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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by brokenhalo »

Opus131 wrote:4chan masturbatory back-patting.jpeg
You guys are still purposely confusing two different events as one event. Pretty good strategy. Kill the real story by tying it to the fake story. People who are paying attention can see right through the bullshit though.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by quash »

BulletMagnet wrote: I see that the past month or two has done nothing to dilute your seemingly endless supply of "if you support funding NASA you must believe in UFOs, right?" Kellyanne Conway bullshit. :lol: Imagining, as one always must, that you were actually attempting to argue in good faith instead of just being a bitch
For all the times you accused me of projection... :roll:

But you know what? You're right about the way I worded that reaching too far, so my apologies.
you'd acknowledge - there's no way you're not keenly aware - that the intelligence report openly stated that it didn't even attempt to determine whether Russia's meddling actually tilted the election in Trump's favor, only that it happened and that this was, in fact, its intention.
It barely even made that assertion. The majority of the accusations were comically flimsy and didn't even focus on the supposed clandestine operations, but fucking RT, a literal propaganda machine.

The most important thing to take from that sad excuse of a report is that the CIA, who clearly has a dog in the fight, and the FBI, who are probably the easiest federal agency to blackmail, said they had high confidence in the report. Meanwhile, the NSA, who has no vested interest in this as an agency but also has the dirt on everyone, said they only have moderate confidence. If that doesn't speak volumes as to the credibility of the information, I don't know what does.
And yeah, that's news in and of itself
Sure, but it also leaves a lot of unanswered questions. How do we know it was actually Russia? How do we know other countries weren't doing the same for Hillary? How do we know any of this happened the way these agencies are(n't) telling us?

Again, since when was anyone supposed to take the CIA at face value? I thought you guys were supposed to question authority?
As for where the purported dirt came from, does the report extrapolate on that? The "continuing exchange of information" between Team Trump and Team Putin sticks out (for more reasons than one, not like you care, of course)
There's literally no proof this ever happened. Even if you want to lump WikiLeaks with the Trump campaign, there's still no proof of direct contact between them and the Russian government. Go ahead and link whatever you've found, but I highly doubt any of it provides anything more than accusations and anecdotal, if any, evidence.
but feel free to point me towards a more official accounting of how it happened if I missed it.
Right now the "official" account doesn't tell us anything. If you do a bit of research, however, it'll become apparently clear that much of this came from within both the DNC and the intelligence agencies.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Opus131 »

brokenhalo wrote:
Opus131 wrote:4chan masturbatory back-patting.jpeg
You guys are still purposely confusing two different events as one event. Pretty good strategy. Kill the real story by tying it to the fake story. People who are paying attention can see right through the bullshit though.
The only bullshit is the one your fake mainstream media is trying to peddle. You don't even seem to understand the gravity of what is happening. Like there's any comparison between 4chan kids and the entire fucking establishment pushing a narrative the end game of which appears to be WWIII. Keep in mind that this are the same lunatics that orchestrated the war in Iraq and used the "fake news" Saddam had weapons of mass destruction as their pretext, just in case you think this relentless belligerence against Putin is just empty sabre rattling.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Bananamatic »

there is nothing wrong with watersports
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BryanM »

Bunch of cowards jumping on the poll now that there are rumors Obama might be a human being.

I'm locking it down, now. No more cheating. You can vote for whatever you like until the coronation, but it won't be recorded in the akashic records. It's 3 to 22. Final no take-backs.

The allegations that Russia sent a phishing email to Podesta about boner pills/mail order brides are a fun story and a lazy dodge of the contents of said mail. But that's all it is: a distraction for those comfortable enough with the luxury to play around.

(As mentioned, the DNC leaks are a separate batch by a democrat. The phishing email is literally the only tangible theoretical interference Russia had, and the DNI report they released has nothing on it. It's just a long screed complaining that RT provides liberals a platform to speak their opinions, after they get fired from MSNBC or Mother Jones for not working for the interests of the wealthy.)

