Late realizations

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Re: Late realizations

Post by BIL »

Mischief Maker wrote:The car from the Spy Hunter arcade cabinet's artwork actually exists.


It's the Mercedes Isdera Imperator:
Interesting! Glancing at the profile shot, I'd have thought it was a riff on the Lotus Esprit from The Spy Who Loved Me. (the "submarine car" of much infamy)


"Now listen carefully, 007! Get ALL the pussy with Submarine Car!"


(I know I sure did, when I flashed my copy of Battle Formula at the office cleaning lady - she kinda looked like Q, too! :shock:)
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Re: Late realizations

Post by BIL »

Had no idea John Saxon (a friend of R2RKMF via his iconic Roper) was a paisan, born Carmine Orrico. :o Suddenly seems a lot less random in Tenebrae. Handsome devil.

Had no idea Mark Knopfler is English, WTF! :shock: I always filed Dire Straits in with The Eagles, Creedence, and all the other FM radio US uncle rock staples.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by vol.2 »

BIL wrote: Had no idea Mark Knopfler is English, WTF! :shock: I always filed Dire Straits in with The Eagles, Creedence, and all the other FM radio US uncle rock staples.
Did you know he did the soundtrack to The Princess Bride?

But yeah, I think I assumed they were Canadian or something until way later. Also, I think he's like half Hungarian and born in Scotland, so "English" is debatable? I don't really understand how cultural identity work over there, so whatever.


I just realized that those plastic drink caps that break their own inner seal when you unscrew them actually have a cutting wheel set inside of them that does the job. I had always just assumed that the lid itself was doing the cutting:
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Re: Late realizations

Post by BIL »

Oh yeah, I see now he was actually born in Glasgow, before his family moved back to his mother's Newcastle when he was seven.
“I used to listen to records when I was very, very small, probably before I was two: I was listening to the radio and my mum singing. So it’s natural to me. So when people sometimes say to me: ‘How do you write that, or where does that come from, they sound a thousand years old?’ I think it is partly coming from Glasgow, and from being in Scotland, and from the north east, where my mother’s family is from. There are huge links between the Geordies and the Scots.”
I don't know the rules either. I did get issues of the Dandy mailed me from family in England as a kid, though! Sounds complicated Image


Nope, never actually seen The Princess Bride, other than when it was new, and I was too small to remember much but the seals and the resurrection machine (scary! painful!). I'm workin' on it though. :wink:
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Re: Late realizations

Post by To Far Away Times »

Mark Knopfler is such a boss.

The song Romeo and Juliet from Princess Bride is an amazing guitar piece.

I know he's a pretty well regarded guitarist, but I still think he's a bit under the radar, probably due to not having as many hit songs, but man, his chops are second to none.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by Marc »

The 'Game Over' jingle from Batsugun is cribbed almost note-for-note from the 'Fight Start' jingle from the original Street Fighter.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by vol.2 »

That Ya Kid K from Technotronic is a woman. For whatever reason, I thought she was a dude in the videos when I saw them in middle school. If you watch the video, you can see she's dressed pretty butch, and then you get these shots of stereotypical women. Whatever, I was very young and I hadn't seen that kind of fashion yet I guess. Now I know.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by BIL »

The guy whose portrait was appropriated by SomethingAwful for the old "You Gon Get Raped" image macro lost his job and was briefly unemployable as a result. Image

I never quite understood that incarnation of the macro. Looks like a thoughtful chap. Fuckin nerds. I did love it when someone here used the rather terrifying illustration of Dobkeratops from MSX R-Type, though!

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Re: Late realizations

Post by WelshMegalodon »

Enabling -unevenstretchx in MAME allows you to maintain the correct aspect ratio without uneven scanlines from non-integer vertical scaling.

Would have been nice to know about 200 screenshots ago.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by wht11 »

Many years ago as kid I played some NES shmup with a friend, no chance will ever remember what game. We both had a copy. Needless to say it was ridiculously hard so I just put it away eventually, never past 1 or 2 stage maybe.

