Brexit: Leave wins!

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Brexit vote: should the UK leave the EU or not?

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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Xyga »

Giest118 wrote:The most productive part of any debate is when someone claims that Islam has some harmful ideas
Who denies that ? Not me. All religions, political ideologies, or schools of thought that cross the limit of civilized behaviour and go savage mode calling for hate and violence are harmful.
Giest118 wrote:and people who are skeptical of this claim shout about racist sociopathic evil and shit.
I call racist sociopathic evil and shit when I see people spending their time flooding discussing with beyond the limit speech, and spamming 'islam is evil' everywhere is doing exactly that.
Giest118 wrote:The second most productive part of any debate is when someone expresses an idea that involves altruism and is called a leftist bleeding-heart cuckfag jew safe space feminazi.
Yeah altruism is bad, let's kill each other like real men, only those who survive are right.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Giest118 »

In case it wasn't clear, my preceding post was largely sarcastic.

Having said that, I'm not sure that "racist" is the word I would use to describe Bonus's rhetoric here. It seems more like he's just saying stuff using words and phrases that activate your racist alarm because normally, when you hear those words, they're coming from a racist. I'd be fascinated to see empirical data on how much legitimate discourse has been disregarded over the last few years for this same sort of reason.

For the sake of interesting discussion, let me see if I can mold Bonus's ideas here into a form that doesn't spark your racist alarm.

There are muslims who are currently integrated into Western society and can function in it and are all fine and dandy. I'll even apply the "fuck-it adjustment" and claim that this is the decisive majority. There are also muslims who want to enter Western countries and are willing to become integrated into Western society. However, check this out--AND FOLLOW ME ON THIS ONE, BECAUSE THIS IS HIGHLY COMPLEX--there are OTHER muslims who want to enter Western countries, but are not willing to integrate to Western values. These people are very likely to fuck some shit up, in some way or another. What do we call this third subset? Does this third subset exist? If so, how do we address this problem?

Or maybe I'm wildly off-base here and Bonus is a serial Muslim killer, I don't fuckin' know.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Xyga »

Giest118 wrote:There are muslims who are currently integrated into Western society and can function in it and are all fine and dandy. I'll even apply the "fuck-it adjustment" and claim that this is the decisive majority. There are also muslims who want to enter Western countries and are willing to become integrated into Western society. However, check this out--AND FOLLOW ME ON THIS ONE, BECAUSE THIS IS HIGHLY COMPLEX--there are OTHER muslims who want to enter Western countries, but are not willing to integrate to Western values.
Yes, yes and yes. What's complex about it, and what's new about it either ?
But you're forgetting something very important, I'll get there in a minute.
Giest118 wrote:These people are very likely to fuck some shit up, in some way or another. What do we call this third subset? Does this third subset exist? If so, how do we address this problem?
This. This is a good example of the problem whith people who seem to have just discovered minorities of people from islamic culture exist, and that islam is a also a complex world experiencing a long multi-layered crisis.

One of those, well, several layers within larger ones, concerns the 'diasporas' (rather fake ones). Nobody which I've heard or read going nuts over islam these past years ever tries to look closer at these communities to see what they are really made of, or they will only point at the worst aspects. For instance my country, which has an important muslim minority mostly of north-african origin, legacy of our colonial era, has most efficiently left them remain second class citizens, because of a lack of interest, housing policies and ordinary racism, simple as that, as for the common white folks of my happy cuntry, it's always been normal to give them only the shittiest jobs and give them racial slurs over and over, from school to the grave. And this kept going for generations until several social groups formed and solidified in total indifference from the majority and politics.
Oh there's always the 'well integrated friend' who will serve as the perfect excuse, you mention him like you say 'I eat kebap' like it's telling anything close to the way you feel about the whole matter.
The most important group being of the older generations and their kids become adults who mostly got into the idea that they had to live with the fact that they were not welcome and since it's too late to go back to their countries of origin, to stay firmly silent and quiet in society whatever the level of suffering.
Their kids however, too many of them unfortunately but expectely, turned bad, growing in that unacceptable environment.
Of course they hate us, they hate that country that doesn't want them, the thing is when society screams you're shit, you end up identifying as it and therefore why not give them hell back ?
It forms aggregates of crime and anger directed to that country and their people, gets worse and worse, and one day comes that marvelous outlet of fanatics calling them brothers and sisters who must fight the enemies: us. Why us ? Because isn't that fucking obvious ? Is this really about religion ? Fucking nope.
These terrorist who bombed paris several times these past years were that: french mostly, belgian, a fresher moroccan immigrant and one or two actually from the middle east who were probably the only two real 'imports' from the Syria-Iraq warzone who tagged along with the refugees to infiltrate our territory.

