Another day, another shooting in the US

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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BulletMagnet »

Zen wrote:That you do not understand the concept of European Christianity;
It is not Semitic
Also; please stop referring to Jesus as the "Christ".
I think I'm just gonna sit back and watch this beauty unfold. :lol:
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by orange808 »

Xyga wrote:Wtf are you talking about?
mintythecat lecturing Americans from an awfully high pedestal. I know better.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by MintyTheCat »

orange808 wrote:
Xyga wrote:Wtf are you talking about?
mintythecat lecturing Americans from an awfully high pedestal. I know better.
Well, when some of you Americans see fit to call yourselves natives one only has to remind you of the rather short history that your fine nation has.

They reckon that the actual natives of North America can be traced back some 30,000 years to when it was possible to cross due to the state of ice. Now 3*10^4 : 5*10^2 for native Americans to present day American majority I know who I'd regard as being 'more native'.
By the very processes that have been put forward by some of you lot on here all it takes for one to become 'native' is for the dominant culture to be aligned to the dominant power and voila we have ourselves another round of natives. Well, that works over and over again like the sexual virgins renewed again each morning, and that, my friends is bloody hilarious.

I mean, let's go back thousands of years and I am willing to bet that none of Rob's genealogical tree could be found in the Americas but rather somewhere in present day Europe so just how 'native' is he to that part of the world? You see how this argument of who's native and who isn't falls completely flat on its face immediately?

Orange808: maybe you could ask Rob where he gets off telling us how latin americans want governments who impose more control or how he's so very keen on lumping races, and I mean races, into great all encompassing bags of 'the same'. This to me smacks of reductionistic 'thinking' - another unfortunate by-product of extreme conservatism I shall add.
Rob wrote:[Whites are the only broadly defined group that prefer conservative values and smaller government in America. With bigger government comes more "control and regulation".
What a pile of absolute, steaming bullshit. I mean, for a start, Germany and indeed a handful of countries are all substantially more regulated (some would say over-regulated) than the USA and guess what, most of the folks who live in those countries are indeed white. So, you could state that white Americans prefer zero regs and no government at the extreme but that doesn't account for the majority of white europeans (the same folks that settled and formed your very nation, Rob) now does it? Which is why, gentleman, that splitting ideological arguments into this race or that race is completely ridiculous and in fact reminds me of the utter tripe that was popular in the 1920s Britain surrounding the Eugenics Movement and the 'racial superioirty studies' carried before that - all completely barmy and utterly, utterly flawed and had substantially more to do with political ideals and racial ones than anything remotely scientific. And yet we live in more enlightened times, right?

Anyway, the thread's useless: gun lovers will continue to love guns and far too many of them will never want sufficient controls to protect their own citizens and all this talk about 'it's the immigrants/latins/radical feminists with strap-ons/etc.' will do nothing to change this unfortunate situation that America finds itself in far, far too often.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by orange808 »

Oh yes, those centuries of empire are not marked by unspeakable crimes and cruelty. ;)

Also, an immigration rant after Brexit won approval. ;)

Oh yes, preach on, mate! God save the queen! ;)
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

Xyga wrote:Jizz Us!

It's incredible, fascinating - and so sad at the same time - how over centuries, millenia, religions have had the capacity to attract and entrance the braindead degenerate nutjobs portion of any society and turn them into phenomenal fanatic pain-in-the-asses who will always and without a rest strive to drag humanity down to the deepest, obscure levels of superdense stupidity it's able to reach before turning full vegetable-level drooling retard.

And they have the internet now. Why Jizz Us? WHY?