However, one day I meet my friend and he told me he actually went through the whole thing. Oh really? Kinda skeptic I was (for a kid), so what's going on there later? And he started to spin an unbelievably wacky tale about all things and the part where he lost me was telling me how after final boss there was yet "this little girl" and she turned into... lol, sure there was pal, and you finished the game for sure...

I laughed the dude off, didn't believe him on bit of this. However now, after years of watching and playing STG games I only realized: wait a minute, the poor guy was probably telling the truth. It wasn't even "that" ridiculous compared to 90% of what's going on in these games. Oh damn, too bad.
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Re: Late realizations

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Re: Late realizations

Post by WelshMegalodon »

I'm wondering whether he isn't actually remembering Abadox, which is the only NES shooter with a girl at the end that comes to mind at the moment. She doesn't turn into anything, though.
Indie hipsters: "Arcades are so dead"
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RBelmont wrote:A little math shows that if you overclock a Pi3 to about 3.4 GHz you'll start to be competitive with PCs from 2002. And you'll also set your house on fire
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Re: Late realizations

Post by wht11 »

WelshMegalodon wrote:I'm wondering whether he isn't actually remembering Abadox, which is the only NES shooter with a girl at the end that comes to mind at the moment. She doesn't turn into anything, though.
Nope, at least I don't think so. Also, I can only vaguely remember what that mate was telling me happened, actually it could've "something changing into a little girl" for all it matters. Either way girl part is for sure but the actual clue of story is that it sounded so damn bizarre, listening to it as a kid I could swear he's just making up "another story", I didn't see that many games yet back (most importantly "Japanese" games...). Years later randomly remembered this one situation from childhood and realizing: lol, actually it was "the usual" really.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by drauch »

I kept assuming this was Guardian Legend, although you know that from the get-go.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by BIL »

Was revisiting my fave mid-00s atrocity exhibition To Catch A Predator for cheap n' sick larfs. Image While a meme machine in its day, I was unaware of the small but lively fandom "TCAP" maintains to this day. Peeps rattle off JPW and Hambubger and MeatRocket like we do Toaplan and Seibu and Raizing. :o Hm. They even have big generalissimo sorts, and factions, and flamey flamey flamewars! I find niche fandoms an innately fascinating quantity - you can't fake passion, at least not without getting found out & fisted - so I went native for a bit.


The man at the top of this clammy pile is Lorne Lynn Armstrong (b.1970) of Cornville, Maine. Moonlighting as a builder, Lorne scammed an elderly couple out of $30,000, then fled to Nashville, pursuing country music stardom. While working the karaoke circuit, he began an online romance with 13y/o "Kayla," a decoy. After a month of gruesome chat, Lorne hopped in his truck and crossed state lines to Bowling Green KY, on a date with infamy. He would ultimately spend five years in the can, pleading out to avoid a much sterner charge of intent to produce CP.

In the decade since, Lorne has become Chris Chan II: Rainbow Label. Older, angrier, and drunker, federally banned from internet use, a long succession of "hot twenty-something women" have nonetheless sought his number, mining countless hours of comedy pyrite. Having spent the last month's GAYME TYME on easier-going, console-geared stuff, I've enjoyed the background noise! Here are a few select episodes, for similarly afflicted Shumps Friends:


Lorne's GF CASEY underwent a four-hour surgery, and is recuperating in hospital - tragically, she has not responded to his texts quickly enough. With DAN at CASEY's bedside to lend his support, Lorne's jealousy is primed - and when he hears of a certain get-well present, a blistering meltdown leaves his dream of vindictively wedded bliss in ashes.

CASEY: Lorne's glamorous actress GF. Mid-20s. Famously played "Kayla" in Lorne's televised execution. Understandably guilty, she seeks to atone by becoming his wife.
DAN: Tall, handsome Jewish attorney with a great ass and an eight-inch CAWK. Mid-30s. Bisexual BF of EMMA, Lorne's best friend. Visting CASEY at EMMA's request.
MATILDA (alias "Big Titty Matilda"): Sassy black nurse, mid-50s, whose wise counsel on life, love, and homosexuality reduces our hero to a Bud-fuelled flood of tears.


