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Iran War. When.

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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Clinton does get her share of $billions of free advertising, too.

Just because it's more effective when they use surrogates instead of having her talk for herself doesn't mean she doesn't have at least -equal- support that Trump receives. When Clinton talks, her numbers go down, hard. Bigtime. You think the people in charge of her campaign and the networks don't know that? It's intentional. They're corrupt, evil, and out of touch. They're not completely stupid.

Notice how Bernie gets all this airtime to tell us how we need to stop Trump? In any given week, he's on more than 10 times the amount of time he got on TV in the entirety of 2015. I wonder why...
corporate news
Yeah I.... I don't know how any of you guys can stomach that stuff. So slow. It's like being tortured by the Spanish inquisition to me.

I do find what they do against Corbyn very hilarious. The choose-your-own-adventure Can You Survive A Week As Jeremy Corbyn is a fucking riot. Everything you do is wrong.

Imagine the meltdowns if he ends up becoming prime minister. Huge tirades against the voters. Complete disbelief.

Sadly, the only beef They have with Trump is he isn't sufficiently bribed and proven. They want a proven, reliable slave in office. They'll be fine with him after he shows them he's got their back.
system11 wrote:Nobody gives a shit about climate change because there's just one real solution: lower birth rates, drastically.
Seems way too slow. Gonna need to speed that up with mass genocide to have any appreciable effect. I'ma stick with my replacing combustion with fission plan instead.

Coulda done this decades ago if public policy had gone into burners and breeders instead of letting corrupt cronyism dictate we stick with the established submarine reactors.

Water as coolant. On LAND. Ridiculous. Have you ever heard of anything so fucktarded in your life?
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by system11 »

Yes I have. Broccoli.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Broccoli is a magnificent garnish. Whatever vegetable racism you may have against it personally, it doesn't kill people by vaporizing and then exploding at +2 degrees celsiur.

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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by quash »

Mischief Maker wrote:I don't disagree with you on Syria, I disagree with your assessment of Trump.
Then I'm not sure we are really agreeing on Syria. Because as it stands, the premise behind our actions there are purely political. When the Joint Chiefs are supplying Assad with information regarding US airstrikes in the region, acting explicitly against the wishes of the Obama administration, you know something is seriously wrong.

Pence can talk a smooth game, no doubt, and he's more in this for himself than anything. He was just handed a golden opportunity to promote his run in 2020 should Trump fall through. But Trump's connections to top military leaders, current and former, tell a very different story than what Pence was selling.
And Trump's a climate change denier while I've been wearing flip-flops and a T-Shirt in October. You don't think the effects of unchecked Climate Change (accelerated actually, if you believe Trump's policy proposals) would trigger a war or two?
Potentially. But right now we are looking WW3 dead in the eye over a squabble with Russia driven by the will of special interests. Cut the strings from the puppet in office and we won't have to worry about this anymore.
Last edited by quash on Thu Oct 06, 2016 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BulletMagnet »

system11 wrote:Nobody gives a shit about climate change because there's just one real solution: lower birth rates, drastically.
Whatever country you live in, first step is to not vote for the candidate/party that's spent decades kowtowing to the no-birth-control-ever religious extremists.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by quash »

Or stop allowing hordes of immigrants that come to create large families.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Good thing Trump is aware we have net emigration with Mexico and that we need to build a wall to keep those free loading europeans out of our country.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Mischief Maker »

quash wrote:Or stop allowing hordes of immigrants that come to create large families.
Man, you were doing such a good job coming across as reasonable, "No, no! I support Trump due to legitimate concerns over foreign policy!"

But you just couldn't help yourself and now the real Trump supporter in you came through loud and clear.

Obama has broken presidential records by deporting over 2.5 million people. But they don't give you those details at your conspiracy sites, do they?
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by quash »

Mischief Maker wrote:Obama has broken presidential records by deporting over 2.5 million people. But they don't give you those details at your conspiracy sites, do they?
Filed under "things I said a year ago and nobody cared to notice".

The funny thing about deportations is that they A) can't target US citizens, even if their parents are illegal, and B) do little to nothing to prevent re-entry into the country.

You're a fool if you don't think demographic change is a driving force behind foreign policy right now. As much as I doubt a wall will happen, I do expect the gears to start turning on immigration reform.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by quash »

BryanM wrote:Good thing Trump is aware we have net emigration with Mexico and that we need to build a wall to keep those free loading europeans out of our country.
Mexico isn't and never has been the only source of immigrants into the US. As always, there are plenty of other Central and South Americans that come through the Mexican border. Not to mention the increase in immigrants from the Middle East this past year.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by quash »

In any case, this is a perfect example of what I mean by self hatred. You voice concern about overpopulation, and your knee jerk solution is to teach industrialized nations to use condoms.

The nations that need to use condoms to control birth rates are on the other side of the equator. If overpopulation is happening, it sure as shit isn't happening in the West; but then at the same time, none of these countries have the infrastructure to sustain this kind of growth for any amount of time.

