XRGB-mini Framemeister

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Revolver Ocelot
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Revolver Ocelot »

it seems my Framemeister is dead now :cry: :cry: . The red power light is gone. I think to try positive and will order a cheap PSU from eBay for 5 USD now and maybe everything will be fine again. I know want to ask how l likely it is that the Japanese PSU spoils after only a few months of usage.? did someone here in the forum experienced something similar? Or do I have to consider the worst that main unit is broken?

That would be really bad if a 300 euro unit spoils that fast. :evil:

How many Framemeister User have lost their unit already and how long did it last?

would be pleased hearing some opinions
Last edited by Revolver Ocelot on Fri Jun 29, 2018 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Fudoh »

I know want to ask how l lickly it is that the japanese psu spoils after only a few month of usage.?
the included PSUs are chinese OEM crap. There's a really GOOD chance that it will work again with a fresh PSU.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Revolver Ocelot »

Fudoh wrote:
I know want to ask how l lickly it is that the japanese psu spoils after only a few month of usage.?
the included PSUs are chinese OEM crap. There's a really GOOD chance that it will work again with a fresh PSU.
Ok good to know. Thanks for the info. Then I will get a new PSU asap.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Overkill »

Where is a good place to buy one compatible? I can see one in Ebay but it's UK plug. Can be a choice with an adapter if I can't find anywhere else.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by theclaw »

Fudoh wrote:
I know want to ask how l lickly it is that the japanese psu spoils after only a few month of usage.?
the included PSUs are chinese OEM crap. There's a really GOOD chance that it will work again with a fresh PSU.
I might try that, my xrgb bought the farm a few years ago.

Options for good USA PSUs?
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Xenu »

I just bought a framemeister and I have orded scart cables to my systems that support RGB output like the SNES and Gamecube but I haven't received them yet.

So I started hooking up my NES and SNES using the RCA Video port. As you can see it looks awful. Image

I have now tried three systems NES, SNES and Gamecube and at least 5 different cables both original Nintendo AV cables and newly bought AV cables. I also tested a different monitor. The error is the same on all systems, monitors and cables.

What do you think, did I get a faulty framemeister or am I missing something?
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Galdelico »

Hi all,
in spite of being on the OSSC train since the beginning, I like to explore new ways, and I'm considering to also add a Mini to my setup, provided it introduces exclusive features that could help improve the picture quality with some of my systems.

I'm currently using a 1080p PC monitor and I'm fully satisfied with how the OSSC handles 240p contents, both in line double with thick scanlines, and with clean Line 4x mode. That said - as I'm also based in Italy and I own a HUGE collection of 480i NTSC and PAL games (for the PS2, GameCube and original XBOX) - I'm wondering whether or not putting a Framemeister alongside the OSSC, exclusively for it to work with interlaced sources, would be a good idea. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with OSSC's Line 2x/4x (bob), at the moment, as passthrough isn't really usable with my display. They both look fine - especially Line 2x with scanlines - but from what I've seen in some videos, the FM seems capable to clean up the flickering and stabilise the image quite well.

Anyone here with both the Mini and the OSSC could give me an insight? Do the Mini's deinterlacing features also help with displaying 480i contents on IPS panels, avoiding temporary image retention issues?

Thanks alot in advance! ^_-
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Fudoh »

definitely. The FM's deinterlacing is as good as it gets with 480p-like stability. There are two deinterlacing modes availables. One field based one that looks really ugly and one motion adaptive one which uses a buffered field to weave or interpolate areas as neccessary. You will end up with a broken drop shadow here and there, but overall it's the sharpest and most detailed result you can get from 480i sources with any video processor out there.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Galdelico »

Thanks Fudoh, that sounds great.

I've got another question, if you don't mind me asking: with my OSSC, I use optimal setting for all my 240p systems/games. So, out of curiosity, is the Mini also works the same way, offering 'generic' settings and optimal values as well?
Example: with my Japanese Mega Drive, I have to use 2 profiles with the OSSC, one for 320p and the other for 256p. Would it be any different, with the Framemeister? Does it handle resolution swaps in its own way?

The reason why I'm asking this is because I usually see people suggesting single FM profiles for each console, but aspect ratio seems generally correct on videos.

Not sure if I explained myself correctly, but I'm pretty sure whoever owns both devices knows what I mean.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Fudoh »

No, you don't get perfect horizontal sampling on the FM. Since the internal processing is limited to 4:2:2 anyway, it wouldn't make a big difference. On the other hand you get completely free scaling on the horizontal axis in return.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Galdelico »

Ha, gotcha. Thanks again.

I think I can get one locally - apparently it's been barely used - for 250 euros shipped. Is there anything that I have to ask, in order to be sure I'm all set once I may have it in my hands?

Edit - basically, the more I read about it, the more it looks like a more convenient (not better per se) solution for my setup.

