Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BrianC »

BIL wrote:I liked what little I tried of Bonze Adventure/Jigoku Meguri's PCE port, good to hear it's solid. I adore the chibi-downcast tone, reminds me of a Japanese folk-horror to Toaplan's chubby Tolkienesque Wardner.

I'm wondering what Jigoku Meguri would have been called if the PCE port made it to the US on TG-16. "Bonze Adventure" sounds too close to a certain other game with a bald hero.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Haha. :mrgreen: BONK IN HELL might work. Bit rude for the PAL market though!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BrianC »

lol. I knew Jigoku meant hell, but I wasn't sure what Meguri meant. I now know that it means Hell Tour. Probably wouldn't fly in the US, but Hellfire did release on Genesis with its name untouched.

Speaking out Genesis Hellfire, this came up in a search. I'm doing a search about an excellent video game, not a lame skateboard!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Vanguard »

Got a one credit clear in Ninja Gaiden 3.

It's not a bad game at all but the way Ryu controls is a huge step down from the original. His jumps are so slow and floaty. The NG3 sword is both easier to use and less powerful than the NG1 sword, until you get the powerup which makes it extremely powerful but still just as easy. Either way it's less satisfying than the NG1 sword's fantastic balance between demanding precision and ultra high performance. I think I'd probably appreciate NG3 more if it weren't related to NG1.

One change I really like is that the contents of powerups are visible before you attack them. Every Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania game should have done that. It cuts out a really unnecessary layer of memorization.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by FinalBaton »

Yeah NG3 is very nice, but it plays more like KAGE/Shadow of the Ninja, than NG1.

I like NG1 gameplay better
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Stevens »

Yesterday's last credit of the day saw me break through to 4-1. Just made stage five and timed out.

Save stated back to five and made it to the top. Boss is uh...easy. Stage six - holy kitchen sink.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

^ Stage 6 is a fearsome wall, stage 7 is the broken glass on top of it. ;3

NG1's moderately velcro'd sword was either a priceless fluke or sheer alchemy. Particularly during jumps... the way its hitbox instantly lashes out during OTG attacks creates an immortally slick feeling of flying through the air, lopping motherfuckers' heads off and sprinting on in one unbroken movement.


^ perfect. (from Vanguard's run)

I'm a huge fan of the second and third games too, but they should never have meddled with it. I could maybe buy NG2's toothpick for the shadows. Not Ryu himself though, gets annoying. NG3's is neither as exacting nor satisfying as NG1's, though in the game's defense it's noticeably slower and more tactical-leaning with less emphasis on high-velocity do/die slashing.

On that note, and having said that... I like that for ostensible engine tweaks, the games play very distinctly. NG1 is spartan CV1 On Speed™ rough n' tumble jump/slash. NG2 is the story of a champion wallclimber armed with an orbital laser cannon and a pocket knife. NG3 is... kind of NG2 In Space, but it fills out the lower velocity by throwing about as much at you with far less generous firepower. So the loss of NG1's slash isn't quite the pratfall it might've been, had NG2+3 been straight mission packs. NG2's toothpick aside, I ultimately wouldn't change much about the sequels.

Even NG2 sword isn't entirely worthless... I like the uneasy balance of face-shredding artillery strikes to ultra high-pressure sword kills. It creates wacky scenarios like this, where you're obliterating screenloads of enemies one instant and summoning 110% focus to swat would-be edge guards the next:


And I don't find it too bad with a little adjusting to. Just a critical degree too stingy, turning what should be rollicking fun into something less carefree. Behold my rock n' roll knee slide, the best use for any ice stage:


Austin wrote:Ninja Gaiden 2 was tougher since with the shadow dudes you really wreck an entire screen's worth of enemies when using your sub-weapons. However, playing without the shadows and without power-ups makes things considerably more tricky. Game is still really generous with lives though so a 1CC was easy. Jaquio's first form with a powerless Ryu was kind of a pain.
Fucking hell I can imagine. :O Trailing the shadows over him is how I deal with that guy. He's one of my favourite sidescroller bosses with his oddly friendly rubberband orbit and projectile macro-dodging, but I might find him more irritating if I had to jab at him with the toothpick.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BrianC »

