What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Anything from run & guns to modern RPGs, what else do you play?
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BurlyHeart »

Playing one or two runs of Metal Slug every day, and can get to stage 5 consistently now. Yet to no miss it that far, but it'll come I feel. Just need to cut out the silly mistakes.

I've also been playing Iconoclasts. Not a huge fan of metroidvanias, but thankfully backtracking is not a huge part of the game. It's not very challenging so far, but the boss fights are cool and the game has particular charm. Talking to the NPC's reminds of playing Landstalker and Grandia II for some reason.

Also playing the free winter update of Overcooked 2. Honestly, it's getting a bit tedious now. The missus loves it, but even she's losing the muster to finish the levels.

Picked up Gorogoa on sale on gog, and it was quite the experience. Not much replay value on offer, but the game is very well made and was an entertaining puzzler while it lasted.

Credit fed (in co-op) my way through Battle Circuit in Capcom Belt Action Collection. It was a lot of fun, with some weird and wonderful characters. Might come back to play this semi-seriously. When there's a choice, I rarely play the main protagonist of games, instead opting for one of the more interesting side characters. However, the other characters here are possibly too weird. I'll have to experiment more, and see if they'll grow on me (I will say I think Pinky is a cool design, though the missus obviously chose her so I was left with what remains).
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by rapoon »

MovingTarget wrote:Well i've not been here in a while ^^

Just got back into shmups after a long break and felt like saying hi. Other than DDP ressurection im also playing IL-2 Sturmovik BoS

I played War Thunder for years, but I've been eyeballing IL-2 lately. Are you using a stick and/or have you tried using mouse aim?
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

I've been playing and streaming a lot of Bayonetta on PC lately. With the encouragement of another Bayonetta pro (and hundreds of failed attempts) I finally got a Pure Platinum (high combo score, low time, no damage) clear of the game's secret superboss: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/355304602

PC version of Bayonetta is ideal because you can setup rapid fire for the obnoxious minigame segments (Route 666, Isla Del Sol, the cannon), and you can remap the damn lock-on button by changing the controller settings in Steam. I prefer LT for lock on and RB for weapon swap, because it's really nice to be able to hold lock on and have easy access to dodge button, whereas when lockon is on the same side as dodge it's weird to control. Apparently it is how Bayo 2 smartened the heck up and does it, too. The remapped lock on button makes the game feel vastly more comfortable to play on than the XB360 version I am used to.

I doubt I am quite crazy enough to go through the constant resetting to get Pure Platinums on the hardest difficulty or the unlockable marathon battle chapter but we'll see.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Ghegs »

Stevens wrote:
Sumez wrote:
It's still better than Slain :P
This was one I was interested in upon first glance, but the reviews put me off.

I am cautiously optimistic for Valfaris.

Here it is if you haven't seen it yet:

Just a small heads-up - a few weeks ago the devs put up a demo of Valfaris on Steam, and it'll only be available until the end of the year. I only noticed it today completely by accident.

I did like the demo, it's certainly slower-paced than what we consider run 'n guns (Contra/Metal slug), has a bit more exploration to it in the form of hidden rooms and areas (it's still pretty linear, no Metroid here), but I did like it. I enjoyed the "melee enemies to gather energy to use with heavy weapons or shield"-mechanic.
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some may have a thing fo' th' 45s

Post by NYN »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote: the unlockable marathon battle chapter
I presume you mean the Lost Chapter: Angel Slayer.
Funny you did Father Rodin but not this as of yet. If you're not sick of the game by now, I guess you will do it eventually.
At least once.

Do you play any Jeanne?
WhatImageeven mean, though?!
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Leandro »

Bought the Biohazard Origins Bundle last Autumn sale on Steam and I'm glad I made the purchase.

I started with RE Remake early December and on my third playthrough I went for a speedrun getting the clear with 2h28min.
Then I switched to RE0 HD during Christmas and just beat it on Normal some hours ago. Now I've started the Wesker mode and having fun cheesing the game.
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Re: some may have a thing fo' th' 45s

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Ronyn wrote:
BareKnuckleRoo wrote: the unlockable marathon battle chapter
I presume you mean the Lost Chapter: Angel Slayer.
Yes, I was omitting the specific names of stuff like
Father Rodin
in case someone had been living under a rock and hadn't played the game yet.

