Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Basically, >90% of the players who enjoy the genre openly share replays with the explicit knowledge that it is to the benefit of the community and to encourage other players to come along and push the high scoring potential of games. Having your score beaten is a good thing because it means the general knowledge about how to play the game is advancing as a whole. It's like science, scoring should be a continuous knowledge advancement thing with respect to sharing of techniques.

Sometimes sadly someone gets a high scoring run on a setup where they weren't recording (playing on a cab). But generally they can reproduce the techniques in that run on an actual recording if folks request it.

And then you'll just get the basket cases who are like "this is muh WR score and I'm not sharing, nyah nyah". Fuck those folks.
trap15 wrote:There are game centers that forbid publication of replays made there.
This is extremely stupid as far as policies go and I'm not sure why you'd want to play at one that offers recording hardware to players but doesn't allow players to publish the recordings.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Plasmo »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:Basically, >90% of the players who enjoy the genre openly share replays
Unfortunately, that's wishful thinking. Compare the opening post of this topic to the WR score topic and see how many of the scores are actually available as replays. 20-30% maybe? We have many players in the west though who score less, but are ambitiously sharing their replays.

I still have a great number of questions regarding many WR scores and strategies. We are miles behind Japan still. Time to catch up!
BareKnuckleRoo wrote:Having your score beaten is a good thing because it means the general knowledge about how to play the game is advancing as a whole. It's like science, scoring should be a continuous knowledge advancement thing with respect to sharing of techniques.
Quoted for truth!
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Okay, it's an overstatement, I am not actually sure what the numbers are for recording sharing outside of Western players. Unless I am mistaken you still haven't made the recording of your WR run of C-Type in Donpachi available aside from showing it to a select few folks privately at Stunfest...?
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by poptart »

trap15 wrote:but it's their work and their choice whether or not to share
I never disputed this though, i merely criticized and offer what i believe to be reasons for why they make the choice they do. To say it succinctly if your play is so damn good you should have no fear of it being bested, to hide your "work" in the context of competitive play/anything is hardly the actions of someone confident in their achievement.

It is both regrettable and tragic that grown men behave in this fashion.

BareKnuckleRoo wrote: This is extremely stupid as far as policies go and I'm not sure why you'd want to play at one that offers recording hardware to players but doesn't allow players to publish the recordings.
The only time this made sense but i don't know if it's still the case is when the replays were set to become a product like the INH dvds but if that's no longer viable and it's only purpose is to validate then yeah it's silly.

Like i said before all the really good players don't hide anything because they are confident and know even studying their play frame by frame won't make you capable of reaching such a level whether it be WY, dararun futari bl guy, that absolute lunatic rescue-STG futari ultra with shitty palm etcetc, the hiding is always either some old dadshit game or is simply hiding a new glitch or strat that is the only thing separating their mediocre ass from any great player with the same knowledge pushing it further, proper daft.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Plasmo »

Excellent news everybody! With the help of Sapphire, we were able to save three of Kino's four replays. Most notably Cotton Boomerang and Guardian Force, which are made readily available again for your viewing pleasure! Cotton 2 is still missing but it's save to say that it was the least refined of the bunch. Still, if anyone has saved it, I would like to add it to the main post anytime.

There's also an upcoming bigger replay project going on which I'm involved into. The people in Mark's discord might know about this already. Stay tuned for more awesomeness!
whether it be WY, dararun futari bl guy, that absolute lunatic rescue-STG futari ultra with shitty palm etcetc,
Let's celebrate those excellent players then! They have contributed greatly to the community. :D
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by poptart »

Plasmo wrote: Let's celebrate those excellent players then! They have contributed greatly to the community. :D
Of course and they play the hardest and most popular games in the genre that's why they are proud enough to show because they are the cream of the crop and will only be bested by those of equal measure.

A far cry from the hording cringe lords who play garbo dadshit with no competition knowing without supa sekret contract bound knowledge they'd get destroyed in a week by all the superior players and then convince themselves everyone is trying to reverse psych them to see the replay that only 2/3 actually want to see anyway, whatever makes you feel of worth i guess.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Shepardus »

poptart wrote:Of course and they play the hardest and most popular games in the genre that's why they are proud enough to show because they are the cream of the crop and will only be bested by those of equal measure.