Whenever I talk with my mother, it isn't emails telling us things we can already see with our eyes she worries about. It's about becoming homeless after her social security gets cut.
Opus131 wrote:Which brings me to what you people still don't seem to get. You are the bad guys, not Trump. He didn't win because he was such a great candidate. He won because you painted yourselves as the absolute worst alternative on almost every level. But you just... wont... get it.
Well Trump is also a monster but the monster that lets the monster into the sheep pen is also a monster and if it's the monster that has access to the gate than it is indeed the greater, more dangerous monster.
The only bullshit is the one your fake mainstream media is trying to peddle. You don't even seem to understand the gravity of what is happening. Like there's any comparison between 4chan kids and the entire fucking establishment pushing a narrative the end game of which appears to be WWIII. Keep in mind that this are the same lunatics that orchestrated the war in Iraq and used the "fake news" Saddam had weapons of mass destruction as their pretext, just in case you think this relentless belligerence against Putin is just empty sabre rattling.
I obviously disagree they want an actual war with Russia (kings never put their necks on the line when life is so cushy for them, and they'd die in a nuclear exchange of ideas), they just want to wreck Syria and restart the cold war.

But generally everything here is right on: Who is stupid enough to listen to these people after everything they've done? We're going to be distracted by these sock puppets of sociopaths, while social security and medicare are on the chopping block?
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BulletMagnet »

quash wrote:the FBI, who are probably the easiest federal agency to blackmail
Considering what we all just went through under James "Whitewater Never Ended" Comey, allow me a good, hearty laugh at your expense. :lol:
Again, since when was anyone supposed to take the CIA at face value? I thought you guys were supposed to question authority?
See, there's the Kellyanne coming out again - when you list a whole bunch of "how do we know xyz didn't happen instead" (some of it less eyeroll-worthy than others), yeah, there's plenty we don't, and in some cases can't know, but that's not the issue. The issue is not that anyone who thinks there might be something to these allegations is 100 percent confident in them (I'd say "moderate confidence" would indeed be the appropriate term here), it's that every single "pro-Trump" person I've encountered, both personally and within the media, completely dismisses them out of hand - no matter how unabashedly pro-Putin Trump is (seriously, even if you think we need to tolerate his Syrian war crimes to avoid WW3 [ :lol:, by the way], nothing on Crimea? "Homosexual propaganda"? His seemingly limitless means of holding onto power indefinitely? Nothing to criticize at all?), no matter how many direct ties his administration has to Russian interests, no matter how insistent he is that nobody sees his tax returns, nothing seems to so much as suggest to the Trump faithful that there might be something, anything at all, to this. Or, even worse, there's the Opus set, who acknowledge that there might be a connection, and their reaction is "Great! Foreign powers can do whatever they want to us, so long as I get to wave an even more furious middle finger in liberal faces! Totally worth it!"

The intractable and grasping-at-straws set here are not the ones who want to know whether there's actually anything to this: it's the ones who are already convinced, even considering how much we still don't know, that there simply can't be, and mock everyone else as "biased" while they're at it, because of course they do. You're the ones refusing to "question authority", when that authority is Trump. Of course, considering the election and its horrific aftermath so far, there's no reason to be surprised.
If you do a bit of research, however, it'll become apparently clear that much of this came from within both the DNC and the intelligence agencies.
Go ahead and humor me: however many links you provide, I predict a WorldNetDaily-to-everything-else ratio of at least 75 percent. Assuming he's still not too busy ensuring that his crack information warriors suddenly start tying the Pizzagate thing to some shadowy, inscrutable liberal smear machine. :lol:
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by quash »

Perhaps you personally aren't saying that the claims are verifiably true, but a lot of people are, and that's because they're taking the media at face value.

Foreign interference wouldn't be an issue if Americans weren't the most gullible dupes on the planet, and it just so happens that every election cycle, the sore losers are always the ones most eager to take the bait.

