Another day, another shooting in the US

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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by MintyTheCat »

What a pile of total bullshit. You actually want diversity to stand a chance and I think that's nature's way of safe-guarding us as a species. I doubt Rob has a clue about genetics, information theory or biology in general.

When I go down the gym there are all sorts of people: some big muscular "brick shit house" types, some middle aged house wives, some desk jockies trying to sort out back issues, etc. they all exhibit a spectrum of physiques and such and are of different races. It really doesn't matter 'who is better' or 'superior' - I think they tried that line of enquiry and pretty much no one with any sense takes it all too seriously. However, like the jaded inferior at a wine party there will always be someone who has to concoct ludicrous notions, I mean we had one the other day, a rich girl in her twenties who complained about using public transport and how she wanted to be driven around the place due to "all the immigrants" and such. that's the thing about public transport really - it's public.

I've met all sorts of people, different cultures, backgrounds and races and the one thing I find is how pretty much alike everyone is really.

I would have to pity Rob if this is his take on the world around him.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Skykid »

Mischief Maker wrote:Skykid, did you miss the parts where Rob said that non-"whites" are genetically inferior based on eugenics pseudoscience?
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BulletMagnet »

Skykid wrote:When two sides have different viewpoints, for example quash and Bulletmagnet, I tend to find a conversation which would be completely civil face-to-face ends up becoming far too extreme when handled on the internet (I know, been there and done it!)
Did you see the link I put in my most recent post before this one? That huckster is one of quash's go-to "sources" for the "arguments" he and others like him make - and when he (or Trump, or whoever) goes completely beyond the pale then the excuse is that he's "baiting his critics" and that anyone who criticizes him for what he said "completely fell for it".

There's no "conversation" here, one side is openly trolling the other.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Mischief Maker »

BulletMagnet wrote:
Skykid wrote:When two sides have different viewpoints, for example quash and Bulletmagnet, I tend to find a conversation which would be completely civil face-to-face ends up becoming far too extreme when handled on the internet (I know, been there and done it!)
Did you see the link I put in my most recent post before this one? That huckster is one of quash's go-to "sources" for the "arguments" he and others like him make - and when he (or Trump, or whoever) goes completely beyond the pale then the excuse is that he's "baiting his critics" and that anyone who criticizes him for what he said "completely fell for it".
And when one of his listeners takes him seriously when he says a satanic cult led by Hillary Clinton is raping children in the back of a DC pizzeria, then takes it upon himself to bring his gun to that pizza parlor and free the children, firing off a couple rounds in the process, only to find (wah-wah) there never was any rape room, Alex Jones reads a carefully worded statement by his lawyer that his whole program is satire not to be taken seriously (except for the parts about his amazing lead-tainted supplements).

Hey, I turned the conversation back to nutty people who really can't be trusted with guns in the US!
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by jonny5 »

Zen wrote:
jonny5 wrote:Rob, its all well and good to spout your racist 4chan master race nonsense over teh interwebs, but say that shit in public to peoples face's, and that has consequences. Dont want to get punched in the mouth, dont say hateful shit. Dont want to be associated with racists and nazis, dont talk like them. Simple.
Punch "Nazi's" for "peace"?.
Who said anything about peace? There wont be peace until bigoted assholes are beaten down and stomped on. They are just as much a problem as the terrorists, if not more so.

That's the difference between you 4chan master race internet bigots and real white supremacists and nazis. Notice how when they show up to protest at a mosque or something, its in groups and armed with assault weaponry, often with their faces covered? They know the opinions they spout are not going to be taken lightly and they know they are likely to get a violent response. You internet types seem to think you can make these sweeping racist statements, often completely ignoring facts, and think people just need to sit back and accept that as 'your opinion'. Well guess what, we dont, and we wont. You are no different to the terrorists, spreading hate and division. Note the armed response the terrorists get from their speech and actions...
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

jonny5 wrote:
Zen wrote:
jonny5 wrote:Rob, its all well and good to spout your racist 4chan master race nonsense over teh interwebs, but say that shit in public to peoples face's, and that has consequences. Dont want to get punched in the mouth, dont say hateful shit. Dont want to be associated with racists and nazis, dont talk like them. Simple.
Punch "Nazi's" for "peace"?.
Who said anything about peace? There wont be peace until bigoted assholes are beaten down and stomped on. They are just as much a problem as the terrorists, if not more so.