A far cry from the hording cringe lords who play garbo dadshit with no competition knowing without supa sekret contract bound knowledge they'd get destroyed in a week by all the superior players and then convince themselves everyone is trying to reverse psych them to see the replay that only 2/3 actually want to see anyway, whatever makes you feel of worth i guess.
Plenty of the less popular games with little competition are legitimately great games; some aren't so difficult but many are. I wouldn't want to encourage a mindset of only playing the games that are perceived as most popular/difficult because playing other games is somehow less prestigious. Besides, there's a lot of cross-pollination between the record-holders for the lesser-known games and the popular games - you often see the same names turn up in both places.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by poptart »

That's a fart in the wind response and just whimsical. If they were that great they'd have more players and interest in the first place no? well maybe not actually which leads me to connect your points firstly no ones asking you to do anything but secondly that don't you think a good way then to encourage interest into those "great lesser known games" would precisely be to show how good they are by sharing high level replays on them? surely this is basically obvious? Would an enthusiast not benefit more if he truly loves the game by actively encouraging competition in his game of choice to give himself a reason to persevere with it should he be beaten or wish to raise the bar higher? again isn't this obvious? Would you feel satisfied you were the best if you won the tour de france because you discovered a short cut no one else had noticed?

If you remove the commerce aspect of professional sold replays you are left with no legitimate reason to horde a replay other than fear of others knowing something because you believe with that knowledge alone you will be beaten in which case you aren't that good to begin with.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Perikles »

A couple of better NMK scores:

R=- -Saint Dragon
R=score & player & link R=18.023.800 & MOMOJIROU & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8hyZwluH6M

R=- -Task Force Harrier
R=score & player & link R=11.093.000 & Perikles & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0etdlH5k1_4

New game:

R=- -Sky Kid
R=score & player & link R=1.259.590 & SADAT X & part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FyHTqG_BrY part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc-TjEZ1-AA part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhbOGvQPIZs part 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6NHyM0jlxA

This was played on one of the PS2 compilations, but those Namco ports tend to be arcade-perfect. On an amusing (?) note, the channel of this guy is filled to the brim with Sky Kid clears, a truly frightening as well as pitiable fact, that.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Shepardus »

poptart wrote:That's a fart in the wind response and just whimsical. If they were that great they'd have more players and interest in the first place no? well maybe not actually which leads me to connect your points firstly no ones asking you to do anything but secondly that don't you think a good way then to encourage interest into those "great lesser known games" would precisely be to show how good they are by sharing high level replays on them? surely this is basically obvious? Would an enthusiast not benefit more if he truly loves the game by actively encouraging competition in his game of choice to give himself a reason to persevere with it should he be beaten or wish to raise the bar higher? again isn't this obvious? Would you feel satisfied you were the best if you won the tour de france because you discovered a short cut no one else had noticed?

If you remove the commerce aspect of professional sold replays you are left with no legitimate reason to horde a replay other than fear of others knowing something because you believe with that knowledge alone you will be beaten in which case you aren't that good to begin with.
I'm not arguing against sharing replays, I personally see no reason not to other than the inconvenience of recording and uploading said replay, and like you said it can encourage people to try the games for themselves. Great games doesn't always translate into a lot of players, though - if that were true, then all these shmups must be pretty crap because even the most popular ones have hardly any players. I don't know how popular they are/were in Japan, but many of my favorite shmups with the most interesting and fun scoring have next to no activity on the western sites I've checked. I do see some more from Japanese players, but I suspect most of the activity for the games I'm thinking of (Parodius and TwinBee series to take some specific examples) came and went long before online video sharing became popular, and the people with VHS's (if they even exist) have since moved on. At least some of those have popped up, such as the WR run of Parodius Da! with Pentarou (albeit just the second loop).

