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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

I want somebody to form a party called the "Not Shit" party. Their entire platform is based on not being heaping piles of steaming shit.

They have one policy: "Don't be shit."
They have one directive: "Do the thing that is least shitty."
They have one candidate: "The guy who's not complete fucking shit."

I'd vote for them.
The colonel will try (and fail) to eliminate political bribery and systematic slavery (for-profit prisons), while at the same time promising everyone a free bucket of fried chicken.

The current system is based on how many billionaires and millionaires you know. And who knows more millionaires than lawyers? This one issue the single most important one, by far.
BulletMagnet wrote:The John Galt fantasy
It's been pointed out that Atlas Shrugged is an end of times power/death fetish fantasy that's basically identical to the end of times christian mythology that doesn't exist anywhere in the bible but does exist in the fevered mind of crazy people. Jesus comes down to save the worthy, while the foolish are all murdered horribly, then the chosen ones get to live forever in paradise.
you guys saying it's all the same under a democrat or a republican have taken way too many loads to the eyes.
Agreed. Obama has done 40 to 60% of what he said he'd do, which is incredible considering congress is opposed to everything he does, and he can end the careers of republicans by merely hugging them. He shouldn't even be able to plow his wife without getting filibustered.

If a single person thinks we'd have this peace deal with Iran with team red at the helm, you're out of your mind.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Domino »

My biggest problem with some of the people running on the Democrat ticket is that they preach income equality and against big banks. Yet most of them are rich beyond belief, elitist pricks, and dumbfucks. The biggest shame out of the whole Democrat party is they are not pushing Bernie Sanders enough. Bernie Sanders is not full of shit period, and he is willing to say what is on his mind with no BS (The Socialist word OMG we are ALL GOING TO DIE, universal healthcare, free college education) and he does what he preach. Also he isn't elitist, and not full of money. I just think it is a shame that he has to run on the Democrat ticket to get more people to notice him.

While I don't vote Democrat in general since I don't agree with most of the political party believes/policies (most of them conflicts with my libertarian beliefs), if the Libertarian/Republican parties has shit candidates and Sanders get the nomination, I would actually vote for Sanders (even if I don't agree with about half the issues Sanders is for).
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Oh shit guys I just thought of something.

Trumps running mate: His daughter. She'll be 34 next year.

You heard it here first guys. Think about it think about it think about it.
Domino wrote:if the Libertarian/Republican parties has shit candidates and Sanders get the nomination, I would actually vote for Sanders (even if I don't agree with about half the issues Sanders is for).
It would really, really help us if you'd vote for him in the primary. You might have to change your affiliation in the voter registration to do so depending on your state, which is something many states will lock you out of doing come January until the election.

The general election is the Democrat's to lose in 2016. Their nominee is the winner, as long as we don't have another crash or they kick a baby in the balls or something.

And yeah, stuff like letting corporations sue a country for lost profits they feel entitled to under the TTP is ridiculous.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Domino »

BryanM wrote:It would really, really help us if you'd vote for him in the primary. You might have to change your affiliation in the voter registration to do so depending on your state, which is something many states will lock you out of doing come January until the election.

The general election is the Democrat's to lose in 2016. Their nominee is the winner, as long as we don't have another crash or they kick a baby in the balls or something.
I don't believe in helping "us," I only vote for the individuals who I believe would do the best job. In Florida you have to be a Democrat or a Republican to vote in their primaries (no Independents allowed). Because my viewpoint is all over the vote I am a NPA (No Party Affiliated). This for one cuts down on the junk mail I get from all political parties and two I like to think for myself without no party trying to influence my decision. The current system we have in FL is pretty dumb but I will refuse to sign up for a political party just to get in their primary.

Keep in mind if Sanders doesn't get the nomination I will not vote for the Democrat nominee for President.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Mischief Maker »

Domino wrote:I don't believe in helping "us," I only vote for the individuals who I believe would do the best job. In Florida you have to be a Democrat or a Republican to vote in their primaries (no Independents allowed). Because my viewpoint is all over the vote I am a NPA (No Party Affiliated). This for one cuts down on the junk mail I get from all political parties and two I like to think for myself without no party trying to influence my decision. The current system we have in FL is pretty dumb but I will refuse to sign up for a political party just to get in their primary.

