The RetroArch Shader Thread

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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by Kurozumi »

Kurozumi wrote: As far as retroarch goes, i tried a new nightly, and can confirm it, try mask_sample_mode on a different setting, if my eyes aren't fooling me, "1" looks like before, "0" got these lets call them "phosphor imperfections" in it.
Looked into it again, and yeah sorry, gave a wrong information, mask_sample_mode "1" is the same as the old "1" , the new "0" is different than the old "0" :| !
I wonder whats different now, is the aperute grille texture changed?
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by BONKERS »

Xyga wrote:
BONKERS wrote:You can see more about this at the bottom of this page.
But does that work as good with details-heavy stuff like Royale ?
On that pic it's very simple graphics with very simple scanlines over, I'm curious to see how it does with complex pixel art graphics and ppi-demanding shaders.
Well, I guess only experimentation will tell how it turns out.
With DSR you can adjust the sharpness of the output so if any fine details are being smoothed over a bit more than you like. You could adjust the output.

Do you have any suggested system/game use cases for something like Royale that I could maybe test?
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by bobrocks95 »

AMD's version of DSR is out on the latest beta drivers as well if people with those cards want to test. Problem is that lower-end cards are locked out of higher resolutions like 2160p- not sure exactly what you need to allow it (I'm sure there's a registry hack of some sort to get around it...)
PS1 Disc-Based Game ID BIOS patch for MemCard Pro and SD2PSX automatic VMC switching.
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by Xyga »

BONKERS wrote:
Xyga wrote:
BONKERS wrote:You can see more about this at the bottom of this page.
But does that work as good with details-heavy stuff like Royale ?
On that pic it's very simple graphics with very simple scanlines over, I'm curious to see how it does with complex pixel art graphics and ppi-demanding shaders.
Well, I guess only experimentation will tell how it turns out.
With DSR you can adjust the sharpness of the output so if any fine details are being smoothed over a bit more than you like. You could adjust the output.

Do you have any suggested system/game use cases for something like Royale that I could maybe test?
Any of the pixel-art intense games on the Megadrive/Genesis or SNES would do I guess, take Thunder Force IV for instance the 1st boss is a school case with tons of details, flashy reds, and great contrast.
Demon's Blazon/Crest on the SNES: see if that dragon at the beginning looks crisp and smooth at the same time, coherent.
Or the first Metal Slug on Neo Geo for the overall level of details and difficult-to-retain shadow details.
There are hundreds of graphics-intense games to pick from, the most important thing being that they must challenge the technique; if the shader kills the coherence (mono-sized spots, checkered-pattern feel, too much uniformity, etc), contrast, colors, details or whatever; it's not optimal.

I'll be an ass and mention again that it's impossible to retain optimal levels of details when using a normal LCD flat panel anyway, as most of what we work on achieving on still images gets blurred away as soon as things start to move and scroll on screen.
That's the big issue with advanced/complex shaders like Royale, but that doesn't mean it's hopeless: we can either work on settings that compromise between CRT-realism and LCD-motion friendlyness...or buy advanced displays featuring the latest motion-compensation techniques ($$$$!)
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by Kurozumi »

I tried DSR last night, for myself it ended up with mixed results with the retroarch crt-royale in mind.
Had it on the 4x setting (3840x2400) and tried various smoothness settings.
Personally i had the best results with 20% smoothness, 25% was okay, too, everything higher blurred the slightly visible tv-lines on my settings (for reference see page3) away. First i was excited about the results, but it introduces some ugly effects, too.
For example on the game S.C.A.T. (NES), if i let it run, so the intro demo plays, at the part where the characters are introduced, the picture usually flickers. With DSR it doesn't, and i got a thick black horizontal bar in the middle. Noticed weird things on some other games, too.
So it's kinda like a double edged sword, at least in my case, i'm better with leaving it off.
Maybe it depends on the settings of the CRT-shader of your liking...
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by Stevacus »

(This is pertaining emulation in windows OS mostly and any OS that can implement custom resolutions ) I read around boards regarding resolutions and shaders and I see people making alot of the same mistake not only by just not using integers, but not taking the fact they are using widescreen into aspect.