There are several shades of reality for these people, they were born here in that unwelcoming ghetto, traveled to syria and came back ready to kill.
Among those who do that you'll find all kinds of things happened before that showed there were serious problems here to begin, the fact that they live in the same shitty suburbs but their families are form several different countries of origin, their parents or relatives don't necessarily have the same religious obedience and don't pray in the same mosque, there are serious ethnic feuds, and the kids often don't give a crap about any of that only trying to play the gangsta crap to try and escape, to feel they exist in the western world, in their eyes it's their only way to do the same things we do. Well several of these terrorist were more the latter than anything else, but the hatred was probably there growing inside since their teens without anyone really being aware.

Some will ask: after decades of failed integration, did they do anything to try and better adapt ? they didn't make much effort to integrate apparently, but why would they bother now in our day and age since they know it's pointless ? They're completely crushed, whithin the community, family, school, social life, anywhere.
So of course yes, if you just look globaly and think 'they completely closed themselves so they have a big responsablility over that situation' you can say it's true, but again the responibility is shared, as we also never wanted their reality to be part of ours.
Since as long as I remember news and politics have been instrumentalizing them and those who turned to crime or fanaticism, the faux-news way showing the worst of them every day on tv, especially in times of elections.
Another dramatically inadapted group is that of the newer immigrants who don't even speak the language and actually have no fucking clear idea of the situation here in Europe, they know nothing, and just heard the stupid things about easier lives from relatives etc, so they come, hardly adapt to anything and find themselves in a deadlock while even though they are more or less efficiently handled by the welfare system, they don't actually have exactly sweet lives, it's more like purgatory.
But did they come to fuck things up ? You'd have to prove that, the obvious is they came because they're fleeing poverty, but can you really blame their basic shitty ignorance ?
When I travelled to China I've met mostly people who knew only fucking nothing but fantasy bullshit about Europe, and you know what ? we foreigners arriving there in China also know fucking nothing about their country and we look like clumsy fools, even though they're too polite to tell them to our face.

The muslims in those european ghettos are often completely divided, misearable, hated, and those few who couldn't live with that anymore developed murderous intentions, went underground, and they've found a compatible ideology coming from the middle east echoing with their rage (countries which we happen to fuck up and bomb regularily by the way).

We alone certainly didn't do everything to make the situation that bad, but we contributed to it, and what's our answer? "it's all their fault, they're evil and we must reject them even harder"
Wait, isn't that exactly the same way of thinking as those terror madmen ? "Destroy the evil people!" whatever label and whatever side, it's the same.
If something has to be done in Europe with muslims or assimilated minorities where integration has failed, it is certainly not to call to vote far-right and ostracize them even further, spewing our hate of islam, of their so-called communities as a whole since we pretty much identify them all as being it, because it's an easy label and we've all seen the evil fanatics on tv.
Solving this is a fucking huge difficult work for every party, and no one, no country where it's a thing, really wants to do the effort, because it's a cringey mix of affirmative action, control, repression and education on every side, and more importantly tons of fucking money.
It means assuming the mess we and them together have created and let rot on site, and solve things the civilized way.
But of course it's easier to keep on dehumanizing them, vote to deport and eventually kill, isn't it ? Why not ? Who fucking feels anything seeing more drowning on the news ? In my cuntry people are much more moved by the strikes and the Euro matches.
No one gives a fuck, or wait, they are still the voices to tell there are too many blacks and arabs in my team, every time, because it matters, right ?
And of course that's not racist.