Bayonetta has some silly quicktime events and some fairly weak segments (the sequence after you Climax finish the final boss is ridiculous on Hard/NSIC due to the wonky camera and how the obstacles literally home in at you at an absurd speed), but when its combat is good, it's amazing. Knowing how to dodge offset is key in playing the game at an advanced level on the higher difficulties, and it makes the game feel so elegant when you can evade and continue combos or cancel slow hits to get to the stronger hits in a combo. It's not a game I will get sick of. I've cleared the secret chapter already with double Onyx Roses (and Kulshedra/Durga Fire for flaming enemies), just never gotten a great rank in it because it's such a lengthy marathon with several brutal fights and I don't think you can checkpoint reset repeatedly to get Pure Platinums the way you can with the story chapters. I did discover there's an amusing camera exploit similar to God Hand where some enemies will not attack if they are offscreen. The last two fights in the secret chapter are exploitable this way, either for Star of Dineta recovery or Tetsuzanko sniping.

Playing for Pure Platinums in each story chapter is honestly vastly more tedious than just aiming for platinum because literally one minor fuckup costs you the pure, and there's no indicator to show how many combo points you need to get Platinum or time limit for Platinum. There's also no "reset Verse" option, not even as an unlockable to retry fights when you fail to get Pure Platinum (exiting to title and selecting continue on a failed Pure Platinum was how Kamiya was doing it when he streamed the game AFAIK). I honestly don't recommend players seriously attempt Pure Platinums in the story chapters as there is no reward for that (mere Platinums in all chapters in Normal mode will get you the only rank-related unlock) and it's fairly crazy to do. I know, as I've done it, current PC file has PP on all Normal missions. The worst missions are ones like Chapter V with autosaving before the ranking screen. Normally after fights the game saves a checkpoint after it shows the medal ranking for a fight, so if you earn less than a Pure Platinum you can quit to title screen and pick Continue to retry the fight. Chapter V has no fewer than 4 fights with autosaving (the fight after jumping through the eye of the needle, the Ardor fight, the second Inspired fight, the second Harmonies fight, and possibly the first Inspired fight), which means if you get less than a Pure Platinum you have to restart the entire Chapter to attempt a Pure Platinum for the Chapter. In those cases you have to get a "feel" for if you were fast enough or if you got a high enough combo and reset before killing the final enemy.

Basically, the game wasn't designed to make Pure Platinums enjoyable to attempt for entire chapters. You either have to redo each chapter over and over (no damage isn't even the problem since you also have to get under an invisible timer and over an invisible combo score ) or constantly reset the game on each fight. It would be nice if Bayo 3 had a "restart Verse" option you could unlock if you wanted to attempt a Pure Platinum of the full game, but otherwise it's much more fun to play for the vastly less frustrating baseline of getting at least Platinum ranking in each chapter.

Jeanne is even easier than Bayonetta to play as since you get the crazy bonus to Wicked Weave damage and no limit to dodges, gonna run through the game with her again on the PC version. Also going to do a
run as well which should be fun. Essentially the same as Bayonetta except always equipped Infernal Communicator (which actually interferes with Pulley's Butterfly) and
you always die in 2 hits, 3 once you get the lifebar maxed out. Though as usual, only a hit at 0 health kills you, so one Star of Dineta taunt instantly gives you one survivable hit.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by professor ganson »

Disgaea 5 (Switch) - finally getting around to finishing the main game. This game was a bit of a disappointment strategy-wise after Disgaea 4, so I set it aside for a long time. I'm currently gripped enough that I'll probably see it through the main game. But at that point I'll be more likely to revisit Disgaea 1 (Switch) than to pursue the postgame splendor.

