed as to what an exit from the EU would entail, vote on it, instead of the folks who are specifically elected to know about these things)? According to their own rhetoric, there was no such thing to fear, there were benefits to be reaped. So why are they all, despite not having changed their tune one bit on this issue, so determined to cheerlead it only from a safe distance? So much for "honour", I suppose.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Zen »

BulletMagnet wrote:What "poisoned chalice"?
Having to get down to brass tacks?
Making potentially unpopular decisions?
The usual sort of post-victory reality check, you know?

Then there is the matter of having their remainer opponents out for their blood. Not to mention a hostile super state, hell bent on crucifying them.
I would say that using the term "poison chalice", is not without warrant?

But Brexit is not about them, BulletMagnet.
It is about the will of the people and one of the first Nationalist victories of modern times.
The first, of many.
BulletMagnet wrote: (to that end, why make the public, many of whom were tragically uninformed as to what an exit from the EU would entail, vote on it, instead of the folks who are specifically elected to know about these things)?
I beg your pardon? Would you care to explain this?
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Zen »

EDIT; Terms agreed.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Blinge »

Sigh. And there was me deleting my post before you responded, thinking "it's not worth."
Also I wished to retract parts of it.
Zen wrote: Why are you attempting to insult my Country?
Isn't that what nationalists do?
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Zen »

Do you wish to withdraw the insult?
If so, as gentleman, I shall of course delete the relevant quotes from your post.
Blinge wrote:
Zen wrote: Why are you attempting to insult my Country?
Isn't that what nationalists do?
Nothing could be further from the truth.

As I have stated here before;
I honour all Nations and respect the right of all races to exist on their own terms. Not in futile competition with, nor in forced conservatorship of, another.

Further, as an EthnoNationalist, I am quite a bit to the "Right", of a Nationalist.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Blinge »

Doesn't that position imply competition.

Yes i wish to withdraw the insult haha,
I have no quarrel with Ireland.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by BulletMagnet »

Zen wrote:Having to get down to brass tacks?
Making potentially unpopular decisions?
The usual sort of post-victory reality check, you know?
So, to dispense with the "political correctness" you claim to deplore, they were pussies? Though, frankly, I don't think that's even it, and I don't think you do either:
I would say that using the term "poison chalice", is not without warrant?
Only if they didn't actually believe the things they were saying - if they actually believed that Brexit would be the bellwether they said it would be, then the "poison" would be aimed squarely at the Remain crowd, who would wind up with a motherlode of egg on their faces for decades to come when the doomsday rhetoric was proved false and the copious benefits started piling up. Instead, they essentially got everyone they knew to buy into a new stock, then sold off all their own shares just before the IPO: all indications are, in otherwords, that they knew from the beginning that what they were peddling was bullshit, otherwise they'd still be there in prime position to reap the praise and prosperity they kept going on about, "honourable" folks that they surely are. Not that this even matters to you, of course:
I could make better guesses but that is all they would be, guesses.
Have any of you patriotic lot even bothered, anytime over the past few years, to, you know, ask them?
But Brexit is not about them, BulletMagnet.
I suppose, in the end, you're half right: it's partially about cynical, plutocratic con men like them who will say and do anything to gain for themselves as the expense of others, and half about the yeeeaahhh fuck yoooouuu yeeeahhh nihilists like yourself who, as I've said before, welcome the con with open arms, since all you care about in the end is free rein to treat other people like shit, and that's the one thing they won't fail to give you.
I beg your pardon? Would you care to explain this?
I'm not overly familiar with the British system, but I seem to recall that under normal circumstances a motion like this would be voted on by Parliament, but the Brexiteers hemmed and hawed about "bringing it directly to the people", the vast majority of whom, once again, were, in many cases by their own admission, not remotely versed in what an exit from the EU would actually entail. All a happy accident, of course.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Weak Boson »

A million people marched for a second referendum this weekend - quite the contrast to Farage's 300-strong "Brexit betrayal" march. I think it's an on-going thing, though, so maybe numbers will pick up if the weather improves. Still quite a lot of ground to make up.

Meanwhile the tories are at Chequers passing that poisoned chalice round like a hot potato. I dread to think what glistening psychopath is going to seize it in the end.

