Another day, another shooting in the US

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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by FinalBaton »

Xyga wrote: Nevermind I shouldn't have quoted you. :lol: I was in fact considerably more interested in what SkyKid would say.
Ah gotcha
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Skykid »

I'm not saying anything. I said my bit and I'm done.

I'm a veteran of failed discourse on the farm; it always ends the same way so it's hardly worth bothering.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Specineff »

Skykid wrote:
Hmm, I'm not sure man. :|
Had to trim this for brevity. Blinge's response sums it up for me, as this is what Rob's posts boil down to, and he's never made any distinction about legals or illegals (And when called out on it, he resorts to attacking the poster, rather than the message. Or just flat out ignore that he explain his statements.):
Blinge wrote:You're falling into the familiar trap of blaming foreigners for everything. I mean, it's easy to do. There's enough "sources" out there to fuel a man's confirmation bias to the end of his days.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by jonny5 »

Rob wrote:
jonny5 wrote:It just seems like to you America is white people, anybody else is a foreigner,
Uh, no. What I'm saying is that this is largely a problem in isolated tribal communities. There is no hidden or other meaning there - it's just the reality of the situation. One more time:
New York Times wrote:But according [to] a survey by the Alaska Federation of Natives, the rate of sexual violence in rural villages like Emmonak is as much as 12 times the national rate. And interviews with Native American women here and across the nation’s tribal reservations suggest an even grimmer reality: They say few, if any, female relatives or close friends have escaped sexual violence.
Rob, your quote conveniently leaves out part of my sentence, my point is it seems to you these aren't white Americans, so it's a native problem, not an American problem. That's not to say this issue may not actually be an issue with that specific group of people, but to you its 'their' problem. If they were raping white women, would it then be an American problem? This is happening in your country, but meh, it's their problem. You seem hell bent on narrowing everything down to someone's racial background and group them as a whole, actual citizenship doesn't seem to count for much to you, it's the skin color or country of origin that really matters, and it is this reason people keep calling your comments out as racist and bigoted.

This is not just based on that specific post, but you have a common theme to your posts, if you aren't white you aren't a real American - You are at best tolerated if you 'mix and interact well with the native whites'.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

jonny5 wrote:my point is it seems to you these aren't white Americans, so it's a native problem, not an American problem.
The communities are separate, so it is their problem, yes. The whale hunt and drunk snowmachining are a few other things that don't concern me.
and it is this reason people keep calling your comments out as racist and bigoted.

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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by brokenhalo »

Rob wrote: Image

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
Sorry Rob. This isn't the "post a picture from your fap folder and the lyrics to a countries national anthem" thread.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by jonny5 »

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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by MintyTheCat »

Rob wrote:
jonny5 wrote:my point is it seems to you these aren't white Americans, so it's a native problem, not an American problem.
The communities are separate, so it is their problem, yes. The whale hunt and drunk snowmachining are a few other things that don't concern me.
and it is this reason people keep calling your comments out as racist and bigoted.
The communities are not set in stone and always seperate, Rob. They may be where you live but I can assure you that communities of diverse backgrounds do indeed get on with one another.

It makes me whole-heartedly laugh when white 'settlers' with what a few hundred years of having settled on US soil consider themselves 'natives'. You are not natives, you merely took the land backed with mostly british money. Hell, you took the names for your cities and towns from England and Germany and one or two other places. You are in fact our cousins but you are certainly not natives to the US.

As such, Rob, I think you're well off and your constant need to box things in and set up a situation in pretty dare I say it "black and white" terms is short-sighted and ridiculous.
Sure people may fall back on clannish behaviour and such but the reality of the future for the race - like it or not - is one that is mixed and it is going to be more together. It is important to recognise the commonality in all peoples and resist this constant depravity that splits all things into "us and them".
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Eaglet »

Sorry Minty, but that is such relativistic post-modern bullshit. Does not belong anywhere in this world and least of all in this discussion.
White europeans did not just magically take America from Indians and turn into the worlds no.1 superpower by magic.
What is America today has been built up by the hard work of primarily those europeans and their offspring.
Of course anyone born in the USA from ancestry that goes back x amount of generations is a native.
Being 'American' has always struck me as more of an ideological thing though.
moozooh wrote:I think that approach won't get you far in Garegga.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

MintyTheCat wrote:
Rob wrote:
jonny5 wrote:my point is it seems to you these aren't white Americans, so it's a native problem, not an American problem.
The communities are separate, so it is their problem, yes. The whale hunt and drunk snowmachining are a few other things that don't concern me.
and it is this reason people keep calling your comments out as racist and bigoted.
The communities are not set in stone and always seperate, Rob. They may be where you live but I can assure you that communities of diverse backgrounds do indeed get on with one another.