PS: not disappointed though this IS entertaining. *popcorn.gif*
Discussing religion does not make one religious. Just like discussing race does not make one racist.
But you know, continue your ridiculous little victory dance. Its almost as entertaining as your Nazi hunter one.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

Well, when some of you Americans see fit to call yourselves natives
-"You are in fact our cousins but you are certainly not natives to the US."
-Here I point out the stupidly obvious detail that the U.S. is a creation of Europeans.
-But I bet your ancestry is European. :shock:

If I knew you wanted to talk about the Bering land bridge and not the United States and our relationship to it, I would likely not have chimed in. Be clear with your language.
What a pile of absolute, steaming bullshit. I mean, for a start, Germany...
This is how attempted communication with Minty goes.

-"It has a whole lot more to do with policies, and in fact, the very policies that people vote in."
-Here I note voting patterns and polling data in America.
-"Bullshit". "Germany". "Eugenics".

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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

BulletMagnet wrote: And the Bible's not exactly ambiguous when it comes to homosexuality; so even if we aren't going full Wahhabi on them (though some Christians think we should), why should we "accept" their lifestyle in any notable capacity, as doing so obviously further corrodes the already-imperiled moral and social bedrock upon which all of "the West" was founded?
Being gay isn't a lifestyle choice like deciding what clothes to wear, unless you're ignorant to basically everything we know of biology: ... 312253776/

And even if it were, anyone who seriously wants to argue the idea that it's "morally corrosive" is being absurd (note: I realize you're not actually arguing this), as there's no sign of any kind of societal breakdown or mass harm resulting from people not being heterosexual. You've got far worse issues to worry about such as climate change threatening humanity's existence in the next few centuries, overpopulation, America's gun fetish claiming countless lives, etc.
Skykid wrote:What thread is this again?
one for shitposting apparently

There seems to be a strong cultural inclination in parts of the world against becoming a "melting-pot" style society with a diverse mix of cultural backgrounds, as if that's somehow an inherent detriment.
I will say that again; Western culture is European and Christian.
What does all this mean? It means that unless you are both a citizen and more importantly, live by the values of its founders, you are not an American.

In my country, we have 2nd generation African-Muslims who are Irish citizens. Are they Irish? No. And never will they be. Being Irish is not a matter of legality. Nor is it "relative", "fluid" or up for discussion.
Cultures are not static entities. Constitutions and societal values change, and the people who live in those societies change their values. This is not a bad thing. What, do you think America should live by the values of its founders and readopt widespread slavery? This whole "bawww other people are scary" nonsense is ridiculous.

There's something to be said for some cultures finding it difficult to integrate into society when they immigrate because of extreme cultural differences, but Islam is no more extreme/insular than ultra orthodox sects of Judaism or perhaps Mennonites. The best way to integrate surely is to be welcoming and reasonably accommodating rather than being xenophobic and essentially saying "you'll never be one of us". You know, the whole do unto others as you would have them do unto you thing. ;)

As a misotheist I think religion is empirically and demonstrably stupid and vile, but the most effective way to deal with religions that fantasize about theocratic power is education, free speech, and raising standards of living; those are the best ways to secularize any nation's people.

edit: i suck at quote brackets
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

As you have corrected the quote sig, I'll leave that pass.

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:There seems to be a strong cultural inclination in parts of the world against becoming a "melting-pot" style society with a diverse mix of cultural backgrounds, as if that's somehow an inherent detriment.
Cultural and indeed "racial" relativism is a myth. If this reality is too heavy for you, try starting here,
BareKnuckleRoo wrote: Islam is no more extreme/insular than ultra orthodox sects of Judaism or perhaps Mennonites.
We have a big Mennonite and Jewish terrorist problem, do we?
BareKnuckleRoo wrote:As a misotheist
As a Misotheist, you are basically no different from a Theist. Its still all about God/Gods.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

@Roo; you still think it is possible to talk sense into those two bastards? They are deep in a mad paranoid trip where they see their imaginary monolithic 'white, christian by nature :lol: , european western culture' under siege! no, already invaded! by means of a conspiracy! to pollute and undermine their pure superior race and culture with dirty, immoral, weak, lazy, freeloading and unintelligent (the passmark IQ benchmark says it all) virus-like agents like blacks, arabs, jews, liberals and of course lgbt too (all marxist things!).
We're 100% in the far-right narrative, specifically radical christian here who tie race religion and nation together in a most hillarious demonstration of crass ignoance as usual. No less crazy than wahabbites or orthodox jews, in my country when these peaceful so-far-right-they-crash-into-walls christians see black people they make monkey noises and have their children throw banana peels at them, and gays just get beaten up, because they're 'immoral, aberrations, sick, evil/anti-christian'.