I wouldn't consider broadcasting your replays out to the world to be necessarily the "obvious" thing to do, though, since not everybody's playing these games for the sake of competition or is interested in a level playing field or whatever. I can't speak for actual WR-holders, but to me the competition is only a tangential aspect to these games. I wouldn't be surprised if many replays haven't been shared simply because nobody thought to do so, or they considered and thought it wasn't good enough to their satisfaction yet, etc. It took some time for Archer to upload his Great Mahou Daisakusen counterstop with Karte even though the score is literally unbeatable (though I'm guessing he just didn't set up a YouTube account before then), and sddkaede took down his 613M Dodonpachi replay at one point because he wasn't satisfied with it, even after it had been around for a while.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Nifty »

Plasmo wrote:Cotton 2 is still missing but it's save to say that it was the least refined of the bunch. Still, if anyone has saved it, I would like to add it to the main post anytime.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Plasmo »

You have a PM!

Some terrific additions to the main post:

R=- -ESP Galuda II
R=ship/character & score & player & link R=Ageha & 999.891.843 & Yozu & https://www.bilibili.com/video/av26340961

R=- -Great Mahou Daisakusen / Dimahoo
R=ship/character & score & player & link R=Grimlen & 85.382.280 & AUM_aun & https://youtu.be/WOEdgzE2Oko

R=- -Strikers 1945
R=ship/character & score & player & link R=Zero & 2.179.800 & 117 & loop 2 only https://www.bilibili.com/video/av1530937

R=- -Strikers 99
R=ship/character & score & player & link R=AV-8 Harrier & 2.448.200 & MAY & http://v.qiye10000.com/v/XOTMbMTE8MuI.html

Have fun! :D
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by OmegaFlareX »

Hm, I was looking for Cho Ren Sha 68k but I guess you're not doing non-arcade games yet?
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Plasmo »

Correct. I'm a bit scared to start with non-arcade games. The workload is just immense with this one.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by OmegaFlareX »

Understood. This is a super-valuable resource, though. Please continue, for great justice.

Oh, and find me a S.R.D. Mission high-scoring run. It apparently does not exist on YT (obscure game and all), but I imagine at least one Japanese player has mastered it and it's tucked away in a corner on Nico or something.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by bubufubu »

Plasmo wrote:
Thanks for the update on your score! Added to the main post. Interesting to read about the version differences as well. So do you think you have a scoring advantage on the CCC2 version of the game?
You're most welcome. Thank you for your work on this site.

I would classify this change as mostly nonadvantageous. In my case, it forced me to keep an eye on the timer and that's a hindrance. It's certainly helpful to collect with 40 seconds to disable the timer, however it only lasts for the remainder of that stage or until you collect another weapon icon. I'd venture to guess that competitive players are likely to switch weapons during stages. The laser is quite punishing to bosses while the missile has a greater range of attack.
Plasmo wrote: The WR replay is one of many that we classify as "not available". Arcade WR videos are taken very seriously and people would literally kill for them in some cases. It's probably only shared privately in small circles in Japan. Don't hope for it to ever surface on the net. The list that I'm maintaining here shows the highest scoring replays available for each game to our best knowledge. Therefore, your own replay is the way to go.
That's a shame. I did some surfing and found other scores, also sans replay, in the 14 million point range. I'll keep pushing myself in hopes of some 13 million point scores, but I doubt I'll ever be able to approach that kind of greatness for this game.

Cheers. :)
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by bubufubu »


I neglected to mention additional annoyances caused by this change in the console version.

Along with the timer mandating your attention, the player may have to avoid collecting another weapon icon. If you're playing for points, this is a significant obstruction. You can shoot down the weapon planes, but then the icon will hover around for a while. This causes you to lose some space on screen for maneuvering and can temporarily interrupt your strategy. You may choose to not shoot down those vermilion colored planes, but then you'll need to avoid them, again limiting your range of movement. This comes into play on stages 3 (at multiple spots), 5, and 6.

The cons outweigh the lone pro.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Sapphire »

OmegaFlareX wrote:Hm, I was looking for Cho Ren Sha 68k but I guess you're not doing non-arcade games yet?
As far as I'm aware, the highest scoring replay is still at http://www.kit.hi-ho.ne.jp/zapzap/works_eng.htm (scroll down to the bottom of the page and download the replay data to replace the game demo with it). 24.5 million points with a full no miss (including TLB). The same run is also on YouTube in 8 parts under the players username "tuyo7777". Glad I could help.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Shepardus »

For hard mode there's Squire Grooktook's replay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaU_VjZoB4M

There's a slightly higher score but the video for that seems to be down. Writeup about it here: http://www.ultimaratioregum.co.uk/game/ ... -analysis/
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Ako »

poptart wrote:
Plasmo wrote:
The WR replay is one of many that we classify as "not available". Arcade WR videos are taken very seriously and people would literally kill for them in some cases. It's probably only shared privately in small circles in Japan. Don't hope for it to ever surface on the net.
It's strange how this silly little niche is the only place i've ever seen such behaviors, usually people in everything else tend to be proud of their WRs and want to show them as a declaration of skill and setting of a standard for others to attempt to reach but not so here.