FinalBaton wrote:Yeah NG3 is very nice, but it plays more like KAGE/Shadow of the Ninja, than NG1.
I wonder if Ninja Gaiden Shadow had something to do with that. Maybe Tecmo liked the Shadow of the Ninja elements so much, they used elements from it in NG3. Interesting that both games also used box art from the Ninja Gaiden anime.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

Randorama wrote:Kitten, have you ever heard of Ian Bogost? If not, please avoid at all costs (re: spoilers).
far enough ahead of you that i hadn't even thought of the name in years, don't worry Image

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i just got the platinum trophy on RUINER, a modern (and relatively recent) game that seems to bill itself as a top-down shooter but sticks its finger in too many pies, as most modern games tend to do. i do not understand quite what this game was going for, but i feel confident in saying it didn't achieve it. aside from the slick soundtrack (prominently featuring a track from susumu hirasawa's masterpiece album, aurora), i found almost nothing of substance, here, even in the oft-lauded visuals - which were more than a tad too grungey and plastic-feeling for my tastes. felt like someone spitshined a dreamcast game and then added a boatload of volumetric lighting effects.

combat is severely muddled by a level-up system that lets you redistribute points on the fly and configure some outright comically broken configurations that turn the game's mediocre combat system into a boring and easily abused joke. there are too many buttons and abilities but too little focus on the basics - i don't understand why on earth a game advertising itself as being as hardcore as this has to have the character physically turn in one direction before i'm shooting in it, and this delay in movement is KILLER with the rapid dashing you're going to be doing all over the place. enemies frequently fire weapons from offscreen that can halfway kill you and also frequently teleport offscreen (once you're a little over a third through the game), but they're of little-to-no threat if you're just dashing around like a maniac.

the game constantly shoots into spurts of slow-mo that hinder more than help and disrupt the flow of combat, you have to actually manually look in a direction to shift the camera over there (it's zoomed out but not nearly far enough in many arenas), there are dialogue options (that almost unilaterally do nothing), some combat situations render an ability you have useless and nudge you to reconfigure your entire set-up, there's a hub world for god knows what reason, there's glory kills (euuughhh), enemy characters have dialogue and brief cinematics (that will replay if you die - i found myself wanting to twist my controller in twain at a few points), etc., etc. there are enough things in this game that throw a wrench into the pacing of what you would expect out of a top-down shooter that it starts to resemble some sort of shitty diablo than it does something like hotline miami - which it did actually draw quite a few comparisons to.

bosses are way too easy and simple, enemies have introductions for every new variety but generally act near-identically to each other, the weapon variety is totally pointless... i just don't understand this game. i mean i really don't get it. what was it trying to do? there's a heavy emphasis on its weak narrative and world-building that suggests being a shooter was almost secondary, but then there's so little to do in the hub world that it suggests it was supposed to be a shooter. neither are at all satisfying.

the game also has the fucking gall to have a trophy for dying 666 times and one for beating any difficulty on a single life. which is it? is this some sort of hyper-difficult perfectionist game where you're meant to die repeatedly, or is death something meant to teach you to never do something again? before the dlc was added, this game lacked new game+ difficulty, speedrun mode, and arena mode, but i had the option to play each. i did. i even beat the game on a single life on easy (there's way too much abrupt and frankly somewhat unfair death on hard and enough on normal i didn't want to restart a bunch of runs). after doing everything and getting every single trophy in the game minus 666 deaths, i went to get that one.