But unlike you I don't think all religious people are like that, some of the most humane and rspectful people I've met were christian, jew, and muslim alike it didn't matter. Not being an ultra-narrow-minded hateful bigot fucked up bastard is an individual choice everyone is free to make, and nobody's born with a religion, free nations have long left the obsolete rules of religion behind and embraced more enlightened forms of society like the republic, democracy, equal rights and of course and indeed secularism.
Even when they don't function well anymore and we need to fix and improve them, they're still basis for society worth a million times more than those nutjob's insane stupid desire to plunge our world back into a kind of new dark ages of submission to mysticism, lords, and violence as the new standards, just like ISIS but white and christian.

But to the question "What thread is this again?"
Its the usual purpose of give our far-right ideologue super stars a stage to do what they do best;
"The same thing we do in every other thread like the Trump one, Pinky; spam our propaganda ever day to weed-out liberals and recruit more worthy white soldiers to fight and win the Racial Holy War!" :wink:

EDIT: oh that simplistic children's fable is fabulous, somehow it's a reference very similar to randian immaturity and fit for someone like Zen.
Randroids have a thing for chickens it seems.
Last edited by Xyga on Mon Nov 27, 2017 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

Xyga wrote:@Roo; you still think it is possible to talk sense into those two bastards? They are deep in a mad paranoid trip where they see their imaginary monolithic 'white, christian by nature :lol: , european western culture' under siege! no, already invaded! by means of a conspiracy! to pollute and undermine their pure superior race and culture with dirty, immoral, weak, lazy and unintelligent (the passmark IQ benchmark says it all) virus-like agents like blacks, arabs, jews, liberals and of course lgbt too (all marxist things).
We're 100% in the far-right narrative, specifically radical christian here who tie race religion and nation together in a most hillarious demonstration of crass ignoance as usual. No less crazy than wahabbites or orthodox jews, in my country when these peaceful so-far-right-they-crash-into-walls christians see black people they make monkey noises and have their children throw banana peels at them, and gays just get beaten up, because they're 'immoral, aberrations, sick, evil/anti-christian'.

But unlike you I don't think all religious people are like that, some of the most humane and rspectful people I've met were christian, jew, and muslim alike it didn't matter. Not being an ultra-narrow-minded hateful bigot fucked up bastard is an individual choice everyone is free to make, and nobody's born with a religion, free nations have long left the obsolete rules of religion behind and embraced more enlightened forms of society like the republic, democracy, equal rights and of course and indeed secularism.
Even when they don't function well anymore and we need to fix and improve them, they're still basis for society worth a million times more than those nutjob's insane stupid desire to plunge our world back into a kind of new dark ages of submission to mysticism, lords, and violence as the new standards, just like ISIS but white and christian.

But to the question "What thread is this again?"
Its the usual purpose of give our far-right ideologue super stars a stage to do what they do best;
"The same thing we do in every other thread like the Trump one, Pinky; spam our propaganda ever day to weed-out liberals and recruit more worthy white soldiers to fight and win the Racial Holy War!" :wink:
Xyga, you absolute madman!
Xyga wrote: specifically radical christian here
What is it specifically about Agnostic, that you do not understand?
Xyga wrote: in my country when these peaceful so-far-right-they-crash-into-walls christians see black people they make monkey noises and have their children throw banana peels at them, and gays just get beaten up, because they're 'immoral, aberrations, sick, evil/anti-christian'.
Again with the racist language. I am starting to notice a pattern here.
Xyga wrote:Even when they don't function well anymore and we need to fix and improve them,
Whoa there, fella. That's some hubris you are showing there. Its almost bordering on being . . . racist :shock:
Xyga wrote:just like ISIS but white and christian.
Yeah. "Basically Isis" :lol:
Now, where have I hear that before?
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

No agnostic could have posted the imbecile white christian west load you've posted. Or what, you're just relaying the propaganda to appeal to them? yes very much possible I give you that.