That's the difference between you 4chan master race internet bigots and real white supremacists and nazis. Notice how when they show up to protest at a mosque or something, its in groups and armed with assault weaponry, often with their faces covered? They know the opinions they spout are not going to be taken lightly and they know they are likely to get a violent response. You internet types seem to think you can make these sweeping racist statements, often completely ignoring facts, and think people just need to sit back and accept that as 'your opinion'. Well guess what, we dont, and we wont. You are no different to the terrorists, spreading hate and division. Note the armed response the terrorists get from their speech and actions...
You preach violence as a response to words opinions and ideas. Remind me again . . . . who is the terrorist?
jonny5 wrote: Note the armed response the terrorists get from their speech and actions...
Again, there is an important difference between speech and actions. Also; Perhaps you did not intend for that to sound like a threat. I certainly hope not.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by jonny5 »

When you words, opinions and ideas relate to racist ideology, hate and division, I'm not sure what kind of response you expect? Tell you what, go up to a stranger on the street, any ethnicity, and share your words, opinions and ideas with them - see how they respond. Maybe let your employer know how you feel, let me know how that goes. Say the things you say on the internet with your picture and home address beside it? No? Not safe? Maybe think about what you are saying then.

That dude that killed the women in Charleston, had he been a muslim and shouting about jihad, how would that have played out? How would it have been any different?

Its great to spout this shit from the comfort of your keyboard with no real consequences, but in the real world it doesn't work that way.

And to be clear, say the shit you say here to my face, I would drop you where you stood. That is both a threat and a warning. I do not have to tolerate your opinions at all, nor do I need to be nice to you about it.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

jonny5 wrote:When you words, opinions and ideas relate to racist ideology, hate and division, I'm not sure what kind of response you expect? Tell you what, go up to a stranger on the street, any ethnicity, and share your words, opinions and ideas with them - see how they respond. Maybe let your employer know how you feel, let me know how that goes. Say the things you say on the internet with your picture and home address beside it? No? Not safe? Maybe think about what you are saying then.

That dude that killed the women in Charleston, had he been a muslim and shouting about jihad, how would that have played out? How would it have been any different?

Its great to spout this shit from the comfort of your keyboard with no real consequences, but in the real world it doesn't work that way.

And to be clear, say the shit you say here to my face, I would drop you where you stood. That is both a threat and a warning. I do not have to tolerate your opinions at all, nor do I need to be nice to you about it.
Oh, dear me!
jonny5 wrote:When you words, opinions and ideas relate to racist ideology, hate and division, I'm not sure what kind of response you expect?
How does this relate to me? What "words, opinions and ideas" of "racist ideology, hate and division" have I posted?

Has it ever occurred to you that your grasp what I have or have not said, or on any of this, has no basis in reality?
jonny5 wrote: Tell you what, go up to a stranger on the street, any ethnicity, and share your words
Again; My words? What words?
jonny5 wrote:And to be clear, say the shit you say here to my face, I would drop you where you stood.
Again; what "shit", that you claim I have said, are you talking about?
Assaulting a stranger on the basis of your subjective interpretation of what you "think" he is saying . . . maybe give one that a bit more thought?

What are you so angry about, my friend? Why are you so eager to lash out?

It grieves me that I am such a distance away, that I can not accommodate your frustration, irrespective of how unfounded it is.
I would gladly help you out in that regard, as I don't believe in refusing a fellow when he demands satisfaction.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by jonny5 »

Play stupid all you want, go read through the Bush thread. And stop calling me your friend, I am anything but.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

The shmupsfrontist's duty and forums etiquette;

step 1: say unbearable racist shit and mad conspiracy BS
step 2: get the expected angry reactions
step 3: troll: play the innocent victim "booo baw baw why are you liberals so mean and intolerant, and why do you call nazis violent they are peaceful, mean antifas don't know the hidden reality and they're the violent ones boo boo baw baw"
step 4: repeat ad nauseam for days months and years because you know moderation won't stop you; "this is freedom of speech"...
step 5: until liberalsleftistcentristmuslimcuckloverfeminaziatheistfags all leave in disgust and the alt-right can plant their flags on yet another conquered internet territory
bonus step 6: like the hypocrite you are laugh at neogaf (or resetera whatever) for their politically left-biased pro-SJW and anti far-right moderation policy, and pretend you're clean here, no way the farm is rolling the red carpet for abysmal stupidity from the other extremity of the political and ideological spectrum, never!
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

jonny5 wrote:Play stupid all you want, go read through the Bush thread. And stop calling me your friend, I am anything but.
Is it in the Bush thread that I posted "words, opinions and ideas" of "racist ideology, hate and division"? Again; could you link to them, or quote them here?
Or would you rather "drop" a chap because . . . why did you want to assault me again?
jonny5 wrote:And stop calling me your friend, I am anything but.
I am sorry to hear you say it but I will respect your request.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