Everytime you use a integer let's say 2x that's 4x the pixels to make a square pixel than if you use a 4:3 resolution for some reason things get squashed and emulators tend to be like wtf is going on and can give weird aspects even if set are 4:3. The best way to get around this is by giving the widescreen the extra width which is plus one third of 4:3 so let's say you have SOTN it runs at 256 width x 240 height one third height would be around 85.33 so make it 86 add 86 to 256 making it 342 and multiply that and the height times what ever is needed for the display.

For instance 342x240 x3 =1026x720, this works with most HD crts and lcds I've used. Good software to use on Windows to set custom resolutions would be Nvidia control panel and for ATI use power strip your on your own after using anything else not windows but you should get the idea trust me it helps ALOOOOOT.

Edit: picture taken using a galaxy note 5 some I have no TV filter.



Ganbare Goemon 4 1026x672 (original 256x224)

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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by BONKERS »

OK. Here's TFIV with CRT Royale with 2x2 DSR (Using 20% sharpness in my tests looks really good. The closest approximation for downsampling with 20% smoothness is Bilinear because we don't have access to getting screenshots post-resolve with DSR)
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by Xyga »

Mmh, thanks but I think there's a problem in the first screenshot which doesn't look right at all, sorry but I don't believe Royale can work well enough at 1366x768 to begin, or not on default settings (parameters).
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by BONKERS »

2x2 looks very good in motion compared to native. Much more natural and CRT looking. That much I can say for sure. (At native it actually looks fairly poor)

You are welcome to do your own tests as well. I don't have my 1080p set nearby to use to test with. Sorry :o Next nearest set that is set up to be able to use is a 1600x900 in my other room.
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by chuckster »

I joined just to thank Kurozumi, those settings are really incredible when coupled with integer scaling on my 40" Vizio. I do tweak things a bit by reducing mask size to 1 so that mask type 1 and 3 look good and upping the number of triads to 1000. It makes the scanlines even sharper and darker, which is my main concern. The default settings always turned me off of CRT-Royale as being just another heavy-handed mask filter (like lottes), but when you really get into the settings and tweak the mask properties to be a bit more clear, it really outdoes any other CRT shader I've tried (and begins looking more like a BVM and less like a low-res flat panel). It's important to judge against a real CRT when you can to really appreciate how good it does. In the end, simple shaders like CRT-Geom and Hylian really do get 90% of the way there with just one pass, but the scanlines on those just aren't as crisp, and the masks aren't as tweak-able.

I'm running an AMD HD-6870 in my emulator box, so DSR is really hacky in my case, so integer scaling is the only way to go for even scanlines. the area lost in 5x5 isn't something I've ever missed in-game.

On a side note, does anyone know how best to add dithering to CRT-Royale so that the shader lines are still sharp, but blending in games like Sonic is restored?
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by Kurozumi »

You're welcome!
By the way, on the last few nightlies the aperture mask look seems fixed. CRT-Royale now works like it did before.
So i guess they didn't change it in the last weeks, it just was buggy...
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by Sylph4 »

Kurozumi wrote:Hi there, i'm new on the forum, but a silent reader since ages i guess.
I stumbled on this thread a few days ago and read about CRT-Royale. Since i'm personally more happy with my emulated Scanlines, than ever before, i thought i share the settings, maybe, they are useful for some people.
I tried to achieve kinda HR-Trinitron/BVM scanlines, found some settings somewhere on the interwebs and tweaked them a bit to my tastes. At least i get better results than with plain "dark lines" or the Hyllian shader.

