GD: Scoring Techniques in RayCrisis (Use of Special Attacks)

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GD: Scoring Techniques in RayCrisis (Use of Special Attacks)

Post by EmperorIng »

This topic was started in the hope of getting people to be [slightly] more interested in Taito's final internally-developed shootemup, and final, surreal chapter in the Ray- Trilogy, RayCrisis (specifically, the PS1 port of RayCrisis: Series Termination). I rather like the game's style, though it's not without its flaws (several highly aggravating flaws), but that doesn't keep it from being a fun shooter with excellent design, music, and boss-fights. Is it as good as RayForce? No; but it's a good game on its own, and a bit more exciting than RayStorm in my opinion (since RayStorm takes about half the game before it picks up) - the game's central gimmick, Encroachment, ensures a more action-packed playthrough.

As far as I can tell, the PS1 port is arcade-accurate outside of loading screens, so I think any discussion will apply both to the PS1 port and the G-NET original.

A lot of this was gleaned from the superplays on nico nico and, as well as experimentation on my own side, since virtually no one talks about this game (perhaps with good reason?).

RayCrisis throws in a few interesting wrinkles to the formula that shake things up nicely: the Hyper-Laser and Round Divider. They are basic, risk-and-reward type of techniques that add some depth to the gameplay, along with RayCrisis' big change-up the Encroachment meter.

Encroachment: The Working Designs manual states that it "measures the amount of suckitude." The worse you do, and less enemies you kill, the higher this number will be. Getting to 100% will send you straight to the final boss, and the bad ending. To get to the final boss, you need an Encroachment average of ~30-40% for each of the game's three levels. To keep Encroachment down, you need to speed kill enemies - the more enemies on screen, the faster Encroachment will rise as they remain on screen. Encroachment is also brought down via chained laser attacks; the more enemies killed in a chain, the faster the number goes down.

Hyper Laser: When either WR-01 or WR-02 have all available lasers locked on to one target (with WR-02, it seems you need at least 8), a Hyper Laser attack occurs. Your lasers shoot a red, powerful blast, that creates area-effect explosions. Any enemies or bullets caught in the resulting explosions will add to a bonus multiplier granting you points up to 256,000. The amount of bullets onscreen determine the bonus points awarded as well. Thus, effective scoring requires you to risk survival with large amounts of bullets on-screen before you release your Hyper Laser.

The attack by itself doesn't grant any bonuses; bonus points are awarded by collateral damage of other enemies, bullets onscreen, or enemy-parts caught in the blast.

Note: I don't know if this attack does any more damage than a normal laser attack.

Round Divider: The game's panic bomb. It is charged up by locking-on successive targets. Its use is similar to the Hyper Laser - the more enemies and bullets on screen when it is activated, the higher the bonus points will be. This value can be up to 1,000,000 points!

So, when should you use either?

Larger enemies and item carriers are made to be attacked with the Hyper Laser; this is problematic with the former, because getting close to a large enemy puts yourself in harm's way. However, if successful, it can bring down Encroachment rapidly. This is best seen with item carriers: the best strategy seems to be to attack the carrier, destroying its back-package (whatever you wanna call it!), whilst simultaneously locking all your lasers onto it. Then, when smaller popcorn enemies start flying onto the screen, release the Hyper Laser, and the area-explosions will kill the enemies, bring down the Encroachment meter, and grant sizable bonus points. A good place to practice getting the hang of Hyper Lasers is the first section of the game, the Stage 0 portion, where you can Hyper Laser attack the item carrier, and the two green circular medium-sized enemies - the second one in particular, if timed right, can rack up a large bonus.

With the Round Divider, obviously, its panic-bomb functionality is helpful, but if you are doing good, you should use it when the screen is as full as it can get from bullet-spam (think Pro-tor's bullet attack) and can destroy as many targets as possible. It's mostly a one-and-done deal; very seldom during a boss fight can you recharge a Round Divider. In the stages though, there's a rhythm of using the Round Divider, then lasering and Hyper Laser attacking as much as possible to set up another use.

