Little things that annoy the hell out of you

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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Mero »

Hottest day of the year in the UK, in the middle of a heatwave that's lasted since June. We're on course for the driest Summer since records began.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Xyga »

On a positive note it seems that this episode helped in revealing traces of ancient ruins and stuff like that. ^^
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Sumez »

35 here as well, and I live in Scandinavia! AC isn't a thing here.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Xyga »

*insert 'this is fine' meme*
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Stand up arcade cabinets still being the default found in 90% of the reproduction/new arcade cabinet with a bunch of emulated games. I weep for all of North America. An entire generation was trained to get used to the idea of stand-up arcade cabinets as "nostalgic" to the point where people don't even realize a) sit down cabinets are way more comfortable and b) sit down cabinets are actually a thing. Japanese candy cabs that are sit-down style are way, way, way more comfortable and enjoyable to play on than the boxy standup style Americans are used to seeing.

Not to mention sit-down style cabinets are more accessible for short people, kids, folks in wheelchairs (can be tricky depending on model but still doable). A lot of these modern "re-release" cabinets could be so much better.

I can't see a situation in which a standup is preferable to own unless you have a very specific back problem that is exacerbated by sitting and not by standing. It is possible to raise a sitdown cab to a standup height by putting stuff underneath it or modifying the legs, but you'd have to do a custom designed one to make this feasible if you planned to regularly adjust the height.
my body has a really hard time tolerating heat, harder than for most, so this is a pure nightmare for me
Temperature and weather extremes are only going to get worse. Due to various socioeconomic and political factors humans haven't taken enough action on a global scale to address climate change like we should have been decades ago (which would have involved some inconvenience to us at the cost of maintaining a livable planet) and it's entirely possible we're past the tipping point of no return to a vastly hotter planet.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Xyga »

We've had clear skies every night for like a month straight, and tonight when it's time for the eclipse, clouds are forming...probably I won't be able to observe it directly.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by BIL »

Sumez wrote:35 here as well, and I live in Scandinavia! AC isn't a thing here.
Nor in the UK it seems. Was on a long bus trip recently, fucking thing was like a greenhouse and the overhead "AC" was just blasting out baking-hot air. Windows totally sealed. I was worried the old lady in front of me was gonna die.

Having grown up in a tropical climate you learn to fear unventilated vehicles pretty quick. Nothing completes a roasting hot day like a windowed metal box!

At times like this I just try to remember at least I'm not this guy.

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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Immryr »

Houses in the uk are also not made for heat. I've just returned from the south of France and despite the fact it's significantly less hot here in Newcastle my house feels twice as hot.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by FinalBaton »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:Temperature and weather extremes are only going to get worse. Due to various socioeconomic and political factors humans haven't taken enough action on a global scale to address climate change like we should have been decades ago (which would have involved some inconvenience to us at the cost of maintaining a livable planet) and it's entirely possible we're past the tipping point of no return to a vastly hotter planet.
: (

I long for a new Ice Age

That will wipe away the vast majority of this shit mammal called "homo sapiens"

and give a much needed rest to planet earth.

In the end it will also make for stronger, smarter men and women,

by thining the heard : Only a few strong/smart will survive

starting all over again, on solid bases

until mankind fucks it all up again 10 000 years after that...

but it will at least give earth a break

We need dis so bad.

Like, so so bad
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Xyga »

The clouds cleared for a moment and I could see the eclipse, enough to take some photos (not excellent quality since I was rushed but still nice)
It was an interesting one, with classy lighting effects.
FinalBaton wrote:I long for a new Ice Age
Ice ages are awful, dry, with violent dusty winds all year, and fewer space for the fauna and flora to prosper. not exactly 'good' although yeah its necessary regulation.
Anyway the next one probably won't happen before an extremely long time, since by the most rational prospects we're basically delaying it in an unprecedented way.
Until then the ice caps will melt to nothing, sea levels rise a lot of course, and the next step should be be like a nonstop nearly-global monsoon for thousands of years, earth will go tropical af again, like it happened several times before.
Human population will probably decrease significantly before that happens due to famines etc, but those 'survivors' might have to adapt to a rather hostile mega-jungle life before ice age conditions.
Likely all more tan, walking around the few remaining non-radioactive areas in their underwear sipping mango juice, foraging and wanking since the environment will be too hot and wet to bother with doing much activity/work.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by FinalBaton »

Interestingly, ice ages happen every 15 000 years on this earth. and the last one happened... wait for it... 15 000 years ago.

