New Sync Strike - Available Now!

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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by evilsim »

P.H.U. wrote: - Are the screw terminals on the right side of this photo OUTPUTS or INPUTS?
- is there a Video Ground (VGND) terminal?
- is the recommended way to wire up VGND to solder a wire from from pin 17 SCART solder pin?
- What are those voltage levels?
- I wish this had is pots for CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESS however.
Hey I will try to help ;
The screw terminals are direct links to the SCART input for RGB, but the HV and C (csync) are outputs from the sync separator on the PCB
VGND - the whole PCB has a common ground, so using ground from anywhere should be as effective as you need. If you did need an independent VGND you might need to cut tracks, I would not suggest this.
Voltage levels would be whatever you put into it via the SCART (or screw terminals) - there is no amplification at all, this is a well built sync stripper
The LM1881 does not output "proper" HV sync, I have had to use other strippers to get sync on various LCD monitors which support 15khz video, but have not come across a CRT which isnt happy with LM1881 HV sync (or c-sync) as yet.

Goodluck with getting it all hooked up to your arcade monitor :)
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by P.H.U. »

evilsim wrote: VGND - the whole PCB has a common ground, so using ground from anywhere should be as effective as you need. If you did need an independent VGND you might need to cut tracks, I would not suggest this.
Thanks for the response evilsim!

VGND isn't too terribly important because I know it is there and doesn't need any special ciruitry. I know SCART has dedicated 'Video Ground' on Pin 17 as shown below. If I need to, I can solder a jumper wire from the solder side of Sync Strike on Pin 17 for VGND. Solves that problem. Or I can connect a D-Sub 15 breakout terminal and extract VGND from there. In a pinch, I can do it the old way and connect a hacked VGA cable if need be.

evilsim wrote: The screw terminals are direct links to the SCART input for RGB, but the HV and C (csync) are outputs from the sync separator on the PCB
Voltage levels would be whatever you put into it via the SCART (or screw terminals) - there is no amplification at all, this is a well built sync stripper
For my purpose which is to interface console SCART video to a CGA arcade monitor (15khz JAMMA), I definitely need Csync. So with that and the aforementioned VGND, I have 2/5 inputs for CGA video solved for. Now I need to solve for RGB amplification to a CGA monitor.

Are we sure about RGB output at either the screw terminals or the VGA connection simply being passthru from the SCART connection with no video amplification? Because what you say again, sort of contradicts itself. If it is simply passthru, then the Vpp would be 0.7Vpp for each RGB line. But then you say:
evilsim wrote:Voltage levels would be whatever you put into it via the SCART (or screw terminals)
That would lead me to think that RGB video is amped to the 5v input level from the external power source (which would be perfect). And that is kind of the thing, bencao74's blog states the following:
- Amplifier for video signals
- So burst your low cost scaler by providing RGBHV instead of RGBS. Use your old consoles in your cab equipped with arcade monitors :))
But I see no video amp circuitry on the Sync Strike. Given what is stated, my expectation is that the video signal on the RGB lines are amplified from SCART standard 0.7Vp-p / 75 ohm to the 3-5Vpp needed for an arcade monitor (AKA: CGA, 15khz JAMMA, Standard Resolution). Now I might be drawing drastic conclusions here, but how else does this allow consoles to be hooked up to an arcade monitor as advertised? Are you sure there is no video amplification?

I found a few reports here and in this thread itself that states this can be achieved. I suspect much of this is from users in the UK where SCART is the norm and no reports from users in the US where SCART is practically non-existant.