My belief is this is because replay hiders are insecure and deep down know if not for "supa sekret" knowledge in some game 3 people play that many of the superior players would beat them in a week or 2. It's funny how people like WY upload his replays immediately which is obviously because he is confident in his ability and everyone knows how ridiculous that level is in DOJ so much so that even with all the intricate knowledge he stands as an example daring anymore to prove they are greater for which 99% will fail, that's a real great player right there. This hiding shit is cringe shit for shut in losers who couldn't even kill the reiko pillows they own let alone harm another human lmao.
I mean you have emulators and savestates. Just go figure it out yourself if you want to know that badly. If you can't then perhaps you're not losing because of hiding but rather a lack of passion and commitment.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by poptart »

Ako wrote:
I mean you have emulators and savestates. Just go figure it out yourself if you want to know that badly. If you can't then perhaps you're not losing because of hiding but rather a lack of passion and commitment.
Who's talking about anyone wanting to see anything? we were talking about the motivation that leads to them hiding in the first place although amongst your let's say typically american level of reading comprehension you stumble accidentally on a point that who even wants to see them in the first place? if you want to put forward an argument for the hiding of supa sekret replays and strats from an audience that wouldn't reach double figures of people who actually care or would even find any use in them be my guest.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Plasmo »

As some of you might already know, but we got two beautiful new replays from HEY's halloween stream!

R=- -Deathsmiles Mega Black Label
R=ship/character & score & player & link R=Windia & 15.677.014.790 & 白胡麻 & https://youtu.be/kqzg3rhk_Fk R=Follett & 12.779.656.762 & SPE & https://www.bilibili.com/video/av35030011?p=2

Disclaimer: These replays are totally not secret and actually very free! Please enjoy! :D
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Mills »

Managed to view both replays from my smartphone no problems.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by hdd60311 »

Ketsui PS3 offical superplay by SPS
Type A - Omote - 502,135,153 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av36980418/?p=1
Type A - Ura - 572,477,375 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av36980418/?p=2
Type B - Omote - 463,695,841 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av36980418/?p=3
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by bubufubu »

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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Plasmo »

bubufubu wrote:1941 (MAME) - 13,062,800

Wow, that's some nice progress! Thanks for the update! :)

On that occasion, I want to point out that Kondou has released a new video for 1943 (3,3 million points) showing how to get the elusive double boss kill bonus.

Check it out!
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by bubufubu »

Wow, that's some nice progress! Thanks for the update! :)

On that occasion, I want to point out that Kondou has released a new video for 1943 (3,3 million points) showing how to get the elusive double boss kill bonus.

Check it out!

Thank you! I was only looking to secure something in the realm of 12.5 but my fortune on the final stage really caught me by surprise. I devised some new strategies that were tremendously helpful for avoiding damage. There's also a POW that normally doesn't appear unless the difficulty is set to "Hardest", I believe. Perhaps collecting all the previous Yashichi icons triggered it. I'm glad I was able to achieve this on MAME because the console port differences were bothering me.

Will you kindly post the link for Kondou's 1943 run?
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Plasmo »

It's listed in the main post, but here you go:

R=- -1943: The Battle of Midway
R=score & player & link R=3.352.610 & Kondou & https://youtu.be/ZEjgpu-Vs7Y [Capcom Arcade Cabinet]
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by bubufubu »

Plasmo wrote:It's listed in the main post, but here you go:
My apologies. Soon after my last message, I checked the 1st page of this thread and found it. I should have assumed you would post it there. I'll try to remember that going forward. Thank you for pasting the link on this page, as well.
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Re: Highest scoring replays available (resource topic)

Post by Mero »

This is for the US version of Last Duel:

R=score & player & link R=707.500 & Jarl & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Gr8U7xcnLc
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