Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by gojira54 »

v2 ;)

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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Arasoi »

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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by FinalBaton »

New video from Jason, another Drakonized AV Fami
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

FinalBaton wrote:

New video from Jason, another Drakonized AV Fami
Yup. I politely e-mailed Jason asking him very nicely if he could take down those old videos because of the harassment I receive. He said he wants me to be filmed on his youtube channel. I pointed out that I'm not looking to get back into this work, I just want to peacefully move on and have the harassment stop.

Because I politely declined to be on Jason's youtube channel, this is what he did. I was never rude to Jason and I never said or did anything to hurt Jason or his reputation other than speaking the truth about what happened between Jason and I leading up to him making those first videos.
Last edited by Drakon on Sat Jun 24, 2017 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by leonk »

The video he posted is new. He said he had it for only a year. Can you estimate when this mod was done? You said you weren't doing mods for a long time.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

leonk wrote:The video he posted is new. He said he had it for only a year. Can you estimate when this mod was done? You said you weren't doing mods for a long time.
Probably pre-2013. Unfortunately later when I started adding an audio switch, clock divider and other circuitry it just made it worse because obviously I didn't do good work. Towards the end I started adding more to the design, this is from before that. Later I started using actual ide wire instead of those pointlessly large wires. Later I also used less and less of those connectors because as he said, they're kind of pointless.

My goal was with the introduction of the nesrgb to finally get a chance to sit down and focus on refining my work because before people started attacking my reputation I felt really bad about the state of my work. After people attacked my reputation I still cared about improving the state of my work, but it became much harder to improve because suddenly everyone believed that I don't care and don't want to listen to helpful advice that I clearly needed and would have really appreciated.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by leonk »

looks like this will not be the last video. See last 30 seconds.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by leonk »

on a personal note; I'd love to see videos of the mod undone and modern one put in its place (Voultar's latest duo one is an awesome example)

Maybe it's just the preservationist in me saying all these retro gems need to be saved.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

leonk wrote:on a personal note; I'd love to see videos of the mod undone and modern one put in its place (Voultar's latest duo one is an awesome example)

Maybe it's just the preservationist in me saying all these retro gems need to be saved.
I completely agree with you. If that console were here I'd undo all of my old bad work as best as I can for free. Thanks for making such nice posts.
leonk wrote:looks like this will not be the last video. See last 30 seconds.
Yeah I watched it. There was no arm twisting involved. I was very polite with Jason. This is what Jason does when you politely decline to let him use you or your work for his own gain.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by FalconFour »

Well, here we are, it happened. I went through all 17 pages of this saga, its highs (new folks popping in with an unbiased opinion), and the lows (the Drakon/Skips back and forth). Came in here from a YouTube video suggestion, then Googling who the heck Drakon was, and if he's still around. Remarkably, this thread still lives on.

Skips is an asshole. There, I said it. Seriously, Skips had some of the most rage-fueling comments right along side Drakon. Both of you two seem to have a personality type that I identify in myself as well - you cannot be wrong! And, that's how we got here, as awful as it is. (and I don't think Drakon needs any more bashing here - I think the bashing of Drakon has been seriously one-sided in light of the face-slapping that Skips has also deserved.)

Yes, this is my first post, but Google my name and you'll find quite a long history, stretching deep back into the ugly 10-plus year history I've had on the internet. Long ago I resolved that I'd never change my name, ever. I am FalconFour, now and for as long as I think I'll be around. Got the tattoo fer fuks sake, hah. That has proven to be somewhat valuable - in particular, Facebook and the persistence and relation of things, really taught me to be a generally better human being.

You look through my past, and you'll find some awful things. I was an awful person on the internet 10-plus years ago. Much of what I read coming from Skips and Drakon mirrors the same kind of thing I used to do on these type of wonderful PHP-based message boards, hidden by the anonymity of a random username, one step above 4chan.

What the persistence of a username, and its stripping of anonymity, has taught me is that you have to have the ability to look back at your distant past, laugh at it, and move forward. The proof of your current actions will erase the reputation of the past.

That's what I wish to offer to Drakon. Your reputation can only be one thing: good, or bad. It can't simply "not exist" by virtue of deletion (and indeed, asking it repeatedly to be deleted actually makes it worse, in my view as an outsider). See also: the Streisand Effect. In order to say "I'm better now, look! My old work was terrible, but I've learned from it!", you have to show, in photos and not words, that you've improved.

I understand that you really want nothing more to do with this. I have a similar problem - I made a boot CD by my name, and though I no longer have time or interest in improving it (it's sat idle for the past 3-odd years), it's all that most of the internet knows me for. For you, Drakon, your legacy seems to be left at Master of the Glue Gun. :lol:

I really wish to offer some chance to prove your skills have improved, but conflicting with the idea of wanting to stay out of the modding scene, it's hard to reconcile. I do agree that your overclocked Super FX cart looks good (as a lay person), though the crystal attached by lead wires could be a problem (trace length; capacitance), that's the only quirk I'd point out. I'm not much a console gamer myself, but I have an NTSC Commodore 64 that I wish were PAL, and a Dreamcast that might be donated to a good cause. /shrug.