But yeah as you've said it's prob gonna be delayed af this time around. That scenario you mention of famine and jungles everywhere, constant heat waves and tempests all the fucking time and huge radioactive-ladden zones, should happen before then (leading to a total Hokuto no Ken scenario, Hopefully a Saviour of the Century's End like Kenshiro will appear, and explode the tyrants from their insides)

Unless ice ages are strictly triggered by big shifts in magnetic fields/earth's axis being messed up, or something. If that's the case, then it could show up "on time" I guess
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Xyga »

What about a black Kenshiro wearing trunks and wanking around sipping mango juice ? (Kenshiro Dynamite, king of the jungle. atatatatata motherfucker)
FinalBaton wrote:Unless ice ages are strictly triggered by big shifts in magnetic fields/earth's axis being messed up, or something. If that's the case, then it could show up "on time" I guess
Yeah there's that but other things too, they can be triggered, delayed, prolonged, ended, altered, by unexpected events, like supervolcanoes, meteors, massive greenhouse gas production, change in sea currents, nuclear apocalypse, me singing at the top of my lungs, etc. Nobody can guess with enough precison what will happen anyway.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by FinalBaton »

Xyga wrote:What about a black Kenshiro wearing trunks and wanking around sipping mango juice ? (Kenshiro Dynamite, king of the jungle. atatatatata motherfucker)
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by BIL »

The term "bio-organic," as in Resident Evil's "bio-organic weapon." Seems to get all over my JAPANESU ANIME AND VG. It's like saying "mecha-mechanical." "Bio-engineered" or in the right context even good ol' chestnut "Biomechanical" conveys the same concept of unhallowed flesh fuckery sans redundancy.

Get it right you semi-literate HR Giger-disgracing BIO-CUNTS (・`W´・)

Wait what

Ahem. Steamflogger-kun, this is where one might consider using that "X" button I mentioned recently. (;`ω´;)

I refuse though. Better other farmers learn from my devastating loss of face. (`ω´メ)
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Blinge »

the pounding sound in my left ear.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by JBC »

Yes, the hot weather has gotten me too. I live in a humid climate as is so the past month has turned me into an irritable cunt. I don't want to leave the house even for supplies I need and when I do I'm in a pissy mood. Haven't been wanting to talk to anybody or be bothered with anything. It's not like me at all, but the heat this year is unreasonable. I'm terrified all the global warming stuff is true and coming to pass now. I'll live underground. :x
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Udderdude »

More frequent extreme weather events are the new normal. Better buckle up, it's only going to get worse before it gets better. If it gets better .. lol
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Xyga »

Some also predict a brutal inversion in the next 10~30 years, not the start of a new glacial but a 'cold snap', the kind of which can last decades to centuries.
And if its true there's definitely nothing to look forward to if you live even a little up north, for reference read about the 'Little Ice Age'. *shiver*
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Xer Xian »

Jellyfish, god I hate them. There are only two things that make summer bearable - bathing in the sea, and scantily-clad girls. Jellyfish totally ruin the former, and there are so many of them around my place this summer :evil: when one stings you, you then have to deal with several days of super-annoying itch :x useless beings, they are like 99% water and probably have next to no brain, why do they exist?