And when someone suggests that maybe we shouldn't be encouraging this level of unsustainable growth within a nation that can support it much better than their own, you have the gall to say that they're the problem?
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BulletMagnet »

BulletMagnet wrote:Whatever country you live in
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Lord Satori »

Holy shit, a triple post. God damn, squash, learn to edit.
BryanM wrote:You're trapped in a haunted house. There's a ghost. It wants to eat your friends and have sex with your cat. When forced to decide between the lives of your friends and the chastity of your kitty, you choose the cat.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by CIT »

system11 wrote:From the article Bryan linked about the media all backing Clinton - this happened with Brexit too, pretty much the whole mainstream media have been banging the anti-Brexit drum and just won't stop, it shows them for what they are - a biased class of people in control. The article very accurately states:

"The flurry of anti-Trump and pro-Clinton editorials is at the same time a reflection of concern within the ruling class over the lack of popular enthusiasm for Clinton, particularly among younger voters, who largely see her as a corrupt representative of the status quo. The near-unanimity of the major media in support of the Democratic candidate stands in stark contrast to the broadly felt distrust and dissatisfaction with the candidates of both major big business parties. This disjuncture is one expression of the chasm that exists between the entire political system and the general population."

Bolded the important parts, it's not too bad when you have a variety of biased media (unbiased doesn't exist), but now it's a herd collective backing the liberal elites.
The fact remains, however, that most people with power in the political system and the media, actually do know what they are talking about.

Of course Joe Shmoe who never finished highschool and is stuck in his shithole town in East-Ohio/East-Anglia only sees the prospect of better educated Mexicans/Poles that will work longer hours for less (deservedly!) taking his job aways.

Back in the day, industrialized nations were able to pull the working class along with high growth and the social welfare state. Those days are long over. Now it's all about how the ever shrinking pie gets divided up and all about the blame game, hence the resurgence of nationalism (as well as the rejection of globalization/free trade) that can be seen pretty much everywhere. And it's the ideal environment for pied pipers like Trump to lure out the rats.

But make no mistake about it, he will not be able to solve the underlying economic problem, precisely because there is no political solution to it. And it's for the exact same reason that the Brexit will achieve nothing of value for the UK.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by quash »

BulletMagnet wrote:
BulletMagnet wrote:Whatever country you live in
I'll take false equivalencies for $600 Alex.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by quash »

I do find it hilarious in a sad sort of way that damn near everything I've been saying has come to fruition even quicker than I thought it would. We already have mainstream news reporting on the high likelihood of war with Russia.

Of course, they'll never talk about the actual reasons and stick to Russia being the antagonizer, but what will that matter once the nukes start flying? Russia has 1000+ more nuclear warheads than the US, by the way. So even if we assume both sides' countermeasures are 100℅ effective, the US is still fucked in a nuclear war scenario.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by ColonelFatso »

Let's not mince words or take sides here -- in the event of a major nuclear exchange between the US and Russia, humanity probably goes extinct. Even a couple hundred warheads each is probably enough to guarantee that. Both sides understand this well enough that if such an exchange DOES happen in my lifetime, my last words will be "well fuck me then"
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Rob »

quash wrote:If overpopulation is happening, it sure as shit isn't happening in the West;
Oh the cancer is happening. Just because other places are stage IV doesn't make it any less true.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by system11 »

quash wrote:I do find it hilarious in a sad sort of way that damn near everything I've been saying has come to fruition even quicker than I thought it would. We already have mainstream news reporting on the high likelihood of war with Russia.

Of course, they'll never talk about the actual reasons and stick to Russia being the antagonizer, but what will that matter once the nukes start flying? Russia has 1000+ more nuclear warheads than the US, by the way. So even if we assume both sides' countermeasures are 100℅ effective, the US is still fucked in a nuclear war scenario.
Why are people even giving the nuclear war scenario any time at all? Nobody is that crazy. If anything you want Trump to win because he likes Putin more.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Xyga »

This thread keeps getting better.

Is that clear people ? Vote for Trump and his cortege of neo-nazis and despotic regimes supports...or this is the end of humanity. Nothing less.
The few survivor aryans if any, will all be raped and bombed by the remaining untermensch cancer~roaches that crawl on this Earth a million nukes wouldn't eliminate anyway.

How many rubles do they give you for your disinformant worker bee job quash ?
If it's a fixed amount by post that explains the insane persistence and triple posts.
Or wait, actually having read enough of your madness you're probably volunteering.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by system11 »

I'm getting all nostalgic now and want to watch War Games tonight.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Giest118 »

This is so fucking stupid.

Hillary is going to end humanity because money.
Trump is going to end humanity because stupid.

How is anyone taking this horseshit seriously?
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Durandal »

Giest118 wrote:This is so fucking stupid.

Hillary is going to end humanity because money.
Trump is going to end humanity because stupid.