And talking about refugees It's even worse to group them together with the already long-installed muslim minorities and once again stick the fat 'islam' label on them, because it is yet another problem, they're not the same people, they arrive under completely different curcumstances, the problem is mostly not the refugees themselves but those who fucking pushed them to flee here.
Our real enemies knew the european people would freak out seeing more of those people they would directly assimilate to those already problematic minorities they've had at home for decades, and worse: to the terrorists as well.
And sending the refugees back means death to potentially masses of them.

So go on far-righties, keep on spamming "islam is evil!", saying they all want to destroy Europe (like they could lol, a few millions up against over 600, even over 700 if you include Russia, but yeah we all know they hide nukes in their djellabas!) keep on calling for your so desired clash of civilisations and keep on playing offended and be absolute hypocrytes when people call you racist because this is what campaining with ridiculous fallacies and fanatical claims of apocalypse exactly is, funnily mimicking the methods of your archenemies.

I'm tired of thouse loud far-right nutsos, they're worse than the SJW plague because they're trying to trigger some of the most horrible kind of historical events again. If only we could drop them all over Syria, they could do what they want the most and their terror brothers-in-life-philosophy would also enjoy the party.
But I bet they're waiting their political leaders to come to power in their respective countries, and after the EU's collapse, the discriminatory laws to be passed, so they can finally wipe them all out of Europe without risking their personal asses too much.

I'll telll you, with that fucking crisis and ever-increasing unenployment and life getting harder and harder, the number of my people living under the standards of poverty, actually increasing cancer, sucides, and all the gloomy things that happen to a cuntry that's falling apart with its people under more and more pressure and stress, the terrorists actually rank extremely low as mass murderers. And muslims if we have to talk about them as a whole and their role into this, have massively contributed to...nothing. They're the same as ever, closed off in their shitty suburbs and gloom, and the ones gone mad and got into that ISIS and terror thing still only represent a minuscule portion of them (yet we're only seeing them of course).
But there are probably people to think it's again the minorities sucking out all the welfare aid at the expense of the 'rightful' locals, when - the thing racists hate to hear - even though they have the highest uneployment rate, they are enough working jobs to actually contribute to society and make up for the welfare costs.
The tax evasion and tax pressure game to compensate to name only one of our structural problems, put immensely more pressure on us than that minority.
Though again people will always find excuses for businesses and individuals who every year avoid paying billions and billions they owe the country, thanks to tax havens, but not a single one to tolerate that those shitty arabs don't produce more to pay the bills.

Anyway, why the fuck did I write all that ? I've wasted some spleeping time I really need, and it's useless anyway.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by GaijinPunch »

Bonus! wrote:
GaijinPunch wrote: Cool -- so we now have the quote to back up your racism.
Sure, if stating facts makes me a racist then so be it. But what is the appropriate term for people who would make such a hasty conclusion?
You're condemning all of a race based on what some of them do. Even if it's a majority, it's racism.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by BryanM »

Anders Breivik proves you can't trust white people.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by BryanM »

Extremist white culture is killing our babies.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by BryanM »

PSX Vita isn't as popular as it ought to be.

... because of white people leeching away all our luxury money through welfare. Lazy thieves.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Giest118 »

Xyga wrote:...
For what it's worth, I don't think your post is useless. There's stuff worth remembering in there. Thanks broseph. :)
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Bonus! »

Wait, Xyga, so in essence you are saying that muzzies have the right to blow shit up because we don't give them enough money? GTFO.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Bonus! »

GaijinPunch wrote: You're condemning all of a race based on what some of them do. Even if it's a majority, it's racism.
So the good old cuck strategy is to just bend over even if a minority or majority of "others" cause trouble, to put it mildly? And all that because pointing out that there is a terrorist minority would make you a "racist"? I can't believe what I'm reading.