The most vivid memory I have of the last election was when Carl Rove started flipping out after most of the votes had been counted and clearly gave the election to Obama. He started saying that it wasn't over yet, that Romney had actually won, etc. I wasn't particularly invested in that election but I laughed out loud when I saw that, which was especially gratifying considering that it was the puppet master of the Iraq war finally getting his just desserts. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that the shock jocks and pundits all threw their temper tantrums in the following months, but I assure you, I was laughing right there with you.

And yet here we are four years later, with half of the country willing to blame anyone and anything for their loss other than themselves, and here I am laughing at them for taking the bait, this time from the undisputed world champions of subverting elected governments, the CIA.

So again, forgive me for assuming the worst from you, but also understand that it's quite tiresome to hear the same tired talking points of Russian interference when there is not only no proof of it, but also no consistent narrative on it, either. At first, Trump was a maniac who wanted to start a war with Russia, then he became Putin's proxy, and now we're back at square one with claims that Russia is trying to blackmail the President they helped get into office before he's even in.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Opus131 »

BryanM wrote:Well Trump is also a monster
And that's where we (and the American people) disagree. There's a lot to be said about Trump but a monster he isn't. I don't even think he is a particularly bad person. Kinda buffoonish and someone who made headway through life mostly through self-confidence and a lot of chutzpah. And most people can see it too, which is why all those accusations against him never really stuck.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Mischief Maker »

BryanM wrote:We're going to be distracted by these sock puppets of sociopaths, while social security and medicare are on the chopping block?
It's worth mentioning that I've signed up for "Our Revolution" on my old hotmail account and every single email they send me ends up in the spam folder despite me telling Microsoft over and over again that it's not spam.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BryanM »

So They voted down free trade with Canada to get lower cost prescription drugs. Shocking.

Funny how we're not allowed free trade when it would actually lower prices on things, huh...
MM wrote:
They're just protecting you from that fake news.

They don't want you getting any weird ideas in that head of yours about how it's kind of stupid that Authentic Windoes For PCs ^(TM) costs over $100, and yet it only gets worse and worse with every release.
Opus131 wrote:And that's where we (and the American people) disagree.
Less than 30% of all eligible voters voted for trump. Only a couple percentage points more voted for Hillary. Approval rating is negative. The American people think he's a turd. (It's great you like him and all, but you've really got to stop thinking you're a majority on this matter. Keep grounded.)

The American people think the democrats and republicans are both festering garbage, and that's why half of the electorate identifies as "independent". Was very different, back when you could actually vote against Wall Street..
There's a lot to be said about Trump but a monster he isn't.
He's just hiring monsters but somehow is a person. OK.

If it does somehow turn out that he actually does protect ss and medicare, doesn't start a significant war where hundreds of thousands die, and the only damage he does is pocket a huge tax cut for himself and his friends, at the cost of burdening our kids with an increased deficit; I'll be happy to praise him as being as good as Obama was.

We'll just have to wait and see if it's all just one huge complex 11th dimensional chess gambit that he's created a team of voracious slime monsters. An esoteric plan us mere rabble could not possibly untangle with our little pea-sized peasant brains. I have a very bad brain.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Zerst »

Giest118 wrote:I for one can't wait to watch as absolutely nothing gets better because I'm anthropologically curious as to what excuse the rightists will have for it, given a right-controlled literally-everything.
The seeds are already being sown. The narrative is already being set up by the conservative media for the GOP to come up with either non-solutions or radical changes that moderate Republicans will defect from. And they will blame Democrats for blocking it, majority be damned.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BulletMagnet »

quash wrote:Perhaps you personally aren't saying that the claims are verifiably true, but a lot of people are, and that's because they're taking the media at face value.
I don't know where you're doing your reading, but every single report/summary/editorial/etc. I've read on these matters takes pains to note that the intelligence report's conclusions aren't completely verifiable and that the "blackmail list" hasn't been verified at all, to the point that numerous outlets refused to publish it before Buzzfeed just up and dumped it.