UPDATE: finished! The last boss was... odd. But to avoid spoilers, I will say no more than that.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Stevens »

Ghegs wrote: Just a small heads-up - a few weeks ago the devs put up a demo of Valfaris on Steam, and it'll only be available until the end of the year. I only noticed it today completely by accident.

I did like the demo, it's certainly slower-paced than what we consider run 'n guns (Contra/Metal slug), has a bit more exploration to it in the form of hidden rooms and areas (it's still pretty linear, no Metroid here), but I did like it. I enjoyed the "melee enemies to gather energy to use with heavy weapons or shield"-mechanic.
Thanks for the heads up. I will check it out:D
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Not Rorschach »

Cliché, but Outrun 2019.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Immryr »

i haven't been playing many real video games lately (or posting here...), but i started environmental station alpha a couple of days ago on the recommendation of a few people here. so far it's a pretty typical metroid game, but also an enjoyable one. the music is great, the visual style is alright although sometimes the simplicity of the graphics makes it a little difficult to work out what is fore/back ground and what is traversable and what isn't - nothing too major though.

i'm not far in, just got the propellar upgrade, so i don't really have any in depth opinions about the game yet. the hookshot mechanics are great though and, unless i've come a really weird way, the game asks you to do some fairly tricky, and not entirely intuitive, things with it right off the bat. so i have a feeling there might be a good amount of tough traversal ahead.

looking forward to it.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Immryr »

just played a hilarious game of magic the gathering on arena where my opponent ended with -540 life and i had 649. the arena client could not handle what was going on, just getting a land to resolve took 5 mins. i was just amazed my opponent didn't resign.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

Bought a stupid number of games on sale over Xmas.
Currently hammering Yakuza 6 - of the four I've played this definitely seems to be the best of the bunch. New engine is nice, got a bit of a shock first time it transitioned into a fight and I got a punch in the gob straight away. Some nice touches like breaking the shop windows and bystanders now running for cover instead of simply appearing in a circle. This one reminds me of Shenmue 2 for reasons I can't quite put my finger on. Plus the arcade is just an embarrassment of riches with the addition of VF5 and PuyoPuyo. Strange that they haven't included the original Hang-On or Afterburner in any of these though. Looks lovely, I've spent quite a time just wondering around and comparing areas throughout the games. Much prefer the way levelling up works now as opposed to the three styles of Zero. Good stuff.

Picked up the OutRun port for Switch. Just great to finally have a perfect version on a handheld. Even quite like some of the new music - the driver's Megamix is my go to now.

Added Thunder Force IV, Crypt of the Necro Dancer, Tales of Zesteria, Yoku's Island Adventure, and some VR Pilot Wings rip-off to the pile of shame.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Apparently I missed Subnautica for free on the Epic Games launcher, but Super Meat Boy will be free there until January 10th.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Marc wrote:Bought a stupid number of games on sale over Xmas.
Currently hammering Yakuza 6 - of the four I've played this definitely seems to be the best of the bunch. New engine is nice, got a bit of a shock first time it transitioned into a fight and I got a punch in the gob straight away. Some nice touches like breaking the shop windows and bystanders now running for cover instead of simply appearing in a circle. This one reminds me of Shenmue 2 for reasons I can't quite put my finger on. Plus the arcade is just an embarrassment of riches with the addition of VF5 and PuyoPuyo. Strange that they haven't included the original Hang-On or Afterburner in any of these though. Looks lovely, I've spent quite a time just wondering around and comparing areas throughout the games. Much prefer the way levelling up works now as opposed to the three styles of Zero. Good stuff.

Picked up the OutRun port for Switch. Just great to finally have a perfect version on a handheld. Even quite like some of the new music - the driver's Megamix is my go to now.

Added Thunder Force IV, Crypt of the Necro Dancer, Tales of Zesteria, Yoku's Island Adventure, and some VR Pilot Wings rip-off to the pile of shame.
Yakuza 6 is really freaking good.

