Your weird dreams

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Your weird dreams

Post by FatCobra »

Had some weird dreams lately? Post 'em here!

I had a weird dream about a Nintendo theme park, an idea that was floating in my head for years. Well, in my dream me and my family went to it! We went on this ride called "Starfox/Metroid Encounter," and after a short cinema intro. (Samus gets a distress call from a planet called SR-88, similar to the plot of Metroid II, and the Star Fox somehow picked it up). After that you, picked which side you were going to help, we pick Starfox. We hopped on board this Arwing-shaped roller coaster things and we introduced to the Star Fox team. Fox said we needed some extra members and Peppy was concerned if toursits like us would be ok. Then Samus came up on a view screen and asked if anyone was ok there to assit her. The team scrambled and R.O.B. gave us the usual ride instructions, as a well as craft operation. Because in the next section was like a massive multiplayer Star Fox game. The member informed us we were just helping clean up the mess from a previous mission and it was a test for who is the best pilot. Unfortunately, that's when I woke up. My guess that the ride would have been like Space Mountain at Disney World, but faster and with loops and stuff. Maybe been a montion simulator type thing, like the multiplayer game.

I wondered what the Metroid ride would have been like. :lol:
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Post by JoshF »

Had a dream I was playing Raiden on a screen somehow embedded into my kitchen table. My brother messed me up and I woke up punching a stack of books next to my futon.
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Post by junkeR »

I hardly ever dream about video games..

recently I had this dream that President Bush, the President of Iran, and I were in my parent's bathroom. They were arguing and the Pres. of Iran was threatening to launch a nuke. There was much more to it but of course I can't remember much.

Usually my dreams are chaotic and i'm glad to wake up alive the next morning. :(
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Post by Specineff »

Last night, coincidentally, I dreamed of a certain Latin pop star in an ad for a certain brand of stoneware exclusive to Target. (The hand of a fan gave her a dish from the newest collection... from a storm drain. Go figure.) Posh-something Collection. At the end, another famous mexican regional music singer appeared parodying the usual pretty models they use in ads like that. (She's 50 or something.)
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Post by zinger »

I once dreamt that I, Kramer (from Seinfeld) and Yuen Woo Ping (a chinese martial arts choreographer) were planning some sort of scam, where we were to sell low quality umbrellas on some street market.

I always remember what I dreamt the morning after, it's usually weird crap like this. :)
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Post by Pixel_Outlaw »

I'm just waiting to hear these go into the gutter. :lol:
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Post by shoe-sama »

I had a dream where I was playing Space Bomber and then wtf I got Technical Bonuses from bombing the bosses when they self-destructed.

Sadly it didn't work when I tried it. >_>
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Post by ahnslaught »

Not a game related dream, but my most memorable one was really, really weird.

It starts off in the desert, where the Jews are escaping the Pharoah. The people are all starving and tired after walking for days on end. All of a sudden, the clouds break, sunlight shines, and...a hand comes down.

The people all are amazed by this miracle, and wonder what it could mean.

All of a sudden, the hand starts moving, and the people are gasping. Then, the hand makes the two horn sign. What the hell, right? All the people out in the desert start thinking, "How fucking cool is that!" and start using it as well.

Then, the next thing I know, one of my friends is standing in a completely black space, just laughing like Beavis and Butthead used to on that show.

I swear, I woke up and started laughing for about 20 minutes because all the while I was dreaming, I was actually thinking it was one messed up dream. It was some years ago, but I still remember that dream like it was yesterday.
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Post by Pirate1019 »

I had a dream once...

I was talking to my friend, who isn't really my friend, and he was talking about My Chemical Romance, or something equally unpleasent, and instead of simply moving on to another topic he rewound back to the beginning of the conversation. He didn't just start over. He rewound. It looked like if you were to rewind a VHS without stopping it first and sounded like if you rewound a cassette without stopping it first. I woke up in a cold sweat.
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Post by Pixel_Outlaw »

Last night I kept trying to create models in OpenGL triangle by triangle.

