Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by __SKYe »

kitten wrote:my friends didn't even seem to think it fit the show :S it's just... whoof. what on earth were they thinking with this stuff? it's very sad that what appears to be both a visually & mechanically competent game is cursed with MIDI lullaby music.
Oh I didn't mean it fit the SM show, I just think it sounds like s fairly standard shoujo magical girl type of audio, but then again I'm no expert on it -- I remember the series from TV when I was a kid, but I never really paid it much attention.
You're right about the audio spoiling it, but I like to think about it the other way: I'm happy that a licensed game actually came out this good, and can forgive the bad audio (though there are some good licensed games, as we all know their track record isn't exactly stellar). :lol:
kitten wrote:this is definitely much less of a problem in co-op. i feel like the game's biggest detriment is its length and general setpiece-to-setpiece stream of enemies making it take too long, but this isn't so bad in a session with two competent players who are keeping track of their zones. definitely something i'd alter if i were the one designing the game, but the only time i really end up feeling it in a particularly bad way is during this particular segment toward the end of the final stage where only two enemies are coming on-stream at a time and it just becomes boring to manage. the enemy variety also tends to help make up for the many, many situations where you're just going after a ton of mooks. i've not played this in single player, but i can definitely see it being a bigger issue.
Ah, of course, I was only commenting on the solo side, and can definitely see how the waves would go down much quicker with 2 players.
I still think the waves shouldn't have that many enemies -- since the game as some pretty cool bosses, I think shorter levels would be much nicer (also because there are 8 of them, so the total playtime would still be fairly long).
kitten wrote:plus, you can get totally fun shit like this happening in co-op! captured from my play, which i've yet to get uploaded (still got encoding/uploading/etc. to do)
Haha, that's cool, didn't know you could do special stuff like this in 2P mode. Looking forward to that video. :wink:
kitten wrote:yes! and boy, there are so many pits where you can play slightly riskier and toss enemies into them, too. this is one of my favorite things about technos beat 'em ups, particularly double dragon 2 - traps that can totally fuck you over, or be used to your advantage. i love to play dirty in these kinda games. ah, man, i should totally gif a few fun moments where i'm just tossing dudes down holes, it's so satisfying. so few games in the genre feel like they properly utilize this stuff.
I was referring to the spikes/fire/dark water/etc that appear in some of the waves (strting in stage 2, I believe), and how if you align yourself with them, the enemies will gleefully walk over the traps and take damage everytime.
The pits are an absolute joy in every beat-em-up, and I always, always throw enemies into them. :lol:

For me, the prime example of this is in BK1 Stage 7, which is basically this the entire stage. 8)
kitten wrote:if you're strafing lanes, you're really unlikely to get pelted with this, and you can always stop a sprinting pirate in his tracks with a well-timed jab.
True, I just think that the way you need to deal with this everytime you knock them down is a bit tiring, especially if you're not playing with Ioz, because they take so long to beat (the charging guys, not the kickers).
Definitely also an issue with inexperience on my part, so it shoulf become less of a problem in later runs.

Fortunately the game's mechanics are pretty good, so you can always count on your skill not being hampered by them.
kitten wrote:there is definitely a problem with them launching from offscreen, but i feel like as far as games i've played in the genre go, this one is frankly pretty generous with both the damage values from those attacks and how you don't have to deal with them too often to turn it into a big issue. on a side note, batman returns is really good about no off-screen attackers, and in some pretty subtle ways, at times. really don't see that often. even superb games like SoR/BN2 can suffer from some of that shit
Oh yeah, this is nothing new, and to be fair, a good part of me getting hit by them that much, comes from not being used to the game. Final Fight 2 does this so dickishly, that you have to give some space between yourself and the girl enemies everytime you knock them down (off screen mostly), just in case they decide to do a screen length jump attack on you, and you have to quickly move to dodge.
kitten wrote:i was really surprised at some of the boss variety! both a shmup boss AND a big gimmick boss you can slam around - good stuff, and really helps break up the flow. no bosses have total bullshit attacks, either, and feel pretty danged fair, to me. sometimes i don't remember/catch onto their pattern until i've eaten it several times or the fight is already over, but i never feel like what to do is incomprehensible or too obtuse.
Yeah, the STG one cracked me up. :lol:
Overall they were all pretty nice, and also mild in their damage & life department -- they never have too much HP, and their attacks usually only do 1/4HP of damage, excepting the final boss' grab, which nearly kills you. With other, more arcade-ish games, you'll be losing 1/3 or 1/2 of your life by the second stage's boss.

As for their AI, they were also pretty intuitive overall. Granted you take some hits and/or lose a couple lives, but much like you say, there's no extra obtuse boss that just appears to need trading hits to win.

