worst death you've ever died

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worst death you've ever died

Post by black mariah »

A few days ago I'm playing Giga Wing. As you probably know the power up ships shoot out a slowass token bullet every 15 seconds or so. I'm on level 4 all happy that I managed to get through the first wave of shit without dying, confident I'll get through the next one too, when the powerup ship appears. It's me, the ship, and the background. Not a damn thing else onscreen.

And I ran into the bullet.

I wasn't even blindsided. I just ran smack into it like a five year old hopped up on Pixie Sticks runs into a table. I know I'm not the only one.

Am I? :x
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Post by BrianC »

My worst deaths were getting hit by the first set of enemies in the first level of Gradius and actidentially crashing into walls in various Gradius games.
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Post by professor ganson »

Yes, it can be devestating in Gradius when you power up your speed so as to be able to dodge a shower of boss bullets, and you end up smashing into the floor because the greater speed is accompanied by less control.
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Post by BulletMagnet »

Oh my, where to begin...

Offhand, I'd say my most frustrating death (that I remember) was playing Space Megaforce some time back...I've managed to 1CC it on Normal and finish it on Hard, and was trying for Hyper...I got all the way to the last boss, and with a decent bit of weaponry left on me...I blast the bugger as best I can, dropping bombs to keep myself alive...finally I run out of those, and just do my best to dodge and shoot...finally BOOM! he begins to explode...

...and as he does so, something hits me and I die. Haven't been back to him since.

Similar deaths have occurred several times in Axelay, wherein a boss will ram me, thus killing me in one hit, and the resulting explosion will be all it takes to finish him...so I see him go boom just before I'm taken to the continue screen. Evil, I tell you.
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Post by landshark »

For me this is probably Strikers 1999, the level 5 and 6 bosses.

If I get to either of these bosses on my first life and die, the game is over. I don't know if it is a mental block or what, but I get totally rattled.

If I die my first death on one of these bosses, it is guaranteed that I will lose one or two more extra guys on that same boss and get very frustrated.

Happens way too often :(
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Post by iatneH »

My worst one must be..

I was playing E.S.P. RaDe in an arcade, I don't remember if there were people watching, but I selected Yusuke, started the level, blew up the two skylights on the left and was flying over to the right to blow up the small tanks, and I got hit by the very first enemy bullet to be fired in the entire game.

Other stupid deaths must also be in E.S.P. RaDe (I play this game the most), where I fly backwards into a slow-moving bullet that I ALREADY DODGED. X_______________x;;;;;;
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Post by zakk »

I'll just submit video:


[edit: oops wrong video, but that one qualifies too, here's the one I MEANT]

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Post by Specineff »

Power Strike 1. Owned even before hitting the half of the first level.

But five years later, I one-lifed that bitch. :twisted:
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Post by landshark »

zakk wrote:I'll just submit video:


[edit: oops wrong video, but that one qualifies too, here's the one I MEANT]

Ahahaah. I've died *exactly* that way before on the level 3 boss. You think it's dead and this stupid orange explosion sneaks in there.

I think it can fire after it's dead a few times if it didn't finish it's barrage, I can't remember.
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Post by Blue Lander »

Some people say there's nothing worse than a stupid death where you die by accident. But to me, there is something worse.

Level 1-8 of Gradius 2. If you die about halfway through the level, the point you respawn at is literally impossible to get past. A few seconds after you restart, about 20 tiles from the top and bottom of the screen fly straight at you no matter where your ship is. There's no way past it if you don't have missiles as far as I can tell. And there's nothing worse than playing all the way almost to the end of that damn game, having carefully saved up 5 lives, and then dying 5 times in a row because there's nothing you can do about it.
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Post by captain ahar »

^that is hilarious... but only because i haven't been through it myself. when i finally find a copy of the Gradius Deluxe Pack. i'll have to keep that in mind so i can try it for "entertainment" value... if i can ever clear to 1-8 :lol: ... only to die a number of times for a laugh's sake.
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Post by cigsthecat »

Recently I had no miss/no bombed my way to the end of 1-7 in Gunbird 2 only to go down to the 5-2-1 pods just before the boss. What a bunch of crap.
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Post by jp »

Rayforce comes to mind... a lot of cheap deaths in that game.
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Post by BrianC »

Blue Lander, that reminds me of a terrible death I had in Twinbee Famicom Mini. I was in level 5, first loop, thinking I was going to make it scot free. Then I get hit by an enemy. I keep hitting bells trying to power up only to get hit again by another enemy. Then I try shooting at the enemies. I try to outmanuver and I get hit again and game over.