I've been playing Valkyria Chronicles 4, which is also quite good. Wasn't able to get any time this weekend on it but hoping to get back to it tonight.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Ed Oscuro »

I tried out the Valfaris demo (still up for DL) and had some issues - it doesn't recognize my 360 controller, and the keyboard control scheme is a bit too complicated for me (especially the default setup, where you're supposed to use left shift in conjunction with the QWE row). Gonna give this one a pass.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Ghegs »

Ed Oscuro wrote:I tried out the Valfaris demo (still up for DL) and had some issues - it doesn't recognize my 360 controller, and the keyboard control scheme is a bit too complicated for me (especially the default setup, where you're supposed to use left shift in conjunction with the QWE row). Gonna give this one a pass.
That's weird, it worked just fine with my 360 controller. Do you also have another controller plugged in? Some games get confused when there's more than one available.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by JBC »

Super Smash Bros Ultimate -

The name says it all. If you've ever liked Smash this is that, but with everything included. A very chaotic game that takes some focus & getting used to, but extremely fun either way. As usual, it's best with friends.

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu -

Nothing groundbreaking to be found here, it's standard Pokemon meets Pokemon Go. Very easy for a little too long before it gets challenging but fun nevertheless if you already like Pokemon. The Switch can do more impressive stuff than this but who's playing Pokemon for graphics? I've been enjoying my time with it despite only being able to use a single JoyCon, which ends up feeling fine as long as you use the strap piece. No Pro Controller support either, but no biggy.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Ghegs wrote:
Ed Oscuro wrote:I tried out the Valfaris demo (still up for DL) and had some issues - it doesn't recognize my 360 controller, and the keyboard control scheme is a bit too complicated for me (especially the default setup, where you're supposed to use left shift in conjunction with the QWE row). Gonna give this one a pass.
That's weird, it worked just fine with my 360 controller. Do you also have another controller plugged in? Some games get confused when there's more than one available.
Nope. I might give it another try later.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by professor ganson »

Disgaea 1 (Switch) - just doing a quick run through the main game and really enjoying it so far. Holds up well after all these years.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

More thoughts on Yakuza 6:

The phone app that has replaced the random street crimes in 0 is a real pain in the ass. It never stops ringing.

No pool! No capsule machines!! BOO!!!

Prefer the darts in 0 – it’s just too easy in 6 even with a crappy set.

Random flying scenery is funny as, but there seem to be far fewer environmental KO’s, and no real opportunity to use a lot of the cool stuff I’m unlocking in the menu. I’m still trying to find an oven to stick a guy’s head in.

Chapter 8 and I still haven’t done anything with Clan Creator or Baseball. In fact I’ve only recruited one guy so far (yellow dude that you wail on a few times).

I did catch myself wondering why I was playing this full stop at one point – in a game where the fighting compromises probably 70% of the playing time, what exactly is the draw if the fighting is mostly competent slapstick for the most part? If this was someone else playing an Ass Creed or Far Cry I’d roast them, as both those series for me are large game worlds held together by merely competent mechanics and yet here I am.

Bouncing between this version of OutRun and the Switch port has been kind of interesting. I’ve never been 100% sure whether it’s a true analogue game at all – the arcade game felt it but I never even noticed the absence of it on the Saturn port. The Switch version feels absolutely crappy on the stick – maybe partially because it’s so small, but the whole thing feels a bit off – every time I’ve finished it it’s been with the D-pad. Y6 version on the other hand feels spot on with analogue, and slightly sluggish in comparison on D-pad. I’m now coming to prefer the old/JPN course layout as well. Seems to be a big discrepancy in difficulty also, Y6 version on the ‘normal’ cab still feels way easier that the Switch’s default settings. I’d love to see a real geeky tear down of the Saturn/DC/DS/Switch/Yakuza versions.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Obscura »

Xenonauts. Doing a terrible job protecting earth, and loving it! :lol:

On my second attempt now, my first attempt ended with me in a horrible position since I didn't really understand the importance of explosives on the battlefield to eliminate enemy cover. Dunno if this attempt is going to last long either, I'm doing well on the battlefield but failing terribly at the strategic level, with bad relations with multiple countries (I was a bit slow getting my second base really up and running, there were several things I didn't realize about how the air layer works in this game).
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BrianC »