Also really liked how you fight the final boss on the first stage as well. Really cool stuff.
kitten wrote:i nabbed one for like $30 that had been opened and had a slight bend in the box a couple months ago. talked about the physical release back in this post a little bit, actually.
I missed it. :oops:
Someone, I think it was Sumez, also posted before you joined, that would like to have the game (in a proper cart), so I posted it just in case.
kitten wrote:been meaning to do a recording of this one, but i don't know if i want to do a plain old nomiss/1cc or a score run one. i did a pretty high scoring run before shelving it for a little while, but that shit is kind of boring to watch. the game has super smooth controls and snappy pacing, but getting high score is a lot of making sure you get every single enemy drop, which can be boring to both perform and to watch. maybe i'll do both? neither? only time will tell!
There are some spots where you need to go out of your way a bit, to beat enemies if you want to get every item, but it's never that bothersome anyway.
I actually also like to beat them all and pick every item when I play (even being careful not to chuck enemies into pits, so that their item isn't lost), so anyway you record it would be fine, in my opinion.
Have you played with the girl, by the way? Different experience, as she trades the boy's Shoryuken for an Hadouken. And the Shoryuken obliterates everything. 8)

I really liked this game, and although I've yet to get around to trying the 3rd entry, Zero is my favourite out of the rest.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

kitten wrote:how many differences are there on expert?
You know, I can't remember offhand... by the time I was chasing that 100/100 rank, I'd completely forgotten what Normal was even like. IIRC (a fairly big "if"), the big change is there are no continues - dead is dead.

But since the top rank bans continues anyway, and just getting hit loses the charmingly-named "HYPER WATER," which not only speeds up firefighting but also makes Pete run faster, you very quickly learn to avoid damage at all costs anyway. Game clear time is a big factor in the final ranking, along with Fire Rate and of course victims rescued. Once you're really tackling Expert mode, the enemy isn't death but inefficiency.

Man, this takes me back to summer of the previous year, haha. Budgeting out bombs, relocating the "crawl" button to a trigger for lightning-quick stance changes (and easy grenade throwing while prone), allowing me to attack fires and bosses at ever deadlier speed and proximity... it's not the hardest topdown shooter on SFC (Natsume's Kiki Kaikai is a much tougher survival challenge), but the ranking system elevates it to riveting intensity. Just an excellent action game to have in one's stash.

It apparently got its start via a university game dev competition... could definitely see it growing from a small-scale "bedroom coder" concept. The core of the experience would totally work on an MSX or C64 - the SFC just polishes it to a mirror shine.

This also reminds me that I've still not properly revisited the PS1 sequel. Doesn't enjoy anything like the SFC original's acclaim, and I wasn't too wowed from my brief time with it, but it's still something I'd like to investigate firsthand. There's so much to keep up with. ^_~
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by dingsbums »

kitten wrote:wahhh, too much to keep up with, been spending the last week playing all sorts of games and cooking all sorts of fun foods with my friend who is visiting. sorry for any dropped threads of discussion that i didn't end up resonding to. got to play a lot of his fds stuff! boy, that's not a very good library, and most of the good stuff got ported to the proper famicom. although arumana no kiseki wasn't particularly good, my infinite weakness for grappling hooks had me really wanting to play through the full thing! but i resisted on account of there being so little else acting as motivation to an FDS for myself - gotta have at least one treasure i want.

real disappointed with this given that the famicom is easily my fav console of all time (recent broke 1/3rd of a thousand games for the fc/nes with my 334th!), but it feels like konami and nintendo were the only powers really supporting it, and most of their better stuff got carts. guess there's the superior and cheaper version of bio miracle, at least?
It feels the same to me, I'm a huge Famicom fan but the FCD never appealed to me. I got a working FCD for really cheap though :wink: so I looked for the good exclusives 8) . Arumana no Kiseki looked like "right up my alley" stuff but you are saying it's not that good :?: .
Sumez wrote:Not a lot of reasons for the FDS, no, but I feel there's something to come for.
Here's my own small collection:

Super Mario Bros. 2: Probably my primary reason for getting this. As a big fan of the classic Mario games, I cherish the fact that one of them is actually genuinely challenging. Don't believe people likening it to Kaizo-style hacks. It's genuine good design.

Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa: As you said, much cheaper than the cartridge version, might as well get it

Nazo No Murasamejou: Zelda's lost cousin. Haven't spent too much time with it yet, but it looks interesting enough, if a little rough. One of the few original Nintendo IPs that's gotten completely abandoned by them.

Meikyuu Jiin Dababa: Still haven't tried this yet - BrianC mentioned it earlier in this thread, and it seemed to hit the right notes for me, so I bought it. Could be a miss, but it looks genuinely cool.

Ai Senshi Nicol: Another Zelda-like. And yeah, it's Konami of course. Very charming graphics.

Zanac: Could have gotten the NES cartridge I guess. But I didn't.