Two sample screenshots:
The settings for CRT-Royale:
crt_gamma = "2.500000"
lcd_gamma = "2.200000"
levels_contrast = "0.950000" (more information below)
halation_weight = "0.000000"
diffusion_weight = "0.010000"
bloom_underestimate_levels = "0.800000"
bloom_excess = "0.000000"
beam_min_sigma = "0.015000"
beam_max_sigma = "0.200000"
beam_spot_power = "0.330000"
beam_min_shape = "2.000000"
beam_max_shape = "4.000000"
beam_shape_power = "0.250000"
beam_horiz_filter = "0.000000"
beam_horiz_sigma = "0.545000"
beam_horiz_linear_rgb_weight = "1.000000"
convergence_offset_x_r = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_x_g = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_x_b = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_y_r = "0.100000"
convergence_offset_y_g = "-0.100000"
convergence_offset_y_b = "0.100000"
mask_type = "0.000000"
mask_sample_mode_desired = "0.000000"
mask_specify_num_triads = "1.000000"
mask_triad_size_desired = "3.000000"
mask_num_triads_desired = "800.000000" (more information below)
aa_subpixel_r_offset_x_runtime = "-0.333333"
aa_subpixel_r_offset_y_runtime = "0.000000"
aa_cubic_c = "0.500000"
aa_gauss_sigma = "0.500000"
geom_mode_runtime = "0.000000"
geom_radius = "2.000000"
geom_view_dist = "2.000000"
geom_tilt_angle_x = "0.000000"
geom_tilt_angle_y = "0.000000"
geom_aspect_ratio_x = "432.000000"
geom_aspect_ratio_y = "329.000000"
geom_overscan_x = "1.000000"
geom_overscan_y = "1.000000"
border_size = "0.005000"
border_darkness = "0.000000"
border_compress = "2.500000"
interlace_bff = "0.000000"
interlace_1080i = "0.000000"
Some additional information about the settings:
For contrast i would not recommend to do more than 0.95, because it crushes the colors into saturation, which makes makes it kinda cheap looking, at least to my eyes. 0.95 has strong color saturation, if you don't like it, try 0.94. It doesn't sound much different than 0.95, but it makes a difference.
If the picture is too strong for bright parts, try contrast 0.8 or 0.75.
For the mask_num_triads i hope two triads equals the same number in TV-Lines (didn't do math on it). If that's correct, just put in 800, 900 or 1000 for that value for G, F or E -BVM.
The screenshots i did are with the "harshest" settings i tried (800triads, contrast 0.95)

Thanks, and again, hope you like it!
Really amazing settings, thanks! Almost perfect picture, but how to deal with pixelization during vertical scrolling?
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by chuckster »

I think that's an issue with LCDs in general, vertical scrolling never looks right on them to me, it always bugged me in LttP.
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by Kurozumi »

I revised/tweaked my shader-settings in the last few weeks for CRT-Royale (for BVM kinda Scanlines).
Wasn't quite happy with the CRT Glow effect, especially the oversaturation it caused. I tried to get the colors more natural looking, and i altered the beam settings, too.
Guess i'm finished with tweaking, since i can't get it more BVM-y looking....
Again, hope you like the settings; for lcd_gamma choose what your LCD is running with (2.2 or 2.4), and if you don't like the cylindrical tube look, choose geom_mode value 0 .

crt_gamma = "2.500000"
lcd_gamma = "2.400000"
levels_contrast = "0.840000"
halation_weight = "0.000000"
diffusion_weight = "0.010000"
bloom_underestimate_levels = "0.800000"
bloom_excess = "0.000000"
beam_min_sigma = "0.02000"
beam_max_sigma = "0.200000"
beam_spot_power = "0.370000"
beam_min_shape = "2.000000"
beam_max_shape = "4.000000"
beam_shape_power = "0.250000"
beam_horiz_filter = "0.000000"
beam_horiz_sigma = "0.545000"
beam_horiz_linear_rgb_weight = "1.000000"
convergence_offset_x_r = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_x_g = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_x_b = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_y_r = "0.100000"
convergence_offset_y_g = "-0.100000"
convergence_offset_y_b = "0.100000"
mask_type = "0.000000"
mask_sample_mode_desired = "0.000000"
mask_specify_num_triads = "1.000000"
mask_triad_size_desired = "3.000000"
mask_num_triads_desired = "900.000000"
aa_subpixel_r_offset_x_runtime = "-0.333333"
aa_subpixel_r_offset_y_runtime = "0.000000"
aa_cubic_c = "0.500000"
aa_gauss_sigma = "0.500000"
geom_mode = "3.000000"
geom_radius = "3.000000"
geom_view_dist = "2.000000"
geom_tilt_angle_x = "0.000000"
geom_tilt_angle_y = "0.000000"
geom_aspect_ratio_x = "432.000000"
geom_aspect_ratio_y = "329.000000"
geom_overscan_x = "1.000000"
geom_overscan_y = "1.000000"
border_size = "0.005000"
border_darkness = "0.000000"
border_compress = "2.500000"
interlace_bff = "0.000000"
interlace_1080i = "0.000000"
Sample Screenshot:
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by legolas119 »