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(first off, mother fucking lol at 569 deaths and S rank - what a stellar ranking system)

i had to die FIVE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE MORE TIMES to get the achievement, meaning i sat in place and summoned a supply drop to crush me for half an entire hour, solid. this means that during the course of everything that i did, i died less than 100 times. in what mother fucking universe does a person playing this die 666 times, naturally? what in god's name could cause such a thing to happen to someone? a speed-runner who has been practicing several times a day for months? someone in QA told to see if they could bug their corpse out of a boundary? who? who is this bad at the game that they would get this? i'd presume it's a joke if the game didn't advertise it as hardcore and actively tease you when you died. this is, according to charts, the rarest of all the achievements in the entire game (outside dlc), meaning i'm far from some sort of exceptional player in getting it last.

i generally tend to assume that an achievement or trophy is a barometer of the intended way to get the most out of the game, and holy moly does it suggest the designers of this knew jack squat about what they'd made. this reminds me of trash from a couple of generations ago, like hunter: the reckoning or fallout: brotherhood of steel. it's admittedly much more polished and has kind of a combat groove going on that kept me relatively engaged, but compared to something like furi (or even what i've seen of nex machina, which i've yet to get around to), i cannot see a reason to play this.

by the way, if you thought i was exaggerating about turning the game into a broken mess with certain abilities, here's a video of me gradually breaking the game into sub 1FPS in the secret level arena (on NG+, which is the game's hardest difficulty setting), completely unable to be killed so long as i kept mashing a few buttons. don't worry, though, the combat system still isn't good regardless of how many self-limitations you try putting on yourself to pretend there's a real game, here.

in summation, here's a screenshot of a very selective portion of the screen in a select area to describe how i felt:
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i also played ori and the blind forest, which, despite being a marginally better game, doesn't deserve as many words in an action thread. frustratingly simple and unpleasant combat that didn't need to be present in the game, platforming too inspired by the likes of DKC, needless gating and unlockables, and a narrative that didn't need words, cutscenes, a na'vi parrot, or animal crossing-esque annoying voices, but got each of them. most of the game is actually pretty, but i feel the visuals fall-apart late in the game. the areas start to lack the detail and compound background elements necessary to give the illusion of depth and it starts looking almost as flat & ugly as those recent rayman games (minus the unpleasant euro-cartooning). i had started to warm up to the game until i hit its last third and the platforming went full dkc - lots of trial and error and questionable footing/spacial distancing (how many weird moves do i need to do to cross this gap i can't see the other side of until jumping, etc.). i almost feel like the game got rushed toward the end.

like ruiner, ori wasn't so much outright bad as a technically over-polished hodgepodge of a bunch of popular trends with little substance. i remember seeing the designer on GAF talking about how he could improve mario if he were given the reins by having you gradually unlock each of mario's abilities. god damn, what density.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Despatche »

Vanguard wrote:It's not a bad game at all but the way Ryu controls is a huge step down from the original. His jumps are so slow and floaty.
This is not even a step down.
Vanguard wrote:The NG3 sword is both easier to use and less powerful than the NG1 sword, until you get the powerup which makes it extremely powerful but still just as easy. Either way it's less satisfying than the NG1 sword's fantastic balance between demanding precision and ultra high performance. I think I'd probably appreciate NG3 more if it weren't related to NG1.
Pretty sure both NG2 and NG3 are much better and much more interesting (and much harder) than 1 (not that I don't like the game), but alright.
FinalBaton wrote:Yeah NG3 is very nice, but it plays more like KAGE/Shadow of the Ninja, than NG1.
It doesn't really play anything like Kage. It's just NG1/2 with slower jumps and a sword upgrade.
kitten wrote:i remember seeing the designer on GAF talking about how he could improve mario if he were given the reins by having you gradually unlock each of mario's abilities. god damn, what density.
To be fair, this is what games like Rayman (mostly linear 2D) and Banjo-Kazooie (sorta non-linear 3D) did, and it mostly worked out.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Despatche wrote:Pretty sure both NG2 and NG3 are much better and much more interesting (and much harder) than 1 (not that I don't like the game), but alright.
NG2 isn't much harder, no. Not unless you have no idea what you're doing! The x3 subweapons let you erase screenloads of enemies with an ease unheard of in either bookend - and while camping on walls, unlike NG1 where you're absolutely SOL. There's shit tons of ammo for them, too. And the mild damage scale means even if you pick the dead worst for a section, you can typically just blunder/bust through to the next ubiquitous switch.