Fire Bam: Absolute utter kusoge. But how could I resist this imagery? BIRRU-SAMA would be proud.

Moero Twinbee, Metroid, Famicom Grand Prix II 3D Hot Rally: Meh, these three came with the system. At least one is a Konami shooter, and it's cool to save you progress in Metroid instead of relying on password. I guess. If I wanted to ever play it again.
SMB 2, Meikyuu Jiin Dababa & Ai Senshi Nicol are the 3 games I have for the FCD.

Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa is one to get => I have the cartridge version already though.
Zanac would be another one but it's also included on Zanac X Zanac (PS1).
Nazo no Kabe: Block-kuzushi is another one if you like "Arkanoid"-style games => I have the NES cart already (Crackout)

Titles I would add:

Arumana no Kiseki (but I'm not sure after kitten's post :) )
Wardner no Mori (although there is no point when you have the MD version)
Big Challenge! Dogfight Spirit
Falsion (looks like a sequel to Gyruss)
Gall Force (not sure on that one - looks a bit kusoge :wink: )
Vs. Excitebike
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

__SKYe wrote:Ah, of course, I was only commenting on the solo side, and can definitely see how the waves would go down much quicker with 2 players.
I still think the waves shouldn't have that many enemies -- since the game as some pretty cool bosses, I think shorter levels would be much nicer (also because there are 8 of them, so the total playtime would still be fairly long).
even with 2 people it's longer than i would prefer, yes. the game could definitely use some trimming. i was just trying to stress that i feel a lot of the pacing and length issues are mitigated (but still present) when you're playing with someone else who knows how to play. we ran through a lot of beat 'em ups this last week and despite playing this twice, didn't really feel it being any longer than the other ones we were playing. then again, the other ones we were playing had some pacing issues, too - what the hell is up with the rushing beat series and enemies with such gosh dang ridiculous amounts of health?! >:O
Haha, that's cool, didn't know you could do special stuff like this in 2P mode. Looking forward to that video. :wink:
i've got it uploading right now (it's been encoded), so it will probably be ready to link here today, if i remember to. counting the opening and ending, it's like an hour and a half long! daaang.
True, I just think that the way you need to deal with this everytime you knock them down is a bit tiring, especially if you're not playing with Ioz, because they take so long to beat (the charging guys, not the kickers).
if you're playing with ren or tula, you can still chain-grab them right out of wake-up like ioz by taking advantage of your particular movement options. i believe sharc was saying that you need to be pretty quick about it with ren, like you had to do his jumping air attack across the screen to get there quickly enough.
Oh yeah, this is nothing new, and to be fair, a good part of me getting hit by them that much, comes from not being used to the game. Final Fight 2 does this so dickishly, that you have to give some space between yourself and the girl enemies everytime you knock them down (off screen mostly), just in case they decide to do a screen length jump attack on you, and you have to quickly move to dodge.
that was unfortunately one of the games i didn't have time to play, this go. we gave full plays to SoR2, PoDW (twice), rushing beat, rushing beat ran, and sonic blast man 2 (each of those last three twice - once running out of continues very near the end and restarting on each, ouch), but didn't have time to finish shura or even start final fight 2.
Yeah, the STG one cracked me up. :lol:
Overall they were all pretty nice, and also mild in their damage & life department -- they never have too much HP, and their attacks usually only do 1/4HP of damage, excepting the final boss' grab, which nearly kills you. With other, more arcade-ish games, you'll be losing 1/3 or 1/2 of your life by the second stage's boss.
i played on hard mode when capturing this play that i recorded, so i forget if the lug brothers are quite as dangerous on normal or not - iirc they do about exactly half of your life bar with their throw on hard. during the refight with them & konk (i hope i'm getting these names right), i totally panic in wanting to hold onto my lives for the final boss and end up doing some seriously scrubbish desperation attack spamming to "safely" take care of them. you can reliably get them into a combo -> grab -> toss if you just stay an appropriate distance away as they shift lanes and walk into your attacks, but too close and you get grabbed, too far and you're not reaching.