Marc wrote: Bouncing between this version of OutRun and the Switch port has been kind of interesting. I’ve never been 100% sure whether it’s a true analogue game at all – the arcade game felt it but I never even noticed the absence of it on the Saturn port. The Switch version feels absolutely crappy on the stick – maybe partially because it’s so small, but the whole thing feels a bit off – every time I’ve finished it it’s been with the D-pad. Y6 version on the other hand feels spot on with analogue, and slightly sluggish in comparison on D-pad. I’m now coming to prefer the old/JPN course layout as well. Seems to be a big discrepancy in difficulty also, Y6 version on the ‘normal’ cab still feels way easier that the Switch’s default settings. I’d love to see a real geeky tear down of the Saturn/DC/DS/Switch/Yakuza versions.
Maybe the upped framerate of the Switch version makes the difference in difficulty? I definitely prefer the analog on the pro controller over the stock controller, I should play it more to see if it makes much of a difference.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

The Switch port looks kind of odd to me, guess I'm just so used to the original. I must have seen it running in 60fps before I'm sure, I had the JN and UK versions for Saturn (though I remember one of them flat out refused to work with my 'This is Cool' skeleton Saturn), and I've still got the DC version - though I've no DC anymore and I believe there's something odd about the frame rate on that?
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Stevens »

Marc wrote:I've still got the DC version - though I've no DC anymore and I believe there's something odd about the frame rate on that?
You are a lucky gamer.

This is from Sonic Retro:

Turns out the copy of OutRun in Yu Suzuki Game Works Vol. 1 on the Dreamcast isn't merely an emulated version of the arcade original as people suspected - it's an updated "HD" version of the game, with good chunks of the graphics being redrawn for the 640x480 resolution. I originally thought only the car was different (altered so that it doesn't resemble a Ferrari Testarossa anymore), but turns out backgrounds were replaced too. The result is smoother gameplay, and you can now read some of the signs in the intro!

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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

Stevens wrote:
Marc wrote:I've still got the DC version - though I've no DC anymore and I believe there's something odd about the frame rate on that?
You are a lucky gamer.

This is from Sonic Retro:

Turns out the copy of OutRun in Yu Suzuki Game Works Vol. 1 on the Dreamcast isn't merely an emulated version of the arcade original as people suspected - it's an updated "HD" version of the game, with good chunks of the graphics being redrawn for the 640x480 resolution. I originally thought only the car was different (altered so that it doesn't resemble a Ferrari Testarossa anymore), but turns out backgrounds were replaced too. The result is smoother gameplay, and you can now read some of the signs in the intro!

Wow. I was aware that some graphics had been re-drawn, but always thought it was to do with the car and some advertisement boards or something similar, wasn't aware that anything had been updated as such. Actually I'm lying about not owning a DC, I've still got a boxed pink Hello Kitty set but the DC needs its internal fuse replacing (someone plugged it in without a step down many moons ago). May have to see how difficult a process this is, I've still a dozen or so US games as well as the GMV1 book.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Leandro »

I've been playing some of the classic Resident Evil games this summer, without having played any of them besides the Sega DC Code Veronica back in the day, and after finishing RE Remake, RE0 and RE2 several times, I started Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.

RE 3 is easily the weakest of these games for me.
The Nemesis battles are frustrating. He moves too fast and dishes out too much damage for tank controls. I know they are skippable but I started the game knowing he dropped items when defeated, so I stayed to fight on the first one, and oh boy. Had to resort to cheap tactics, like making him stuck with his running animation on the corner of a wall so I could unload safely. I'm currently at the hospital and I beat Nemesis in every encounter so far, but I'm not feeling too proud, the fights are rage inducing.
Plus I didn't like the ammo creation thing. Only on the music box puzzle I read the red file carefully and discovered you could mix A+B to make C. Maybe it's just burnout from playing the classic games one after another, I don't know. People say Resident Evil 0 is the weakest, but I say it's this one.