Lorne's GF WINNIE is feeling blue, now that she is off the crack, so he reads a heartfelt poem he wrote for her. While she is in the toilet, he hits on her teenage daughter RHODA, encouraging her to enjoy one of WINNIE's pot brownies. Tragically, the brownie contains WINNIE's Death With Dignity Pill, which she had intended to consume following Lorne's serenade, and a double tragedy ensues.

WINNIE: Lorne's crackhead valley girl GF, frenemy of CASEY. Late 20s, irascible, source of many jibes about Lorne's tiny CAWK and misshapen head.
RHODA: Daughter of WINNIE. A ditzy and bubbly teen who inexplicably attracts Lorne.
EMMA: Mexican-American, mid-30s, a stalwart friend to Lorne. Hapless source of conflict between him and WINNIE, due to the latter's violent racism.


Lorne's GF RAMONA is struggling with her 96y/o NANA's medical insurance forms, so she turns to her friend THE DOCTOR for assistance. Tragically, an innocent past mishap between the two sparks Lorne's suspicions, culminating in an unprecedented explosion of alcoholic, trailer-trashing anger. An epilogue covers the subsequent Wellness Check, which concerned listeners phoned into Cornville PD.

RAMONA: Lorne's rich, sporty GF. Early 20s. Bright, yet prone to youthful obstinance. Moved by Lorne's televised plight, she located him via the Sex Offender Registry.
THE DOCTOR: Black, mid-20s, good friend of RAMONA. One of several young professionals who her family consider worthy suitors. Known to have a big CAWK.
NANA: Ramona's very elderly grandmother, who cannot understand her labyrinthine health insurance policy.


While I'm unrepentantly amused, I'm also left thinking of one Derrick Bird - better known to we Cuck Islanders as The Cumbria Shooter. Similarly tormented persona, life history, and even hairline. Was just a few years older than Lorne when he finally snapped. With you Burgers' infinitely greater opportunity to Cock A Glock And Pop-Pop Til They All Drop, I do wonder if these hijinks might lead somewhere hideous - if even on a much smaller scale. FWIW, Lorne strikes me as a (cf Bill Burr) Angry Pussy, one I could only see (cf Doug Stanhope) Turning The Gun On Himself.

Internet-powered scammers like Zoe Quinn and Brianna Wu also come to mind. Unlike their thieving ilk, Lorne perhaps has some claim to the coveted grifter's mantle of "The Internet Ruined My Life." Despite a similar verminous tenacity - Lorne mistook his online following for a fandom, early on, and has never quite disabused himself, even after the Hon. Judge WoodCAWK sagely advised him to Walk Away, at his 2019 parole revocation hearing - our hero has received no Patreonbux, nor senate runs, nor book deals; only teeming shoals of catfish, and hordes of chortling rubberneckers like your Shumps Friend here.

To be sure, even ignoring his jailbait fixation, Lorne is disgusting - when informed that cancer-stricken Betty, survivor of the couple he robbed, had been reimbursed by charitable TCAP fans, he declared the matter over, saying "the bitch could get a job" before asking anything of him. Combined with his remarkable stupidity - he was cowed into staying off the roads, when a catfish warned she'd watched him drink-driving on Google Earth - I will conclude he was destined for ignominy and disaster, and that moreover, "reviled internet clown" is quite possibly a relatively benign outcome.

Provided he doesn't snap and shoot up a Walmart, or something. I hope he drink-drives himself not into the side of a sleeping family's house, as he did just prior to the TCAP sting, but through a guardrail and down a ravine before that happens. But, as is the gift of Internet, we shall see.

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Re: Late realizations

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Growing up, everything I knew about Black Sabbath I learned from t-shirts at the mall.


I recently found myself down a rock history youtube rabbit hole that led to them.

They were not quite what the mall made me think they were.

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Re: Late realizations

Post by vol.2 »

If you actually listen to the lyrics, it becomes apparent that Geezer Butler is intensely religious. They are one of the most misunderstood bands in history AFAIK.

It's all about saving your soul and the dangers of evil, anti-war songs (War Pigs) and warnings about the dangers of drug addition (Rat Salad), etc, etc.