although the final boss fight for the run was going well at first, i end up beefing it after taking about half of his lifebar off and panicking as sharc nearly runs out of lives. he keeps taking potshots on the boss and activating some revenge attacks he can't dodge because of his positioning, and it was seriously making me nervous we'd have to end up using a continue. fortunately, we beat him just before that. i think you can do the same strategy with the lug brothers as you can on him, but i kept going for grabs like on that one lanky dude you fight in the jungle and then again immediately preceding his fight (watch me totally trivialize that moron on the run once i get it posted lol).
There are some spots where you need to go out of your way a bit, to beat enemies if you want to get every item, but it's never that bothersome anyway.
I actually also like to beat them all and pick every item when I play (even being careful not to chuck enemies into pits, so that their item isn't lost), so anyway you record it would be fine, in my opinion.
Have you played with the girl, by the way? Different experience, as she trades the boy's Shoryuken for an Hadouken. And the Shoryuken obliterates everything. 8)
i actually prefer playing as her, yeah. i find the hadoken input on the boy (are they actually called tasuke & kyapiko in this one? i forget) to be really finicky to pull off (weird for such an otherwise polished game), and her special (that air attack) is really good and easy to consistently do. the boy's basic combo is a bit more fun & punchy, admittedly, but ah well. getting all the items requires killing quite a few enemies by just doing the basic punches as they hover around the edge of a ledge, and it gets to be a little monotonous. i wish there was a scoring method that more properly accentuated the game's strengths, which is blasting through it at high speeds.
I really liked this game, and although I've yet to get around to trying the 3rd entry, Zero is my favourite out of the rest.
3 is the best, at least in my opinion! very, very fun presentation filled with loads of goofiness and really adorable little touches. it's about as easy as 0, and i think even on its hard mode (which i think is a thing that exists and i'm not misremembering) you'll not run into any real trouble. very snappy pacing like 0, too, which is definitely among its strengths. i prefer its art style a lot - something about 0 looks a little too 00's anime style, which kind of puts me off (though that doesn't come across as much in the game's sprite art, which is delightful).

i actually picked up a flyer for shubibinman 3 on my most recent bundle of yahoo stuff, which i'm still meaning to post over in the pick-ups thread. will need to get a picture of that, soon! and, then, also a frame for it.
BIL wrote:But since the top rank bans continues anyway, and just getting hit loses the charmingly-named "HYPER WATER," which not only speeds up firefighting but also makes Pete run faster, you very quickly learn to avoid damage at all costs anyway. Game clear time is a big factor in the final ranking, along with Fire Rate and of course victims rescued. Once you're really tackling Expert mode, the enemy isn't death but inefficiency.
i did not notice that there was a bonus for being at full health! that seems really interesting, especially considering that the game rewards you for both quick & efficient play. i'm wondering if i'll put enough time into this one to go for the highest rank - sometimes i get a little weathered by being asked to remember a proper room order in things like this and end up just settling for a nomiss/1cc as where i'd like to leave it. on my only attempt i mentioned, i felt like i'd have probably been having a little more fun if i'd have not been trying to get 100% of the fire put out, at least on my first play. there were a couple of rooms i had to backtrack through after realizing i'd skipped something that felt a little exhausting, especially with that time limit.

hope to get back around to putting more time into this one, soon, but i've accrued a serious backlog this year and might play it next or might not play it again for months. ah, so many games! this one definitely seems great, though, and deserving of enough time to at least get through expert mode once. this was a really nice surprise in the sfc's pantheon of action games. i still feel like its library is disappointing (when compared to the famicom's, especially) and its games priorities' are a little too prioritized on unfocused things like non-linear stages, upgrades, etc.

but! i feel like if you check the corners, it does eventually stack up to the mega drive and pc engine, it's just there's way, way more wading to find some of the good stuff given its high volumes of poor games. some of those lower quality games are talked up highly while stuff like the firemen gets seen as a novelty - or even more heinously, TNWA gets lumped in with chaff like the rushing beat series or sonic blast man.
It apparently got its start via a university game dev competition... could definitely see it growing from a small-scale "bedroom coder" concept. The core of the experience would totally work on an MSX or C64 - the SFC just polishes it to a mirror shine.
speaking of older computer stuff - ever play rock boshers dx on pc? it's a zx spectrum-themed top down action game with shooting and puzzle elements. there's a variety of different stages, most of them focused on miniature objectives, but some of them being more offbeat stuff like cool boss fights. if you treat it as a stage-by-stage game to shave increasingly better performances out of, i think it becomes a genuinely excellent little game. the video i linked is in a playlist i created with all my best times, which i think might still be the WR times... not that i really had competition.

i feel like i'm the only person in the universe who vouches for this game's quality! lots of people like dugan's other game, aqua kitty, but i didn't particularly feel it and much preferred this despite a total absence of fondness for the speccy. if anyone here is interested in playing it, i have a couple of gift copies on steam i can give away - caveat being you actually play it and aren't just shoving it in a steam library. i think i bought 2 or 3 extras the last time it went on sale to give to people interested in it. the only time it's ever even been mentioned on this forum appears to be in a list of games system11 enjoyed on ps4 without even saying anything about it.
This also reminds me that I've still not properly revisited the PS1 sequel. Doesn't enjoy anything like the SFC original's acclaim, and I wasn't too wowed from my brief time with it, but it's still something I'd like to investigate firsthand. There's so much to keep up with. ^_~
yeah, the sequel doesn't seem to have been as well received, but it's definitely something i'm interesting in eventually trying, too, especially because it's cheap.
dingsbums wrote:Arumana no Kiseki (but I'm not sure after kitten's post :) )
don't take a "not particularly good" from me as a damnation! ;P i'm pretty critical of stuff, but even if i say something is outright bad, i might still like it and rarely - especially when talking about famicom stuff - mean it as a reason to dismiss it as potentially valuable or interesting.