A note on Boss Battles:

The boss battles in RayCrisis are pretty cool, though frustrating due to the game's tilted perspective and hard-to-define hitbox. The name of the game is to destroy the bosses in mostly under a minute. This means aggressive-play; constant Hyper Laser spam will not be an efficient means of damaging the boss - though sometimes you can pull it off for bonuses: e.g. when Pro-tor's two satellite weapons come out firing destructible bullets; attack one with a Hyper Laser attack to rack up points - another example: Hyper Laser attacking Sem-loke's shoulders not only remove a highly hazardous attack pattern, but often give sizable points for it. In general though, there is no boss milking because Encroachment puts the pressure on you to kill bosses ASAP.

EDIT: there is some light boss milking (like using hyper-lasers on Sem-Slut's roving electric-ball attack), and using hyper-lasers has later been found to be a viable and in some cases necessary strategy to quick-kill bosses.

Hopefully, this doesn't contain errors; though I am still learning the ins and outs of the game myself. Well, that's why this is a GD!

=====ORIGINAL OP=====
I am hoping with this topic to get a discussion going on some of the more advanced techniques in RayCrisis, specifically RayCrisis: Series Termination. The game's scoring as of right now seems a bit unfamiliar, or worse, wonky, so I'd like to hear from more experienced shmuppers (or failing that, Wave Riders!).

**I should perhaps preface this and say i am talking specifically about WR-01, since i have not seen if this is the case with WR-02 and WR-03, though I would assume that it is the case.**

Recently I discovered [sort of on accident] the special attack your lock-on lasers do when they are all locked on to a single target. This overdrive [EDIT: it is actually called "Hyper-Laser" in-game] attack is not mentioned anywhere in the PS1 manual, so I think that's sort of a big thing to mention. In the replays I've watched it is utilized to rack up some real nice bonus points.

However, sometimes it offers no points whatsoever, whereas other times it does offer a great deal (as well as great area damage, really lowering Encroachment in the process). The same can be said of the Round Divider, where it sometimes offers no bonus and other times a lot. Now, the manual DOES state that the more things on-screen, the more effective the Round Divider will be for lowering Encroachment (and I assume raising score), but does that mean both the overdrive and Round Divider attacks need a certain number of enemies to grant a bonus? Or is it dependent on recent deaths? I'm just not sure.

Basically, from what I've seen, Hyper-Laser attacks are primarily used on item carriers, and minibosses, and the quick takedown of the latter offers the best opportunity for low-Encroachment (which will offer the most opportunity for scoring, resulting in longer levels). So a good score in RayCrisis will depend both on the traditional Ray- lock-on chains of eight or more, but also of successful use of Hyper-Laser attacks and Round Dividers.
=====ORIGINAL OP=====
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Re: GD: Scoring Techniques in RayCrisis

Post by EmperorIng »

===========OUTDATED INFO; REFER TO OPENING POST=============
Well, doing a bit more playing around with WR-01, I've come up with some [obvious] observations.

Hyper-Laser: Attack triggered when all available lasers are locked on to a single target reticule. This does not mean one single enemy - it means one single laser-lock-on target. When all 8 (or more, depending on the WR) is locked onto that target, it will trigger a Hyper-Laser attack, which does extra damage to the target, acts like a bomb, damaging surrounding targets, and gives you a bonus score.

This bonus score is determined by how many enemies are caught in its blast, and if the target in question is killed by the Hyper-Laser. The bonus can be as high as 256,000 (perhaps higher, I haven't found out yet), and that is nothing to sneeze at! It's best to use this attack to finish off a midboss, because the reward will be great indeed. In fact, any larger enemy or item carrier should be exclusively attacked with the Hyper-Laser.

Using the Hyper-Laser successfully is tricky, since it is often hard to keep on a single target. However, repeated successful attacks will really lower the Encroachment down to the teens quickly. On a good run I've been able to keep my Encroachment at a steady 15-17%. Not as good as the superplay on, but better than I have ever been able to.