As for the racism, your post's and rob's are full of it, if you're too mad and retarded to even comprehend your own words, it's a miracle you're still able to breathe.
Keep posting 'we are not racists', that's very funny.
Pattern? you can't see shit you absolute blind mad man! :lol:

EDIT: I'm waiting for the absolute ridiculous batshit insane explanation by which one comes to say that supporting the republic, democracy, equal rights, secularism etc equates to being racist.
But wait I know it actually, it's a statist-marxist plot to undermine the white race, OF COURSE !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Zen wrote:If this reality is too heavy for you, try starting here
Do you even know how to read? It's a children's aesop-style fable about work ethic, where the heck are you getting racial overtones? Per wikipedia:The story is applied in teaching children the virtues of work ethic and personal initiative.
We have a big Mennonite and Jewish terrorist problem, do we?
Now apply that to the number of deaths in the USA by right wing terrorists and from both careless gun owners as well as those who go on rampages.

Islam's shitty, but it's propped up as evil and scary by Republicans to score political points, when there are far more pressing evils that claim lives regularly.

In the middle east, there's a lot of Islam vs Islam terrorist infighting, but culturally that's an issue that external forces won't be able to control; it'll only go away if there's a cultural shift within the populace that develops naturally (hence the USA's constant interference doing fuck-all to stop it).
As a Misotheist, you are basically no different from a Theist.
lol are you just trolling for responses or something?
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

Xyga wrote:No agnostic could have posted the imbecile white christian west load you've posted. Or what, you're just relaying the propaganda to appeal to them? yes very much possible I give you that.

As for the racism, your post's and rob's are full of it, if you're too mad and retarded to even comprehend your own words, it's a miracle you're still able to breathe.
Keep posting 'we are not racists', that's very funny.
Pattern? you can't see shit you absolute blind mad man! :lol:

EDIT: I'm waiting for the absolute ridiculous batshit insane explanation by which one comes to say that supporting the republic, democracy, equal rights, secularism etc equates to being racist.
But wait I know it actually, it's a statist-marxist plot to undermine the white race, OF COURSE !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Best check your chronic apophenia.
Your posts are a master class in cognitive dissonance.

Lets see now. So far I am a;
Radical White Christian

Not forgetting your latest insanity;
Xyga wrote: Or what, you're just relaying the propaganda to appeal to them? yes very much possible I give you that.
So now you are adding "dog whistler" to your list of accusations?

You give me pause, sir. I do not wish to agitate you.
Are you "well", sir?
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:
Zen wrote:If this reality is too heavy for you, try starting here
Do you even know how to read? It's a children's aesop-style fable about work ethic, where the heck are you getting racial overtones? Per wikipedia:The story is applied in teaching children the virtues of work ethic and personal initiative.
We have a big Mennonite and Jewish terrorist problem, do we?
Now apply that to the number of deaths in the USA by right wing terrorists and from both careless gun owners as well as those who go on rampages.

Islam's shitty, but it's propped up as evil and scary by Republicans to score political points, when there are far more pressing evils that claim lives regularly.