i was quite enjoying myself with it, i just think that it's a bit janky & unfocused. the grappling hook mechanic is really interesting (if thematically bizarre given you're latching it onto a post you create to float in thin air O_O;;) and it's my first target as a pick-up whenever i get an FDS because of that. i really wish it had a cart version, this seems like a game prone to abrupt restarts when you've really botched a run and the load times + disk flipping would really get in the way of that.
Wardner no Mori (although there is no point when you have the MD version)
Gall Force (not sure on that one - looks a bit kusoge :wink: )
that version of wardner seemed awful, honestly - i wouldn't be surprised if it was a tose port.

didn't enjoy gall force at all, unfortunately. HAL did another famicom shooter i didn't like, either.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

kitten wrote:i did not notice that there was a bonus for being at full health!
Hyper Water (I love that name) is actually triggered by picking up a bomb while you've got the max (three) in stock. It throws an interesting little wrench into the usual bomb budgeting: they're tremendously powerful, but the less you keep stocked, the harder it'll be to regain Hyper after taking a hit. If you take an aggressive BOMBA approach and lose Hyper, you're gonna go from the fast lane to the gutter!

Live dangerously, that's my advice. Shred boss faces and rely on excellent play to keep the Hypers going. ;3

Also note the extra bombs sequestered around the place, sometimes in plain view but occasionally hiding behind scenery. Just like ferreting out rescues, it pays to snoop around a little.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by kitten »

the recordings are up!

pirates of dark water - hard mode - 2 player 1cc

for both vids, check some additional commentary down below them! this is my 3rd run through of this game, and i feel i'm playing pretty well. kind of an exhaustingly long watch, you might want to skip through it. a few fights might be instructive! there's also a couple of notes at the bottom on hard mode - seems to make enemy AI more aggressive (good!) and bumps their hp up (eh). some of you, if you give this one a shot, might want to jump straight into hard.

streets of rage 2 - default settings - 2 player 1cc

GRAND UPPAH~~! constantly. forever. the beginning of this one is really funny, you can watch me pause for a couple of seconds to yell at sharc and go "what the fuck!?" he's not used to playing a 2p beat 'em up with friendly hits on, and we have a little trouble getting to terms with that over the course of the video. i think he's a good blaze player!! every time we stop to deal with an enemy, that's generally him telling me about something upcoming or to point out a hidden 1up or something. i generally just roll through this game without stopping when i play :B

apologies for the blurry picture quality! my genesis is a model 1, and while it has excellent audio drivers (i'm always tapping my feet when playing this game and have a splitter set-up so i get stereo sound out of it), the visuals could... stand to be better. i don't have an adapter or means to play using RGB on my tv, and an RGB capture device is way expensive, so just pretend you're watching an older video or something. it'll be fun.

maybe. Image
BIL wrote:Live dangerously, that's my advice. Shred boss faces and rely on excellent play to keep the Hypers going. ;3
this is a really cool way of encouraging that kind of play! Image

i've never checked out much of human's stuff - maybe it's time i give some of their other titles a chance. always been faintly interested in SOS and clocktower, even though those aren't up the action alley.

- - - - - - - - - -
omg, monumental! O_O

need to get off my ass and record a nomiss to make it 101! which probably means practicing and getting back up to speed T_T

in general, i really want to get a lot of famicom recordings in. barely done any the last month because that glut i did was while house-sitting - meaning that i didn't have the cat to pay attention to. she's a needy little kitten! hoping she learns to chill out, soon.
Last edited by kitten on Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

drauch wrote:This and the MD/Gen thread revitalized my dormant adoration for all things scrolling action
Meanwhile you also inspired me to bust out a quick El Viento clear. Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by __SKYe »