Sucks because I think the last time interfacing a console via SCART video was attempted about 10 years ago. During times then, we didn't have such things as multi-console controller PCB's. Today we do. But what is lost today is we don't have console SCART video to JAMMA. Or, we might have this, but:
  • 1) there is a solution for each console, and
    2) The developers are attempting to make their solutions also interface the controls.
Thanks again for your help. If anyone else wants to chime in, please feel free to do so.
Last edited by P.H.U. on Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by evilsim »

P.H.U. wrote:¨
Hey I am entirely sure there is no video amp, indeed the circuitry proves this. The 5v power on the SyncStrike is to power the LM1881 IC, it doesnt touch the video channels. You may need to use some sort of amp to get the levels correct for your arcade monitor - Tim Worthington has a couple of them here which may help you. ... ga2arc.htm You may also be able to simply use a THSxxxx amp such as THS7314 or 7316, theyre cheap and they work well - with the correct pull-up resistors after the output you should be able to get your 5v for your monitor.

I would think the solution for each console would be to use a RGB amp like the THSxxx listed above. Consoles should output 0.7v then after the amp you can up it to whatever your monitor wants.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by P.H.U. »

evilsim wrote:
P.H.U. wrote:¨
Hey I am entirely sure there is no video amp, indeed the circuitry proves this. The 5v power on the SyncStrike is to power the LM1881 IC, it doesnt touch the video channels. You may need to use some sort of amp to get the levels correct for your arcade monitor - Tim Worthington has a couple of them here which may help you. ... ga2arc.htm You may also be able to simply use a THSxxxx amp such as THS7314 or 7316, theyre cheap and they work well - with the correct pull-up resistors after the output you should be able to get your 5v for your monitor.

I would think the solution for each console would be to use a RGB amp like the THSxxx listed above. Consoles should output 0.7v then after the amp you can up it to whatever your monitor wants.
EDIT: Ignore all of this. I am just a bit anxious. Spoiler tagged it.
As I was reading your previous response, I was getting the feeling that you were Tim Worthington as your user names seemed similar. I guess not.

I have been in touch with Tim via email and asked him about his SCART2Arc/SCART2Jamma. He said he has discontinued it, so sadly, I am late to the party. He sent me his design for the next iteration of his solution. It looks great, but then again falls into the old conundrum of trying to solve for console control interfacing as well. I don't doubt his skills and intent there, but these tend to be hobby/pet projects for those with the skills. There is always that one console's control interface that is left out of the mix. For instance, I reached out to the developer of Jammacon as well. He had a pad hack interface for his product which he is decided to discontinue. So then again, we are left the ability to interface the video and audio from SCART, but a few consoles controls can't be interfaced. I feel once these reference requirements were built, the devs seldom go back to refine the product. They seem to want to produce next year's model or evolution of it rather than to take the software version refinement approach. And I know there is good reason for that.

In any case, I just ordered the Sync Strike. I know it won't work for my purposes without some tinkering but here is what I like about it:
  • 1. The price!
    2. Video: 2-of-5 CGA inputs needed from SCART can be extracted from the device:
    • A) VGND
      B) CSync
      Bearing in mind that CGA requires R, G, & B to be amped to 3-5Vpp which the Sync Strike does not do.
    3. Stereo Audio passthru via RCA
    • A)Would like to see an option for 3.5mm stereo jack output, but that is ok. Not a deal breaker. I will just pick an RCA-to-3.5mm stereo jack cable
    4. The PCB looks damn sexy to boot!
    • A) Can someone who owns this please take an overhead photo of it? I would like to see more details of it that might be missing from the overhead schematic.
Ok, so that leaves me with the problem to amp the RGB signal outputted from the Sync Strike up from 0.7Vpp to 3-5Vpp. I know I can do that rather easily with the THSXXXX series chips as RetroRGB explains this quite well. But what it does not explain well is how do I solve for 'Brightness Levels / Attenuation' for more than one console at a time. RetroRGB explains that I need to add the right resistor for each console to knock it down for each console. But what I would rather prefer to do is to add a a single pot that allows me to adjust to the right Brightness Level for any console hooked up to the Sync Strike.

If anyone have thoughts on the proper way to do this, please chime in. I am not an EE, I am a layman. So reading Tim's circuit shematic is almost like deciphering hieroglyphics.