It makes me whole-heartedly laugh when white 'settlers' with what a few hundred years of having settled on US soil consider themselves 'natives'. You are not natives, you merely took the land backed with mostly british money. Hell, you took the names for your cities and towns from England and Germany and one or two other places. You are in fact our cousins but you are certainly not natives to the US.

As such, Rob, I think you're well off and your constant need to box things in and set up a situation in pretty dare I say it "black and white" terms is short-sighted and ridiculous.
Sure people may fall back on clannish behaviour and such but the reality of the future for the race - like it or not - is one that is mixed and it is going to be more together. It is important to recognise the commonality in all peoples and resist this constant depravity that splits all things into "us and them".

The soloution to poloution is not dilution. Keep that infantile, Kumbaya, anti-evoloutionary, regresive sujective relativism in your neurotic brain and out of my country.
I will agree however, that this "mixing" is the plan.

One of the Arch Demons - Peter Sutherland;

Barrister by profession and is a Senior Counsel of the Irish Bar
Attorney General of Ireland (1981–84)
European Commissioner responsible for Competition Policy (1985–89)
January 2006, he was responsible for the creation of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD)
President of the International Catholic Migration Commission
Member of the Migration Advisory Board of the International Organisation for Migration
Founding Director-General of The World Trade Organisation
Chairman of Goldman Sachs International (1995–2015)
European Person of the Year Award (1988) :mrgreen:
United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration until March 2017

I could tell you a lot more that does not appear in the wiki but I would be getting a visit from the Party Van :lol:

"Views on immigration[edit]
Sutherland strongly advocates liberal immigration policies and unrestricted immigration into the European Union. Sutherland gave his opinion to the UK’s Lords home affairs committee on 21 June 2012 as being (a) that "at the most basic level individuals should have freedom of choice" about working and studying in other countries and that EU states should stop targeting "highly skilled" migrants (and, conversely, placing restrictions on low-skilled migrants). Sutherland also argues (b) that migration is a "crucial dynamic for economic growth" and that this is the case "however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states". Sutherland’s stated opinions on policy were (a) that "it was fundamentally important for states to cooperate on migration policy rather than developing their own policies in isolation as 'no state is or can be an island'"[41] (b) that multiculturalism is both inevitable and desirable: “It’s impossible to consider that the degree of homogeneity which is implied by the other argument can survive because states have to become more open states, in terms of the people who inhabit them” and also (c) that “the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine” any “sense of our homogeneity and difference from others”. An ageing or declining native population in countries like Germany or southern EU states was the "key argument and, I hesitate to the use word because people have attacked it, for the development of multicultural states", he added.[42]

Sutherland restated his view in the syndicated article co-authored with Cecilia Malmström entitled “Immigration challenge: Europe’s politicians should accept diverse social communities”, the opening paragraph of which declares:

“Europe faces an immigration predicament. Mainstream politicians, held hostage by xenophobic parties, adopt anti-immigrant rhetoric to win over a fearful public, while the foreign-born are increasingly marginalized in schools, cities and at the workplace. Yet, despite high unemployment across much of the Continent, too many employers lack the workers they need. Engineers, doctors and nurses are in short supply; so, too, are farmhands and health aides. And Europe can never have enough entrepreneurs, whose ideas drive economies and create jobs”.[43]

Sutherland and Malmström also argue in the above article that “Last year, during the Arab revolutions, the EU missed a historic opportunity to begin weaving together the two sides of the Mediterranean.” Sutherland is also quoted as arguing that opposition to greater globalisation is "morally indefensible".[44]

In January 2015, Sutherland took office as the President of the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC).