kitten wrote:even with 2 people it's longer than i would prefer, yes. the game could definitely use some trimming. i was just trying to stress that i feel a lot of the pacing and length issues are mitigated (but still present) when you're playing with someone else who knows how to play. we ran through a lot of beat 'em ups this last week and despite playing this twice, didn't really feel it being any longer than the other ones we were playing. then again, the other ones we were playing had some pacing issues, too - what the hell is up with the rushing beat series and enemies with such gosh dang ridiculous amounts of health?! >:O
Looking at your video's length, and even if you remove the cutscenes' time & other misc stuff (haven't watched yet, just estimating) it is still pretty damn long in my book at ~1h30m for 2P. I consider the BK games long, and a run in them clocks at about 1h, maybe slightly less, so an extra 30min are pretty substantial.
Haven't played much of the Rushing Beat series, other than the 1st one, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Just a thought, but perhaps it didn't seem that long to you because you were having so much fun in 2P mode. :wink:
kitten wrote:if you're playing with ren or tula, you can still chain-grab them right out of wake-up like ioz by taking advantage of your particular movement options. i believe sharc was saying that you need to be pretty quick about it with ren, like you had to do his jumping air attack across the screen to get there quickly enough.
I think I'll play it sparsely for awhile, and it should get better. Definitely my scrubbiness with the game talking. :wink:
kitten wrote: actually prefer playing as her, yeah. i find the hadoken input on the boy (are they actually called tasuke & kyapiko in this one? i forget) to be really finicky to pull off (weird for such an otherwise polished game), and her special (that air attack) is really good and easy to consistently do. the boy's basic combo is a bit more fun & punchy, admittedly, but ah well.
The Shoryuken input takes a bit of getting used to (the Z motion wasn't exactly made to be performed on a PSX pad, in my case) but it's not too bad. I don't know if you're aware, but if you keep the attack button pressed down after you execute it, you'll continue to do damage for a while, and it does an obscene amount of it.
kitten wrote:getting all the items requires killing quite a few enemies by just doing the basic punches as they hover around the edge of a ledge, and it gets to be a little monotonous. i wish there was a scoring method that more properly accentuated the game's strengths, which is blasting through it at high speeds.
But props up for Masaya for putting out such a completely different game from the previous entries, and still make it into a damn fun game to play.
kitten wrote:3 is the best, at least in my opinion! very, very fun presentation filled with loads of goofiness and really adorable little touches. it's about as easy as 0, and i think even on its hard mode (which i think is a thing that exists and i'm not misremembering) you'll not run into any real trouble. very snappy pacing like 0, too, which is definitely among its strengths. i prefer its art style a lot - something about 0 looks a little too 00's anime style, which kind of puts me off (though that doesn't come across as much in the game's sprite art, which is delightful).
Will have to try it eventually. Someone mentioned it to me before, but time went by and I forgot to play it. :oops:
kitten wrote:the recordings are up!
Watched the SOR2 video, and will watch the other later.

Overall, you two played quite nicely, and it shows in the amount of lives you have left.
I was surprised that you never land on your feet after being thrown, though. Do you not know about it, or do you just forget about it when playing?
You can avoid damage by doing it, so it's a nice technique to have.

Also cool, how you two mostly don't use the jump+stun attack (your friend used it a fair bit against bosses, but not so much on the stages themselves), as I use it quite a bit. Always enjoy seeing what tactics other players employ.

I never played this in 2P, so I never noticed, but was really impressed with the MD's ability to display 2 players + 6 enemies + 1~2 weapons at the same time, without any sort of slowdown whatsoever. Definitely *the* 16-bit console for this genre.
kitten wrote:the beginning of this one is really funny, you can watch me pause for a couple of seconds to yell at sharc and go "what the fuck!?"
Definitely my favourite part of the video; it would've been already fun with you too beating each other, but that brief pause really comes off as you saying "wtf you doin?", and is hilarious. :lol:
kitten wrote:apologies for the blurry picture quality! my genesis is a model 1, and while it has excellent audio drivers (i'm always tapping my feet when playing this game and have a splitter set-up so i get stereo sound out of it), the visuals could... stand to be better. i don't have an adapter or means to play using RGB on my tv, and an RGB capture device is way expensive, so just pretend you're watching an older video or something. it'll be fun.
I actually like it. It gives the video that sort of authentic look.
kitten wrote:i've never checked out much of human's stuff - maybe it's time i give some of their other titles a chance. always been faintly interested in SOS and clocktower, even though those aren't up the action alley.
I've yet to play any of their games other than the SFC's Clock Tower, and I absolutely loved, and recommend it.
I don't have much of a track record with horror stuff, but I find it absolutely amazing how such an old game (and especially 2D) can manage to have such a well done scary atmosphere (and its share of scary moments).

Definitely recommend playing it blind, with headphones and in the dark (after all, the objective is to scare you) because let's be honest, these type of games lose a fair bit of their impressiveness when being played in a bright and sunny day. :lol:
kitten wrote:
omg, monumental! O_O
Just goes to show the quality of the Task Force™. 8)
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Believe in the Task Force™. OR GET OBLITERATED !!!!