But anyway, I'm being Kellyanned again, because the actual point I'm trying (I never learn, do I? :lol:) to get a straight answer from you on is, considering what a whimpering lap dog Trump is when it comes to Putin, how many conflicts of interests he, his campaign, and his cabinet have in Russia (despite his constant, and blatantly false, denials to that effect), and how violently opposed he is to even the most basic attempts to clear the whole mess up (exhibit A, of course, being his tax returns), do you think, even a little, that it might be worth digging a little deeper here? Is there any doubt in your mind that Trump and company are being completely forthcoming when it comes to this matter? Any at all?

If you really want to call a recent election to mind as a corollary to our current situation, reach back a little further, to - you guessed it - Election 2000. Could there possibly be grounds for a recount in the closest race in the nation's history? Nope! No grounds at all! Block it! Kill it! Never allow it to happen under any circumstances! We don't want to know! And then, after all is said and done, display so much confidence in the reasoning you used to reach your conclusion that you specifically declare it can never be used as precedent in similar cases - no, no, THAT time was SPECIAL! :lol: And, naturally, anyone who dares criticize your course of action is just a big, whiny sore loser. Sad!

So let me ask it as plain as I possibly can: this time around, do you want to know?
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Mischief Maker »

Meanwhile, 13 Democrats including establishment-darling and presidential hopeful Cory Booker demonstrate the principle of "stronger together" by stabbing Bernie Sanders in the back after he manages to get 13 Republicans to back his amendment to import cheaper (and often US-manufactured) prescription drugs from Canada to fight the price-gouging.

Full Story

No doubt Booker's 2020 campaign slogan will be "four more years!"
Booker and some of his Democratic colleagues who opposed the Sanders amendment are longtime friends of the drug industry. As MapLight data shows, Booker has received more pharmaceutical manufacturing cash over the past six years than any other Democratic senator: $267,338.
The left is chained to a corpse.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by quash »

BulletMagnet wrote: I don't know where you're doing your reading, but every single report/summary/editorial/etc. I've read on these matters takes pains to note that the intelligence report's conclusions aren't completely verifiable and that the "blackmail list" hasn't been verified at all, to the point that numerous outlets refused to publish it before Buzzfeed just up and dumped it.
It doesn't start or end with this particular instance though. The media has lied about his ties to Russia since they planted the idea that their government had taken favor in Trump and supposedly worked to get him elected. The only substantiated evidence of such support to date are the troll brigades (which Trump probably only knows about because they've been reported on so much), but they largely operate from within Russia, and are pretty easy to spot, anyways. Again, need I remind you that Hillary Clinton was certainly not above doing such things herself, spending millions of dollars on a SuperPAC dedicated to influencing online discussion.
But anyway, I'm being Kellyanned again, because the actual point I'm trying (I never learn, do I? :lol:)
It's the least I could do for all the times you've John Olivered me.
(despite his constant, and blatantly false
Pretty sure he means that he has no ties to the Russian government. He's even said before that his only interests in Russia were his business ventures.

If he does have ties to the Russian government, then he's basically decided to play the devil's gambit, as if they're ever discovered he'll almost certainly be impeached.
(exhibit A, of course, being his tax returns), do you think, even a little, that it might be worth digging a little deeper here? Is there any doubt in your mind that Trump and company are being completely forthcoming when it comes to this matter? Any at all?
Sure. When the IRS is finished with their audit, he should release them. I'm not sure if it'll happen or not but it's hardly a dealbreaker if he doesn't. I'd much rather judge his foreign policy on what he accomplishes over the next few years.
If you really want to call a recent election to mind as a corollary to our current situation, reach back a little further, to - you guessed it - Election 2000. Could there possibly be grounds for a recount in the closest race in the nation's history? Nope! No grounds at all! Block it! Kill it! Never allow it to happen under any circumstances! We don't want to know!
The political argument against it was silly, and I don't even agree with the argument the Supreme Court used against it, but ultimately that was what they ruled and they had the legal ground on which to do so. And if you disagree with that, well that's great I guess, but maybe you should've gotten together with other liberals to raise funds for a lawyer back when it mattered.
And, naturally, anyone who dares criticize your course of action is just a big, whiny sore loser. Sad!
It is indeed sad. You're still complaining about it sixteen years later.
So let me ask it as plain as I possibly can: this time around, do you want to know?
Yes, absolutely. But right now nobody has any proof whatsoever of Trump having ties to the Russian government, nor the Russian government being responsible for the DNC leaks, etc. The way you and others nonchalantly bring it up as if it's already been established warrants scrutiny because nothing has been proven yet.