hi guys

i'm setting Retroarch in order to play some emulators.

First i configured Nestopia for Nes, bsnes accuracy for SNES and FBA Arcade for Neo Geo. For every core I configured:
Aspect Ratio = Core-provided e Integer scale = Off

Well, which is the best shader that i can apply for each emulator in order to emulate a Sony trinitron crt (I have it)?

Using bsnes for Super Nes it seems that some good shaders are: crt-aperture, crt-lottes, crt-hyllian.cgp, crt-easymode.cgp or crt-royale- kurozumi.cgp

But by default, none of them has a quality similar to my Sony Trinitron crt...

what do you suggest?

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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by triforceofwisdom »

crt royale has thin scanlines can i make them a bit thicker?
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by creamygarlicdip »

saw this hasnt been posted to in awhile.

i just started using retroarch again via pc on my 46" 1080p led tv.

i was curious what shaders you guys are using these days?

i tried crt easymode - didnt like the grille look
crt hyllian was decent
crt royale kurozumi looks nice but it started to give me eyestrain, ive found this with some scanline simulations. i ended up settling for the crt pi shader. i imagine this was made to be less demanding for the raspberry pi, but it looks good to me.
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by aaronmjr »

Exidna wrote: I don't know the source for these images as I saved them a long time ago - it may even have been from a post here, as I've been lurking for years - but these are both PVMs.
It's a 2530 with a resolution of 560 TVL on the left, and a 20M4U with a resolution of 800 TVL on the right:

Image Image

Image Image
Random bump, I took these photos years ago when I owned a couple 2530s and a PVM-20M4U. All have been since sold, and I have a different crop of monitors. Anyways, back on topic. :D
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by karmeck »

Kurozumi wrote:I revised/tweaked my shader-settings in the last few weeks for CRT-Royale (for BVM kinda Scanlines).
Wasn't quite happy with the CRT Glow effect, especially the oversaturation it caused. I tried to get the colors more natural looking, and i altered the beam settings, too.
Guess i'm finished with tweaking, since i can't get it more BVM-y looking....
Again, hope you like the settings; for lcd_gamma choose what your LCD is running with (2.2 or 2.4), and if you don't like the cylindrical tube look, choose geom_mode value 0 .

crt_gamma = "2.500000"
lcd_gamma = "2.400000"
levels_contrast = "0.840000"
halation_weight = "0.000000"
diffusion_weight = "0.010000"
bloom_underestimate_levels = "0.800000"
bloom_excess = "0.000000"
beam_min_sigma = "0.02000"
beam_max_sigma = "0.200000"
beam_spot_power = "0.370000"
beam_min_shape = "2.000000"
beam_max_shape = "4.000000"
beam_shape_power = "0.250000"
beam_horiz_filter = "0.000000"
beam_horiz_sigma = "0.545000"
beam_horiz_linear_rgb_weight = "1.000000"
convergence_offset_x_r = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_x_g = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_x_b = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_y_r = "0.100000"
convergence_offset_y_g = "-0.100000"
convergence_offset_y_b = "0.100000"
mask_type = "0.000000"
mask_sample_mode_desired = "0.000000"
mask_specify_num_triads = "1.000000"
mask_triad_size_desired = "3.000000"
mask_num_triads_desired = "900.000000"
aa_subpixel_r_offset_x_runtime = "-0.333333"
aa_subpixel_r_offset_y_runtime = "0.000000"
aa_cubic_c = "0.500000"
aa_gauss_sigma = "0.500000"
geom_mode = "3.000000"
geom_radius = "3.000000"
geom_view_dist = "2.000000"
geom_tilt_angle_x = "0.000000"
geom_tilt_angle_y = "0.000000"
geom_aspect_ratio_x = "432.000000"
geom_aspect_ratio_y = "329.000000"
geom_overscan_x = "1.000000"
geom_overscan_y = "1.000000"
border_size = "0.005000"
border_darkness = "0.000000"
border_compress = "2.500000"
interlace_bff = "0.000000"
interlace_1080i = "0.000000"
Sample Screenshot:
Hi Kurozumi. Thank you for all your work with this shader.