Xyga wrote:The shmupsfrontist's duty and forums etiquette;

step 1: say unbearable racist shit and mad conspiracy BS
step 2: get the expected angry reactions
step 3: troll: play the innocent victim "booo baw baw why are you liberals so mean and intolerant, and why do you call nazis violent they are peaceful, mean antifas don't know the hidden reality and they're the violent ones boo boo baw baw"
step 4: repeat ad nauseam for days months and years because you know moderation won't stop you; "this is freedom of speech"...
step 5: until liberalsleftistcentristmuslimcuckloverfeminaziatheistfags all leave in disgust and the alt-right can plant their flags on yet another conquered internet territory
bonus step 6: like the hypocrite you are laugh at neogaf (or resetera whatever) for their politically left-biased pro-SJW and anti far-right moderation policy, and pretend you're clean here, no way the farm is rolling the red carpet for abysmal stupidity from the other extremity of the political and ideological spectrum, never!
Your prodigious projection is legendary, my demented friend.

Still with the "shmupsfront" and slanderous accusations of site complicity?

You know, even though you have said you would commit genocide on what you believe to be my kind, I still love you Xyga. You know that, don't you?
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Xyga »

You're sick. :lol:
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Mischief Maker »

Giest118 wrote:We need a final solution to racism.
It's called education in actual genetics science.

Fun facts for deflating pseudoscience: the IQ test was never designed as a measure of permanent mental capacity. It's a test to determine the "mental age" of a student that is then compared to the average score of students at that chronological age to produce the IQ number. A 10 year old who scores at the average 10 year old level gets an IQ of 100, a 10 year old who scores at an 11 year old level gets an IQ of 110.

This was meant to be a temporary score used to identify factors that were holding certain students back compared to their peers and lead to improvements in education methods to bring them back to the fore. Alfred Binet, the inventor of IQ, had this to say about eugenics movement hijacking his concept in the early 20th century:

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

Mischief Maker wrote:Rob said that non-"whites" are genetically inferior based on eugenics pseudoscience
:lol: These are entirely your words and ideas, not mine. Please do not say "Rob said" and follow that with defamatory things fabricated in your mind.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

BulletMagnet wrote:That huckster is one of quash's go-to "sources" for the "arguments" he and others like him make
Really? Forum search isn't revealing what you're claiming. He mentions him by name a couple of times and they aren't flattering mentions.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Mischief Maker »

Rob wrote:
Mischief Maker wrote:Rob said that non-"whites" are genetically inferior based on eugenics pseudoscience
:lol: These are entirely your words and ideas, not mine. Please do not say "Rob said" and follow that with defamatory things fabricated in your mind.
That's true. Here are your exact words with no paraphrasing:
Rob wrote:To me it seems unlikely that lower IQ Africans and Arabs with a religion that instructs them to kill 97% of the population would assimilate as easily as a group of Europeans in a nation comprised of geographic and genetic neighbors.
Then you backed it up by citing a book in the "Bell Curve" school of neo-eugenics whose author does the whole Intelligent Design two-step by declaring himself mortal enemies with an actual scientist, in this case Stephen Jay Gould (who died years before the book was published so he can never defend himself, score!), as an excuse for why he doesn't submit his horseshit to an actual peer-review process in academia and instead goes straight to the public with the help of wealthy financiers. Those evil scientists are just so prejudiced against his well-meaning pseudoscience he's effectively blacklisted!

So excuse me if I put 2 and 2 together when paraphrasing your arguments in the other thread.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Giest118 »

I dunno man. I just read through ten pages of that thread, and what he "cited" was some wikipedia pages about nobel prize winners. He also posted a picture of some bell curve diagrams. For the record, bell curves are an established concept in the field of statistics; you seem to not know that. From there, it was you that decided that bell curve diagrams are the white supremacist patriarchy, and that anyone who uses bell curves in any context is an asshole.

I mean, most of your rant there was against the author of a book that featured bell curve diagrams, and not against Rob.

Did you know that discrediting a person is not the same as proving the falseness of their individual claim?
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

Then you backed it up by citing a book in the "Bell Curve" school of neo-eugenics
I used an image from a book simply as an illustration of a normal distribution (bell) curve. I didn't cite any of the arguments from that book. Not that the book is what you say it is.
with an actual scientist, in this case Stephen Jay Gould
Again: #59: The Mismeasure of Stephen Jay Gould.
“I never saw the inconsistency—presumably because a low value of 80 fit my hopes for a depressed Caucasian mean. The 80 therefore ‘felt’ right and I never checked it.”
The motivations of people like Stephen Jay Gould and the people who love him couldn't be more clear.