In the middle east, there's a lot of Islam vs Islam terrorist infighting, but culturally that's an issue that external forces won't be able to control; it'll only go away if there's a cultural shift within the populace that develops naturally (hence the USA's constant interference doing fuck-all to stop it).
As a Misotheist, you are basically no different from a Theist.
lol are you just trolling for responses or something?
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Xyga wrote:But unlike you I don't think all religious people are like that, some of the most humane and rspectful people I've met were christian, jew, and muslim alike it didn't matter.
For the record, I don't hate religious people or think they're all stupid, terribly behaved, etc; individually, most people have no control over what religion they are as they're born into it culturally. I hate religion and deities as concepts because of the repression and removal of free will they represent, and want to see humanity freed from religions as a concept. At best, they're silly, harmless beliefs that are only paid casual attention (your average Christian in the USA believes in God so long as it's convenient, and for the most part doesn't know or care to think much about the Bible in terms of the laws in actually dictates). At worst, they're used as harsh tools of control and repression within society, and fundamentally hold humanity back from potential progress (creationism and anti-birth control obsessions in the USA, repression of women and punishment for apostasy in the Middle East).

The very concept of a paradise ruled by a deity who gets their kicks regularly committing genocide and general douchery ("remember Lot's wife" - Jesus being an asshole) as well as setting out arbitrary, burdensome rules over their followers. Judaism in particular is fucked up this way and many people still actually give a shit about nonsense like this: - if your deity makes a bunch of super irritating arbitrary laws and then is totally okay with you wasting most of your life to finding convenient loopholes, isn't that a really, really stupid deity? Or maybe they're an asshole getting their chuckles by making dumb laws and watching followers twist themselves into knots trying to work and live around them.

I'm not concerned with whether or not gods exist so much as simply not worshipping them either way as if they do, their very existence raises serious questions about humanity's free will, freedom, autonomy. I doubt they exist, certainly not in way they appear in the ridiculous stories humanity's invented, but if so, break out the chainsaws.
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i seriously think your time would be spent more productively playing shmups than posting in off-topic
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

Zen wrote:
Xyga wrote:No agnostic could have posted the imbecile white christian west load you've posted. Or what, you're just relaying the propaganda to appeal to them? yes very much possible I give you that.

As for the racism, your post's and rob's are full of it, if you're too mad and retarded to even comprehend your own words, it's a miracle you're still able to breathe.
Keep posting 'we are not racists', that's very funny.
Pattern? you can't see shit you absolute blind mad man! :lol:

EDIT: I'm waiting for the absolute ridiculous batshit insane explanation by which one comes to say that supporting the republic, democracy, equal rights, secularism etc equates to being racist.
But wait I know it actually, it's a statist-marxist plot to undermine the white race, OF COURSE !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Best check your chronic apophenia.
Your posts are a master class in cognitive dissonance.

Lets see now. So far I am a;
Radical White Christian

Not forgetting your latest insanity;
Xyga wrote: Or what, you're just relaying the propaganda to appeal to them? yes very much possible I give you that.
So now you are adding "dog whistler" to your list of accusations?

You give me pause, sir. I do not wish to agitate you.
Are you "well", sir?
Well it's no surprise a far-right troll like you relying on 'psychology for dummies' level of yawny bullshit would stand firm in denial of everything. That's basic slimy politics rhetorical control. Ok so;

nazi/racist: yup, looking down on other races and religions, ranking them by biological worth, demonizing them all without any nuance which is denying them individuality and humanity, and preaching over and over they're plotting/part of a plot against your own superior race and society, is nazi as fuck, and that's what Rob and you and some of your sidekicks have been doing for fucking months and no, actually years now.
Even if your focus is on blacks arabs and islam, it's the same pattern, exactly the same kind of shit the nazi did during the 30's.
Not to mention the endless everything-is-marxist rants and all the hallucinated conspiracy shit, add the time you've spent giving excuses and defending the swastika/confederate and other racist groups at the time of the unite-the-right rally, and Yep, racist and nazi are fitting words for you.

radical white christian; well you've also said exactly the same shit these people say just posts ago, ridiculous statement that white=christian=europe=west and that we're threatened of genocide, it is exactly their narrative. if you don't share their mad idea then what other purpose than dog whistling ?
You know, giving that you internet trolls known the average white race mirror-wanker and religious peabrain bigot get along well, of course you run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. That's what you do, exactly the basics of the alt-right shit since its beginning.