Keep in mind if Sanders doesn't get the nomination I will not vote for the Democrat nominee for President.
Wise decision. After all, when you die and Anubis weighs your heart against the feather of Ma'at, the sin of party affiliation would cause your heart to outweigh the scales and your soul would be devoured by Ammit!

Too bad your ideological purity won't make a lick of difference in the world of the living.

They say 5000 children die every day from lack of access to clean drinking water, but that's nothing compared to the agony of pulling junk mail out of your mailbox then dropping it into the trash.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Domino »

Mischief Maker wrote:Wise decision. After all, when you die and Anubis weighs your heart against the feather of Ma'at, the sin of party affiliation would cause your heart to outweigh the scales and your soul would be devoured by Ammit!

Too bad your ideological purity won't make a lick of difference in the world of the living.

They say 5000 children die every day from lack of access to clean drinking water, but that's nothing compared to the agony of pulling junk mail out of your mailbox then dropping it into the trash.
Look of all the trees we are cutting down to spam people with mail they don't want to read. :roll:

Party affiliation is overrated, let me think with my brain and vote for the best guy regardless if they have a R or D or whatever. While both major political parties are mostly worthless, they are some few really good people in both sides that deserve my vote.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Domino wrote:I don't believe in helping "us"
The object that pronoun refers to is the human species. I know english can be vague. Other languages have explicitly inclusive or exclusive versions of that pronoun. And I know many libertarians don't buy into such collectivism type ideology.
Party affiliation is overrated, let me think with my brain and vote for the best guy regardless if they have a R or D or whatever.
On 27 August 2015, not voting in the democratic primary is 70% of a vote for Hillary. Trump seems to have his primary locked up. These can shift a little. If the colonel starts doing crazy well when the debates fire up, it can shift to only being half a Hillary vote.

What probably won't change is your vote in the general doesn't mean anything. They didn't need Florida in 2012, and it's unlikely to decide it in 2016. Primary voting is the absolute most important vote anyone can have - it's proportional so it actually matters no matter what state a person is in. The GOP didn't get to the point of wanting to cleanse the country of all non-whites by accident or general election.

If you want to vote for Hillary or keep your heart lighter than Anubis's feather or just not go through the pain in the ass the hour or two to do it would take, that's fine.

It was only a suggestion and a request <(0_o<
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by cj iwakura »

The thought of this man in charge of a country actively terrifies me. Does he even have any political experience?

Isn't that a prerequisite?
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Greg Stillson from Stephen King's "Dead Zone" is what I immediately think of when people like Donald Trump come to mind.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BPzeBanshee »

Preaching to the choir here but take Australia's last election as an example and don't vote that idiot in. He'll ruin everything.

At least your far-right candidate doesn't eat raw onions whole.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BulletMagnet »

cj iwakura wrote:The thought of this man in charge of a country actively terrifies me. Does he even have any political experience?

Isn't that a prerequisite?
Not if the corporate media sees fit to brand you a "maverick" or some such tripe; then they get to pooh-pooh your more experienced opponents as "lifelong insiders".
At least your far-right candidate doesn't eat raw onions whole.
Ours prefer to devour the middle class.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

cj iwakura wrote:The thought of this man in charge of a country actively terrifies me. Does he even have any political experience?

Isn't that a prerequisite?
Tests for holding office would be against the whole everyone's created equal deal. Requiring the person be at least 35 or human is already pushing it imo.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Satan »

BryanM wrote:Obama has done 40 to 60% of what he said he'd do.
Please provide more detail. Avoid mainstream sources and side 'issues' where possible thx.

and another...
"A bleeding heart welcomes the sharks."
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Satan wrote:
Ed Oscuro wrote:
GaijinPunch wrote:you guys saying it's all the same under a democrat or a republican have taken way too many loads to the eyes. do any of you remember living under a reagan or bush?
They seem to be mostly in the I guess Maggie's loads then?

*cue Spitting Image skit*

The Crisis of Democracy and the Manufacture of Consent.
But look at the source. Even if marginalized, Benn, Skinner, Galloway, etc. did / are doing their damndest to keep that going.