I come here with a question. In my current transition from crt to flat screen I look to shaders for my retro needs. Now in testing I ran in to this issue. Kinda like a bar code all over the image. Why is this? And what can I do to fix it?

The image here is from super Mario world when transitioning from over world to a level and the screen turns black. It's most visible then.
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by fernan1234 »

karmeck wrote:
Kurozumi wrote:I revised/tweaked my shader-settings in the last few weeks for CRT-Royale (for BVM kinda Scanlines).
Wasn't quite happy with the CRT Glow effect, especially the oversaturation it caused. I tried to get the colors more natural looking, and i altered the beam settings, too.
Guess i'm finished with tweaking, since i can't get it more BVM-y looking....
Again, hope you like the settings; for lcd_gamma choose what your LCD is running with (2.2 or 2.4), and if you don't like the cylindrical tube look, choose geom_mode value 0 .

crt_gamma = "2.500000"
lcd_gamma = "2.400000"
levels_contrast = "0.840000"
halation_weight = "0.000000"
diffusion_weight = "0.010000"
bloom_underestimate_levels = "0.800000"
bloom_excess = "0.000000"
beam_min_sigma = "0.02000"
beam_max_sigma = "0.200000"
beam_spot_power = "0.370000"
beam_min_shape = "2.000000"
beam_max_shape = "4.000000"
beam_shape_power = "0.250000"
beam_horiz_filter = "0.000000"
beam_horiz_sigma = "0.545000"
beam_horiz_linear_rgb_weight = "1.000000"
convergence_offset_x_r = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_x_g = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_x_b = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_y_r = "0.100000"
convergence_offset_y_g = "-0.100000"
convergence_offset_y_b = "0.100000"
mask_type = "0.000000"
mask_sample_mode_desired = "0.000000"
mask_specify_num_triads = "1.000000"
mask_triad_size_desired = "3.000000"
mask_num_triads_desired = "900.000000"
aa_subpixel_r_offset_x_runtime = "-0.333333"
aa_subpixel_r_offset_y_runtime = "0.000000"
aa_cubic_c = "0.500000"
aa_gauss_sigma = "0.500000"
geom_mode = "3.000000"
geom_radius = "3.000000"
geom_view_dist = "2.000000"
geom_tilt_angle_x = "0.000000"
geom_tilt_angle_y = "0.000000"
geom_aspect_ratio_x = "432.000000"
geom_aspect_ratio_y = "329.000000"
geom_overscan_x = "1.000000"
geom_overscan_y = "1.000000"
border_size = "0.005000"
border_darkness = "0.000000"
border_compress = "2.500000"
interlace_bff = "0.000000"
interlace_1080i = "0.000000"
Sample Screenshot:
Hi Kurozumi. Thank you for all your work with this shader.

I come here with a question. In my current transition from crt to flat screen I look to shaders for my retro needs. Now in testing I ran in to this issue. Kinda like a bar code all over the image. Why is this? And what can I do to fix it?

The image here is from super Mario world when transitioning from over world to a level and the screen turns black. It's most visible then.