If I can solve for the SCART video to CGA/JAMMA/Arcade monitor, I feel the rest is easy. Line level stereo audio is already available on the Sync Strike. I just need to wire that to a stereo amp. For that, and from my experience with MAME, that can be done easily with one of these cheap TDA7297F stereo amps that do a fantastic job. Interfacing console controls will be done with the PS360+. Then finally, everything will be wired into the PB.JAMMA fingerboard.

I feel there is a nice unexploited niche market for a JAMMA board that does the following:
  • 1) Allows passthru to JAMMA buttons and controls from screw terminals that can be linked to multi-console PCB's like the PS360+ or Toodles MC Cthulhu
    2) Sends CGA video to JAMMA converted from SCART
    • A) RGB are properly amped with the ability to adjust bright and/or contrast through pots
      B) Strips CSync properly
      C) Has VGND as an output to JAMMA needed for CGA
The reason, I feel there is this niche is that the generation that grew up with both consoles and arcades are now of age where we can afford the luxury of both; we have money to spend now at this age and the homes to build these man caves. The generations before us, didn't have consoles really worth revisiting. The generation after us, don't even know what an arcade is. Because of this, we are seeing price of arcade goods skyrocket even higher than the cost of console goods. And, when it comes to SCART for consoles, folks in the US don't know what that is. But if folks in the US knew that just about all of their consoles can output RGB via SCART cables, and the SCART connection gets them the closest CGA video for interfacing to arcades, I think console SCART cable manufacturers would quickly see their stock dwindle. If anyone like bencao74 wants to pick this up, maybe update the reference design of his Sync Strike, or it Tim Worthington wants to just produce the video circuit he explains here, I would happy to openly discuss this with him or anyone else. Thanks!
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by P.H.U. »

Ignore my previous reply/ramblings. Question: what happens if you connect a SCART console cable to Sync Strike that already strips Csync?
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by evilsim »

P.H.U. wrote:Ignore my previous reply/ramblings. Question: what happens if you connect a SCART console cable to Sync Strike that already strips Csync?
It should make no difference, eg it will pass the clean sync through the LM1881 and not have any effect on your TV/monitor.
I have actually modified my syncstrike, as I normally use 8pin mini din output to my PVM monitor (so have wired a 8 pin mini din socket to the screw-down positions) - the mod involves a switch which switches between pass-thru pin 20 from scart, or cleaned sync via the LM1881 IC on the syncstrike, through to the sync pin on my 8 pin mini din socket. I have found it to make no difference under all circumstances so far though, changing from passthrough to c-sync. No noticeable difference on my monitor.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by P.H.U. »

evilsim wrote: It should make no difference, eg it will pass the clean sync through the LM1881 and not have any effect on your TV/monitor.
I have actually modified my syncstrike, as I normally use 8pin mini din output to my PVM monitor (so have wired a 8 pin mini din socket to the screw-down positions) - the mod involves a switch which switches between pass-thru pin 20 from scart, or cleaned sync via the LM1881 IC on the syncstrike, through to the sync pin on my 8 pin mini din socket. I have found it to make no difference under all circumstances so far though, changing from passthrough to c-sync. No noticeable difference on my monitor.
I thought so too. Thanks man.

Being from the US, very few of us ever get anywhere near SCART. And I am only getting near SCART since that is the closest to 15khz needed to drive my CGA arcade monitors but with some hurdles. Some users say Strike Sync works outright to drive a CGA monitor, some say otherwise. Probably varies per console and even further, by CGA arcade monitor. I guess I'll find out soon enough since I ordered one. Next closest thing to SCART is component video. viletim's is coming up with a new console-to-jamma solution that accepts component video. Check my recent post in his thread. Seems pretty interesting and opens up things for greater sales in the US for him. But I don't want to discuss that too much on this thread.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by P.H.U. »

FYI, the Sync Strike arrived about a month ago and I have been playing around with it. I picked up SCART cables for use with my PS1 and PS2, one has CSync built into the cable the other does not. I also picked up a Saturn cable with CSync built in. Saturn cable works fine powering the Sync Strike via SCART. Flipping it over to external PSU and the sync would fail. That would mean there isn't true "passthru", the LM1881 does seem to need to process the signal again. But doubling up on the sync stripping with the cable doing it and with the Sync Strike doesn't do any harm. With either Playstation cable, the results were the same on both the PS1 and PS2. Moral of the story, you don't need a CSync SCART cable with the Sync Strike, but I guess that is obvious. Had I known sooner, I could have saved myself some $$$.

