Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

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Re: Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

Post by CStarFlare »

Some day I'll figure out how to consistently trigger the stage 1 Ura midboss and I will probably start enjoying the game. Until then I just hate all of my runs by about 15 seconds in.
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Re: Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

Post by el_rika »

Don't let the tanks destroy the silozes (except for the 3rd one, that one doesn't matter), and have a full hyper ~ 5 seconds before the Ura midboss should appear (safest way is to not use hyper at all untill then).
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Re: Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

Post by XoPachi »

I really liked the game. :c

Even the ludicrous last level. It's not a favorite though. I don't care for the waifu stuff but it's not *as* bad as SDOJ which is just outright creepy about it. The slowdown is a bit much at times and the sound design isn't as good to me. The various soundtracks, and there's like 30 of them (including an iOS exclusive OST which is the worst one), are pretty rad. But don't quite hit like DDP or DOJ for me. The base soundtrack is serviceable but too weak? The other soundtracks are neat but WAY too uh..."Anime Dance Party To Go".
I miss DDP's music. I don't get why they never did that again.

I enjoyed the laser pushback mechanic they were playing with. It was very unique. Jarring at first, but it's at least consistent and keeps you on your toes when scoring. Something to balance the really strong as Hell revamped Hyper mode. It's a bit unnatural and not for everyone but I like the bit of "punish game" it adds.

I will say the vanilla 1.5 mode is the worst way to play it. I don't touch it at all anymore. The Ketsui DLC and Arrange L, or whatever the fuck the DOJ Type-A mode is called, are really just a blast to play and pick up the pace a lot more. The rage mechanic for the two Black Label modes is really exciting. It's like triggering max rank on the fly and then seeing how long you can keep your feet to the flames. It reminds me of ESPGaluda's overheat.

I dunno. It's sloppy, but I like all of it's little quirky unique ideas. It's not terrible.
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Re: Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

Post by To Far Away Times »

Atleast DFK kinda hung around and was popular for a while. I feel like SDOJ came and went with little fanfare. Kinda unwhelming for CAVE's final game. Too hard for most players? Not as easy to access? I bought SDOJ for 360 and only put a few hours into it. I don't know, it didn't seem that bad but I never felt the urge to return to it.
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Re: Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

Post by sunnshine »

To Far Away Times wrote:Atleast DFK kinda hung around and was popular for a while. I feel like SDOJ came and went with little fanfare. Kinda unwhelming for CAVE's final game. Too hard for most players? Not as easy to access? I bought SDOJ for 360 and only put a few hours into it. I don't know, it didn't seem that bad but I never felt the urge to return to it.
I prefer DFK to SDOJ. I'm happy to play (and be shit but try to get better at) DOJ, DFK and most other Cave games but SDOJ just seems difficult for difficulty's sake and it's not even fun trying to learn the game because it's so hard to see what the hell's going on.
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Re: Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

Post by szycag »

More people need to hear this: Ketsuipachi alone is worth $30 even if you don't like weird turret and laser battles.
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Re: Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

Post by Marc »

To Far Away Times wrote:Atleast DFK kinda hung around and was popular for a while. I feel like SDOJ came and went with little fanfare. Kinda unwhelming for CAVE's final game. Too hard for most players? Not as easy to access? I bought SDOJ for 360 and only put a few hours into it. I don't know, it didn't seem that bad but I never felt the urge to return to it.
Too hard for myself, for sure. And it's weird because other CAVE games are too (Ketsui, Esp II to name just two), but I don't mind returning to them every now and again. SDOJ I bought purely because it was region-free, played it for about five sessions, then promptly forgot I owned it. It was bland in look and design, and I felt no compulsion whatsoever to 'git good'.
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Re: Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

Post by Angry Hina »

Really love DFK. Its the first STG 1cc I've achieved. Futari was too hard with its level 3 with no slomo when playing with Palm abnormal. And Deathsmiles wasnt able to keep me motivated with its empty moments. DFK was just perfect for me at the time. Graphics and the vocals are great either.
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Re: Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

Post by davyK »

DFK's ship and style selection add more varied gameplay than most shmups, even within the Cave games it offers a pile of content in the arcade mode alone because of that. The styles in particular really make the game play differently. One can start with Blue Strong and then work up the difficulties.
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Re: Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

Post by el_rika »

CStarFlare wrote:Some day I'll figure out how to consistently trigger the stage 1 Ura midboss and I will probably start enjoying the game. Until then I just hate all of my runs by about 15 seconds in.
Got a little time to make a quick vid. Here's the safest and easy way to go into Ura in stage 1.