This "Irishman", operates on the premise that the main sticking point to unfettered immigration, is the indigenous population of a nation.
That is to say, in Germany, the sticking point with unfettered immigration, is the German people. In Ireland, the sticking point with unfettered immigration is the Irish people.

This "trick" is even more easy to pull off in the "diverse" and progressive USA. Very few understand, or are willing to say what "an American" is.

A "native" In the USA, is an American; that is to say, one who lives within the culture of its founders.
That culture is Western.
Western culture is European and Christian.
I will say that again; Western culture is European and Christian.
What does all this mean? It means that unless you are both a citizen and more importantly, live by the values of its founders, you are not an American.

In my country, we have 2nd generation African-Muslims who are Irish citizens. Are they Irish? No. And never will they be.
Being Irish is not a matter of legality. Nor is it "relative", "fluid" or up for discussion.

You can take your cultural relativism , anti-Nationalism, anti-race regressivism, stick it up your arse and fuck off while you're doing it.
Some of us can still see, in the land of the blind.

Also; all those nervous puppies dogpilling Rob, continue to amuse :lol: . Marvellous!
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BulletMagnet »

Zen wrote:Being Irish is not a matter of legality. Nor is it "relative", "fluid" or up for discussion.
I can't speak for Ireland, but as many others have pointed out - and, of course, been summarily ignored by the nativists - here in the USA the definition if "American" has always been, and will always continue to be, as relative and fluid as any concept you could possibly think of. And this flies especially hard in the face of any assertion that "Western" culture is, by some set-in-stone universal definition, "European and Christian" - even if you do assume this as an immovable baseline, America has swung between both stricter (you need to be the right kind of European and the right kind of it happens, Americans of Irish descent, as others have also pointed out and also been repeatedly ignored, should be particularly cognizant of this) and looser (that whole "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" thing that some globalist hippie or other wrote) definitions of those two things - and countless others - even over its relatively short history.

And that's not even getting into thornier territory (the old South's nauseating amount of chutzpah in insisting that slaves with no rights be counted as part of the census to increase their representation in Congress, even though the extra representatives awarded by their counting wouldn't even represent them, for one), or things that contradict one side of the equation or other (the acceptance of homosexual culture certainly has strong European roots - as the great philosopher Basil Fawlty said of the Greeks, "they invented it!" - even as it explicitly violates the tenets of Christianity, though again, it depends on what kind of Christianity you're talking about. So, are gays "Western" and/or "American" or not?). And, if I may remind you again, all of this crops up even if you only consider things from the "Western and Christian" perspective to begin with, and that's still just scratching the surface.

If you dare to wonder if there's more to a particular "culture" than those two things, of course, then the "nativist" argument really begins to come apart at the seams, which is why it must never be allowed to happen and anyone who attempts to introduce such a perspective is obviously in favor of globalist white genocide. And another random YouTube video of Brown People Doing Scary Things is an all-purpose magic reset button, with no additional insight or curiosity about the issue required.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

BulletMagnet wrote:I can't speak for Ireland, but as many others have pointed out - and, of course, been summarily ignored by the nativists - here in the USA the definition if "American" has always been, and will always continue to be, as relative and fluid as any concept you could possibly think of.
Veneer. Its what the W.A.S.P's what you to believe. Its good for business. Unfortunately this lip service got hijacked along the way, by fifth columnists of The Frankfurt School.
BulletMagnet wrote: So, are gays "Western" and/or "American" or not?
By this, I take it that you ask whether being homosexual excludes your from being "Western" and/or "American"? Of course not. Now you are just being facetious :)
BulletMagnet wrote:If you dare to wonder if there's more to a particular "culture" than those two things, of course, then the "nativist" argument really begins to come apart at the seams, which is why it must never be allowed to happen and anyone who attempts to introduce such a perspective is obviously in favor of globalist white genocide. And another random YouTube video of Brown People Doing Scary Things is an all-purpose magic reset button, with no additional insight or curiosity about the issue required.
Really? This is very, very weak stuff indeed, BulletMagnet. Do I really need mop this up with a time wasting, lengthy rebuttal?