But if it were an option, at this point in the thread, I would TOTALLY be interested in throwing a device to Drakon to mod and take photos to allow us all to put the past behind us. I might suggest a Hakko FX-888D, though - it's my soldering iron of choice (with a chisel tip, not a damn conical tip!), best thing I've ever touched. And no, I think the use of flux is overrated (or overstated) - and my job is in electrical engineering/prototyping and embedded development. Good flux-core solder is king, however, in some cases (especially involving reflow and SMD work), flux IS necessary. :)

Hopefully this is constructive in some way, and not so long as to be glazed over.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by edwin128 »

Drakon wrote:
leonk wrote:on a personal note; I'd love to see videos of the mod undone and modern one put in its place (Voultar's latest duo one is an awesome example)

Maybe it's just the preservationist in me saying all these retro gems need to be saved.
I completely agree with you. If that console were here I'd undo all of my old bad work as best as I can for free. Thanks for making such nice posts.
leonk wrote:looks like this will not be the last video. See last 30 seconds.
Yeah I watched it. There was no arm twisting involved. I was very polite with Jason. This is what Jason does when you politely decline to let him use you or your work for his own gain.
Drakon. They won't delete this post and the videos won't be deleted.

Just forget about it. Use another nickname and let it die.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Strider77 »

Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by tusecsy »

How is this Drakon con-man not banned?

Goes around ripping countless people off for years and you guys still try to reason with him?

Kudos to people like Jason and Voltar for shining a spotlight on scumbags like this.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by tjstogy »

The good thing about all of this, is that we now have expectations for proper modwork. Between this forum and Bob/retrorgb and his round table have enlightened many people on what to avoid and where to look. Unfortunately (fortunately?) we had a sacrificial lamb with Drakons mod work. Doesn’t make him a bad person, but I don’t know about his business practices first hand. Regardless, it was a necessary evil, and one that helped us all get to where we are today. So thank you for that, Drakon.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

FalconFour wrote:Well, here we are, it happened. I went through all 17 pages of this saga, its highs (new folks popping in with an unbiased opinion), and the lows (the Drakon/Skips back and forth). Came in here from a YouTube video suggestion, then Googling who the heck Drakon was, and if he's still around. Remarkably, this thread still lives on.

Skips is an asshole. There, I said it. Seriously, Skips had some of the most rage-fueling comments right along side Drakon. Both of you two seem to have a personality type that I identify in myself as well - you cannot be wrong! And, that's how we got here, as awful as it is. (and I don't think Drakon needs any more bashing here - I think the bashing of Drakon has been seriously one-sided in light of the face-slapping that Skips has also deserved.)

Yes, this is my first post, but Google my name and you'll find quite a long history, stretching deep back into the ugly 10-plus year history I've had on the internet. Long ago I resolved that I'd never change my name, ever. I am FalconFour, now and for as long as I think I'll be around. Got the tattoo fer fuks sake, hah. That has proven to be somewhat valuable - in particular, Facebook and the persistence and relation of things, really taught me to be a generally better human being.

You look through my past, and you'll find some awful things. I was an awful person on the internet 10-plus years ago. Much of what I read coming from Skips and Drakon mirrors the same kind of thing I used to do on these type of wonderful PHP-based message boards, hidden by the anonymity of a random username, one step above 4chan.

What the persistence of a username, and its stripping of anonymity, has taught me is that you have to have the ability to look back at your distant past, laugh at it, and move forward. The proof of your current actions will erase the reputation of the past.

That's what I wish to offer to Drakon. Your reputation can only be one thing: good, or bad. It can't simply "not exist" by virtue of deletion (and indeed, asking it repeatedly to be deleted actually makes it worse, in my view as an outsider). See also: the Streisand Effect. In order to say "I'm better now, look! My old work was terrible, but I've learned from it!", you have to show, in photos and not words, that you've improved.

I understand that you really want nothing more to do with this. I have a similar problem - I made a boot CD by my name, and though I no longer have time or interest in improving it (it's sat idle for the past 3-odd years), it's all that most of the internet knows me for. For you, Drakon, your legacy seems to be left at Master of the Glue Gun. :lol:

I really wish to offer some chance to prove your skills have improved, but conflicting with the idea of wanting to stay out of the modding scene, it's hard to reconcile. I do agree that your overclocked Super FX cart looks good (as a lay person), though the crystal attached by lead wires could be a problem (trace length; capacitance), that's the only quirk I'd point out. I'm not much a console gamer myself, but I have an NTSC Commodore 64 that I wish were PAL, and a Dreamcast that might be donated to a good cause. /shrug.