Also found that SCART RGB from my NTSC consoles works on some of the arcade monitors I have and doesn't work on others. When it doesn't work, the image is completely washed out (brightness is too high). The reason why is explained perfectly here by viletim in his response to Dave_K.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by TheCowness »


I bought a Sync Strike a couple months ago so that I could stream from consoles outputting RGB signals through SCART cables. It works great with my SNES (via multi-out SCART cable), but doesn't work with my NES (RetroRGB RGB mod, outputs from 8-pin DIN into a SCART adapter). I just get a "No Signal" message from my capture devices. The power LED lights up on the Sync Strike, but as far as I can tell, it's not outputting a video signal. The output devices I've tested with are a Samsung plasma TV (HDMI input), an Acer HD monitor (DVI input), and a Datapath E1S PCIe capture card (DVI input).

Living in the US, I don't have access to many devices that accept SCART, but I did buy a SCART->HDMI upscaler off Amazon just for testing the NES, and the NES works through that, but I don't want to continue using that upscaler because it has its own issues. However, because it works through the upscaler, I'm out of ideas as to why it doesn't work through the Sync Strike.

I also tried a number of other things to isolate the problem, such as using alternate power cords for the Sync Strike and the NES console (I don't have the official power cord for the Sync Strike, but my SNES works without external power), outputting to my computer monitor and TV instead of my PC's capture card, and wiring the DIN output from the NES console straight into the Sync Strike's screw-inputs (Though I had trouble finding a pinout diagram and don't trust it completely). I'm confident that the signal's going into the Sync Strike device, but isn't coming out.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by evilsim »

TheCowness wrote:Hello, Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I get a feeling whoever wired up your NESRGB may have wired us TTL level sync instead of the more compatible Y signal or composite video -- and your capture device or SCART2HDMI device may not be friendly with TTL sync... (SNES would almost always use composite sync for their multiout-scart cables, the cheap normal ones anyway)

Thinking about it though, this should not matter, due to the LM1881 sync stripper in place on the Syncstrike....

If you did want to test my theory - you could try to open up your 8pin mini din to SCART adapter and solder a 75ohm resistor to pin20 of the scart socket, then solder the other side of the resistor to an earth inside the scart socket (like pin 17), just be careful to make sure that resistor touches nothing else except pin 20 and pin 17. Then see if it will catch sync.


p.s. have you been able to test your NESRGB with the 8 pin mini din/scart into another thing such as a 15khz compatible CRT TV ? Or a different capture card such as startech's great VGA capture card ?
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by TheCowness »

I think you're right about the sync type. From the eBay listing:
Sync is wired for C-sync.
The palette switch is wired to use Natural/Improved/Disabled.
This can be changed easily to Composite sync. Just ask after buying it and i will do this for you.
It should be within my abilities to change that myself, if that could fix it; I believe it's just soldering and/or desoldering one spot to change the sync method. I can research that. As for modifying the SCART adapter, I don't have a 75 ohm resistor on me, and the local RadioShack went under a few months ago, so that might require an online purchase to attempt that.

The only two things I own that accept SCART input are the Sync Strike and the SCART->HDMI upscaler I bought to test with, and from there I've tried connecting both devices to three different displays (including capture card) and all of the displays give the same result.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by evilsim »

TheCowness wrote:It should be within my abilities to change that myself, if that could fix it;
Thats the spirit. Open up your NES. Remove the whole mainboard from the shell - be careful with all the existing wires. Turn the mainboard upside down. On the NESRGB the line which says CS# will be your c-sync line. Unsolder the wire from there and solder it onto either "Y" or "V" -- "V" being composite video (video + sync signal). Put it all back together - see if it works.