But I'll not argue that there is a tendency of politicians to become "reasonable," but on the other hand if the people are saying "we don't want what your party offers" then they must shift. In many times this won't be a shift to the extremes.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Satan wrote:Aside
Who the hell was smoking crack? The man said he'd continue the war in Afghanistan, he surged, he pulled back a little, then ran on pulling troops out in his second election campaign, which he claims will happen in 2016. We'll definitely still be killing people with our murder robots and have d00ds coordinating with the UN to "assist" the Afghan military for decades to come.

If someone listened to him speak the words "Afghanistan war. Gonna stay in." and chose to hear "We're gonna withdraw our military and send in elementary school girls with flowers and rebuild the tribal war torn region with cuteness and moxy" instead... they're definitely someone who's been drinking paint or battery acid.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

As an aside, our murder robots would be way better if we could mount larger scopes on them. Physics can be a real pain in the ass - you want these guys to be as small as possible to be efficient, but you need to collect more light to be able to see anything.

Our ground-based murder robots should be way better. When they come around.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Mischief Maker »

Domino wrote:Look of all the trees we are cutting down to spam people with mail they don't want to read. :roll:
The Scene: A logging operation in the Amazon Rainforest. Two loggers are standing next to an enormous tree and Logger 2 is pulling the cord on his chainsaw.

Logger 1: Dude! Don't cut that tree down entirely!

Logger 2: What do you mean?

Logger 1: There's a guy in Florida who isn't voting in the primaries, so we don't need the paper to print a brochure and mail it to his house. Just cut down 99.99999% of the tree.

Logger 2: Why isn't he voting in the primary? Doesn't he like any of the candidates?

Logger 1: No, he actually likes Bernie Sanders.

Logger 2: So why doesn't he vote for him?

Logger 1: Because, silly, that would require him to register as a Democrat and invite all manner of inconvenience to his life.

Logger 2: Like what?

Logger 1: Like getting the brochures in the mail that we're clear-cutting this rainforest to print!

Logger 2: Huh. I guess that's a smart move, it's not like voting for the candidate he prefers would actually improve that candidate's chances of getting the nomination.

Logger 1: Yeah! Even if Sanders failed to get the nomination, it's not like a significant chunk of the primary voters throwing their support behind him would influence Clinton's campaign.

Logger 2: Of course not! Politicians are notorious for being swayed by telephone polls because those numbers could translate into votes. It's not like actual votes would send a stronger message.

Logger 1: Besides, it wouldn't make any difference at all because as everyone knows...

Both: "They're all the same!"

Logger 2: That's right. It's not like all the supreme court justices nominated by Bush senior and junior have voted on strict party lines.

Logger 1: Of course not! The voting rights act is gutted, employers have the constitutional right to interfere with their female employees' sex lives, and corporate bribery is now considered protected free speech, but Gays now have the symbolic victory of marriage rights.

Logger 2: Yes, besides, registering with a political party for the sake of a single primary is a lifetime commitment that prevents you from ever voting for a candidate of another party ever again.

Logger 1: Of course! In an age of rampant gerrymandering, voter id laws, and falsely accusing minorities of being felons at the polls, why would anyone attempt to "game" the system to support their views?

Logger 2: Anyhow, voting can take upwards of half an hour of your valuable time, and it's not like someone who posts on a shmup enthusiast forum has any time of their hands.

Logger 1: Indeed. I'm sure people languishing in political prisons all over the world for fighting for democracy would appreciate the thought of him sitting on his couch in his underwear watching "Big Bang Theory" while the polls are open.

Logger 2: It's like the two important messages from the movie "They Live:"


Logger 1: Anyhow, back to the deforestation. Remember to only chop down 99.99999% of this tree.

Logger 2: Sure thing. I'll just leave a really tall toothpick in the middle of a stump. That's what Democracy looks like!
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Okay. Being annoyed that they're not polling head to heads, I wrote a program to simulate the primary off of PPP's datasets. From July, when Trump was in a slump, we have:


Output is Bush, Trump and Undecided vote% respectively.