How is anyone taking this horseshit seriously?
What you're seeing on TV is not real, none of this is. The elections are merely entertainment for the masses, the course for our civilization is already set in stone. All that's left is to enjoy what we have for as long as we can before mankind's freefall hits rock bottom.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Why are people even giving the nuclear war scenario any time at all?
Some folks are Alex Jonesy? Makes life more fun I guess.

An internet fellow pointed out that liberal fundamentalism and conservative fundamentalism both deal with the assumption that we're living in a sort of "end times":

For the conservative fundie, everything's going down the shitter, you're gonna die miserably, and all you can hope for is to be eaten/raptured first.

For the liberal fundie, everything's going up aces, we're on the way to a perfect utopia where no one will have to know what true suffering is.

I guess that's just the classic difference between pessimism/optimism, the flip flop of the emotions depression and delusion.
Is that clear people ? Vote for Trump and his cortege of neo-nazis and despotic regimes supports...or this is the end of humanity. Nothing less.
The few survivor aryans if any, will all be raped and bombed by the remaining untermensch cancer~roaches that crawl on this Earth a million nukes wouldn't eliminate anyway.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Xyga »

It's less funny when you have actual Russian nuke-strike capable heavy bombers flying over European airspace.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Meanwhile, Trump is "hoping" Hurricane Matthew dissipates.

~do you believe in magic~
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Durandal »

Ed Oscuro wrote:Meanwhile, Trump is "hoping" Hurricane Matthew dissipates.

~do you believe in magic~
Wait, are you telling me we have already developed the technology to dissipate hurricanes?
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Yup, we're talking about them right now: nuuuuukes.

Ah, to be fair to Quash, the anti-Russia rhetoric coming out of the propaganda machine is getting a little above average.

Is it possible that the greedy fucks who control the world would rather nuke the entire thing than to let a single $0.05 go to someone else? Of course the chance isn't 0%. I have to concede that much.

Maybe you might be getting a sense of this, but you can feel the glee of these bastards as they're finally free of eight years of Obama. Obama: a connoisseur of petite wars. Too small for their taste.

Every single word Clinton has to speak on foreign policy is antagonism. Our sailors stray into Iran's territory and we get them back within two days? She condemns "how" it was done. Russia? Bad guys. Gotta be contained. Let's enact a no-fly zone in Syria. But no boots on the ground. Even though that's an impossibility: ground control is necessary to create a no-fly zone.

So "torture even if it doesn't work" and "bomb the shit out of them" Trump is, fairly, arguably the "peace" president this cycle. The neocons united against him and united for his opponent, certainly doesn't disabuse this notion.

And that's how sad and fucked up our society has become. Good thing I voted for Kodos and can wipe my hands clean from this mess.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by quash »

Xyga wrote:It's less funny when you have actual Russian nuke-strike capable heavy bombers flying over European airspace.
Then why aren't you looking in to this for yourself instead of popping in with your worthless posturing?

What have you even contributed besides "le Nazis are le evil"?

If Europe is going to see a war in the near future, it's going to be because of politicians both in Europe and the US giving in to the demands of their owners. And here you are blaming it on the evil Nazis who weren't even on the radar until your hilariously corrupt government started to force immigration for the purpose of destabilizing your nation.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by supergrafx77 »

quash wrote:Or stop allowing hordes of immigrants that come to create large families.
I agree with Quash. And so did Bernie, before he stepped into the pandering game.... understandably since he had to go somewhat politically pc to counter the neolib Hillawhore establishment that controls mostly everything except for The Intercept and Julian Assange.
Bernie once said, "A country without Borders, is a Koch Brothers idea."
And that being said, the neoliberals benefit as much as the neoconservatives when it comes to cheap unregulated illegal immigrant work through contractors that exists since the immigration laws of the US are not enforced. I have more of a chance getting a $1000 fine for littering, chucking something out my car window (which I would never do), than hiring an illegal immigrant and servicing a multi-million dollar corporation through contracted services.
I grew up in the DC area, am working class, massive student loan debt w/out ever finishing college, never get a tax return due ongoing garnishments/seizure..., 20 year default on said loans when they were handing them out to me like candy.... like the FBI hands out Immunity deals to Hillary's goons.
Meanwhile, my neighborbood, full of fkn' illegals. Nice cars, anchor babies, learning trades: first for cheap labor, then owning their own businesses: hiring more illegals.
Shit, A car literally just drove past my house/window is open, español song booming.
Also meanwhile, legal immigrants and US citizen non skilled labor jobs if you can find them: Target/Best Buy/Home Depot.... Taco BELL

Trump is comparative to a Jabba the Hutt. While Hillary is to Palpatine. I'll go with the slug over Kissinger implant. Although basically the tackling of illegal immigration is the only thing I agree with.
We'll have an 8yr. term with Hillary as we did with Obama, who astonishingly, still gets a pass by the masses despite being the biggest turd of a President ever.
Susan Sarandon was right that Hillbots will use their sheepness to counter Trump if elected, initiating change sooner than a Halliburton/Hillary inception/Obama continuation .
Can't believe Hillary is winning this thread over. She truly is like TEFLON.
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