All the best ! Just google NESRGB and click images to see many pictures of it to check out the procedure before opening it up (planning = best execution)
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by Kez »

If it's a newer board you can also just short J8 for 75 ohm csync. Also could the NES cable just not be powering the Sync Strike properly? I'm sure I've had the light come on before even when there is not enough power.

If you have a 5V DC cable going spare you could cut the connector off that and use it to power the Sync Strike.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by Tempest_2084 »

Question for everyone. After many years of service, the power supply for my Sync Strike died (or rather the cable broke) so I need to get a new one. The original power supply came from the Sync Strike makers so it's a European style plug but I'm in the US so I always used an adapter. I want to get a real US style power supply but I want to make sure that I can just use any 5v 1a DC power supply with it or if it has to be something special. My second question is that since the Sync Strike doesn't actually have a power plug, just screw terminals, can I just cut off the tip of a power supply and screw the wires in or do I need a special 'non plug' power supply with the bare wires. Anyone know where I can get a cheap replacement power supply in the US?
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by Tempest_2084 »

Never mind, I figured it out. I had a 5V 2A PS that works just fine. My Turbo Duo is now happily displaying on my PVM.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by jamesfmackenzie »

Quick question - I have a Sync Strike with no visible switch or jumper between CSYNC and HVSYNC. How to change between the two?
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by sofakng »

jamesfmackenzie wrote:Quick question - I have a Sync Strike with no visible switch or jumper between CSYNC and HVSYNC. How to change between the two?
I don't think mine has switch or jumper either so I'm wondering the same thing.

My goal is to convert RGBs from an arcade PCB (5v) to RGBHV VGA (0.7 - 1v?).

Can I wire R, G, B, and CSYNC (5v) to the terminals and then get RGBHV out of the DB15?
Can I feed RGBs 5V into the Sync Strike?
Will I need to reduce the voltage after the DB15 output down to 1v so it's safe for RGBHV/VGA inputs?

(I'm looking to connect an arcade PCB to a Crescendo TC1600 VGA to Component transcoder and then finally to my TV)
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by vol.2 »

Is the sync strike still supported at all? I have tried emailing Arcade Forge and Fagin from the "demonstration" video a few times over the past couple years and haven't received any replies. There are a few items that need some elaboration in the instructions and it looks as thought this thread was abandoned 5 years ago.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by watsu »

Arcade Forge HP is still up but I don't have a courage to place an order before I get any word on them being 'alive' as a retailer.
Does anyone know if Sync Strike is still a thing? :roll:
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by vol.2 »

They still exist, but I have been waiting on a response in this "official" thread since 2016.You might get it in the mail, but I don't know about support.

They do have a facebook page, so you might want to contact them there to find out what their covid situation is before you order anything.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by kitty666cats »

Pretty sure an order through Arcadexpress is probably your best bet, but don't quote me on that O_o
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by bahamutfan64 »

watsu wrote:Arcade Forge HP is still up but I don't have a courage to place an order before I get any word on them being 'alive' as a retailer.
Does anyone know if Sync Strike is still a thing? :roll:
I made and received an order from Arcade Forge very recently.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by djc5166 »

I ordered one of these almost a month ago from ArcadeForge (shipped to the US). I got a tracking number but it hasn't moved since sep22. Contacted AF but go no reply. Should I be worried here?
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by ckong »

djc5166 wrote:I ordered one of these almost a month ago from ArcadeForge (shipped to the US). I got a tracking number but it hasn't moved since sep22. Contacted AF but go no reply. Should I be worried here?
Not really, it is expected that shipping time takes quite a bit longer these Corona days. And above that, US customes and USPS have to deal with huge backlogs and are understaffed (half the staff is sick or in quarantaine), so they need much more time to process the parcels. And also track and trace info is quite often not complete because USPS doen't make all scans these days, it happens quite often that they only scan the final delivery. Your package can be everywhere between Germany and your house and shipping time can vary between two to six weeks and sometimes even longer. I have experience with this because I ship over 20 parcels to the USA every week, from The Netherlands.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by vol.2 »

djc5166 wrote:I ordered one of these almost a month ago from ArcadeForge (shipped to the US). I got a tracking number but it hasn't moved since sep22. Contacted AF but go no reply. Should I be worried here?
I think it was definitely shipped. They are honest sellers. They have a FB page and group. If you're desperate and you don't mind FB, you could try there.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by Fudoh »