But the cover of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath is amazing. There is also a gatefold cover you don't see around very often in north america.

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Re: Late realizations

Post by FinalBaton »

Anti-war yes. And also a few anti-communist moments. And they became really disenfranchised with the hippie movement (as heard in Children Of the Grave).

''War Pigs'' had it's lyrics changed last-minute to capitalized on the hippie market but the band hated these new lyrics, Ozzie singing the OG ''Walpurgis'' lyrics live instead. He also included Walpurgis on his boxset ''The Ozzman Cometh'' instead of the hippie version.

But some other ''horror of wars'' tales for sure such as ''Hand of Doom'' about heroin-fixed soldiers
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Re: Late realizations

Post by BIL »

Growing up with a couple of stalwart Rock Uncles, I used to enjoy Well AYKSHUALLYing the Sab-phobic bible study kids at school with "After Forever" off Master of Reality. :cool:

That name and title track were always going to colour perceptions of them, but 70s Sabbath is pretty tame as far as ye olde devil worship goes. Not a lot beyond Zep and Purple, who both had their creepier turns. You need to go to later outfits like Venom for the real Satanic Panic deal (as Cronos and Abaddon cheerfully admitted, all in the name of earning a quick buck). A lot of Sab's best lyrics are resolutely mundane.

> Junior's Eyes (for John Osbourne senior, who'd died shortly before recording. some sad shit. Iommi absolutely howls)

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Re: Late realizations

Post by WelshMegalodon »

I always thought "Plaleaf" sounded odd in the Master System version of Fantasy Zone. As it turns out, it only plays at the correct speed on a PAL machine. The same goes for SMS Hang-On's opening theme.

I remember realizing that three of the four music tracks in SMS Out Run were the same way several years ago, so I'm happy to finally see someone point it out on YouTube.

EDIT: "After Burner" from After Burner also sounds correct on a PAL system.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by BrianC »

I assumed that Sonic not being about to hit Eggman when he's at the top of the screen in Sonic was SMS was due to Sonic not jumping high enough. However, Sonic can jump high enough to hit the bottom of Eggman's ship, but can't hit him due to the collision being disabled when the ship is at the top of the screen.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by Obiwanshinobi »

Futurama's Leela character is named after Turangalîla-Symphonie by Olivier Messiaen. I used to listen to it* all the time during some hazy days of mine a copule of years ago.

*) Specifically, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra's recording of it, Riccardo Chailly conducting etc. Nowadays I regret not having purchased one released by Naxos later on, but with things recorded so many times, and SO involved, it takes quick decisions to choose anything at all, so you can start SOMEWHERE at last.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by vol.2 »

Mischief Maker wrote:
It's the Mercedes Isdera Imperator:
it looks amazing, but having watched that video, it's a real pig around corners.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by Mischief Maker »

They made a third pinball table in the Black Knight series two years ago.

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Late realizations

Post by BrianC »

That Dreamcast pad I found for cheap at a yard sale turned out to be an Ascii Pad FT SNK version, which, AFAIK, was never released in the US.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by Obiwanshinobi »

Ľudovít Rajter as a conductor had some real good run with Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra. I don't recall hearing much about either on the radio station where I hear a lot about such things. Got to know them from a second-hand CD of 3rd Symphony by Johannes Brahms (Italian print) which doesn't even say what year it was recorded in, so I suppose it was nineteen-seventies (ADD, stereo). Then, last night, I heard some piano work by Johann Nepomuk Hummel performed extremely well and that was them again: Rajter with either Slovak Philharmonic or Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra. It speaks volumes of post-WW2 Czechoslovakia state how little known they are.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by vol.2 »

i can load my plates in the dishwasher diagonally

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Re: Late realizations

Post by Stevens »

vol.2 wrote:i can load my plates in the dishwasher diagonally

Yo, gimme my blue half bowl back.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Late realizations

Post by Sumez »

vol.2 wrote:i can load my plates in the dishwasher diagonally


why though?
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Re: Late realizations

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sometimes the particular arrangement of dishes is such that doing so allows me to fit more of them in there
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