Resident Evil 2 was a blast, though. Played Claire A, Leon B then Leon A Claire B. It's just too good of a game, now I know why they are making a Remake. Then it unlocked a 4th survivor mode but I only played it once before moving on to the next game.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by null1024 »

Superflight [PC]
Little game I got for less than a buck in the Steam winter sale.
It's fun, but it's a tad lacking in some ways, even for a game that costs $3 normally.

It's simple: you're a gliding figure of some sort, and you zip around these giant procedurally generated environments.
Fly close to walls to gain points, the closer the better. The longer you're around a singular structure, the larger your combo gets. Moving too far away from a structure ends the combo. It's a little wonky, a lot of things that would intuitively seem like they should chain just don't, and there have been a few maps I've been on where I'd expect my chains to end early and they keep going.
Flying through particularly small gaps gets you bonus points. When you fall out of the area or enter a portal [which gives you 1000 points], you get teleported to a random stage.
When you hit a wall, your run ends, and any un-ended combo is lost.
If you like a stage, you can save the random seed, and the game allows you to type in your own seed to share levels with friends.

The graphics get the job done of looking like some variety of weird floating mountains, cities, spires, etc, etc. The texturing and general blocky shape never change, but it works. Stages look reasonably cool.
For some weird reason, it only allows you to select resolutions your video card can do natively... except it never changes the screen resolution from native. Really odd.
There's motion blur. I don't like it, turned it off pretty quick.

The flight model is satisfying to control. It's very simple, but it feels good. If you pull up too much, you stall out and enter a really deep dive. If you tap forward a bit to level out and get a little bit of descent, you can avoid this.
I'd say it's a little too wide with turning for some of the environments generated -- it's more than okay for flying around them, but you really don't have remotely enough control for it to be particularly worth actually entering the innards of many of them -- you'll see a gap, fly in, see an exit... and then smack into a wall because you couldn't do any kind of turn.

Scoring would be neat... if there was any major incentive to not just lazily fly around the edges of a map, rinse, repeat forever. It's just too risky to go in by comparision. Some kind of timer could have helped a lot with this, or at least a mode with a timer.
Alternatively, tracking scores on a per-map basis would have been great -- you have to fall out of the map eventually since you're a glider, so that'd give plenty reason to learn how to exploit every gap in a given stage to get the best score for it. There's pretty little reason for it not to track scores for saved maps.
There IS a best-chain scoring target, where you can't simply just spend more time playing it safe to get a better score... but given how wonky the chaining system is, I'm not sure if it's a great target.

The general concept seems like something that'd be pretty good in a full-3D NiGHTS game, you get a really great feeling of soaring around. It'd be really neat to see with actual stages rather than randomly generated ones.
It'd be a really fantastic game with a few really little changes. I know it's defintely targeting the casual crowd, but just something as simple as saving scores for single maps would be a massive improvement in how replayable levels are.

tl;dr: it's fun, it's got good potential, it lacks scoring agency

The map I've been enjoying the most is seed -452355316.
Lots of flat areas to fly over, it has an inner section that's quite spacious and definitely worth flying through, and chains don't break that easily in it.
kinda wish I had some paper nearby to write scores for it lol
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by gameoverDude »

Robocop 2 (arcade) - Not my favorite. I'll just stick with this until I get a 1CC then that's it. Instead of a platformer like the first, this is more like Midway's Judge Dredd with more shooting. The first two bosses aren't too bad. The third boss is where it starts getting a little cheap, with a kick that takes off maybe 1/2 your life. There are first-person bonus stages- instead of it being a shooting range like the first, you're on a motorcycle or in a police car shooting at enemy trucks & helicopters. A 100% on one of these gets you an extra life- good luck with that, because your gun reticle moves just a bit too slow. On the later bosses like the ED-209, you have to use jump shots to land hits. I don't think this game really needed jumping- that 3rd button could've better been used for special weapons, so you don't accidentally waste Cobra rounds.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BrianC »

gameoverDude wrote:Midway's Judge Dredd
wow. I can't believe I haven't seen their Judge Dredd arcade game. I thought they only did the pinball. I looked it up and looks pretty bad mix of MK and a beat 'em up. I do like the cheesy voices, though.
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