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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by gbaplayer »

Lost Season 5
Getting weirder and weirder, hope season 6 explains everything.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Game of Thrones s07e07 "Maybe it really is all cocks after all." Image Intense, irresistibly fun first act, full of long-awaited reunions and deft callbacks. Smart of them not to cockblock on
the captive Wight. In some small way, the horrified impact it left on Cersei's camp redeemed the suicidal antics of episode six. A grimly satisfying and crackingly staged demolition of heretofore impervious Southern skepticism. Everything involving the Lannister siblings this episode was rivetingly done.
Rest of the episode didn't offend, in its "shuffling scenery for the final season's grand zombie clusterfuck" way. Bit of unintended (?) hilarity at a critical juncture, which tbh is never the worst thing.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Vurpa »

GoT S7 (mostly EP7)
LF the most dangerous plotter in Westeros in the same place as Arya a girl with the ability to change into other people's faces. So many opportunities...and they kill him like nothing without any Arya spying shenanigans...because Bran's mighty powers of vision moving the plot along instead of doing so in an organic fashion.

This season started decently enough (finally some action) but ended up failing very hard these past episodes imho. Davos rowing comment to Gendry summed it up and really made it move into fanfiction territory (pulled me straight out of that episode). All the great dialogue has gone byebye with it. :?

It's like they're so rushed to wrap it up now (causing those time skips people complain about). They really could've used those full ten episode seasons for these final two as well.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by dan76 »

GoT season 7 episode 7. Started well, but blew any kind of mystery by having Cersie reveal the deception after 10 minutes. Dreadful sex scene, laughably bad. Really trailed off after the big meet.
So they had to kill someone and Little Finger got it. About time really as he's been poncing about in his cape for an entire season not doing much. I never used to be able to spot what was coming with this show but recently it's been pretty easy. It was way too obvious for the sisters to be against each other so something was up. Zombie dragon with blue fire - check. At least it made short work of the wall, but judging by the pace of this last season they wouldn't have been there that long anyhow.
GoT has turned into just another tv show. I'm guessing it's because this is the first season to go completely free of the books (?) Even if the previous seasons have differed from the books at least the writers had that as some kind of yard stick to judge their own decisions against. I think the writing has been below standard but the direction, performances and "events" have been the best yet.

Tricky. Looking forward to see what happens. I hope they don't try and be too clever or forced. Dunno.

At least Twin Peaks is still on.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by BIL »

I think they'll do okay - not out of any faith in the writers, mind. :lol: Just the natural expedient of gravity. It's been painful at times (RIP Barristan, Stannis, Roose, the Faceless Men's brand image...) but the boulder's finally over the hill and tumbling down. I think they'll manage a decent blowout with the three feature films' runtime remaining; as you say, the production is stronger than ever. The cast have been brilliant at elevating the blunter "who will survive/what will be left of them" material, too.


^ the real incestuous encounter of the ep. Hatefucktastic! (I like to think the other one was channeling Roy Doltrice's ADWD audiobook! "It were hard te tell who had te cocke, and who had te coonte!")

Admittedly I'm not too bothered about the winnowing of political intrigue over this last couple seasons. Partially out of resignation (it's inarguably been sheared to the bone - "Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?!" "Watch this, Your Grace... BOMBAAA!"), but it's always been the natural trajectory of the story. Hapless squabblers tear themselves apart as DEATH SS gathers to the north. Nice game you've got going here, poncy cunts, but you can't outfox the frigid might of... Zombie Bolshevism!