I also saw an interesting article about the legality of no deal. For all Zen's talk of Englishmen, it is worth noting that the United Kingdom also consists of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - and the argument goes that our commitments to the latter make it illegal to write legislation that will result in a hard border. Further to this, it could be argued that rather than no deal being the "default" option as is often the assumption in the media, that this would not be legitimate unless parliament gave its consent (which it cannot legally do). None of this is to say that remain will be the default option, only that no deal brexit would be open to legal challenge on both the EU and UK side.
Zen wrote:Kalergi, Kalergi
I've no interest in arguing about this here, but for anyone who's curious to see a debunking of these confused white nationalist conspiracies I recommend this video essay.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Zen »

Blinge wrote:Doesn't that position imply competition.
Nothing wrong with competition.

Just because I can take all the apples, does not mean that I will take all the apples.
Abuse of power, is a disgrace.

Western Nations were inexorably arriving at this position independently.
Being fooled, shamed, bullied and beaten into a forced Union, of Civic Nationalist serfdom, was not the answer.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Zen »

BulletMagnet wrote:So, to dispense with the "political correctness" you claim to deplore, they were pussies? Though, frankly, I don't think that's even it, and I don't think you do either:
BulletMagnet wrote:Only if they didn't actually believe the things they were saying - if they actually believed that Brexit would be the bellwether they said it would be, then the "poison" would be aimed squarely at the Remain crowd, who would wind up with a motherlode of egg on their faces for decades to come when the doomsday rhetoric was proved false and the copious benefits started piling up. Instead, they essentially got everyone they knew to buy into a new stock, then sold off all their own shares just before the IPO: all indications are, in otherwords, that they knew from the beginning that what they were peddling was bullshit, otherwise they'd still be there in prime position to reap the praise and prosperity they kept going on about, "honourable" folks that they surely are. Not that this even matters to you, of course:
My position on the political class, has been made clear to you before. I believe I referred to them as; "degenerates"?
You will get no defence of them, from me.

The prime matter, however, is eminently honourable. A sovereign Nation, restored.
BulletMagnet wrote:Have any of you patriotic lot even bothered, anytime over the past few years, to, you know, ask them?
Patriot? It is a crass thing.
Nationalist, sir. Which means Ethno, by default.
Why would any EthnoNationalist "ask" a politician, anything?
BulletMagnet wrote:I suppose, in the end, you're half right: it's partially about cynical, plutocratic con men like them who will say and do anything to gain for themselves as the expense of others, and half about the yeeeaahhh fuck yoooouuu yeeeahhh nihilists like yourself who, as I've said before, welcome the con with open arms, since all you care about in the end is free rein to treat other people like shit, and that's the one thing they won't fail to give you.
Why do you insist on writing the narrative of those you disagree with? How many times do you expect me to say these outrageous claims, are false?
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by spmbx »

Weak Boson wrote:A million people marched for a second referendum this weekend - quite the contrast to Farage's 300-strong "Brexit betrayal" march. I think it's an on-going thing, though, so maybe numbers will pick up if the weather improves. Still quite a lot of ground to make up.
That’s about 6% of the number of people that voted to get out though, to give it some perspective. Anyway a second referendum will be a gigantic shitstorm in it’s own right. I can’t see any agreement being reached about what question to even ask on a second referendum. But it would be a very EU’ish thing to do indeed. If the answer is not satisfactory just ask again or not and assume something else and push it through. Sadly i think brexit just won’t happen.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Weak Boson »

^yeah I agree that a 2nd referendum is a dubious proposition. I share a lot of the frustrations of people on the march, and I don't buy the idea that it would be inherently undemocratic, but there's definitely a right and a wrong way of going about it. A lot of hardcore remainers seem intent of repeating the mistakes they made in the first one; and the very, very difficult question of what would actually be on the ballot hardly gets mentioned by any politician or anyone in the media. But yeah, even in the best case it would be a mess. It's just a question of what options we have.

My take is that if our parliament can't agree on a way forward then we need a general election to get one that can. But I can see the argument for simultaneously campaigning for another referendum to avoid the new parliament ending up deadlocked in the same way. I guess we'll see.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by BulletMagnet »

Zen wrote:Why would any EthnoNationalist "ask" a politician, anything?
Ignorance is strength! :lol: What a fucking joke.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Zen »

Do you really believe that accurately represents what I said, or is my thinking so different to your own that all you can think to do, is mock?
Ignorance, indeed.