That's a bug with the GLSL version of this shader preset. The easiest fix is to change your video driver to Vulkan and use the slang version. I've been posting about this shader recently in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=58086&start=30
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Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by karmeck »

fernan1234 wrote:
karmeck wrote:
Kurozumi wrote:I revised/tweaked my shader-settings in the last few weeks for CRT-Royale (for BVM kinda Scanlines).
Wasn't quite happy with the CRT Glow effect, especially the oversaturation it caused. I tried to get the colors more natural looking, and i altered the beam settings, too.
Guess i'm finished with tweaking, since i can't get it more BVM-y looking....
Again, hope you like the settings; for lcd_gamma choose what your LCD is running with (2.2 or 2.4), and if you don't like the cylindrical tube look, choose geom_mode value 0 .

crt_gamma = "2.500000"
lcd_gamma = "2.400000"
levels_contrast = "0.840000"
halation_weight = "0.000000"
diffusion_weight = "0.010000"
bloom_underestimate_levels = "0.800000"
bloom_excess = "0.000000"
beam_min_sigma = "0.02000"
beam_max_sigma = "0.200000"
beam_spot_power = "0.370000"
beam_min_shape = "2.000000"
beam_max_shape = "4.000000"
beam_shape_power = "0.250000"
beam_horiz_filter = "0.000000"
beam_horiz_sigma = "0.545000"
beam_horiz_linear_rgb_weight = "1.000000"
convergence_offset_x_r = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_x_g = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_x_b = "0.000000"
convergence_offset_y_r = "0.100000"
convergence_offset_y_g = "-0.100000"
convergence_offset_y_b = "0.100000"
mask_type = "0.000000"
mask_sample_mode_desired = "0.000000"
mask_specify_num_triads = "1.000000"
mask_triad_size_desired = "3.000000"
mask_num_triads_desired = "900.000000"
aa_subpixel_r_offset_x_runtime = "-0.333333"
aa_subpixel_r_offset_y_runtime = "0.000000"
aa_cubic_c = "0.500000"
aa_gauss_sigma = "0.500000"
geom_mode = "3.000000"
geom_radius = "3.000000"
geom_view_dist = "2.000000"
geom_tilt_angle_x = "0.000000"
geom_tilt_angle_y = "0.000000"
geom_aspect_ratio_x = "432.000000"
geom_aspect_ratio_y = "329.000000"
geom_overscan_x = "1.000000"
geom_overscan_y = "1.000000"
border_size = "0.005000"
border_darkness = "0.000000"
border_compress = "2.500000"
interlace_bff = "0.000000"
interlace_1080i = "0.000000"
Sample Screenshot:
Hi Kurozumi. Thank you for all your work with this shader.

I come here with a question. In my current transition from crt to flat screen I look to shaders for my retro needs. Now in testing I ran in to this issue. Kinda like a bar code all over the image. Why is this? And what can I do to fix it?

The image here is from super Mario world when transitioning from over world to a level and the screen turns black. It's most visible then.

That's a bug with the GLSL version of this shader preset. The easiest fix is to change your video driver to Vulkan and use the slang version. I've been posting about this shader recently in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=58086&start=30
Before selecting vulkan the slang folder appears empty even after using online updater. Changing to vulkan and I can't see the gui when pressing f1. This is on a 750ti
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Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:34 pm

Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by fernan1234 »

That's weird. There's a workaround to the GLSL problem by changinga setting in the glslp file. You can find it somewhere around this post: ... p/3909/293
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Oct 05, 2017 7:52 pm

Re: The RetroArch Shader Thread

Post by karmeck »

fernan1234 wrote:That's weird. There's a workaround to the GLSL problem by changinga setting in the glslp file. You can find it somewhere around this post: ... p/3909/293
I'm trying to find this
, changing Sample mode to 1 fixes it
Is it the one with a bunch of 000000 after it?
Found it but now have this issue. Do you see them? Like a wave pattern
Fixed that as well by setting integer "on", used "custom resolution" and using 6x at Hight and width.

Now, which filter is the curving one? My guess is on eleven?

Bonus question: why is the glslp shader not updated with the settings that solved my issue?
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