Weely Online Shmeet Prizes

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Weely Online Shmeet Prizes

Post by Ramus »

Here's the thing... I like Edge's rank system (even though I don't really understand it), but it doesn't really work with my original idea for giving prizes. Here's my new idea and I want to know what you think.

Instead of small prize-big prize-small prize-big prize every three months, I was thinking of giving prizes every six months or whatever time frame works to get enough money for some prizes. I would get a bunch of prizes and put them in a pool. Maybe a few playstation games, some Dreamcast games, and a little of everything else. I'll take suggestions. The top winner can choose first, second winner can choose second and so on. There would probably be a lot of small prizes. Having many small prizes every six months will probably be easier on my wallet. There may be a big prize depending on my finances at the time. I have a newborn, so money is a little tight. I have actually been selling games to get some extra money. This is just a temporary until work picks back up, so by June everything should be okay. If anyone wants to pitch in a few dollars, you can donate to my paypal. I have a few hundred in there saved for June so I can give some prizes and afford to ship them.

Let me know what you think of this "pool prize" idea. I think it's better than my previous idea because the winners will have some choices rather than just getting something they may already have.
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Post by Shalashaska »

Hmmm....I think that's a good idea but if you really are going to go through with handing out prizes I think the system as a whole should be made so that everyone and every level of player has a chance at winning something. Otherwise it will simply be a battle between a few players as to who 'wins'.

What if you took your pool idea and did it per tier? Say the top 3 tier 1 players are given a choice with 1st place picking 1st, 2nd place picking 2nd, etc. like you said. Then have a 2nd set of prizes for tier 2 and a 3rd set for tier 3 players, keeping the same principles, but make the prizes of less monetary worth as the tiers go down. (I realize this sounds cliche and all coming from a low level player but I think it would help to level the field a bit and give everyone a shot at something.)

Anyway, just a suggestion. Ultimately you're paying for it so you get to make the rules. :mrgreen:
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Post by Shatterhand »

I personally am not playing for the prizes (Though a PS2 would be real nice, heh :D).

Why Edge's ranking do not work ? Just because Icarus and Sikraiken now will win everything ? :D
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Post by Edge »

I would also play without any prizes and I guess most players are just looking for some friendly competition.

Sure, the chance to win something sure makes this contest more exciting. But it would work just as fine without any prizes.

So, Ramus. If you like to keep the prize idea.
Why don't you stay with 1-3 small prizes every 6 months?
No big prizes at all. There's no need for expensive prizes, so you could also give 3 cheap games, OSTs, DVDs or other merchandising and maybe 1-2 surprise prizes, T-Shirts or something "gimicky". (spelling?)
And yeah, the pool idea sounds good.

What I want to say is, that I think the prizes are more like trophies. Something that make you proud, because you won it. So they don't have to be worth a lot of money, just the fact that you won it in a competition will make it worth something. ;)
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Post by Ramus »

Edge wrote:I would also play without any prizes and I guess most players are just looking for some friendly competition.

Sure, the chance to win something sure makes this contest more exciting. But it would work just as fine without any prizes.

So, Ramus. If you like to keep the prize idea.
Why don't you stay with 1-3 small prizes every 6 months?
No big prizes at all. There's no need for expensive prizes, so you could also give 3 cheap games, OSTs, DVDs or other merchandising and maybe 1-2 surprise prizes, T-Shirts or something "gimicky". (spelling?)
And yeah, the pool idea sounds good.

What I want to say is, that I think the prizes are more like trophies. Something that make you proud, because you won it. So they don't have to be worth a lot of money, just the fact that you won it in a competition will make it worth something. ;)
Okay, I'll work on a more concrete system, but big prizes will be rare for sure. Thanks for the imput guys.
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