- It offers more profile-space, which would allow me to set all my consoles, instead of swapping and overwriting all the times. It's a minor quibble, but hey.

- Seems like a better solution for handling my extensive collection of 480/576i NTSC/PAL games, as I'm not 100% happy with OSSC's bob deinterlace (2x with scanlines looks good, but that only applies to 480i contents, since PAL 576i require tweaks that make scanlines look a bit weird... 4x is basically unusable, as I don't like how alternate scanlines look on my 1080p monitor). From what I can see, thanks to the FM's deinterlacing capabilities, it's even possible to use clean, scanlines-free image profiles with 480/576i graphics.

- I'm not sure how 240p is going to stand up, though. It's hard to figure it out on YouTube footage, but I'm not sure how 720p + scanlines through the Mini compare to optimal Line Double + scanlines on the OSSC. This - and the added lag I read about - are my only real concerns about the Framemeister, at the moment.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Fudoh »

Is there anything that I have to ask, in order to be sure I'm all set once I may have it in my hands?
confirm wether you get a Scart to MiniDin or JP21 to MiniDin adapter with it. You also need a D-Terminal to RCA breakout adapter if you want to connect component sources.
- I'm not sure how 240p is going to stand up, though.
pretty much like the OSSC in generic sampling mode.
It's hard to figure it out on YouTube footage, but I'm not sure how 720p + scanlines through the Mini compare to optimal Line Double + scanlines on the OSSC.
720p FM vs. OSSC 480p: the FM is considerably better and sharper.

Get it, test it, if you don't like it, resell it. 250 EUR is reasonable.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by blizzz »

One thing to note is that the Framemeister doesn't handle 60Hz modded PAL consoles as well as their original NTSC versions. The darker colors are too bright, but this can be solved with the Brightness, Gamma and Black level settings. 480i from a modded PAL PS1 produces a flickery image for me, that jumps every couple seconds. With an original NTSC PS1 the image is perfectly stable and in menus it's hard to notice that it's an interlaced source.

This shouldn't be an issue with the GCN generation though, since they natively support 60 Hz.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Galdelico »

Awesome, thanks guys.

Fudoh - Yeah, I'll ask for sure. Judging by the pictures and description, there's a 'D-terminal to component adapter', and I can see a couple of scart thingies, one ending with a round plug, and the other one with an hdmi-like connector.

blizzz - My only modded console is a fat PAL PS2 (Messiah2 Pro, which is notorious to cope not that well with the OSSC, due to the odd timings it sends out), which I used for PAL games - with the chip disabled - and US imports, both on the PS2 and PS1 front. I also have a fat JP PlayStation2, exclusively for Japanese titles.
I remember many people here suggested me to mod my PS2 with a different chip (Matrix Infinity I believe), in order to use it with the OSSC. Would this remain mandatory with the Mini as well?
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Xer Xian »

I can't answer your questions (don't own a FM), but I remember forum member Blair posted an OSSC/DVDO/FM comparison regarding 480i handling, might give you an idea of what to expect: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=52158&p=1301538#p1301538 (I also saved the 307MB .webm archive, could share it if you want)
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by teasea »

Strange that Revolver Ocelot up there has had their Framemeister "die" like that - I went to play some games this evening and mine is in the exact same situation. No LEDs lit at all, nothing. I'm using the UK PSU from power-adapters.co.uk and I've had mine for four years. I'll be pretty annoyed if the unit itself has failed in that time, so let's hope it is just the PSU.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Galdelico »

Xer Xian wrote:I can't answer your questions (don't own a FM), but I remember forum member Blair posted an OSSC/DVDO/FM comparison regarding 480i handling, might give you an idea of what to expect: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=52158&p=1301538#p1301538 (I also saved the 307MB .webm archive, could share it if you want)
Thanks XX, I'll take a look. Much appreciated. ^_-
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Revolver Ocelot »

teasea wrote:Strange that Revolver Ocelot up there has had their Framemeister "die" like that - I went to play some games this evening and mine is in the exact same situation. No LEDs lit at all, nothing. I'm using the UK PSU from power-adapters.co.uk and I've had mine for four years. I'll be pretty annoyed if the unit itself has failed in that time, so let's hope it is just the PSU.
Yes I hope so too. Sorry to hear that your Framemeister has the same problem. I am still waiting for my new PSU I ordered a few weeks ago. So I cannot tell anything yet if was just the psu or not. I will report then as soon as I have the new PSU. I still hope am lucky and it was just the psu.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by teasea »

Yes I hope so too. Sorry to hear that your Framemeister has the same problem. I am still waiting for my new PSU I ordered a few weeks ago. So I cannot tell anything yet if was just the psu or not. I will report then as soon as I have the new PSU. I still hope am lucky and it was just the psu.
Well, my new PSU arrived this morning and thankfully, my Framemeister now works again. To say I am relieved is an understatement, as my whole setup kinda relies on it working. Anyway, if anyone else has the same issue (the unit works one day, appears dead the next) I would suggest buying a new PSU before anything else.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Galdelico »

Just to give everyone who helped me an update, unfortunately that 'deal' turned out to be a waste of time... Seller acted all kinds of weird and in the end I believe he even kept the Mini. So, for now I'll just stick with my OSSC, since there's nothing in EU going for reasonable (or just not stupid) prices, at the moment.