Dedicated leftists abandon science when it doesn't give them the results they like. Then comes the "intelligent design" gag to paint others as rubes.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BulletMagnet »

Rob wrote:Really? Forum search isn't revealing what you're claiming. He mentions him by name a couple of times and they aren't flattering mentions.
"Friendly reminder that Alex Jones is a mouthpiece for a specific subset of the intelligence community, and as such mixes disinformation with legitimate leaks so as to discredit informed people as well as the conspiracy movement."


"The thing is that Alex Jones has leaked information numerous times in the past and has never received as much as a slap on the wrist for it. Combine this with his blatant disinformation tactics (most recently with the fly on Hillary's face, smelling like sulfur, etc.) and what conclusion is there left to reach?

He's not new to this, he's been at it for over twenty years. Before 9/11, he snuck into the Bohemian Grove and took a low quality video of one of their rituals.

Note how even you associate him as the crazy guy who yells like an anime character and talks about crazy shit. That's just the disinformation doing its job, friend. He is deeply embedded in the very community he was designed to infiltrate to make sure that nobody could even put together enough of the puzzle to figure out the real juicy stuff."


"Funny how the deep state went from being some fringe Alex Jones bullshit to something that everyone openly and readily acknowledges the existence of. Really, truly, makes you think."


"Keep reading MediaMatters and eating soy. Nothing is wrong, the government never lies to you (unless it's one of those gosh darned Republicans) and never ever scrutinize anything that can't be blamed on capitalism or the nuclear family."


"Now more people than ever are getting their news from Breitbart and Infowars, and it's not like you can blame them if you know just how much the rest of the media has lied over the past few years."


"How can you look at any of those things, nevermind all of them as part of a bigger picture, and tell me there isn't something going on in the highest echelons of government to start a global conflict? Does none of this seem even the slightest bit suspicious to anyone? That's not even getting in to the generals and admirals Obama's fired (because there's certainly no historical precedent set for this).

A large part of the problem is that most of this is rarely reported on in mainstream news, and when it is, it is almost always offered with no real context so as to prevent the viewer from having a comprehensive view of the situation. Which is why we have people erroneously believing that North Korea is the real problem in the Pacific, that Crimea was an unprovoked act of aggression, etc.

Nobody thinks it's even the slightest bit suspicious that the secretary of state during most of this time is now running for president, with the support of the media and even the incumbent president?

Nobody stops to think that maybe the guy that every rich person on the planet hates might just have a plan to prevent this from happening?

Maybe, just maybe, there might be something to how increasingly desperate and nervous the political establishment has become?

Conspiracy theory, I know. So was liberal bias in the media. So was voter suppression. So was x, y, and z. Nothing's going on, it's all in your head. Everything is fine."


"Hillary is going to start a war with Russia and China; both of their respective heads of state have publicly stated this. But I'm a conspiracy theorist who knows nothing compared to some guy who read Marxist literature in college."


"You're a fool if you don't think demographic change is a driving force behind foreign policy right now."


"The Republicans, the Democrats, the vast majority of the media and in all likelihood rogue elements of the intelligence community are all out to get [Trump]."


"As if Drumpf and fake news weren't enough, now you've taken the alternative facts bait. It's a legal term, and Conway went to law school."


...and my personal favorite...

"Obviously, I'm not going to post any classified information because it'd be illegal for me to do so. If BM's defense of Hillary Clinton's illegal mishandling of classified material was actually an elaborate ruse to goad me into posting such material here, I'm afraid it failed before he even started."


There's no way in hell he, or any other such mouth-breather, actually believes any of that shit any more than Jones himself does, but again, that's not the point - not that I actually need to explain this to you, of course.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

not that I actually need to explain this to you, of course.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by BIL »

Xyga wrote:bonus step 6: like the hypocrite you are laugh at neogaf (or resetera whatever) for their politically left-biased pro-SJW and anti far-right moderation policy, and pretend you're clean here, no way the farm is rolling the red carpet for abysmal stupidity from the other extremity of the political and ideological spectrum, never!
Come on bud, it was the cultish banhammering of wrongthink that made GAF and co a laughingstock. You've always been among my favourite people here - if this were truly BizarroGAF, I'd have long been denied the company of you and many others. 3;
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by austere »

Over the last eight years the pseudo-political divide has only worsened, while the realpolitik-wielding class has gotten incredibly wealthy and powerful. I say pseudo-political because none of this shit really matters but when both sides can feel superior through repetitive recitations of talking points, misplaced mockery, followed by out-grouping and threats of violence, it just never ends.