So the saying goes. 8)
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

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For our slogan, I tentatively propose "Don't get mad - GIT GUD! (YOU FUCKIN SCRUB!)" :lol:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

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I like it :)
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

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So do I. :wink:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by drauch »

As a bonafied scrub with hardcore anger issues, I approve!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Sumez »

Once again, this thread is back in the mode, where you have to ctrl+F backwards throughout several quotes and pages just to find out what game is being discussed. :(

I think I'll just try to jump back on once someone brings up a new game again.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Which quotes do you mean?
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

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The quotes people leave in their posts to indicate what they are responding to, and more importantly, as a clue for detectives to backtrack through the thread trying to identify the game being discussed.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Haha, fair enough, but if you post one such quote you're interested in, I can tell you where the discussion started. :lol:
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Re: WTF are you talking about

Post by Blinge »

Subject lines tho?
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

I sometimes toy with editing game names into posts, eg "it's arguably the finest BDSM simulator starring hairy Italian men for N64 ever" = "[SUPER KOSHER SALAMI BROS 64] is arguably..." but I never like editing people's posts too much. Feels faintly patronising. :oops: But Sumez has a good point so I'll endeavour to signpost better from now on. :wink:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Skykid »

BIL wrote:For our slogan, I tentatively propose "Don't get mad - GIT GUD! (YOU FUCKIN SCRUB!)" :lol:
Dantes would appreciate that. I think you need to drop the Ninja Gaiden preface though, it's unnecessary.

Scrolling Action Monogatari: GIT GUD U FKN SCRUB

Might actually fit into the thread header word limit.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

I'd pondered it briefly, years back - but NG will probably never leave the headline. As a classically performance-intensive scrolling action game, it's both the thread's anchor and its emblem - forever against poseurs who regard being told they are great as a given, and being asked as unpardonable temerity.

Not to be too hard on the scrubs - as I always stress, Edmans sparked this wonderful thread when he blamed objective code instead of his own bumbling digits. :wink: edit: that is scrubbery, btw. It's not a lack of ability, but a lack of humility! They are frequently co-morbid, but the latter is the operative element. Image

I mean look at the utter bullshit people say about FC Double Dragon. Pfft. Technical action + bad players just begging for the resounding cock-slap of reasoned inquiry? That's the bedrock of this thread. Image
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by __SKYe »

Yeah, there's a distinct difference between being a poor player due to inexperience (everyone's been there at some point -- I'm there at the majority of new games I try :lol: ), and due to refusing to take any responsibility for their lack of skill, and instead shifting the blame to the game, everything and everyone.
Scrubbery as you so eloquently put it. :lol:
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by drauch »

Speaking of Double Dragon, what's the general consensus on the original arcade title? I think I've got so many years in the console port of FC/NES I find it a bit hard to grasp, and most of the playthroughs out there I've watched of the arcade feature a lot of barrel manipulation and elbow spamming, rather than the hair-pulling, meaty beatdowns on the console that I love. And yeah, I want to reiterate that I certainly don't have much time in the arcade game myself, but am willing to give it a fair shot if it's worth it!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by FinalBaton »

Regarding Sumez's point.

maybe the longcat posts can be prefaced by :

Re : That game

and then if the subject change down the post, just write another

Re : that other game.

But will people want to add this to their post? That I do not know. You can't force 'em, eh
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by dojo_b »

on NG1 st. 6-2's flying ninja onslaught:
__SKYe wrote: Not experienced with how to do it with sub-weapons, but I like to avoid the first 2 ninjas, and drop down to the far-left ledge, letting myself get hit by the 2 shurikens they will throw. Works pretty nicely, and you'll be able to walk away with just 2HP lost (assuming you don't get hit by the previous ones -- I do pretty often :lol: ).
(Please excuse the crappy quality, first time making GIF from Youtube video)
Excellent gif! This is how I do it as well, and I think it's the single most critical pattern toward the no-subweapons one-life clear. I got off the powerups, cold turkey you can too, having best sex of my life! ;D

On a stylistic level though, I'm not totally happy. Taking damage is sad, doing so while a sitting target perhaps even more so. Lump this in with my inability to dodge Malth's asinine ball lightning---two clear defects in even my best-case run :cry: fuckit, I'm going back to the hard stuff

On that no-sub run (also avoiding the input-cancel fast slash), I find that Masked Devil becomes the most challenging, or at least, stressful of the last 3 bosses, and not just 'cause you're fighting Dad. Demon eventually yields most of his challenge to fast pattern-recognition, i.e., picking out the bits of demon-spooge arcing in your particular direction. I fancy this might be learnable more quickly using a cardboard cutout that blocks extraneous info... but so far too lazy to try.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Mortificator »

drauch wrote:Speaking of Double Dragon, what's the general consensus on the original arcade title? I think I've got so many years in the console port of FC/NES I find it a bit hard to grasp, and most of the playthroughs out there I've watched of the arcade feature a lot of barrel manipulation and elbow spamming, rather than the hair-pulling, meaty beatdowns on the console that I love. And yeah, I want to reiterate that I certainly don't have much time in the arcade game myself, but am willing to give it a fair shot if it's worth it!
I don't think it is. The elbow has such ridiculous priority it makes much of your moveset obsolete. There's a lot of slowdown, though you can eliminate that by overclocking MAME. And most of the game was carried over to the superior Double Dragon Advance. The only thing I miss there are the '80s pompadours.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by __SKYe »

FinalBaton wrote:Regarding Sumez's point.

maybe the longcat posts can be prefaced by :

Re : That game

and then if the subject change down the post, just write another

Re : that other game.