Oh but you'll deny everything, again and again, reversing, twisting, on purpose with blatant hypocrisy in all attempts to piss off the people you troll while playing that affable 'Zen' character (it's getting old by the way). *yawn*

But that's fine, go on, give us more, I'm sticking with you forever, why would I leave you my favourite little demented nazi piggy troll ? :wink: *slapping your cute ass* *oink oink*
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

I am "playing" an "affable 'Zen' character"??
Buddy, I'm a sweetheart.

Have I ever treated anyone badly here?
Take BareKnuckleRoo, for instance. I could have eviscerated him but I never punch below my weight.


I know you don't mean those hurtful words, Xyga.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

dunning-kruger effect says hi
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

Xyga is truly a lunatic, but a funny one. The long-winded monologues where he really gets himself worked up are my favorites.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

Rob is truly a sociopath, but the cheap dry retardation of his blunt stupid racist statements isn't the least entertaining. Just nauseating. :|
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:The best way to integrate surely is to be welcoming and reasonably accommodating rather than being xenophobic and essentially saying "you'll never be one of us".
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

You can always judge someone's honesty or lack thereof based on whether or not they actually properly attribute the source.

The link to the article is: ... nto-canada

This happens to be a conservative anti-abortion propaganda media outlet, not an actual journalism source. Highly questionable source in terms of reporting accuracy. Alternatively try these: ... n-trudeau/
Canada is concerned about the national security threat posed by citizens who joined the Islamic State group, returning to this country, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday.

In parliament, Trudeau pledged to prosecute those who broke Canada’s anti-terrorism laws by joining the ISIS group, but also said his government would try to reintegrate them into society.“We recognize the return of even one individual (who joined the ISIS group) may have serious national security implications,” Trudeau said.

“We are going to monitor them. We are also there to help them to let go of that terrorist ideology,” he added. ... -1.4414999

The articles discuss the issues surrounding dealing with Canadian citizens who broke the law and made a shitty decision to go and join a terror group. There are legitimate concerns in regards to monitoring them, but legally they are Canadian citizens, and hopefully Canada's response will be better in the long term for global relations than the black and white idea to simply "kill 'em all" like I suspect you'd gleefully agree with. From your article (whose link you failed to post):
“I’m afraid we have to be serious about the fact these people are a serious danger to us, and unfortunately the only way of dealing with them will be, in almost every case, to kill them,” the UK’s minister of international development Rory Stewart told BBC Radio last month.

That was echoed in Syria last month by Brett McGurk, US President Trump’s special envoy in the fight against ISIS.

“Our mission is to make sure that any foreign fighter who is here, who joined ISIS from a foreign country and came into Syria, that they will die here in Syria,” said McGurk, who was appointed to the post under Obama.

Australia and France are also attempting to kill citizens fighting with ISIS overseas, rather than have them return home.

But Canada “does not engage in death squads,” Goodale told CBC’s Power and Politics Friday.
Canada's simply trying to take the high road with the hopes that it'll be better in the long road for the middle east situation than potentially inflaming things by basically sending them all to the gallows (we also don't know the situations of all of them, what age they were, if family forced them, etc). It's also legally troubling when a country casually discusses mass execution of its citizens as a first resort.