Goes without saying there are at least two seasons missing here: the one that should've covered the aftermath of Covert Op "Nuke Teh Fucken Pope," and one for the coming aftermath of monster mash. Not sure who to blame, but honestly I have a bigger problem with GRRM's nonexistent output than D/D's rush jobs and periodic cockups. Flawed but fun TV beats a shitload of nothing. Def Leppard-ass muhfucka! I love the books, I just don't think he'll finish before he falls in front of a speeding Greyhound, probably while dragging a passing Kentaro Miura down with him.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by zolli »

Atypical on Netflix. About a high school kid on the autistic spectrum trying to find a girlfriend. Very well written, mostly well acted, more entertaining and engaging than expected.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Stompp »

zolli wrote:Atypical on Netflix. About a high school kid on the autistic spectrum trying to find a girlfriend. Very well written, mostly well acted, more entertaining and engaging than expected.
With a daughter on the spectrum it was a kind of difficult experience for me watching Atypical. I did enjoy it, but it triggered some of my fears for what might be stored for her in her future.

Disjointed :mrgreen: Binge watched it over two evenings. Entertaining story about a woman (Kathy Bates) and her son running a marijuana dispensary. Lots of laughs if the humor fits.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by lilmanjs »

Stargate Atlantis. A good spinoff of SG1. McKay is my favorite on the show though.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by gbaplayer »

Finally iam through with Lost. The ending was okay, but there are just too many questions unanswered...
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Stevens »

Arrested Development for the fifth or so time. I tend to watch it every two years or so and it is always as funny as the first time.

Even sober.

Two episodes into Ozark which is essentially Michael Bluth's evil twin laundering money for a drug cartel.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Stevens wrote:Arrested Development for the fifth or so time. I tend to watch it every two years or so and it is always as funny as the first time.

Even sober.
I need to go through this again. My GF is only on the fence but coming around. Not sure if she realizes that if she doesn't laugh hard enough, she's single. I can't relate to people that don't think AD is the funnest shit ever.
Two episodes into Ozark which is essentially Michael Bluth's evil twin laundering money for a drug cartel.
Thoughts? Pretty fucking dark.

Episode 1 spoiler:
The building behind Marty when his wife's lover goes splat in episode 1 is where I lived when I first moved to Chicago. Nice amenities... I miss it every winter. Wouldn't leave the building all weekend, but got full calories burned. :)
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

Just finished the third season of Narcos.

Not as exciting as the first two, but they were kind of handcuffed by history. The Cali cartel was trying to keep a low profile so they just couldn't be as entertaining as Escobar's insanity. It's still a good watch.

But I hate to say the one scene that sticks most in my mind is one of unintended hilarity. They must have realized they were running short on the standard Netflix gratuitous nudity, so in one scene of warfare where a brutal boss is striding triumphantly through the compound of a rival gang and lights a victorious cigarette, the scene ends with a screaming naked lady running past him in wide shot... and I couldn't help but think of "Airplane."
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Stevens »

GaijinPunch wrote:I need to go through this again. My GF is only on the fence but coming around. Not sure if she realizes that if she doesn't laugh hard enough, she's single. I can't relate to people that don't think AD is the funnest shit ever.
The one thing that I always marvel at by the fourth episode of season one is how much they manage to cram into the series character and plot wise.

By the fourth episode they cover
The torched banana stand sans insurance check, Gob and Tobias getting thrown into prison, T bone, White Power/Dirty Ears Bill, Tobias as the director, Steve Holt, Buster going ape shit on Lucille in front of his siblings, Lucille Austero, George Michael and Maeby stealing, the cornballer, news on shitty homes outside of the Bluth model home, Lindsey in a tree
I'll stop there and that is just what I can remember off the top of my head. Once the show hits stride in episode two of the first season it just never lets up. Constantly introducing new, well written characters that are placed into absurd situations. Required viewing for anyone who even remotely considers themselves a fan of comedy.
GaijinPunch wrote: Thoughts? Pretty fucking dark.
Not only dark like you said, but it gets dark fast. I wasn't even sure if
his wife would make it out of the first episode