Moreover, where was this level of scrutiny towards Clinton's dealings with Saudi Arabia, China, and yes, even the Russians?

It still boggles my mind how you can not only deny the inherent leftist bias in mainstream media, but somehow manage to perceive that there's somehow a conservative bias because... I don't know, Trump wasn't called Hitler enough? Nevermind that nearly every independent study, and even the nefarious right wing owners of said organizations, have said time and time again that the media overwhelmingly favors leftist policy and candidates.

But I guess that's what keeps you going, right? Nobody wants to be told they're grasping defeat from the jaws of victory. And so the undermining of Trump, grasping at unproven ties with Russia, and downright fabrication will continue well into his presidency.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BryanM »

Mischief Maker wrote:13 Democrats
What's astonishing to me was that the other democrats in the senate voted for it.

What's depressing to me is that they probably only did so because they knew it had zero chance to pass.

What's even more depressing is, despite it having near zero chance of passing the house, our overlords still weren't comfortable enough to let it go through the senate.

Fucking Cory Booker. If they want me to actually submit a vote for Donald Trump, he's an excellent choice for 2020. I don't care if we're trading nukes by then, and Trump is literally fucking tiny dogs to death on television - nominate Booker and I will do everything in my power to end this world.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Durandal »

A classified briefing by FBI Director James Comey left many Democrats angry, as of now it's unclear what was being discussed: ... e-briefing
Dems 'outraged' with Comey after House briefing

A number of House Democrats left Friday's confidential briefing on Russian hacking fuming over the actions of FBI Director James Comey and convinced he's unfit to lead the agency.

"I was non-judgmental until the last 15 minutes. I no longer have that confidence in him," Rep. Tim Walz (D-Minn.), ranking member of the Veterans Affairs Committee, said as he left the meeting in the Capitol.

"Some of the things that were revealed in this classified briefing — my confidence has been shook."

Rep. Elijah Cummings (Md.), senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, delivered a similar condemnation.

"I'm extremely concerned — extremely," he said.

"I'll just — I'm very angry," echoed Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.).

The intelligence community believes Russia hacked Democratic groups in an effort to help elect President-elect Donald Trump, claims Trump had publicly cast down on before this week.

Comey has been under fire since several weeks before the Nov. 8 elections, when he announced a new leg in an FBI investigation into the emails of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton — a probe that, as with the first round, resulted in no criminal charges. In response, many Democrats have accused Comey of altering the course of the presidential race in favor of Trump.

The Justice Department's inspector general on Thursday announced a new investigation into the agency's actions leading up to the election, a probe that will focus on Comey's public statements as well as FBI leaks and other relevant correspondences.

Republicans have largely defended Comey, and many left Friday's briefing with minds unchanged.

"The FBI director is a good man who was placed in a very difficult position," said Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.). "His boss [U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch] made life very difficult for him in the last year when she met with Bill Clinton on the tarmac."

Democrats have a markedly different take.

"I want to [have faith in Comey]," said a visibly annoyed Rep. Charlie Crist (D-Fla.). "I have concerns. Stay tuned."

Yet there's also a powerful sense among the Democrats that, while their faith in Comey has plummeted, they'd rather have him atop the FBI than roll and dice to see who Trump would tap as a replacement.