I HATE math/Programming dreams. They are sooooo boring. :?
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Post by JBC »

Not really a gaming dream but still related and definetly weird... but you know how most people dream about flying every now and then? I never really do. I honestly don't recall having flight dreams extremely often but instead i can just jump and float really far and it always feels like i'm playing Space Harrier when it happens. It's quite a rush until i wake up. ^__^
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Re: Your weird dreams

Post by mycophobia »

i had a dream last night where I went to a barcade and they had a 2-in-1 bootleg X-Men/Ketsui machine and instead of a joystick it had the analog nub thing from the 3DS. I asked around to see where the place I was in was located and how to get back there irl when I wasn't dreaming but no one could answer. I have alot of dreams where I go to arcades and game centers because there aren't any near where I live. Thanks for reading
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Re: Your weird dreams

Post by JBC »

I had a nightmare that a thread I thought I put down over 11 years ago was resurrected by the necrolord mycophobia. I tried to better myself to overcome the guilt, even going so far as to start capitalizing my I's, but I always knew the day would come when I would have to answer for my sins. Then I woke & realized it was only a dream... or was it?!? :shock:

:P jk jk. I did have a nightmare about a vortex in the sky after watching my friend play Mortal Kombat III the other night.
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Re: Your weird dreams

Post by blackoak »

i dream vividly every night, and remember them as much as I want to (usually I just let the details fade as the day/week goes on, as there's always new dreams to be had). the escapism of dreaming is really one of the things i love about life and i look forward to it everytime I go to sleep, hehe

usually the dreams are fantastical adventures, and often i'm a straight up villain. i almost never have mundane dreams where i'm doing everyday stuff, and when that does happen, i feel cheated haha. telekinesis is a super common dream ability for me, i probably have those dreams a couple times a month. i never got into lucid dreaming (done it a few times), as the concept of control over the dream narrative has never really appealed to me.

right now i live pretty close to the neighborhood i grew up in, and a funny thing has started to happen... when i visit those old streets, i have more vivid and recent memories of my dreams of those places than of the actual events there. it's like a weird phantom nostalgia or something. must be part of getting old i guess

ill bb to this thread next time i have a particularly crazy or funny dream hehe - translated game developer interviews and more
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Re: Your weird dreams

Post by dan76 »

I have loads of crazy dreams. I even get night terrors sometimes, which my girlfriend hates but I weirdly enjoy. It's usually some scary situation where I'm trapped and have to wake up. Zombies feature regularly.

I'll often become aware I'm dreaming and I can control things to a certain degree. For instance the other night I dreamt I was flying a helicopter and I knew that I would survive if it crashed, so I took it up into the clouds and dive bombed into the ocean. My stomach got that sinking feeling heading towards the water and I felt the cold splash as I hit.

I can sometimes fly myself, but it's always a floaty thing. I can never build up enough speed and the direction is off. In the dream I think, fuck, I'm dreaming, I can do anything but it still doesn't work.

Another recurring theme is seeing a giant structure out at sea, like the rollercoaster from my home town. I'll get to it by flying out there and realise it's just a wood facade with struts holding it up. Then I'll turn back to the coast and realise there's no land anywhere. Freaky.

Like Blackoak I don't bother noting them down because it happens all the time.
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Re: Your weird dreams

Post by gameoverDude »

I had one where I was at a video game store (Not Gamestop, but some independent one) & found Zero Wing, only it was a PS1 game. I took it to the clerk, talked about it for a bit, then got ready to buy it... then I woke up.
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Re: Your weird dreams

Post by ED-057 »

Super old thread. Did I already post in it? Looks like no... I guess this means I can post my most awesome dream ever then.

I received word that bad guyz had stolen Ron Paul's gold! So I contacted Mami Ayukawa, who then put on her blue ninja garb and went to the bad guyz' lair to search for it. The lair resembled Spark Man's stage from Megaman 3. At one point she leapt over a crevice and was faced with a sealed door on the other side. There was a series of large buttons on the wall that had to be pressed in a certain order for the door to open. The solution to the puzzle was related to the stroke order of some kanji. Ayukawa-san pressed the buttons, but the door did not open. I told her that the same character uses a different stroke order when written in Chinese, and this alternative solution must be the code for the door.
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Re: Your weird dreams

Post by BrianC »

I had a dream that I was in a college English class and the book for it had stories based of TMNT and Ninjas and comics like Spawn. Oddly enough, the teacher seemed to be unaware of the comics and TMNT and Ninjas being in it.
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Re: Your weird dreams

Post by JBC »

I've been cramming Japanese into my head so hard for the last two weeks it's in my dreams all night. It's the same way a new Souls game will keep cycling through my subconscious so that I don't get ganked as much the next day.

Now when I watch Ultraman I'm recognizing words & understanding thier intentions here & there, but I'm still getting outpaced quickly. I've never learned another language before so it's pretty thrilling!
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Re: Your weird dreams

Post by neorichieb1971 »

I had a dream that Sony resurrected the Sega brand and brought back arcades. They had space harrier and Power drift cabinets with modernized graphics which were brought into arcade cafes in my town and everyone came to play because the cabinets were so awesome and the graphics were much better than than at home. Some of the lesser games were connected via internet to other cafes in the world and you were seeing each other on big separate screens. I woke up sad that no place exists.
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