I'm fairly sure it will play out like I expect - bad situation followed by equally bad/worse situations, followed by small victories. Overall though I am digging it.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

zolli wrote:Atypical on Netflix. About a high school kid on the autistic spectrum trying to find a girlfriend. Very well written, mostly well acted, more entertaining and engaging than expected.
Only watched a couple of episodes but it's really good. My GF (who nanny's for two kids on the spectrum) got me into it. My son is pretty mild, but on it nonetheless. (Totally verbal, and not quite as awkward as the protagonist [yet]). I always wonder if this is how he will eventually get laid. Will bump this in 7 years or so and let everyone know.
With a daughter on the spectrum it was a kind of difficult experience for me watching Atypical. I did enjoy it, but it triggered some of my fears for what might be stored for her in her future.
How old and how high on the spectrum? It's not easy for sure, but at the end of the day, everyone has challenges, and the world is becoming a far easier place for people to function on their own. Well, Japan isn't, which is why I left, but the part that is interested in progress is. The fact that there is a show that is celebrating the quirks that come along with such a child proves that.
The one thing that I always marvel at by the fourth episode of season one is how much they manage to cram into the series character and plot wise.
It is quite dense, for sure. I secretly want to be the CEO of Gobias Industries. There's a brewery here in Chicago that has a Mr. Banana Grabber on the menu. (He never should have given up animation rights).
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Stevens »

Almost finished with Ozark (three or four left) and so far I'm digging it. Can only watch one a night though.

Almost midway through season two of AD. Dear lord I had forgotten how funny Sad Sack and Afternoon Delight are.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Xyga »

Star Trek: Discovery ep 1 & 2

Those two episodes introduce the MCs and situate the plot in the Trek timeline.

Meh. It's Trek alright though with even stronger imposed socio-cultural themes than ever, like we haven't had enough IRL and the right wing hasn't been triggered enough you know, so here's some more in your Trek to make sure you don't forget real life while watching you sci-fi soap!

Not too bad visually speaking but it's hard to believe each of the two episodes cost 8 million as the CGI and makeup seem kinda dated, the script fails at building 'space battle tension' and there's a couple of things that don't make much sense if you know Trek a bit;
for someone who was raised on Vulcan with Sarek for mentor and even sharing his mind, she sucks at logic and wisdom, hard.
Also the Klingons are too fucking baroque, and the many imposed subbed scenes are ridiculous, never heard them struggle with their own language so much, the main baddie himself sounds like he's still learning and about to croak any minute exhausted with just speaking a few lines.
The show will get better, hopefully.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by emphatic »

I liked it too, but do I agree with your opening statement about socio-cultural themes.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

emphatic wrote:I liked it too, but do I agree with your opening statement about socio-cultural themes.
What are you guys talking about? Star Trek has always BEEN about socio-cultural themes from the very start! Hell, the multi-ethnic cast was itself a political statement in 1966!

Klingons were Soviets, Bajorans were Palestinians, Romulans looked just like Vulcans so the WWII-generation writers could use Spock as the focus for a sci-fi look at Japanese-American internment.

What would Star Trek even BE without socio-cultural themes? Oh right, Abrams-verse Trek, aka. "I can't believe it's not Star Wars!"
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Xyga »

Of course and I don't mind it, it's just that in this one the themes are kinda rubbed in your face right from the start, a writing obviously conscious of the actuality and with a purpose of letting the audience understand all the themes will be very present. Other Trek shows often took time to build up a story around those, even if that meant making several episodes over more than one season.

My concern is that Trek isn't meant to be all about society and politics either, 'member it's also meant to be a space opera ? Sci-Fi maybe ?
That's what I like best in Trek, having seen practically everything (but Enterprise), I've always enjoyed the purely sci-fi episodes/plot more than the life and humanity lessons episodes. There's good stuff there too with all the themes explored with surprisingly not too much cheesiness and good character development, but I definitely don't want the new show to focus on that over the sci-fi.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

Xyga wrote:I've always enjoyed the purely sci-fi episodes/plot more than the life and humanity lessons episodes.
I am such an asshole for linking this video.
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Re: TV you've just watched

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no poblem, thankfully sci-fi isn't all about tech stuff either (actually i dislike technobabble abuse)
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Sly Cherry Chunks »

Xyga wrote:I've always enjoyed the purely sci-fi episodes/plot more than the life and humanity lessons episodes.
Well the trick is to make you think you're watching a good hard sci-fi concept while they're secretly giving you a life and humanity lesson.