To keep the Ura route, just don't die (and don't time out) at a special mid boss.
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Re: Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

Post by slateman »

To Far Away Times wrote:Atleast DFK kinda hung around and was popular for a while. I feel like SDOJ came and went with little fanfare. Kinda unwhelming for CAVE's final game. Too hard for most players? Not as easy to access? I bought SDOJ for 360 and only put a few hours into it. I don't know, it didn't seem that bad but I never felt the urge to return to it.
It's all about personal preference but man, I *love* SDOJ. I realize purists prefer DDP, DOJ and SDOJ to DFK but man, that game is fantastic too. I'm so glad both exist, as they're night-and-day different IMO. But SDOJ was an underwhelming finale (in terms of popularity) and it's sad knowing that, b/c I think it's such a fantastic game.

DFK had the highest exposure of any DDP title and that's OK by me. Anything that gets people into my favorite shmup franchise is a good thing IMO!
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Re: Daifukkatsu not as popular as other Dodonpachi games?

Post by gray117 »

Dfk tried, but doj was already the quintessential vert shmup - getting stick really only for its less toaplan feeling art.

Dfk obviously tried to take that art style and ramp it up step further, take puzzling/bullet cancelling further (one suspects slightly in response to adding an ikaruga style simple puzzle depth), added autobombs for accessibility ... Do what they thought people wanted for the genre. And although these all seemed like good ideas it actually kind of dulled down the gameplay - somehow despite all the flare and mechanics tweaks the game is duller and more repetitive to play. It had none of the rhythm of play that made futari such a wonderful play experience... But at the same time you could see how the critical success of futrai encouraged pushing dodonpachi's mechanics a bit. Unfortunately I feel dfk could have probably used more time to develop its pacing.

After the commercial success of deathsmiles, cave convinced themselves that the reason for that wasn't the accessible rocky-gothy-stylish-horizontal-fun-halloween game they made, but that it featured lolis all over the marketing.

And sadly that might have been partly correct.. But it was a one trick pony and wasn't going to be their recipe for ongoing success and 'finding' their genre fan base... and instead this slavish desire/idea that they had to loli up for the $ became an idea that instead of adding accessibility, just ended up further marginalising and dating both Dfk and SDOJ

Now the thing is dfk is still a very fine game - it's just it ended up that unlike futari for mushimisama, dfk took the dodonpachi series further in a direction away from the strengths of ddp... Instead of enhancing the achievement of play the mechanics seemingly cheapened the experience of playing well, and scoring/progression was not quite as fine tuned.

Dfk bl is a nice game but it will forever feel more of an alternative-patch-hack-compromise-reimagining than a refinement of the base game and somewhat reminiscent of ibara bl slightly panicked response to the original game confusing fans and not landing as well as they'd hoped... As opposed to the doj bl victory lap.

SDOJ kind of went back to basics a bit more with the game mechanics, while doubling down on the player side loli identity. I think it had an easier time being accepted that aesthetically weren't going to be expecting something a bit more toaplan (plus) like (though I personally still love to see that) and to play it felt more like a return to basics with hyper retaining their savage attack feel rather than something of a cheat mode shield and the gameplay variants/modes being more like experiments/value adds than urgent re-imaginings.

Dfk is something different, but if your going to put 30-60 mins into a play or few of a 'dodonpachi game' you can appreciate why unfortunately it might struggle to get chosen as the archetypical choice for that series unless you want something a bit different in the way it offers it. On the flip side if it's the only dodonpachi available no one is going to say its a bad game and avoid playing it... Plus, somewhat ironically, if someone wants to buy their first dodonpachi game dfk is probably the most accessible/available...
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