Thanks again guys.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by SavagePencil »

teasea wrote: Well, my new PSU arrived this morning and thankfully, my Framemeister now works again. To say I am relieved is an understatement, as my whole setup kinda relies on it working. Anyway, if anyone else has the same issue (the unit works one day, appears dead the next) I would suggest buying a new PSU before anything else.
Which PSU did you go with?
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Austin »

SavagePencil wrote:
teasea wrote: Well, my new PSU arrived this morning and thankfully, my Framemeister now works again. To say I am relieved is an understatement, as my whole setup kinda relies on it working. Anyway, if anyone else has the same issue (the unit works one day, appears dead the next) I would suggest buying a new PSU before anything else.
Which PSU did you go with?
I am curious about this as well.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by teasea »

SavagePencil wrote: Which PSU did you go with?
This one, from UK eBay.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Revolver Ocelot »

teasea wrote:
Yes I hope so too. Sorry to hear that your Framemeister has the same problem. I am still waiting for my new PSU I ordered a few weeks ago. So I cannot tell anything yet if was just the psu or not. I will report then as soon as I have the new PSU. I still hope am lucky and it was just the psu.
Well, my new PSU arrived this morning and thankfully, my Framemeister now works again. To say I am relieved is an understatement, as my whole setup kinda relies on it working. Anyway, if anyone else has the same issue (the unit works one day, appears dead the next) I would suggest buying a new PSU before anything else.
Thats good to hear. My new Psu arrived yesterday and my FM is working again as well. I was lucky too. :D
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by swisstoni »

My XRGB-mini Framemeister has recently developed a fault it switches on and the green power light shows but no picture appears on my TV no matter what input I use ive also tried using it on different TVs with no luck, anyone else had this issue and know of a fix?
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by BFuzz »

Hi all,

Just got a xrgb mini. Working great so far, at least for the most part.. I'm having a hard time getting perfect scanlines on a French Colecovision. I've tweaked the zoom controls until the scanlines looked perfectly aligned and free of distortion, except for one misaligned scanline in the middle of the screen. No matter what I can't fine tune the overscan parameter to get all the scanlines properly aligned.

I've noticed the V_WIDTH parameter does have an effect on how the scanlines look, but I get a frozen display when I set it to extreme values. What's does this V_WIDTH parameter do exactly?

Also, The stats for the input signal show 720x287p, which looks kinda fishy to me - I was expecting a 288p signal. I wonder if this may have any relation to the scanlines issue?

Would be great if you could shed some light on this. Thank you!
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Revolver Ocelot »

Has somebody used the Framemeister togegether with the Akura Box? I am thinking of getting one and want to use it in Connection with the FM. No I wonde if this is a good idea and anybody has some experience with it already? if the idea is not that good i won't buy it.

Although there is nothing wrong with the 480p Image of the Dreamcast, I am still looking for a upscale solution for the 480p Signal of the DC.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Fudoh »

It's not a good idea. First because the Akura doesn't output the proper resolution. You get sampling errors due to the "faulty" analogue to digital conversion. And second because the FM isn't great for 480 upscaling to start with.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by Revolver Ocelot »

Fudoh wrote:It's not a good idea. First because the Akura doesn't output the proper resolution. You get sampling errors due to the "faulty" analogue to digital conversion. And second because the FM isn't great for 480 upscaling to start with.
Thanks for the quick answer. Well then I will wait until next year with the uprade when I have my OSSC. And until then I play my games with rgb scart over the FM.
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Re: XRGB-mini Framemeister

Post by broken harbour »

Greetings all, I've not been on this forum for a couple years, I moved last year and only just this week found time to hook up all my old consoles and my Framemeister.

While the FBX profiles were available at the time, i never tried them, Last night I flashed to the newest firmware (v2.03) and installed the PS2/Xbox/GC profiles. (my 240p consoles are connected to a CRT.) I've installed them in the correct directory on the SD card, and I can see them and select them in the menu. However, when i load them, nothing changes, its like i didn't select anything. it just keeps using the existing settings.

Is this a known issue? I can set the Framemeister up with pretty good settings, and I was happy with the way it looked before, but I know FBX has put a ton of effort into these profiles and wanted to try them out.

I see they've corrected the scanlines on 1080p output, which is nice at least.
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