I would call it the easiest by a margin (ignoring the deliberately watered-down NR3), though certainly not an easy game per se. I bet if the ill-advised score extends were chopped, it'd seem a bit more menacing. Going for a no-miss illuminates how abruptly you can get dunked in pits later on. NG1 is simpler but less permissive, and NG3 is outright inhospitable even without its crushing damage scale, so I put them at second and clear first.
FinalBaton wrote:Yeah NG3 is very nice, but it plays more like KAGE/Shadow of the Ninja, than NG1.
It doesn't really play anything like Kage. It's just NG1/2 with slower jumps and a sword upgrade.
Although there is the unmistakable Dracula On Speed™ resemblance, the dynamics are altered much further than that. NG1's improv roughhousing is ineffective and NG2's casual destruction is impossible. Twitch-retardant moon gravity is an element, but the trapping/walling spawns, muted subweapons and puffy hitboxes moreso.

Wouldn't call it Kage, even with the sword upgrade and hanging grip - player/enemy balance is still firmly NG - but I get the comparison with a more reserved, exacting game. Even expert NG3 is a relatively mower-proofed surgical affair. The damage scale ensures a 1CC will illustrate. Probably less than a 1CC, actually. Act V's opening will swamp the insufficiently tactical and the remaining two are regularly less forgiving.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Squire Grooktook »

RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by bottino »

Hey, can I join the club now ? :mrgreen:
So, my quest for clearing games that I couldn't beat as a kid ( and this thread here as well :) ) brought me back to Ninja Gaiden, a game that I found to be nearly impossible many years ago - like Tatsujin for the Mega Drive, I couldn't get pass stage 3, if I remember correctly :shock: .

Growing up with the methodical Revenge of Shinobi and trying to approach NG in the same way didn't do any favors for me.

There's not really much that I can say about this game that hasn't been said or discussed in this thread, but the way that the game forces you to always keep going forward and to be as aggressive as possible due to the relentless enemy re-spawn and the way that they behave is quite remarkable; it adds a combine sense of adrenaline and speed that only a handful of side-scrollers have.

I can safely say that I've devised a good strategy for the entire game and I got to a point where I can consistently no-miss Act 6 ( it's a beautiful thing and a source of tremendous satisfaction when you 'place all of the pieces of the puzzle' together in a challenging game like Ninja Gaiden ).

Bosses are a disappointment and the game relies a little too much on Jaquio's army of birds from hell to drop you on death pits, but no game is perfect - in fact, I believe that a good or excellent game is one that excels despite it's flaws and not because it doesn't have any.

Speaking of bosses, I actually died at the Demon on my victory run and had to re-do Act 6 all over again; after that, I destroyed him using the "spindash" ( I don't know how is it called haha ) sub-weapon. I confess that I haven't devised a good strategy to fight him, as the shit that he expels seems to be random and take way too much of Ryu's health and when I finally manage to exposed his heart, I'm already pretty much dead.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Welcome aboard! :cool: The infamous spinneh-mah-winneh invincible airborne death machine is just called Jumpslash around here, or some variant of. Can't remember the official name tbh. :mrgreen:

Demon's basically a stationary, supercharged Hammer Bro that hits for 3HP a pop. Can throw out some pretty interesting setups... the sadist in me wishes he had a secondary targeted shot from the core, to spook 'em real good (destructible, to allow counterattack). Ninja Gaiden II's second rush boss is kinda like this, random overhead drops and blasts from the core. You can totally own him if you know your subweapons though, since the game doesn't confiscate them unlike NG1's rush.