EDIT: I should stress again that I am not condemning an entire race. Besides, "muslimism" isn't a race. That being said, I am aware of the fact that even though not all muslims are terrorists, is is unfortunately a fact that the vast majority of terrorist attacks in recent history haven been perpetrated by muslims. In that regard, they do a lot worse than, say, Buddhists. As a consequence, when it comes to using violence and terror, muslims have a rather negative image. Stating that there is a difference between different religions in that regard, however, does not make me a racist. It is a simple fact.
Last edited by Bonus! on Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Immryr »

bonus, if you like we can just start holding you accountable for all crimes committed by white people, all petty criminals, all "career" unemployed people who make no effort to integrate themselves into the world of work and benefitting society, all paedophiles, rapists, mass murderers....etc

this idea that if a white person shoots a bunch of people, or bombs somewhere or does some other awful deed he is just a "lone wolf" with a history of mental illness, but when a "brown person" commits a crime it's because he's a muslim is a deep rooted and insidious idea.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Bananamatic »

then why doesn't america take them in instead of europe if they bombed the shit out of those countries
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Bonus! »

Immryr wrote:this idea that if a white person shoots a bunch of people, or bombs somewhere or does some other awful deed he is just a "lone wolf" with a history of mental illness, but when a "brown person" commits a crime it's because he's a muslim is a deep rooted and insidious idea.
What am I reading? How many white non-muslim people have recently blown shit up as opposed to muslims. Furthermore, there has been a string of terrorist events and crimes committed by Muslims --- just look up recent events in the US or Germany --- where the authorities claimed that Mr. Muslim has been "confused" or "psychologically ill". Thus, the exact opposite of what you claim is true is actually true. This is quite like when people fantasize about violence of whites against blacks, conveniently leaving out that the vast majority of cases of violence against blacks is caused by blacks themselves.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by CStarFlare »

Bonus! wrote:cuck
there's that word again
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by endoKarb »

Bananamatic wrote:then why doesn't america take them in instead of europe if they bombed the shit out of those countries
can we do this please
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Icarus »

Giest118 wrote:leftist bleeding-heart cuckfag jew safe space feminazi.
Bonus! wrote:So the good old cuck strategy ...
So earlier in this thread (page 1), system11b banned someone for two days for using this word, as well as issuing a warning to others about it.
It is only fair you two get the same treatment.

Two mods and an admin have issued warnings in this thread now, and it is getting tiresome. As interesting as the topic is, keep the discussion civil please. And we'll have less of this stupid word being used, thank you.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by ChurchOfSolipsism »

Icarus wrote:
Giest118 wrote:leftist bleeding-heart cuckfag jew safe space feminazi.
Bonus! wrote:So the good old cuck strategy ...
So earlier in this thread (page 1), system11b banned someone for two days for using this word, as well as issuing a warning to others about it.
It is only fair you two get the same treatment.

Two mods and an admin have issued warnings in this thread now, and it is getting tiresome. As interesting as the topic is, keep the discussion civil please. And we'll have less of this stupid word being used, thank you.
So you can't even use a certain word when you're not applying it to anyone in particular? If so, that's ridiculous.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by BryanM »

It is an incredibly stupid word. Its entire reason to exist is to express contempt for some group of people, like "fag" or "cunt" or the n word. It doesn't add anything as said contempt is already explicit by the surrounding text anyway. Which makes it something like a Garfield cartoon or how Dexter's ghost dad says things you can read with your eyes - needlessly redundant.

Besides being a red flag for how much time the speaker thinks about the penises of other men (all of their free time, just about) it's offensive to basic linguistic taste. It's a word that is less precise than words that already exist - what is this "cuck", exactly? Is it the cucker, the cuckee, or the cuckold? What the hell are they trying to say? Are they like a baby that doesn't know how to talk and can't reach two syllables with the words they use yet? Two miserable, tiny syllables?