It can be used to estimate any arbitrary election, so if you have a matchup you want to get some numbers on, I can run them in like 2 seconds, no prob.
Mischief Maker wrote:Logger 1: Indeed. I'm sure people languishing in political prisons all over the world for fighting for democracy would appreciate the thought of him sitting on his couch in his underwear watching "Big Bang Theory" while the polls are open.
Hey now, hey. That one was a little too harsh. I'm sure none of us watch the BBT.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Speaking of polling...The idiot establishment is incredibly out of touch. Here's from NPR earlier:

David Brooks: Jeb Bush has no negatives from his brother. Instead, he was a great manager and did really well with his own hurricanes. If anything, he has a positive because he talks about charter schools so much, and charter schools in New Orleans are doing really well, and even pointing the way towards the future.

The question was simply whether George Bush has any negatives from his brother. EJ Dionne, Brooks' liberal counterpart for political chats, didn't tackle Brooks head-on but he basically said what needed to be said - Bush is seen as weak and boring, and hasn't taken advantage of Trump's personality to make himself stand out more. Instead he, and the entire Republican establishment, has let Trump run the show.

Sure, it's just another non-sequitir from David Brooks being a partisan hack pretending to talk about street wisdom. Perhaps David Brooks seems to think that NPR listeners are going to eat up his storyline and that's going to change the election. That, or he's really that far out of touch and the thoughtful liberal show host has learned not to push the issue.

I didn't realize it going in, but where is this supposed core of Democrats who are listening to far left loonies? Sanders isn't what you'd call far left. A socialist isn't what I'd call far left, really. But what would you call Trump if not right-wing, especially with the nationalist rhetoric?
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Mischief Maker »

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Ed Oscuro »

For some better numbers, it turns out EJ Dionne put out a piece and guesses that Trump followers are about 11% of Americans, currently. Just as importantly, his negatives - and people who say they'd never vote for him - are the highest amongst all the candidates.

Jeb turns out to be a real character too. He's been asked what he'd do for black people, and responded "probably nothing." Then he tried to walk back those comments. He has goony things like his pa and brother, but he also tends to say what he's really thinking before realizing what he's actually said.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Ed Oscuro wrote:David Brooks
Argh, this guy. This guy. He's the kind of Republican I hate the most. Rubio, Paul Ryan etc are other examples. They act like they're using reason and intellect to come to their conclusions, but their logic is so tortured and obviously false. I've lost count of the times I've seen David in the 2000's appearing on the News Hour, doing his damnest to defend the indefensible. At what point does he throw his hands up and say "I can't defend this shit any more. I'm a democrat/independent now." <- That happens time to time, but it should be happening en masse these days to anyone who isn't an empty puppet, right?

Give me a Buchanan, a Huckabee, or Ron Paul any day of the week. At least you can believe that they believe what they're saying. Pat going "I am on the wrong side of history" as he goes on about racially homogenous nations being more united in purpose or whatever rationalization they use to justify their policies of cleansing.
The question was simply whether Jeb! Bush has any negatives from his brother.
Yeah, Jebster has plenty of negatives on his own. His support of ACE Schools, which are basically cult schools where child abuse happens, is more than enough for anyone to know he's a monster.
I didn't realize it going in, but where is this supposed core of Democrats who are listening to far left loonies? Sanders isn't what you'd call far left.
The closet I've come to finding moon bat news sources is The Big Picture RT. They're anti-nuclear, they give Helen Caldicott (an insane nutjob who wants us to abolish electricity and have us wipe our asses with acorns basically) a megaphone, probably anti-vax, and more open to conspiracies.

I'm sure there's more of that stuff out there, but the mainstream stuff like the Young Turks, VICE, and Jesse Ventura's show are almost completely rational. And VICE is probably the closest thing to real journalism we have - they sent people to walk around in the nation of ISIS for crying out loud.

40 years of white power propaganda has left us with:

Clinton: 1980's republican
Sanders: 1950's republican
GOP: 1800's democrat

Maybe they've gone as far as they can. We can hope, I guess..
For some better numbers, it turns out EJ Dionne put out a piece and guesses that Trump followers are about 11% of Americans, currently. Just as importantly, his negatives - and people who say they'd never vote for him - are the highest amongst all the candidates.
He's doing really well in the head to heads against the democrats where it counts, Florida and such. And again, GOP primary voters are a cut of a different cloth.