In various games, I often die becuase I try too hard to get power ups. I was like "must get power up, movement too slow. Nooooooo!" or "I want stronger weapon. Doh!".
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Post by captain ahar »

in most verts i play all my deaths are stupid deaths. when i first started, i would chase after power-ups and such nonsense (can't play Dodonpachi like this turns out, its not a happy time to be at the top of the screen).

gotten better with my collection obssession. Blue Lander (i think) was talking about how he was playing a Gradius and in his efforts to not lose options to the Option Thief, he ran into a rock wall.

this stuff happens to me all the time. i focus too much on one thing only to be taken out by something ridiculous i didn't notice. getting better at this (not dying) as well, but improvement is a long, hard road for me.
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Post by SFKhoa »

Gradius V, I crashed into a small red ship, mistaking it for a power up. ;x
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Post by Tomtom »

"Awesome, I'm going to 1CC DoDonPachi at last! I mean, seriously, I've got five bombs and an extra life in reserve, I could bomb it non-stop and beat it. But I can always dodge the first pattern so I'll just" *DEATH*

My cry of "SHIT!" could be heard by everyone else in the house, I'm sure. Fortunately, I returned a couple of weeks later and smashed that SOB :twisted:.
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Post by BrianC »

When I was trying out Power Strike II GG via emulation I crashed into that first mini boss, not once, but twice. What makes it even worse if that I even read about the enemy in the shmups review before crashing in to it.
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Post by LoneSage »

Remember in Gradius 3 in the third level where you have to shoot through all that ground to get to where those volcanoes are and those strong ships just fly around for a few minutes and then come straight a you?

Well I was stuck on that part for about a year until I finally got past it.
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Post by Venom »

Dangun, last boss... various deaths, people in rez thought I was dying or something.
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Cheap Deaths

Post by DEL »

Gradius V loves a good cheap death;
Here's a couple of my favourites from that game:-

I was cruising my way up the vertical section of 2-6 with a Type 4 Edit. Everything was fine, then an option stealer decided to make a special Guest Star appearance in a zig zag. This forced me to abandon my safe position at the top and dodge down and around it. I successfully avoided it, but of course ten tons of green Goo descended on my head. Instant death, all options flew off the screen, leaving me to go through the backwards section of 2-6 with peashooter and no speed. - Max lives to almost none in sixty seconds. This is about 2hrs 20mins into the game and your time has suddenly been wasted.

Just as bad:- Gradius V speed section of 2-7. If you die on the down-vertical section, your options will scream off the screen before you re-spawn. Leaving you to travel up the escape chute with no speed or options & face the four-pronged laser mid-boss. Again, 2hrs 30mins+ wasted.

The answer of course is not to die in these 'trouble spots', but it can and does happen.

Prehistoric Isle 1 - This game still amazes me as to how fast things can go to "Hell in a Handbasket" when you lose a life in the later stages. 5 lives to none in less than a minute is to be expected.

Worst Death:- Well I wasn't amused when the 3rd & final form of the 6D Boss on Border Down bordered me down and out with 1mm of energy bar remaining.
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Post by Davey »

I'm guessing those two kids who literally died playing Berzerk had the worst video game deaths ever.
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Post by WarpZone »

In Gradius V I had finally reached the end of level 7 on 1 credit. I put down the controller while I waited for the cut-scene...

SMASH. The Vic drifted right into the hull of the spaceship, because I had forgotten to move far enough to the left.

That was my last life, too.
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Post by Anarchos »

The worst deaths are ofcourse the ones that are really close to 1CCs. In ddp and Strikers 2 I've died a couple of times at the final bosses and gotten just soooo mad.
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Post by landshark »

Woohoo! (well not really)

I got a new worst death tonight.

Finally made 2-2 of Gradius V. While trying to finally break the 2.5 million barrier, I ran into a wall. A WALL!!! Missed 2.5 mil by 6,100 points.
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