You know, It occurs to me, that you seem less and less convinced by your own arguments :wink:
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Durandal »

Zen wrote:
BulletMagnet wrote:If you dare to wonder if there's more to a particular "culture" than those two things, of course, then the "nativist" argument really begins to come apart at the seams, which is why it must never be allowed to happen and anyone who attempts to introduce such a perspective is obviously in favor of globalist white genocide. And another random YouTube video of Brown People Doing Scary Things is an all-purpose magic reset button, with no additional insight or curiosity about the issue required.
Really? This is very, very weak stuff indeed, BulletMagnet. Do I really need mop this up with a time wasting, lengthy rebuttal?
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

Durandal wrote:
Zen wrote:
BulletMagnet wrote:If you dare to wonder if there's more to a particular "culture" than those two things, of course, then the "nativist" argument really begins to come apart at the seams, which is why it must never be allowed to happen and anyone who attempts to introduce such a perspective is obviously in favor of globalist white genocide. And another random YouTube video of Brown People Doing Scary Things is an all-purpose magic reset button, with no additional insight or curiosity about the issue required.
Really? This is very, very weak stuff indeed, BulletMagnet. Do I really need mop this up with a time wasting, lengthy rebuttal?
Very well.

European and Christian culture, like all culture, comes form its people.
To be clear, culture is does not eminate from nurture but rather from nature. To wit, European and Christian culture eminates from its people, which of course is caucasian.
The second of the "two things", "Christian", is a religion, foreign to the peoples of Europe. It was Enormously difficult to force upon Europeans in general.
In succeded in two ways;
1. It had to compromise and basically plaster itself thinly over pre-existing spiritual beliefs.
2. The fundamental, non-religious aspects Jesus' teachings resonated deeply with European peoples.

Luke 6:31
"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise."

This and the idea of spiritual sacrifice, already familiar to the European peoples, had a profound, forward looking effect.
The notion of honour became tempered with it and gave birth to the code of chivalry.

So, when we remove the term "European" and the term "Christian" what exactly does "come apart at the seams"?
Obviously nothing. You only come closer to the race that produced Western culture.

As for the mockingly mentioned "globalist white genocide";
Peter Sutherland and his ilk, are interested in replacement, containment, subjugation and "mixing" of only one race. Can you guess what that race is?
Genocide, by any other name, is still genocide.

As for "And another random YouTube video of Brown People Doing Scary Things is an all-purpose magic reset button, with no additional insight or curiosity about the issue required."

I only wish that they were random. Sadly, they are not. I do not like to see any race let itself down.

Despite what people many choose to read into my post, old Zen does not have a racist bone in his body.
I am confident enough, that I neither need to feel superior to anyone else, nor to feel the guilt of circumstance.
I would gladly help a person of any race, colour or creed.
With one caveat;

Not at the expense of someone else.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

MintyTheCat wrote:You are in fact our cousins but you are certainly not natives to the US.
The U.S. is a conception of Europeans and their descendants. As this country was founded by us, we are natives to it. People are not tripping over themselves to get to what the tribes built.
It is important to recognise the commonality in all peoples and resist this constant depravity that splits all things into "us and them".
Flower power will not be the future says history and human nature. The only nations "resisting" are white ones and only while things are comfortable.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

Zen wrote:...
Strikers1945guy wrote:"Do chicken balls?!"
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

Speaking of self loathing . . .

I know that you come to me for a spanking, Xyga but pas ce soir, je suis . . . fatigué.

I'll not leave you go away empty handed though.
Something to soothe, perhaps;
I promise, if you listen to it all the way through, you will feel all better :wink:

Having said that and after going to all that effort;

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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

BulletMagnet wrote:you need to be the right kind of European and the right kind of it happens, Americans of Irish descent, as others have also pointed out and also been repeatedly ignored, should be particularly cognizant of this
And it was really tempting to ignore again. Irish were so not "the right kind" that there were Irish born signers of the Declaration of Independence. There seems to be this idea floating around that they were only grudgingly allowed in or allowed to be human yesterday, and is it really worth addressing? Read more American history.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Mortificator »

Your posts were less pathetic when they were literally pictures of rocks you thought we wanted to see. :wink:
RegalSin wrote:You can't even drive across the country Naked anymore
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

Ah, so you don't like the outdoors - I never would've guessed.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

