More on DVDO and OSSC: if you have this make sure to disable both Cadence Detection and HDCP before testing, both give sync issues. I know most people here will disable them eventually anyway, but they might try to test with them on thinking them to be harmless.
Just wasted an hour before I figured I had sync issues because I left Cadence Detection on on the OSSC input.
On OSSC's 480i bob deinterlace: I think it looks fine on stuff that's in motion, horrible on static 2D UI elements. Personally not ever going to use it and can't wait for 480i passthrough (so I can get rid of my dedicated PS2 transcoder).
Not sure how useful going "this doesn't have XRGB-mini bug X" is, the default assumption should be that an entirely different product shouldn't share the same software bugs, more important to mention if they have any bugs in common.
Blizz wrote:
There's not a huge difference between the LL and ULL version, so it's not a big problem. I believe the OSSC couldn't sync to the ULL version.
Are you sure? What does the OSSC LED and LCD display say when running the ULL version? I want to try this soon, if I can just get Codejunkies to send the right product (they sent me the wrong region SD media launcher disc).