Btw, from my point of view seeing you north-europeans complaining about 35°C or so temperatures is pretty funny. Up to now it's just normal summer heat in Italy. Last year the better part of august was truly brutal here, with temperatures well over 40°C but perceived heat up to 50°C due to ridiculous humidity and the hot Sirocco wind. Pretty unlivable without air conditioning. I couldn't keep a PC (or indeed a CRT) on for more than like ten minutes before it reached possibly critical temperatures. Sleeping at night was difficult as well, it would only take one or two minutes for beds to become unbearably hot after lying on them. I sure hope it doesn't get as bad this time around. Especially considering that the sea is now off-limits due to unholy jellythings :x
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Xyga »

Should be 40°C southern France starting Friday, so it'll certainly be worse further south. Good luck to you.

Naturally this is when I have some field work planned and at the moment an AC-less car. ^^

(ps: hate the sea, too crowded which is worse than jellyfishes. I only go to mountain rivers and lakes, lucky to have several around where I live. and I sleep on the floor with only a sheet)
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by emphatic »

I forgot that when I do a handstand in the water, I always get water in my ear. Well, I did this two times already this summer, while playing with my kids, because we go swimming at least once a day due to the heat in Sweden. It takes days to dry up and I can't get it out manually. :cry:
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by brokenhalo »

emphatic wrote:I forgot that when I do a handstand in the water, I always get water in my ear. Well, I did this two times already this summer, while playing with my kids, because we go swimming at least once a day due to the heat in Sweden. It takes days to dry up and I can't get it out manually. :cry:
Google "ear syringe". Seems counterintuitive that putting more water in your ear would fix the problem, but basically you have some wax in your ear that's holding the water in. A good flush with warm water will fix you right up. Recommended that you do it in the shower.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Udderdude »

Fun with Rogers internet issues. I've had intermittent disconnects for a week. Replaced cable modem. The "refurbished" cable modem they gave me looked like a kid kicked it down a flight of stairs. And guess what .. didn't fix the issue, still getting disconnects. Now they're making me wait 3 days to "monitor" the situation, while I'm still getting disconnects every hour or so. I have a feeling they're going to have to send a truck out to finally fix the issue. Who knows how long that's going to take. I just got a disconnect while writing this post and, just as I was about to hit submit. I'm gonna /wrists. RIP.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

eBay's global shipping program.

I refuse to use it anyway, but anyone that does use it still should read this: ... g-program/
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Udderdude »

It's always in your best interest when you're selling/sending something rare, valuable and possibly irreplaceable, to cut out as many middlemen as possible.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by neorichieb1971 »

I hate the heat to. What I hate more is that British homes do not even provision for the installation of AC. It seems like if you want it you have to have this odd ball contraption strapped to your house or hanging out of your window.

When I lived in the USA all the ducting was put in when the house was built and you just bought the unit if it wasn't put in with the house.

Before next summer I'm gonna get some AC installed. Screw this hot summer malarkey. I work shifts and 30+ degrees of humidity whilst trying to sleep in the day is just too much to bear. Even if you open the windows as far as they will go, you can bet your ass someone is mowing the lawn next door.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Sumez »

Steamflogger Boss wrote:eBay's global shipping program.

I refuse to use it anyway
How do you refuse? I'm never given any alternative choice whenever a seller offers it, and at this point it seems like it's every single US seller.
Whenever something I buy is well above the treshold for added import taxes, I'll gladly use it though.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Sumez wrote:
Steamflogger Boss wrote:eBay's global shipping program.

I refuse to use it anyway
How do you refuse? I'm never given any alternative choice whenever a seller offers it, and at this point it seems like it's every single US seller.
Whenever something I buy is well above the treshold for added import taxes, I'll gladly use it though.
I meant as a seller. I'm in the US so I don't really have to care about GSP as a buyer.

Anyway, the tl;dr of it is that eBay at their leisure can legally steal any item sold through GSP.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Sumez »

That sounds like jungle drums to me. Why would eBay do that? The third biggest online marketplace risking their reputation by fucking over their customers? Their entire existance pretty much relies on safe transactions.

I really wish you'd get the choice as a buyer though. Why should I pay $20 for GSP shipping for a $10 item? There are so many supposedly cheap NES and SNES games that are exclusive to US that I avoid buying at the moment simply due to the huge cost of importing them.
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