Zen wrote:know that you come to me for a spanking, Xyga but pas ce soir, je suis . . . fatigué.
get your ass to bed I'm coming for it in five minutes my sweetie nutcase. <3

btw I was missing the deliriums à la Opus131 and quash so I'm glad to see you're reaching the same dephts, lots of fun in perspective! :D
Strikers1945guy wrote:"Do chicken balls?!"
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

Xyga wrote:
Zen wrote:know that you come to me for a spanking, Xyga but pas ce soir, je suis . . . fatigué.
get your ass to bed I'm coming for it in five minutes my sweetie nutcase. <3

btw I was missing the deliriums à la Opus131 and quash so I'm glad to see you're reaching the same dephts, lots of fun in perspective! :D

Lost me with the ninja edit.

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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by MintyTheCat »

I see how that works: power moves in, takes over and becomes the standard :lol: None of you are natives to America and most of you are derived from other countries which I realise does not sit too well with many of you but if we are talking as some of you do about one racial group, skin colour, etc. and then proclaim to be the rightful native dwellers, well, that's a can of worms that you've just opened and we can go and ask the natives of the land of America who was there first ;)
Pull the other one, you lot are not native to the land that you do indeed dwell on. Even your system of law was derived from England's at that time, and if anything you received a snapshot in time of what we had. After all your nation is a very young one of less than 500 years and much of your culture and practices were derived from european countries: banking systems, main religions, systems of law, etc.

My referencing to the commonality in all peoples boils down to recognising how people are basically looking for the same things in life. Race, skin colour don't matter when we get down the fundamentals.

I see this rather obsessive rancour of splitting every group into one form or another as a massive throw back to clanish ways, and as has been raised already, it's more about the culture and ideals that the individual adopts and to a degree, yes, the culture(s) that they are exposed to becomes used for reference. This is a carry over from monotheism I find to split everything up and paint everything as being wholely 'good' and 'evil, etc. Clearly, that's not how the universe operates and you're never going to understand how sophisticated systems form from such a limited perspective.

For the record you will not meet a more non hippy person than me :lol: I see globalisation, as imperialism of the past as being the major and underlying force at work that will mark our time and in turn what that brings: the death of massive difference and the lack of directed context. We all draw on much western media and in turn this serves to constrain in some ways how things are expressed and also suffocates less widely diffused cultures and often ideas.

We live in an age of chaos really, and that's to our benefit. I'm just waiting to see one or two of the more influential actors fall to pieces :)
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BulletMagnet »

Rob wrote:Irish were so not "the right kind" that there were Irish born signers of the Declaration of Independence.
You're truly displaying quash-calibers of deliberate ignorance, Rob, and it doesn't suit you (or anyone, quash very much included). What you say is true, but - again- as others have repeatedly stated, less than a half-century after that signing there was a massive amount of anti-Irish sentiment afoot that persisted for a century or more after that, to the point that songs were written about it. Frankly, Rob, your account only further proves my point: even when talking solely about a single nationality (and a "white" one at that), attitudes concerning what is "acceptable" and "American" have experienced not one, but two major shifts since the country's founding, and you can bet your life it won't be the last, especially so long as "nativist" attitudes continue to persist.
Zen wrote:By this, I take it that you ask whether being homosexual excludes your from being "Western" and/or "American"? Of course not. Now you are just being facetious
How so? We're a "Christian nation", aren't we (and just one part of an entire, wider "civilization" based on it at that)? And the Bible's not exactly ambiguous when it comes to homosexuality; so even if we aren't going full Wahhabi on them (though some Christians think we should), why should we "accept" their lifestyle in any notable capacity, as doing so obviously further corrodes the already-imperiled moral and social bedrock upon which all of "the West" was founded?
To be clear, culture is does not eminate from nurture but rather from nature.
Who knew that all those white couples who adopt foreign-born babies and raise them as their own are embarking on such a fool's errand, since they'll inevitably grow up to be terrorists anyway? :lol:
1. It had to compromise and basically plaster itself thinly over pre-existing spiritual beliefs.
...precisely the sort of compromise, as it happens, that folks like yourself absolutely refuse to so much as consider when it comes to dealings with foreigners who wish to integrate (of course, plenty of them aren't even religious or particularly attached to their native culture to begin with, though they get automatically lumped in with the rest anyway). Though on a deeper level it's even more amusing to hear all the high talk about the untouchable, elevating purity of European Christianity even as you acknowledge, albeit incompletely (though we're coming to that) how unrecognizably bastardized it willingly became. :lol:
"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise."
I'm sure that (and chivalry besides!) meant worlds to the countless millions of people that Europeans over the centuries have subjugated, displaced, enslaved and/or annihilated, oftentimes literally in the name of Christ! :lol: On this front quite a few of our sainted ancestors seemed quite content to stick to the Old Testament when it comes to divinely-inspired attitudes towards "undesirable" neighbors; more tragically, too few of their progeny (that is, anything less than every last one of them) seem willing to do better.
Peter Sutherland and his ilk, are interested in replacement, containment, subjugation and "mixing" of only one race. Can you guess what that race is?
Everything I can find offhand about this guy puts him squarely in the same category as that alarming UN document Rob linked to (and apparently didn't read) - he thinks immigration is a positive and necessary force for "advanced" economies, and advocates for it. Feel free to disagree with him, as there are are as many caveats baked into this issue as any other, but the "advocation of genocide" is a pants-wetting fever dream of your own making.
I only wish that they were random. Sadly, they are not.
Spare me, you and the rest of the nativists only post them, ad nauseam, when you don't have an actual response to a point someone else has made. Same goes for the brain-dead GIFs.
I would gladly help a person of any race, colour or creed.
With one caveat;