But for someone who thinks a badly cropped article screenshot and an emoticon is an adequate argument, I suspect all of this will go right over your head. In summary: hunting down your own citizens for alleged crimes and executing them without any kind of criminal trial is legally unprecedented.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

There our opinions diverge, both on religion (even if I understand and agree on a good number of points I don't think full rejection and extreme polarization is the solution, rather this is what the worst of the politics and religious expect), and the assassination case.
Regarding the latter seriously who cares if they're killed by a death squad or on the battlefield? This is war, and these people, the returnees, really are extrememly dangerous.
Sure it would be more moral to capture them when they return, judge and emprison them, but that'd be immensely more dodgy and troublesome.
FYI France as well as many other states even smaller ones make serious enemies, and have a budget and people to take care of them. It's always been like that.
What I can't fucking gut is that imbeciles lump together refugees, migrants, terrorists, islam, all the radical and terrorist variants/groups plus the returnees, with absolutely not a fucking particle of humane look at the first ones, nope no distinction; all the same, all inferior, all guilty, even the children. I vomit the cunts who think like that, that's as blatantly racist as it gets and the miserable cretins who dare add 'I am not a racist!' and go on with their abominable conspiracy theories after that, are worthless pieces of shit.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Xyga wrote:Regarding the latter seriously who cares if they're killed by a death squad or on the battlefield? This is war, and these people, the returnees, really are extrememly dangerous.
It is hugely, HUGELY problematic to seriously argue that countries should casually participate in extrajudicial execution of its citizens for alleged crimes. Legally and ethically there are vast issues with the suggestion that this should be OK and normal; this should be obvious and I'm not going to get into this or entertain any suggestions that countries like Canada are in the wrong for not participating in these atrocities.

From a practical standpoint it's also bad for getting what you want out of war: victory, or specifically, peace afterwards. There is evidence to suggest that when captured combatants are subject to extrajudicial revenge killings that it perpetuates the cycle of violence and that people are more easily persuaded and motivated to join the next extremist group that appears. In order to create an effective, lasting peace, analysts say that the way the war ends is just as important as how the war was fought. I suggest reading these for more information:

It may be viscerally satisfying to say that simply killing them is the best solution, but doing so merely damages the long-term goal of lasting peace.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

But war IS legalized execution/murder by excellence, no matter if it is of strangers or you own citizens, and it's always the result of failure, wrong and dirty.

Also I doubt Canada never had to order some people taken care of, I am not cynical and there's no way I particularily enjoy the idea of dem bad guys being killed, I'm just being realist on the matter, that's all.

EDIT; I've read the articles, it's not that they're wrong, but again it's war, there's no way there won't be tons of injustices or justice fully missing where it should have been applied.
But this war has been dirty as fuck, before you call me or the governements who order executions of some before they return on their territory inhuman, just think about Assad's prisons, basically death camps where it is estimated tens of thousands of prisoners could have been executed.
Justice can be carried by the fairest countries, when they want it, but also as much as they can afford.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Do schools not teach things like what the Geneva Conventions are and why they matter nowadays? Killing of combatants in war, and execution of non-combatants/combatants who are outside of combat ("Hors de combat") are totally different situations.

You're basically arguing that the laws laid out by the Geneva Conventions are unimportant without actually understanding what they are and why they even exist in the first place. It's really alarming that you don't see a problem with governments openly expressing their support for extrajudicial killings of non-combatants/combatants "hors de combat" as a convenient solution for dealing with them, and you really need to read up on your history with regards to the formation of the Geneva Conventions.

The Hague Conventions would also be good as background reference material for a proper understanding of the importance of the Geneva Conventions.

With that, I'm out.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

Absolutely not I am not saying that they're not important, I'm saying the parties don't respect the laws regardless anyway, and that happened from every side right from the beginning of that war.
I can't believe they'd speak of what to do legally now there's peace, why now? and what peace? that's so arrogant, no party was in the position of the good guys, and this war was just another episode, likely another one will break out in a few years.
All I'm saying is that if you expect to see justice in any form after that bloodbath, let me just tell you it's too fucking late.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

You've never understood a thing I said I wouldn't expect you to understand now or any day. :lol:
Last edited by Xyga on Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by ColonelFatso »

Would you want to live in a country that could order its citizens summarily executed without trial? Yeah, me neither. That's why due process for the ISIS combatants is so important, because the reverse would set a bad precedent.
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