"Do I have confidence in him? Not really. But I think he's probably going to be better than the guy they'd put in," said one Democrat, who spoke only anonymously to discuss a sensitive topic. "It's like a rock and a hard place, but I think that's pretty much where a lot of people are."

Walz, for one, is not in that place.

"I'm disappointed, outraged — many of us are right now," Walz said. "I'll wait to pass full judgment, but the exchange that just happened in the final 15 minutes gives me no reason to have confidence."
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by EmperorIng »

I can't stand it whenever I hear Cory Booker speak. Every time it is so obvious that he is trying to intentionally make himself into a leader or "national figure" - make sure you tick off all of those fake "sincerity and empathy" intonations to get a positive spin on facebook newsfeeds - and I believe it was Mischief who implied that Mr. Booker is playing hard the "I'm the next Obama guys! Me! Me! Me!" all the way back at the DNC convention. I guess this wouldn't be a problem if the guy was concerned more about policy than about how good he looks in a photo-op. It's about as heartening and appealing as yet another up-and-coming "the next Ronald Reagan" Republican.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BryanM »

Looks like there are some minor consequences for opposing the leader of your party when he wants to do something.

This is how change happens. Secrecy breeds incompetence. Power is the illusion of power.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Mischief Maker »

BryanM wrote:Looks like there are some minor consequences for opposing the leader of your party when he wants to do something.

This is how change happens. Secrecy breeds incompetence. Power is the illusion of power.
Good. Fuck 'em. It's nice to have some sort of silver lining to this shitstorm.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BulletMagnet »

I had no intention of being pulled back into the "time to bring back long-established minutiae that were already batted back and forth dozens of times as if there's still an open discussion" vortex, but guess what, kids?...
quash wrote:It still boggles my mind how you can not only deny the inherent leftist bias in mainstream media, but somehow manage to perceive that there's somehow a conservative bias because... I don't know, Trump wasn't called Hitler enough?'s time for yet another episode of "if a liberal said this they'd be drawn and quartered in the public square before cheering crowds" - fuck you again, Newt Gingrich!

But BM, you ask, how do we know the impossibly biased super-liberal press would have reacted the way you say if Obama had attempted something even half as confrontational against them?

Because they already fucking did it, I answer! Nowadays, we get this, and that's still nowhere near deferential enough for the "woe is me" baby tears to stop.

Oh, and while we're here...
Nevermind that nearly every independent study, and even the nefarious right wing owners of said organizations, have said time and time again that the media overwhelmingly favors leftist policy and candidates.
Pro tip: when ABC repeatedly says things that are provably false (tax cuts for rich people magically make money appear everywhere! climate change is a Chinese hoax! Obama wants to ban all guns, impose Sharia law, and kill all white people!), while XYZ says the opposite, and the media says "ABC is wrong, XYZ is correct, and here's why", that's not bias. When ABC says not only says many, many more provably wrong things than XYZ but steadfastly refuses to correct them, and is repeatedly called out for saying the same wrong things again and again, that's not bias.

When you don't report that this is happening, or feel somehow obligated to take a but both sides do it stance on absolutely everything no matter how precious little actual equivalence there is to be had, THAT is bias.

Still waiting on what those investigators in Hawaii found, by the way; it'd be nice if anyone bothered to ask, politically incorrect though it may be to do so!
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by quash »

"Media doesn't have a leftist bias, reality does!" :roll:

See how that works for you in 2020. You better start praying that Kanye runs as a Democrat.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Mischief Maker »

The leftist bias in the media?

You mean during the primary when Bernie Sanders would be speaking to crowds in a filled-to-capacity stadium but CNN would instead be showing Trump's empty podium in breathless anticipation that he'd come out and say something racist that they could feign shock over to draw eyeballs for advertising revenue?

Trump out-raised Clinton by $2 billion. It's just instead of the money being put in his hands to be spent on TV time, the liberal trump-hating media donated the TV time directly.