But will people want to add this to their post? That I do not know. You can't force 'em, eh
Seems like a nice system. Will try to use it too. :wink:
drauch wrote:Speaking of Double Dragon, what's the general consensus on the original arcade title? I think I've got so many years in the console port of FC/NES I find it a bit hard to grasp, and most of the playthroughs out there I've watched of the arcade feature a lot of barrel manipulation and elbow spamming, rather than the hair-pulling, meaty beatdowns on the console that I love. And yeah, I want to reiterate that I certainly don't have much time in the arcade game myself, but am willing to give it a fair shot if it's worth it!
I'm with Mortificator on this one. The elbow is so ridiculously overpowered, that the real challenge of the game is the wall trap in the last stage. Definitely prefer the console(s) entries.
dojo_b wrote:Excellent gif! This is how I do it as well, and I think it's the single most critical pattern toward the no-subweapons one-life clear. I got off the powerups, cold turkey you can too, having best sex of my life! ;D

On a stylistic level though, I'm not totally happy. Taking damage is sad, doing so while a sitting target perhaps even more so. Lump this in with my inability to dodge Malth's asinine ball lightning---two clear defects in even my best-case run :cry: fuckit, I'm going back to the hard stuff
This tactic came from being tired of messing my 1LC runs on Act 6 (since, even if I didn't die here, I usually took a big amount of damage, and would never reach the end bosses), and I was pretty happy to just being able to pass this part without dying.

BIL posted a much better way to go through this (from Squire's 1LC), and it's the way I would do it if I went through it again:

Jumping from the upper platform, making them spawn high on the screen, and then jumping below their shurikens.
As for Malth, I feel the same as you. At first, I tried to avoid his lightning balls and beat him cleanly, but I was never able to do it consistently (I'd avoid maybe 1~2 of them duing a fight), and I just gave up trying to do so.
dojo_b wrote:On that no-sub run (also avoiding the input-cancel fast slash), I find that Masked Devil becomes the most challenging, or at least, stressful of the last 3 bosses, and not just 'cause you're fighting Dad. Demon eventually yields most of his challenge to fast pattern-recognition, i.e., picking out the bits of demon-spooge arcing in your particular direction. I fancy this might be learnable more quickly using a cardboard cutout that blocks extraneous info... but so far too lazy to try.
I actually find him the easiest by far (of the 3 final bosses), and only lost against him on my 1st try, I believe (no input-cancel as well).
Jaquio is tough, and was for quite a while, and even though I can beat him most of the time, there's always a chance of me losing against him.
Jashin is the most dangerous, in my opinion, because it is a fight that can either go very well or very badly. Getting hit accidentally by his projectiles can very quickly get you killed, and I lost against him more times than I've beaten him, and still do.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by BIL »

drauch wrote:Speaking of Double Dragon, what's the general consensus on the original arcade title? I think I've got so many years in the console port of FC/NES I find it a bit hard to grasp, and most of the playthroughs out there I've watched of the arcade feature a lot of barrel manipulation and elbow spamming, rather than the hair-pulling, meaty beatdowns on the console that I love. And yeah, I want to reiterate that I certainly don't have much time in the arcade game myself, but am willing to give it a fair shot if it's worth it!
Echoing Mortificator and Skye, DD1 really hasn't aged well. Go straight to DD Advance, a stern but loving paean to the game (and Technos Japan Corp in general) by former TJC staff at Million. More detailed info and discussion at the foot of this post and its followups.

For a quick demo, behold! Just the survival mode would be worth having, honestly. It will bring the technical violence you need. :cool:


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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by Blinge »

FinalBaton wrote:Regarding Sumez's point.

maybe the longcat posts can be prefaced by :

Re : That game

and then if the subject change down the post, just write another

Re : that other game.

But will people want to add this to their post? That I do not know. You can't force 'em, eh
That's what I meant by subject lines.. They're at the top of every post! Use them, people =O
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Scrolling Action Monogatari

Post by drauch »

Thanks for the replies, doods. That's always the impression I got, but wasn't sure if I was missing something, and searching elsewhere on the internet--which I don't trust--likes to say otherwise, which I'm sure is firmly grounded in dreaded nostalgia. It's a long road when you're all alone, Rambo.

Man, I've gotta get a bit more into GBA! That looks perfectly bone-crushing! I know there's gold out there, but my handheld experience of that period is certainly lacking. I know Ninja Five-O is on my must-play list and now this. Anything else of recommendation I need to give a swing at? At this point I think my GBA life begins and ends with Metroid and Castlevania, so there's surely a lot of room for recommendations :D
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