On a straight NG1 clear (meaning fighting him without subweapons), it's hugely useful to know about the air attack cancel glitch. Will make hacking his head off go significantly quicker. Basically tap [down] and while airborne, in some rhythm I always forget. You need to stagger the inputs slightly.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Blinge »

Haha I just went to fire up CV3 on muh emulation station and I semi-conciously went over to NG instead so I guess I'm playing that now...
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Vanguard »

Despatche wrote:This is not even a step down.
Setting aside whether any given person finds it better or worse, it's certainly less ninja-like. NG1 did a wonderful job of portraying Ryu as an overwhelming ambush killer through the suddenness of his movements and attacks combined with the fact that nearly all enemies have one hit point. The NG1 sword also supports this with its long, thin hitbox and tiny number of active frames. Its demanding precision and timing along with its instant lethality are all very "ninja."

For me, Ryu's moveset is the biggest thing that makes NG1 stand out from other games. His moveset even makes stage 1 enjoyable, where the bad guys have a 0% chance to win. NG3 Ryu, in comparison, comes across as a much more conventional fighter. Adequate but not outstanding in any way.
Despatche wrote:Pretty sure both NG2 and NG3 are much better and much more interesting (and much harder) than 1 (not that I don't like the game), but alright.
That was quite clearly in specific reference to each game's swords. Also, no way is NG2 harder than NG1. Not with the billion lives they give you.
Despatche wrote:It doesn't really play anything like Kage. It's just NG1/2 with slower jumps and a sword upgrade.
Both of those make it more like Kage, as does the higher emphasis on stage hazards and the ability to hang down from ceilings. "Halfway between Ninja Gaiden 1 and Kage" is a pretty good way to describe Ninja Gaiden 3.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Vanguard wrote:For me, Ryu's moveset is the biggest thing that makes NG1 stand out from other games. His moveset even makes stage 1 enjoyable, where the bad guys have a 0% chance to win.
Never thought about it, but yeah... for a stage with utterly zero survival risk, it's a fucking blast isn't it? The sword dynamic shines right out of the gate. Those dozy walker zako are a lot more interesting when you're nailing rising/falling OTGs like a champion hurdler. Authoritatively ripping through even the luckiest boxers keeps you sharp (not even the quickest jab has a hope in hell against mastered jumping sword, god damn does it feel powerful when they detonate on impact like a melon on a freight train). Dogs aren't birds, but they're a fine intro to the art of striking down fast-moving contact damagers.

Lots of opportunities to show off your character's potential, at the risk of getting a smack in the mouth and hitting Reset in shame. One way to do a good stage 1. Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by FinalBaton »

Despatche wrote: Pretty sure both NG2 and NG3 are much better and much more interesting (and much harder) than 1 (not that I don't like the game), but alright.
no way, I don't see it. NG1's handling is lightning in a bottle, for the reasons Vanguard mentionned in his post above. it's the king of those three. not by a ton, but it is
BrianC wrote:I wonder if Ninja Gaiden Shadow had something to do with that. Maybe Tecmo liked the Shadow of the Ninja elements so much, they used elements from it in NG3. Interesting that both games also used box art from the Ninja Gaiden anime.
I've been wondering that as well. It's an interesting theory. This is what I had guessed myself as well
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Jonny2x4 »

I need to get around joining this club one of these days, but I much rather do a no-cont run of Ninja Gaiden on real hardware and I still haven't gotten around getting a replacement NES. It won't feel right on an emulator. I got a local deal for a $100 NES top loader.

I 1CC'ed the PS3 version of Makaimura (got to 3-2 if I recall correctly and even made it to the leaderboards). It's weird how the game's trophies/achievements consider the game clear just by defeating Astaroth once, even though it's pretty obvious the original designers intended to make you go through the game twice to see the ending. You don't even need to clear the second loop to unlock all the artwork on the gallery. I wish I had a capture card, since I really like one of the last illustrations you unlock.