Politics, or the pretence that passes for it nowadays, is so far removed from it's purpose, that it is at best worthless and at worst a clear and present danger to the people it "serves".
And that would be my take on politics for "normies". What possible use, would an EthnoNationalist have for the political class?

As I have said here already, I have not once voted for a political party or a politician. Not once.
Guess how that changed things? Precisely as much as if I had been a voting fool.

If you, or anyone else, wishes to believe that getting "served" by any and all of these soulless grifters, is anything but fiction,
you are free to do so and I promise that I will not call you ignorant, nor laugh at you.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by MintyTheCat »

CIT wrote:Well, Brexit has certainly turned into a shit show. :lol:
Yep, it damn well has. doesn't matter what happens now as there will be loads of pissed off people in any case.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by bakedbean »

Weak Boson wrote:^yeah I agree that a 2nd referendum is a dubious proposition. I share a lot of the frustrations of people on the march, and I don't buy the idea that it would be inherently undemocratic, but there's definitely a right and a wrong way of going about it. A lot of hardcore remainers seem intent of repeating the mistakes they made in the first one; and the very, very difficult question of what would actually be on the ballot hardly gets mentioned by any politician or anyone in the media. But yeah, even in the best case it would be a mess. It's just a question of what options we have.

My take is that if our parliament can't agree on a way forward then we need a general election to get one that can. But I can see the argument for simultaneously campaigning for another referendum to avoid the new parliament ending up deadlocked in the same way. I guess we'll see.
1. we already had a general election on this topic, those promising leave delivery won, now they need to do it.

2. the march means precisely fuck all, why would any brexiteer march for anything? when they WON the referendum, they will march if they are betrayed.

3. don't kid yourself you are undemocratic as fuck and likely a middle class white weak beta male who has got his own way his own life and has his principles in material shit and shallowness.

4. Don't think you've debunked the kalergi plan by posting a stupid fucking youtube video, the DOCUMENTS of Richard coudenhove kalergi state quite clearly his thoughts and intentions so no it's not a "conspiracy" but absolutely a driving ideological part of policy, they even give the kalergi award in the e.u every 2 years for "integration" work, tony blair it yes that tony blair who submerged us as far into the e.u as possible whilst he let little known mp Barbara roche open the flood gates and change asylum law without telling anyway least of all the british public.

Read government

Calling things conspiracy, citing fucking youtube "debunk" vids instead of assessing archived official documentation and cherry picking horseshit whilst doing the guilt by association tribalism "hurr le alt right conspiracy" doesn't make you smart, it just shows without question your intellectual dishonesty, political tribalism and outright ignorance to objective balanced real research, you are exactly what higher "education" shits out en masse, you've no idea how to think only ever being taught what to think. Remainiacs should really be careful with what they are toying with, if they succeed in their treacherous despicable regard for a democratic result they don't like then you better get ready for serious violence.
BulletMagnet wrote: I'm not overly familiar with the British system, but I seem to recall that under normal circumstances a motion like this would be voted on by Parliament, but the Brexiteers hemmed and hawed about "bringing it directly to the people", the vast majority of whom, once again, were, in many cases by their own admission, not remotely versed in what an exit from the EU would actually entail. All a happy accident, of course.
And here we go the usual robotic rehearsed arrogant cunt line from a snobby piece of shit. Parliament is full of mps voted in to REPRESENT the constituents, when they cease to do this you get a serious problem and what the FUCK is this sudden fiction that implies there was ever a vote in history that saw 100% of its active voters being experts on the topic at hand? they don't fucking need to be, they need to vote precisely from the position of their own interests and concerns. What they want is to fucking leave the E.U end of, no we don't care about MUH ECONOMICS or whatever other bullshit you are touting.

You are just another arrogant, brainwashed,pc touting authoritarian lunatic cunt, probably fucking german judging by the qualities, what you really need is your fucking head caved in and stomped because violence is the oinly language anti freedom authoritarian cunt filth like you ever understand, i'd punt your fucking head off.
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