Console yourself with the fact Hitler had a ceiling of a little less than 20% of his population's support. They made it through ok, so I guess we'll be fine.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Skykid »

BulletMagnet wrote:
At least your far-right candidate doesn't eat raw onions whole.
Ours prefer to devour the middle class.
Ha ha!
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by cj iwakura »

It is a sad state of affairs when Jeb is probably the least offensive candidate. Already had to deal with that moron as a governor for too long. That 10/20/Life stupidity was his doing.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Mischief Maker »

Well if there's one pure positive to come out of Trump's campaign, it's that he brought Bloom County back from the dead!
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Domino »

cj iwakura wrote:It is a sad state of affairs when Jeb is probably the least offensive candidate. Already had to deal with that moron as a governor for too long. That 10/20/Life stupidity was his doing.
Can you go more on your opinion on this? I never heard another Floridian discuss their opinion on this before so you would be the first.
BryanM wrote:The object that pronoun refers to is the human species. I know english can be vague. Other languages have explicitly inclusive or exclusive versions of that pronoun. And I know many libertarians don't buy into such collectivism type ideology.
Guilty as charge for me. I don't believe in collectivism ideology at all. Then again if you know me on a personal level I don't like doing things in groups but always on his own. Interesting how your personal behaviors shape your opinions on life.
On 27 August 2015, not voting in the democratic primary is 70% of a vote for Hillary. Trump seems to have his primary locked up. These can shift a little. If the colonel starts doing crazy well when the debates fire up, it can shift to only being half a Hillary vote.
I wouldn't be too sure on Trump, between now and the primaries anything can happen.
What probably won't change is your vote in the general doesn't mean anything. They didn't need Florida in 2012, and it's unlikely to decide it in 2016. Primary voting is the absolute most important vote anyone can have - it's proportional so it actually matters no matter what state a person is in. The GOP didn't get to the point of wanting to cleanse the country of all non-whites by accident or general election.

If you want to vote for Hillary or keep your heart lighter than Anubis's feather or just not go through the pain in the ass the hour or two to do it would take, that's fine.

It was only a suggestion and a request <(0_o<

I got your request so here is a manhug. :wink:

I agree with the primary belief and also believe the FL primary system is pretty lame. However I still keep my No Party Affiliated status. Going back to my logic that I think more on an individual level and don't like to be tie down to a group too much. However, some groups are worth joining (Credit Unions > Banks all day every day).

But I have one thing to say:
The GOP didn't get to the point of wanting to cleanse the country of all non-whites by accident or general election.
I dunno why but that came across as racist to me. :? Considering I know Republicans who happen to be non-white (Blacks, Asians, New Immigrants who were granted their citizenship) I do have to take offence to that quote. Then again you might be joking so who knows. :p
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Domino wrote:Considering I know Republicans who happen to be non-white (Blacks, Asians, New Immigrants who were granted their citizenship) I do have to take offence to that quote.
What's this? Were you really an UKIP supporter pretending to be American all along?

But since we live in the world of numbers don't matter, Trump's huge negatives could (according to yourself) disappear in a fairy fart of smoke, "ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!" I guess that pointing out that the Democratic party hasn't been the one known for promoting strict immigration policy since the '60s Civil Rights inversion, at least, won't convince you that BryanM is just telling it the way it is.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by cj iwakura »

Domino wrote:
cj iwakura wrote:It is a sad state of affairs when Jeb is probably the least offensive candidate. Already had to deal with that moron as a governor for too long. That 10/20/Life stupidity was his doing.
Can you go more on your opinion on this? I never heard another Floridian discuss their opinion on this before so you would be the first.
10/20/Life, from what I've heard, is very poorly implemented. There are NO checks in place.

I assume it's still law, anyway.
There are multiple criticisms of this law. One of the outcomes of the Public Safety Performance Project of the Pew Center is that the sentence cannot be assessed solely on the type of offense committed and on an offender's criminal history. For "conspiracy in a cocaine ring" it was possible somebody gets 4.5 years more than the average sentence for murder and manslaughter. People believing they are innocent roll a die and get a harsh sentence, contrary to people who believe they are guilty do get a low sentence by taking a plea deal.
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Re: Trump: A real American Hero Dude

Post by BryanM »

Is this his REAL twitter account, or is it a spoof account???

Because it really seems like some 4th wall breaking, and I don't want that to be true. I don't want it to end.
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