Extron Crosspoint 300 dead? Passes audio but not video.

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Extron Crosspoint 300 dead? Passes audio but not video.

Post by samiibo »


I've been using an Extron Crosspoint 300 128 HVA matrix switcher in my setup for well over a year now with my BVM D20F1U. I had several YPBPR and RGB sources plugged into it, and it worked without issue.
This weekend, though, I went to power it on (I keep everything plugged into a surge protector that I flip the switch on to power down when not in use) and noticed that I had no video from any input but audio still worked fine. I got scared it was my monitor, so I broke everything down so I could test inputting consoles into the monitor directly, and that worked fine. I went back to the switcher and tried different combinations of inputs and outputs but to no effect. There's a small reset button on the back, and I tried both holding that down with the switcher on and holding it down while powering on the switcher. Again, no effect.
Looking around, I haven't managed to find anyone with a similar issue. Is it dead? Any advice on what I could check? Ever hear of this happening to someone else?

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Re: Extron Crosspoint 300 dead? Passes audio but not video.

Post by nmalinoski »

Do the lights on the front panel still come on with power, and do the buttons appear to work?

The closest problem I've encountered was with a newly-purchased CrossPoint Ultra 88 where the lights on the front would come on, and the front buttons seemed to work fine, but I'd get no video (I didn't have the Phoenix connectors wired for audio at the time, so I probably didn't have audio either), regardless of which inputs or outputs I used. In my case, the problem was the ribbon cable to the back BNC board having come loose, probably during shipping, and reconnecting it got it to work perfectly again.

In your case, I doubt your CrossPoint has been jostled enough for a connector to come loose, but it probably wouldn't hurt to pop off the front of your unit and check/reseat any cables on the inside.
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Re: Extron Crosspoint 300 dead? Passes audio but not video.

Post by samiibo »

Thanks for the reply! Yes, all the lights are still working, and it operates normally when I create a tie.

My Crosspoint's been stationary since I set it up, so I can't imagine something like that could've happened, but you know, that's such an easy thing to check that there's no reason at all not to. I did open up the front panel and take a look inside, just to see if there were some exploded capacitors or something, and in doing so, I reseated the cables leading to the front panel, but I didn't check the one leading to the back. I'll do that tonight.
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Re: Extron Crosspoint 300 dead? Passes audio but not video.

Post by philexile »

There should be a recessed reset button the rear of the unit. Double check the instruction manual and try that first.

One of my Crosspoints flaked out a few years ago. Component would work fine, but it would have to warm up before RGBS worked. I opened it up and sure enough it had some back capacitors. Once I replaced them it worked fine.

Good luck
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Re: Extron Crosspoint 300 dead? Passes audio but not video.

Post by samiibo »

Again, thanks for the suggestions.

I tried the reset button already, and unfortunately it had no effect. Last night I removed the front panel and reseated all of the cables inside to no avail. It's odd to have it fail in this fashion, but I'm out of ideas. Maybe replacing the capacitors? That's all I got.
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Re: Extron Crosspoint 300 dead? Passes audio but not video.

Post by Dochartaigh »

There's something like 3 different levels of reset, including reinstalling the firmware (which I've never done) - read the manual for more info. Honestly though, there's SEVERAL 300's up on eBay for $40 shipped right now...I would personally just call it a day and buy a new one (and while you're at it I would suggest a Crosspoint Ultra HVA or 450 Plus instead - those are newer units and still cheap).
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