In mid september the german post office issued a notice that regular shipments to the US will be forwarded by sea freight for the time being. This means a jump from roughly 2 weeks total transit to US destinations to 6-8 weeks. Other priority shipping options are still available, but the cost is about 4-5x the usual price for those, so these aren't really an option for most smaller purchases.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by kitty666cats »

For those who need a Sync Strike but don’t need RGBHV (does it even have ‘true’ H sync? I forget), I definitely suggest the Insurrection Industries SCART2DVI coupled with a DVI-I to VGA dongle. The SCART2DVI is $35 with free shipping (at least in the USA), you have the option of turning on and off the sync stripper, and it also has a low pass filter you can switch on and off.

Insurrection is currently out of stock, it sold pretty slowly but I spoke with them recently and they are open to producing more if there is enough demand. Definitely a super handy unit for connecting SCART cables to Extron interfaces, GBS8200, a Toshiba TIMM, or projectors that accept 15kHz RGB over their VGA connector (such as Optoma brand projectors, my DLP takes 240p and properly processes it).

It’s designed for Datapath capture cards (hence the analog-only DVI-I output port) but is useful for much more. I mentioned to them that perhaps branding it a bit differently and releasing one with a VGA connector on the output end may prove more fruitful...
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by vol.2 »

kitty666cats wrote:For those who need a Sync Strike but don’t need RGBHV (does it even have ‘true’ H sync? I forget)

No. It uses an LM1881M.

Only takes composite and outputs as composite and vertical. I think there's probably a drop-in or near-drop-in chip that could do it if you just wanted to switch it out. Can't remember which one it is. The LM1981 would do it, but would require a little board, wouldn't be hard.

Yeah, they don't have very good documentation, and there's zero support. I asked a lot of questions about it when I got one and there's no response. I would expect they sell them because they are still sitting on stock, but not really interesting in them. They seem to care more about the arcade-specific products.
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by nolepe »

Today in the store - the wrong photos with a 04/2011 black board (there is HSync and a second microcircuit in addition to the LM1881N)
Now on sale the green board 09/2011, is missing even HSync and there is no additional microcircuit, but there is only VSync and Csync
and also 75ohm / TTL switch is absent
CSYNC or HVSYNC output switch is absent
On the board is PSU/Scart power switch only
so technically this is LM1881($1) + connectors ($1) for $55

2021, green sync strike without RGBHV, disappointment
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Re: New Sync Strike - Available Now!

Post by kitty666cats »

nolepe wrote:Today in the store - the wrong photos with a 04/2011 black board (there is HSync and a second microcircuit in addition to the LM1881N)
Now on sale the green board 09/2011, is missing even HSync and there is no additional microcircuit, but there is only VSync and Csync
and also 75ohm / TTL switch is absent
CSYNC or HVSYNC output switch is absent
On the board is PSU/Scart power switch only
so technically this is LM1881($1) + connectors ($1) for $55

2021, green sync strike without RGBHV, disappointment
This sounds like you got sent the wrong item, maybe the MiSTER SCART board or Pi2SCART - looks like those are both green...? ... a-adapter/

^ this is a new & cheaper alternative to the Sync Strike, though if you’re looking to get full-on RGBHV from a SCART source your best bet is either chaining a Extron RGB interface after the Sync Strike / SCART2VGA, or getting a SyncSlayer II. The SCART2VGA + a Extron interface might be a bit cheaper of an option, but it’s 2 devices instead of one neatly compact device.
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