I have a very good brain.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Icarus »

ChurchOfSolipsism wrote:So you can't even use a certain word when you're not applying it to anyone in particular? If so, that's ridiculous.
If you're unable to create reasoned debate without resorting to contemptuous, derogatory language, then maybe you shouldn't be involving yourself in the debate at all.
The law was laid down very early in this thread, and will be upheld.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by MintyTheCat »

Xyga wrote:
Bonus! wrote:Minty,

foreign-born residents of Sweden and second-gerneration immigrants have a very low participation in the labor force. Consequently, they are dramatically overrepresented among welfare recipients. That group of people is also leading league tables in terms of crimes committed, incarcerations and so on. Of course, someone who is unable to think in anything but absolutes is not able to acknowledge this reality because as long as there is "one good muslim", they are all good.
Putting aside mine and Minty's flowery exchanges from before, he's just stating flat-out simple and right, what your ideological orientation is. You've made it clear and with regularity.
I said I wouldn't get back into the conversation but you just stepped on my foot with all your crap, but talking about you and people who think like you is actually very relevant since it's all part of the problem, because we can't deny people like that Bonus! weighted significantly in the 'leave' vote.
Can't say exactly how many of course, we'll never know for sure, and probably not all so extreme in their reasoning, but they exist and they are lot in the UK just like everywhere else in the world today, just please anyone; don't play the deaf-blind and deny it, humanity is leaning to that far dark side in so many places not seeing it is like missing an elephant in a tunnel.
Oh you can say I'm exaggerating as much as you want, I see and hear what I fucking see and hear, like I said they hardly hide their feelings and criminal views anymore.
To be honest I am bloody glad I am not the only person reading Bonus! in this fashion; he clearly has hate written all over him and I'll bet my bottom dollar he lives in northern Sweden - I bet.

I never thought I'd say it but "thank you for backing me up, Xyga!" - all is very much so forgiven ;)
Bonus! wrote:
GaijinPunch wrote: Cool -- so we now have the quote to back up your racism.
Sure, if stating facts makes me a racist then so be it. But what is the appropriate term for people who would make such a hasty conclusion?
Stating 'facts' - aha. I bet you are a bacon, egg, white string vest, missionary position only, kind of boring chap, Bonus! You spend far too much time on this thread spewing hate. If we were to start 'stating facts' I wonder how long it would take before the Mods came in to tell us all off for 'stating facts' about how you handle yourself and the vile impressions that you give to - what was it now - the UK, Germany, Muslims, etc.
Immryr wrote:bonus, if you like we can just start holding you accountable for all crimes committed by white people, all petty criminals, all "career" unemployed people who make no effort to integrate themselves into the world of work and benefitting society, all paedophiles, rapists, mass murderers....etc

this idea that if a white person shoots a bunch of people, or bombs somewhere or does some other awful deed he is just a "lone wolf" with a history of mental illness, but when a "brown person" commits a crime it's because he's a muslim is a deep rooted and insidious idea.
Yes, exactly; let's get it over and done with and make 'simple' for our man Bonus! by just throwing "everyone" into the general category of being "bad people".

When I was a kid I used to 'see the world in black & white' - "yes & no", etc. However, and this comes from someone who comes from an analytical background who 'wants' (no NEEEEDDDDSSSS...) the world to fit simple mathematical models: You miss out on life and what makes life interesting.

Here's a question for you, Bonus! Is BDSM 'bad' or is it 'good' using your way of thinking? It is worse or better if one of your fabled, evil Immigrants/etc. is the submissive or the dominant during BDSM sessions? And there you will start to find some answers.

Edit:just to add for Bonus!'s benefit Wikipedia page written in Swedish to help him perhaps for the first time look into a subject that he may not have beknown to thus far in his life:

And just for you I have added a poll that asks "is BDSM good or bad"? But let's see how you get on, Bonus!