Currently playing through Higemaru, going back and forth between the PS2 and PS3 versions. Seems like a pretty simple game thus far. I'm aware there's a Famicom version (Makaijima) with a free-roaming aspect and Goof Troop on the SNES also drew some inspiration for it.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Doesn't have to be a 1CC, just make it to the end credits. :wink: If you've ever done so (in any of the three), lemme know and you're in. It started off as a joke, poking fun at various incandescent ragequitters, but everyone liked it so it stayed. It's more of the Ninja Ryukenden Competence Force. :mrgreen:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Jonny2x4 »

In that case, I cleared I and II back in middle/high school. I actually bought them from a local video rental store that was selling off their NES games with their boxes and manuals. For some reason, they never wanted to sell their copy of part III. I really need to get around playing that one.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

Jonny2x4 JOINS THE SQUAD (・`W´・)


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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Vanguard »

I tried out Kirby's Dream Land's extra mode today and dang! Extra mode doesn't joke around! It's an onslaught of homing rocket umbrellas, aimbot machine gun cannons, and lightspeed crowflies. I disliked KDL the one time I played through normal mode for being too slow and gentle, but extra fixes that very nicely. To activate extra mode, press ↑ + A + Select on the title screen.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Preach. Image

What a wonderful surprise that mode is. I've not played the whole thing through, but from the first four stages it appears to be a model Hard mode.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BrianC »

KDL1 Extra mode is good stuff. The crazy thing that it can be used along with the hidden configuration menu for some insane stuff like extra mode with one bar of life and 1 life.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Obscura »

ARGH, fucking Ninja Gaiden 6-3. Figured I'd try to join the task force (technically, I've beaten it before, but whatever), but that stage combined with eating no fewer than three Jacquio knock-backs broke me.

Don't understand why people say 6-2 is the hardest part of the game, 6-3 is utter chaos. That one jump in the second room is just bonkers (it's a big part of the reason I failed so miserably, I can't do it without the throwing star to take care of the ledge guard, so spin-slashing Jacquio is out of the question, and even then I'm about one-in-five on it thanks to the bird that there's no room to deal with), and then the last room is just "WTF" from start to finish. Meanwhile, as long as you know how to cheese that one jump in 6-2 (let pumpkin-head scroll himself of the screen, barely jump forward to bait the bird, duck, and go), that stage really isn't much of a problem, it's probably more benign than 5-2 for me at least.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Vanguard »

Obscura wrote:ARGH, fucking Ninja Gaiden 6-3. Figured I'd try to join the task force (technically, I've beaten it before, but whatever), but that stage combined with eating no fewer than three Jacquio knock-backs broke me.

Don't understand why people say 6-2 is the hardest part of the game, 6-3 is utter chaos. That one jump in the second room is just bonkers (it's a big part of the reason I failed so miserably, I can't do it without the throwing star to take care of the ledge guard, so spin-slashing Jacquio is out of the question, and even then I'm about one-in-five on it thanks to the bird that there's no room to deal with), and then the last room is just "WTF" from start to finish. Meanwhile, as long as you know how to cheese that one jump in 6-2 (let pumpkin-head scroll himself of the screen, barely jump forward to bait the bird, duck, and go), that stage really isn't much of a problem, it's probably more benign than 5-2 for me at least.
Keeping the spinjump is by far the easiest way through the second room of 6-3. Spinjump both the edge guard and the bird. I'm really inconsistent there if I'm stuck with the shuriken. For the final room you want to climb the pillars and cut the healing candle with the tip of your sword so you don't trigger the enemy spawns yet. Then back off to the left and get down to ground level. Run straight through the ambush, picking up the health on the way. Don't try to fight them, just grab the time stop item and go. If you don't have the means to cheese the final stretch with subweapons then take it slow so you're only facing one or two enemies at a time. Above all else, make sure you don't let them respawn. As for Jaquio, you don't need to be very close horizontally to land hits on him, but his hitbox is higher up than one might expect. Aim for the star on his chest.

By the way, the XM6 Type G emulator you recommended earlier for Castlevania X68K was easy to figure out and works great. Thanks for that!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Obscura »


BIL once claimed that Ninja Gaiden won't let you slum it over the finish line. I've proven him totally wrong -- I spin-slash cheesed both Jacquio AND Jashin, crawling through 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3 a total of 3 times on my epic ninja adventure!

Guess I need to make a thumbnail sized version of my band's album cover to use as an avatar.
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