NOTE: My OP incorrectly called this attack "Overdrive."

Round Divider: This is very similar in all respects to the Hyper-Laser attack, but it obviously covers the entire screen, and its bonus points are dependent on the amount of bullets on-screen when activated. You will receive more points for the more bullets you destroy using this attack, so it's often best to save it for something like Pro-Tor's bullet spam attack, or the like.

Using it can cause Encroachment to go down quickly, but that again is dependent on the bonus you receive from the attack and that is dependent on how many bullets you cancel, as well as enemies destroyed by the blast.


Killing bosses quickly will lower your Encroachment meter (sometimes by as high as 15% in some cases - though I can usually only manage -7% at best), so the trick is to take them out as systematically and quickly as possible using hyper lasers. This is not a game to milk bosses!

I haven't yet been able to figure out if it's better to go straight for the speed kill, or go for a more thorough boss destruction. I'd assume the latter is more profitable, but Encroachment has a weird way of altering your playstyle.
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Re: GD: Scoring Techniques in RayCrisis (Use of Special Atta

Post by EmperorIng »

The OP is updated with clearer, more concise knowledge on the nature of the Hyper Laser attack and the Round Divider sub-weapon, based on recent playthroughs and experimentation.

It seems like the WR-03 can't do a Hyper Laser attack - its scoring is based on keeping up a chain of photon bomb attacks, which I know next to nothing about - I never really use the WR-03.
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Re: GD: Scoring Techniques in RayCrisis (Use of Special Atta

Post by ATTRACTS »

Thank you for taking the time to make this post. I recently (on a whim) purchased RayCrisis sealed from Videogames New York last weekend and I've been HOOKED ever since. Really fun game, your writing really helped me understand some of the intricacies of the game, I very much appreciate it.
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Re: GD: Scoring Techniques in RayCrisis (Use of Special Atta

Post by zlk »

For the final boss (dis-human) is there any way to get the orange laser attack to separate nicely? I can get there with no-miss and then usually get crushed on this attack, losing all my men there. In the two nico replays the player somehow gets the orange laser bullets to nicely space themselves where when I face that attack the orange lasers are spaced really closely making dodging a near impossibility.

Some guesses:

1) There is something that is blown up on the ship that separates the laser attack.

2) The player uses the hyper laser and then stops firing. Maybe the timing or the not firing has something to do with it?

Does anyone have any idea what causes the bullets to be nicely spread apart?
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Re: GD: Scoring Techniques in RayCrisis (Use of Special Atta

Post by EmperorIng »

Are you talking about the attack where Dis-Human moves from side to side?

If I recall, there are two safe spots on each of the bottom corners of the screen, opposite of where Dis-Human is approaching from (ie, if it's coming from the right, the bottom-left corner is safe, and vice-versa). This trick is applicable in RayForce as well, where the attack first showed up in the fight against Con-Human.

However, this only works for a few times, because the longer Dis-Human cycles through that attack, the more lasers it adds, making it harder to dodge. Basically, you'd want to try to destroy one of the appendages that fires the lasers (ie, its "arms" on each side) before it gets another shot at using the attack. With one arm destroyed, the attack is pretty simple to dodge.
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Re: GD: Scoring Techniques in RayCrisis (Use of Special Atta

Post by zlk »

EmperorIng wrote:Are you talking about the attack where Dis-Human moves from side to side?

If I recall, there are two safe spots on each of the bottom corners of the screen, opposite of where Dis-Human is approaching from (ie, if it's coming from the right, the bottom-left corner is safe, and vice-versa). This trick is applicable in RayForce as well, where the attack first showed up in the fight against Con-Human.
Thanks! I will have to try that trick.

In this video the lasers are spread apart nicely: ... page#t=674

In this video the lasers are very difficult: ... page#t=193

Just wondering what accounts for this. (And yes I know the 2nd video is playing with 100% encroachment, just that is the fastest example I could find)
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