Let's have some answers to this type of question, Bonus! and I'll get my books out on Jungian Psychology and wait desperately for you to answer 'WITHOUT' you resorting to having a go at Muslims/Immigrants/Gays/Lefties/.../most of the Human race....

See it as a 'challenge' and consider yourself thereby 'challenged' - sorry ;)
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by GaijinPunch »

Bonus! wrote: I can't believe what I'm reading.
That sounds about right.
EDIT: I should stress again that I am not condemning an entire race.
This reminds me of the old Fighter17 days. Simpler times... oh how I miss them.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Xyga »

Bonus! wrote:Wait, Xyga, so in essence you are saying that muzzies have the right to blow shit up because we don't give them enough money? GTFO.
You didn't get shit, with all your dishonest and ridiculously twisted and exaggeragted reactions you're only showing your judgement is clouded by your racism and the far-right rethoric.
You're so obvious none of the pitiful attempts at clearing yourself of any actual racist intent are laughable.
Exactly the kind of individual who believes he's a smart modern political hipster going to pegida-kind of group meetings, while he's actually the PC version of a neo-fascist racist who only contributes to make our world shittier and dumber than it already is.
Those you channel your hatred at are exacly like you, only standing on a different ground, extremists VS extremists, with people like you and them everywhere and growing in numbers like it's unstoppable, we have no future.

EDIT: unrelated but on-topic and truly bwahahahaha
The richest in the world are losing craptons of money, it probably won't challenge their status and instead will certainly mean consequences for the workers as always, but at least for a little while it's their turn to weep and crap their pants.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Ed Oscuro »

GaijinPunch wrote:This reminds me of the old Fighter17 days. Simpler times... oh how I miss them.
So true, so true.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Obscura »

"I hate the 1%! The 1% are telling me that Britain needs to stay in the EU because the 1% are losing billions of dollars! Therefore, it's horrible for Britain to leave the EU!"

-- the liberal case for staying in a nutshell.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Immryr »

Obscura wrote:"I hate the 1%! The 1% are telling me that Britain needs to stay in the EU because the 1% are losing billions of dollars! Therefore, it's horrible for Britain to leave the EU!"

-- the liberal case for staying in a nutshell.
well the eu vote was very much a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for anyone with left leaning politics. the eu is responsible for many of our laws for workers rights, environmental reform etc etc etc, but at the same time is a bastion for deplorable neo liberal policy. leaving now would also mean having one of the most useless, right wing, tory governments negotiating the break up..... not ideal....
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Burningvigor »

Why does the Prime Minister have to leave because Brits voted to get out of the EU? Or is it more like he's quitting because he's mad at the results?
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Immryr »

he didn't have to leave. he chose to. there are two schools of thought on why he did it.

#1 since he backed the stay campaign and it lost he is the wrong person to lead the country through the exit negotiations etc

#2 he knows that even though it won, leaving the eu is a total poisoned chalice and by leaving now he will fuck over whichever schmuck gets voted in after him.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Mortificator »

Icarus wrote:And we'll have less of this stupid word being used, thank you.
No one past elementary school should be crying over a goofy meaningless word.
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Immryr »

Well, in a big surprise to no one, the UN has released a damning report saying the Tory's austerity policies since 2009 are in breach of international human rights. ... 00287.html

If only people could see that this is the cause of our country's problems, not the EU, not immigrants....
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Re: Brexit: Leave wins!

Post by Durandal »

Mortificator wrote:
Icarus wrote:And we'll have less of this stupid word being used, thank you.
No one past elementary school should be crying over a goofy meaningless word.
It's not the definition of the word, it's rather that the word itself is an overused meme which often ruins the tone of the conversation and often shows that the user is incapable of thinking on their own by being incredibly mentally susceptible to the internet equivalent of a common cold. Nobody wants to sift through dozens of posts of THIS IS SPARTAAAAA and arrow to the knee either. It's about showing some respect to the people around you.

Live a life of free will and independent thought, live a life without memes.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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