Hey all, apologies for not seeing this post after I set up my original post in the dev forum. I'm new to the board but I did come here for some feedback and wisdom so I really appreciate your time. You probably have no idea how much it means to me (the developer of Boss 101) to hear even a casal passing remark about the game. Very enlightening and helpful.
That said - onward with the replies. You'll also have to forgive my general indepth lack of Schump specific terms. Though I have been in game development a long time (over 20 years) it's not exactly my direct wheelhouse. Boss 101 is a passion project and was born out of a desire to make a fun game based around my experience in games (both development and playing). A shooter was something I gravitated to since I always enjoyed blasting badguys and I loved the idea of a randomly player generated boss game. There's a lot more to it than that obviously but that's a longer story for later! HAHAHA! OK - enough gassing about me...
Doctor Butler wrote:
Re: the procedural aspect of the bosses... I'm not too keen on any of that really, but it looks like it could be fun for some casual play.
What do you guys think?
It's designed to be a pick up and play game for a wide audience - now how well it's showing or hitting that target at the moment is of course debatable. HA! As you hint at (and I hope) that ideally won't preclude a person who enjoys a more traditional shooter from enjoying it. The game has a lot of dialog (players talk with each other, bosses and player interact, lots of out of round and round start comments fly around). There is also an (arguably) entertaining story about why you the characters are even in the game and what they are doing in there. That concept certainly isn't new to game (or movies, or books or comics) but I like to think our take is pretty fun.
Squire Grooktook wrote:A randomly generated, survival focused shmup could be a lot of fun. Not everything has to be a score chase imo. It just depends on if the elements added to the random generation (patterns, enemies, power ups, etc.) are fun to play with.
It definitely looks euroshmuppy though. Let's just hope it's an interesting/fun brand of euroshmup (like Gingaforce arguably is) and not something made by people with no idea what their doing.
Ok - I'll admit I had to look up Euroshumpy from an old ass thread
here. I can see where Boss 101 would fall into a lot of those overall categories (health bar, items to buy, bright colors and a few others). I can attest there are NO Amiga demo coders on the team, NOR have we rendered anything with a chrome sheen. All the art is hand drawn a pixel at a time (in nearly every case). All animation is done with Esoteric's Spine program or otherwise done in engine. The game is not finished at the moment but we are focused on fun and good gameplay. Nothing too easy and nothing too hard, which is of course, the goal of many, many games.
The one thing I totally agree on is the gameplay experience must be "fair" and understandable by the player. A lot of the preview work you are seeing in the GIFs is done with a buffed health bar since we were testing initial systems. That will change as we do more tuning (in fact some of this already has been altered). I only mention that for clarification and not to invalidate the importance of balance.
Shepardus wrote:Could be some good casual fun as you said, too early to say much about it though. I hope the camera scrolling isn't as nauseating as those gifs make it seem though.
Thanks for the comment - yeah, nausea is off the to-do list of features.
Ed Oscuro wrote:I see a player taking boatloads of damage in a Euroshmup for no reason other than being blinded by the pixel bling.
HA! As I mention above - there is a health bar/shield in the game so there are moments where you will likely get hit. That said - we aren't looking to let the player sponge up every shot just to gaze upon our pixel wielding skillz. (though that sounds like a game idea for another time, hehe)
Keres wrote:It's strange how the life bar goes down only 1 or 2 pixels when you get hit. It's that way for all of the gifs on the game's web site, too.
I like the idea of a procedurally-generated STG, but I think it'd probably be tricky to make one that is A) well-balanced, and B) feels meaningfully different between playthroughs. The boss generator thing is a novel idea, but depending on how many discrete boss parts there are, they could start to feel kind of samey once you've seen everything.
I'm looking forward to seeing the final product, at least.
Thanks and yah - this has been a fun game but as you notice - it's a tightrope walk to make sure there is interesting stuff and balance. An interesting thing about the boss generator is we did a math calculation and though I don't recall the exact amount of variations but it was something like a 2 followed by three HUNDRED zeros. Ideally that means you won't see the same boss very often.
Doctor Butler wrote:Yeah, like most procedurally-generated games, it's really more for shits-and-giggles, than anything serious.
Hey man, shits, giggles and whatever. If the game entertains and gets your attention. Awesome. At the risk of sounding obvious, we're doing this for our living so a sale and a good word mean a LOT to us. We are looking to earn our keep.
suny wrote:Really like the Art style and the dynamism of the game.
I'm wondering how long a procedurally-generated game can engage the player before boring him, though...
And so I'm looking forward of trying it.
It definitely looks euroshmuppy though.
Squire Grooktook, I'd be interested in what are elements of the game you think as euroshmuppy. I guess the life bar is an obvious one, but I would like to know more
Thanks for the comment and we're looking at elements of the game beyond just pressing Make-a-Boss and hitting go. As I mentioned there are reasons given to you the player for doing what you do. Ideally we are able to pull that off in spectacular fashion and entertain you all the way through.
Doctor Butler wrote:I'd have to guess the customization and persistent unlockables.
And yes - the lifebar.
Among other things yes - but no Euro track Dance Mixes are licensed for this game. Also we are working to avoid horrible balance, boring levels and tepid gameplay.
Squire Grooktook wrote:
Besides the health bar, he seems to take a lot of hits in that gif but only a little of the life bar is reduced. There's also a money. Also can't tell if there's inertia on controls or not.
yah, I mentioned the life bar thing above so hopefully that helps explains some of the bullet sponge stuff. As for the rest - the game is always being played for fun and tuning. We are always open to feedback too! Thank you!
Shepardus wrote:For anyone who hasn't noticed yet, one of the developers created a
thread for the game over in the Development forum and is open to feedback.
Thanks for that! I'll make sure to check here too!
Also - repost:
the Dev Thread I created is here... and I most certainly welcome feedback and input!
Thank you again everyone! Really good stuff and I can say I learned A LOT here already! Looking forward to more!