Not at the expense of someone else.[/i]

By "someone else" of course, you mean "yourself and people sufficiently similar to yourself." Christ, who famously never had to sacrifice anything for the benefit of vastly varied people he would never meet, would definitely approve. :lol:

By the by, while we're on the topic of the all-important, Western Culture-defining Golden Rule, let's look it up, at, say, Luke 6:31. While we're there, why not head back just a couple of verses, to, maybe, 27:

But I say to you who are listening, continue to love your enemies, to do good to those hating you, to bless those cursing you, to pray for those who are insulting you. To him that strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also; and from him that takes away your outer garment, do not withhold even the undergarment. Give to everyone asking you, and from the one taking your things away do not ask them back.

And why not jump ahead a few, to, perhaps, 37:

Moreover, stop judging, and you will by no means be judged; and stop condemning, and you will by no means be condemned. Keep on releasing and you will be released. Practice giving, and people will give to you. They will pour into your laps a fine measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. For with the measure that you are measuring out, they will measure out to you in return.

Oh, and for another bit of recommended reading (since nativists like you pride yourselves on embodying the Good Book so completely), take a gander at Acts 10. Verses 34 and 45 are particular favorites of mine.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

That's what I'm talkin' bout Goddamnit!
BulletMagnet comes out swinging! Lets get it on!

Thank you for that absolutely insane post.

Amongst other things, it shows that you consider me a liar;
I am not

That you do not understand the concept of European Christianity;
It is not Semitic

That you are almost certainly white;
Please correct me if I'm wrong but that level of guilt is overwhelming :lol:
Will you share your provenance with the class, BulletMagnet? I'm guessing white but not wasp. Perhaps Norse?

Your downplaying of Sutherland is quite a sight, you rogue!

By the by, you keep saying "people like me". Brother, you don't know me. Take one step back and behave.

Also; please stop referring to Jesus as the "Christ".
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

Jizz Us!

It's incredible, fascinating - and so sad at the same time - how over centuries, millenia, religions have had the capacity to attract and entrance the braindead degenerate nutjobs portion of any society and turn them into phenomenal fanatic pain-in-the-asses who will always and without a rest strive to drag humanity down to the deepest, obscure levels of superdense stupidity it's able to reach before turning full vegetable-level drooling retard.

And they have the internet now. Why Jizz Us? WHY?

PS: not disappointed though this IS entertaining. *popcorn.gif*
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by orange808 »

Interesting. As if the National Front never existed and I can't pick up tabloids like The Sun or The Daily Mail at any time.

Oh, yes. Do preach on. Union Jacks waving all around.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

Wtf are you talking about?
Strikers1945guy wrote:"Do chicken balls?!"
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Skykid »

What thread is this again?
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