But if it were an option, at this point in the thread, I would TOTALLY be interested in throwing a device to Drakon to mod and take photos to allow us all to put the past behind us. I might suggest a Hakko FX-888D, though - it's my soldering iron of choice (with a chisel tip, not a damn conical tip!), best thing I've ever touched. And no, I think the use of flux is overrated (or overstated) - and my job is in electrical engineering/prototyping and embedded development. Good flux-core solder is king, however, in some cases (especially involving reflow and SMD work), flux IS necessary. :)

Hopefully this is constructive in some way, and not so long as to be glazed over.
Uhm, I admitted to my mistakes, apologized for them and worked hard to clean up the mess they created years ago. Actually in 2013 right when all of these attacks started happening was when I had finally found time to sit down and started to seriously revise how I did my work. The problem is that skips has never once admitted to any of his mistakes or done anything to clean up the mess he's created.

I'm not trying to erase my reputation. I only wish for people to stop coming to my youtube channel, going to any video I post, including videos that have nothing to do with hardware, giving it a thumbs down and leaving a stupid hardware related comment. This primarily happens because so many people will see biased videos made about me by gametechus and come to a full conclusion about me that sending me friendly suggestions won't work.

I did post photos of better work. They certainly aren't perfect but again, they're a huge improvement. You even talk about these pictures later in your post. The thing is, I'm not trying to get back into doing this sort of work. I'm trying to peacefully move away from a community which thinks that bashing another person is more helpful than reaching out and teaching each other how to do better work.

The crystals in superfx cartridges were extensively tested before being offered to the public. Every customer said their cart works fine. I was under the impression that the idea with a 4 pin oscillator can is that it's a self contained crystal circuit that contains all the component you need so you can run it off of simply just voltage and ground without needing to worry about extra components.

Thanks for the soldering iron choice suggestion.

I've always used flux-core solder, that's one of the many lies that people like skips have been perpetuating for years.

Unlike you other than people hunting me down over the internet to work on their consoles I never have worked in electrical engineering / prototyping and I (clearly) never went to school for any of that. So if any of my work seems horrible, that's why. I'm not some sort of convict who does bad work on purpose like these people want everyone to believe. Another lie about me is that I think I'm right and everyone else is wrong. I actually love helpful tips and suggestions from people who actually know what they're doing / talking about. The problems occur when you dare to politely disagree with another person in these communities, suddenly the gloves are off and you find your reputation being attacked over small differences in opinion.

The problem is that in this community there's a lot of bad advice being thrown around that leads to a lot of bad quality work, and the people who actually know how to do the work properly won't lift a finger to pm and help someone else who obviously needs help. People doing poor work simply don't know any better, there's no conspiracy that they're doing it on purpose.

Even to this day I still receive bad advice every now and then. But I'm not going to call those people out, people aren't that black and white, those same people have given some great advice in the past. Even bad advice and bad work is well-intended. People need to stop treating others like convicts and like everything they do and have done was done with the worst intentions possible.

Skips turned against me because I thought that his idea of wrapping tinfoil around a rare rgb ppu to reduce video jailbars was a tinfoil solution to the problem instead of being a proper fix. I never said his idea what bad, I just said it added a high risk of shorting those rare chips, and I had already figured out how to get the jailbars so faint that they weren't showing up on flat screen tvs through xrgb upscalers.
tusecsy wrote:How is this Drakon con-man not banned?

Goes around ripping countless people off for years and you guys still try to reason with him?

Kudos to people like Jason and Voltar for shining a spotlight on scumbags like this.
Because I never ripped people off. Customers came looking for me to hire me. Many customers opened their consoles I had worked on and said the work was fine. Any helpful suggestions were always welcomed and applied. The problem is that everyone would and still will spend all day making fun of my work but nobody would dare lift a finger trying to help me actually improve my work. With the exception of voultar, he has helped me greatly, but unfortunately voultar also helps spread the impression that people who have done bad work do it on purpose, and voultar refuses to change this view.

That's the problem with these communities, you treat beginners and people who don't yet know how to do good work like they're some sort of convict and that they must be doing bad work on purpose. If someone accepts payment for sub-par work people treat them like they know they're doing bad work and that their intentions aren't good.
Last edited by Drakon on Thu Aug 17, 2017 1:52 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by RGB0b »

Can someone PLEASE lock this thread? It's beyond ridiculous now.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

retrorgb wrote:Can someone PLEASE lock this thread? It's beyond ridiculous now.
I'm actually enjoying having a chat with FalconFour. Unlike you, he doesn't think he's an expert on everything and he doesn't automatically label anyone who politely disagrees with him as being mentally handicapped.

This thread was ridiculous from the beginning, but this is what people in these places would rather have. This could have been cleared up years ago if people did proper level-headed investigating instead of filling any unknown piece of information about a person they don't know with the worst thoughts their imaginations could come up with.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Guspaz »

You're the one keeping this thread alive at this point. There hadn't been a new post for a month when you revived it.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Strider77 »

May this thread never be locked... may it light your slowest moments at work throughout the ages.
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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