The only time they actually got mad at Trump was when he promised a guaranteed racist statement about birtherism but ended up blueballing them.

Never Forget: It May Not Be Good for America, but It's Damn Good for CBS
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BulletMagnet »

quash wrote:"Media doesn't have a leftist bias, reality does!" :roll:
I would just love to hear you - or anyone - gird up your loins and tout the veracity of any of the boilerplate conservative dogma I tossed out above...and those are just the very tip of the (rapidly-melting) iceberg. :lol:

And if you really want to see "leftist bias" in action, just wait until Paul Ryan unveils his "Obamacare replacement" tomorrow - there's no magical-thinking shitshow vague, opaque, and ludicrous enough that weasel can release that he still won't be praised as a "serious policy thinker" by every media figure who breathes the same air as him (and the few who don't, of course, no matter how many long-established figures to the contrary they may wield, are just hyper-partisan).
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by quash »

We already went over this: short term gains for long term loss. Not in the least bit surprising from the most shameless opportunists on the planet. Now more people than ever are getting their news from Breitbart and Infowars, and it's not like you can blame them if you know just how much the rest of the media has lied over the past few years.
BulletMagnet wrote:snip
You sure do love your victim complex. If only there were a plethora of left leaning news outlets for you to choose from...

I don't feign outrage over nonsense in the media because it's not worth getting upset over, simply call it out and move on. Eventually, people will have no choice but to start questioning every story that hits the press, and right now it's pretty clear where the majority of fabrication is coming from.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BryanM »

They actually made huge gains because of the massive tax cuts they'll be pocketing.

You understand the media exists to make their owners money, and that the millions they'd lose if the networks went completely bankrupt isn't jack shit to them, less than pocket change? That the billions they're going to pocket under Trump is worth hundreds of times more?

That they're more than thrilled at the incoming administration? That the phony outrage is all an act? That this is all a WWE style fake wrestling match? Nothing more than a play put on to entertain and wind up retards?
quash wrote:If only there were a plethora of left leaning news outlets for you to choose from...
FOX News 24/7 pushes the narrative that greedy poor people want to take your money. The exact opposite of that would be a network devoted to pushing the narrative that greedy rich people are actively taking your money right now.

Please point to one single network or standard cable news outlet that does that. I'll be waiting for a long time, thanks.

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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by quash »

No need for a cable news channel when virtually every major newspaper in the country (and by extension their websites) fit that bill just fine.

Don't we all know that Fox targets old people? There's a reason they're selling diabetes meds and not water filters.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Rob »

and it's not like you can blame them
No, we can blame them plenty for turning to even less truthful sources, either because they lack any critical thinking ability or simply desire a space where their views will never be questioned.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BulletMagnet »

quash wrote:I don't feign outrage over nonsense in the media because it's not worth getting upset over, simply call it out and move on.
That's not really a viable option when 1) The peddlers of this nonsense keep saying it (Exhibit A: Tax cuts for rich people solve every single economic problem), and 2) As a result of this, people keep voting as if said nonsense is true. The reason you don't "feign outrage" over any of this is because you're not outraged; the vast majority of the misinformed voting serves your ideology (if you truly believe it doesn't, which I don't buy for a second, feel free to follow the progression, or more likely regression, of almost any issue, particularly economic ones, since the Reagan era), so you're content to simply let it keep happening, badmouth the opposition as the real perpetrator, and shout down anyone who still protests as needing to "get over it and move on" without actually addressing their concerns.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BryanM »

quash wrote:No need for a cable news channel when virtually every major newspaper in the country (and by extension their websites) fit that bill just fine.

Why do you go on the internet to tell lies? Lies about dead media no one cares about, at that?

Are you a necromediaphiliac?

Do you have a strong sexual fetish toward moving chairs and goalposts around?
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by quash »

Looks like I struck a nerve. Take a look in a mirror sometime, all of you. ;)
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