Unnecessary redesign aside, I thought the Klingons were a little too on-the-nose here. All that was missing was a caption at the bottom of the screen: "This is what Trump supporters actually believe".
With another caption beneath that: "This is what leftists actually believe Trump supporters actually believe".
Does anyone remember if there were 20 op-eds written before Let That Be Your Last Battlefield aired? It's about racism loyke innitt? Either today's writers have nothing but absolute contempt for their audience or this was all designed specifically to sell clicks.

Other than that, Star Trek: Discovery turned out to be pretty good. The uniforms and tech seem to be a logical mid-step between Enterprise and TOS, with the USS Discovery itself being almost-as-minimalist-but-not-quite-yet in design as the original Enterprise. It's simplistic circle and triangle evokes the vulcan IDIC symbol as well as klingon ships and also the cartoon character Bod. It really illustrates how the designs are evolving into the basic geometry of the TOS era and contrasts well against Matt Jeffries' dinner plates and smartie tubes, making for an already iconic sister-ship. Andy Probert's beautiful organic curves are nowhere to be found yet - and according to the toy, its bronze!

There was a brief moment before the main drama kicked in, where Michael and the orange guy were jostling each other away from a console to see who could do the best scan or something. It seemed like they had recaptured some of the Spock and McCoy banter that brought so much warmth to the original series. Warmth that had seemed to disappear from TNG onwards with bored-looking, wooden crews starting most of their sentences with the words 'sensors indicate'. Perhaps they went a bit too far with the 'dont let emotions compromise duty' trope.
Next week it looks like Michael is getting dragged out of space-jail (just like Tom Paris) and assigned to the Discovery. Everyone hates her because she started the war - so far, so depressing.
I hope that somewhere down the line we eventually get back to that early console scenario - just a bunch of guys having cute space adventures in their new cool ship, with Michael and orange dude trying to outdo each other.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by lilmanjs »

The Bridge (original)
A friend recommended me this, and I have been enjoying it. Not seen a Swedish show before, so this is quite a good introduction. Can't wait to see how everything shapes up with this mystery.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by emphatic »

lilmanjs wrote:The Bridge (original)
A friend recommended me this, and I have been enjoying it. Not seen a Swedish show before, so this is quite a good introduction. Can't wait to see how everything shapes up with this mystery.
While I love the original, I have to recommend you watch the US version too. While it's not Breaking Bad quality, it's pretty close.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by soprano1 »

Stranger Things Season 2. Good stuff, maybe a bit more action oriented towards the end, but great stuff. Now for the ending:
The final scene showing the school from the Upside Down and the Lovecraftian giant shows there's probably more coming. Jane/Eleven still has to deal with her powers, and Kali/Eight is still on the run with the misfit gang.
All in all, it still has that feeling the Goonies had, albeit more Sci-Fi than pure adventure.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

Nobody uses the "skip intro" button when watching Stranger Things.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by gbaplayer »

Flatliners (1990)
Nice movie, could be a little bit more creepier.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by soprano1 »

Mischief Maker wrote:Nobody uses the "skip intro" button when watching Stranger Things.
I didn't say I do? :|
ChurchOfSolipsism wrote:I'll make sure I'll download it illegally one day...
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by neorichieb1971 »

Outlander S3

Passing the time watching this. S3 is very fast on time. By ep3 over 10 years passes in the old age and the new. If you watched the earlier seasons its still worth a look.

Walking dead S8

More timelines in this one. Not sure that it works at all though. If you were doing a "Pulp Fiction" timeline style of movie thats fine, but over 16-20 episodes I don't think it can work. Only watched ep1 so far, my concern is that everyime a time line gets going into something they change the timeline to another one. Thats not good.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Mischief Maker wrote:Nobody uses the "skip intro" button when watching Stranger Things.
Never -- they should take it down. :)
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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