Both "sides" are so deeply locked in fight to the death that they do not realize what is really going on around them. Even the few that do, or at least did, are now ironically too distracted by the banality of the establishment drones that they forgot where the fight really was.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

austere wrote:while the realpolitik-wielding class has gotten incredibly wealthy and powerful.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

austere wrote:Over the last eight years the pseudo-political divide has only worsened, while the realpolitik-wielding class has gotten incredibly wealthy and powerful. I say pseudo-political because none of this shit really matters but when both sides can feel superior through repetitive recitations of talking points, misplaced mockery, followed by out-grouping and threats of violence, it just never ends.

Both "sides" are so deeply locked in fight to the death that they do not realize what is really going on around them. Even the few that do, or at least did, are now ironically too distracted by the banality of the establishment drones that they forgot where the fight really was.
Balls to that, austere.

While profiting from divide and conquer has always been a thing, it can be misleading to portray the resulting divide as "sides".
If one productive, conscientious, educated, ethical, social, self-sustaining, cohesive body of people are forced to fund their own displacement/replacement,
are socially conditioned by the political class to wear the shackles of political correctness to cause max cognitive dissonance,
suffer racial abuse in educational and employment allocation and treatment and are defamed as Nazi's, white supremacists and racists when the can take no more . . . you do not then have "sides".
You have a wronged party under attack from parasitical mutualism.

What we do have, is an unholy symbiosis between the state and the weak. In a word "socialism", in its various guises.
One can not exist without the other. Both in turn use; votes in the case of the state and proxy force in the case of the weak, to extort wealth and power from the other "side".
It is not honest to call such a situation "sides". Call it what it is. Assault.

And please do understand that the casual "followed by out-grouping and threats of violence," comment presented in throw away fashion, is also not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
The violence is nigh-on exclusive to one "side", as is evidenced in yesterdays discourse in this very thread.

Further, that "side" within this forum is quite easy to spot (as it is in society in general) by their poor form and behaviour.
They are hamstrung and vicious from the weight of the shoulder chips they carry.
They malign, abuse and lie. In fact these chaps never saw a "lie for Jesus", that they were not prepared to use. Yesterdays grotesque entreaties to Skykid show all of this behaviour in full effect.

While I appreciate that you are perhaps attempting to inject a more conciliatory tone into what can be a tense discussion, there is only one way to deal the those who do you harm,
as you no doubt are well aware.

No appeasement. Ever.

That being said; have a nice day :wink:
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Blinge »

Zen wrote: there is only one way to deal the those who do you harm,
as you no doubt are well aware.

No appeasement. Ever.
Lmfao. I'm quaking in my slippers.

Zen the internet tough guy, who'd have thought?
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Zen »

Blinge wrote:
Zen wrote: there is only one way to deal the those who do you harm,
as you no doubt are well aware.

No appeasement. Ever.
Lmfao. I'm quaking in my slippers.

Zen the internet tough guy, who'd have thought?
"who'd have thought?" I would say only you, Blinge? Only you. Being that your schitck is to purposefully misrepresent for a cheap laugh.

Your repeated and intentional misinterpretations of what I plainly say, is becoming a bore. You mock and accuse with little regard for the truth.
Don't you think its time you stopped dry-humping my leg, little puppy?

It should be obvious to you after all this time, that I am not going to get angry at you. Your toxic buffoonery is an obvious attempt at derailment that grows ever more wearisome though.
Still, you are perfectly entitled to be the Nelson Muntz of Shmups Forum. Knock yourself out.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Rob »

Blinge cries out in pain as he strikes you. :wink: His brand of pointless commentary is seriously a drag. People like bulletmagnet (who I can tell actually cares and thinks) I can respect.
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Re: Another day, another shooting in the US

Post by Blinge »

Zen wrote: Don't you think its time you stopped dry-humping my leg, little puppy?
Sadly, it's the most action you're ever gonna get.
It should be obvious to you after all this time, that I am not going to get angry at you.
Mkay. do keep swinging though.
Once you're done with the virtue signalling you and Rob can support each other with whatever group therapy that is^
What are you, lefties?
Being that your schitck is to purposefully misrepresent for a cheap laugh.
Well far be it from me to grasp the cosmic truths hidden deep in your bullshit; but I really don't know what you're getting at with the appeasement comment.
Your posts often conveniently miss your own point.
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