Uchusen & Uchusen 2 (XB1 - X|S - PS4|5 - Switch)

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Sturmvogel Prime
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Uchusen & Uchusen 2 (XB1 - X|S - PS4|5 - Switch)

Post by Sturmvogel Prime »


The world still has to suffer the Trashfall 'cos the release of trash shmups doesn't seem to have an end in sight.
Today we will talk about BOTH Uchusen and Uchusen 2 by Nape Games.

Nape Retroverse Collection is a compilation of the library of Nape Games which comprises Ploid, Uchusen, Uchusen 2 and Reknum Souls Adventure. While Ploid and Reknum are more of Zelda clones (mostly influenced by Zelda II: The Adventure of Link), the "main part" of the compilation are the Uchusen games, which are horizontal scrolling shooters.

Rush hour in the galactic corridor.

We already know the game is an horizontal shooter. The gameplay itself is below what we can call "Basic" since we have only one weapon: The standard shot, which is virtually useless since the bullet disappears after a short distance, making things more difficult than they should be. Oh, and the controls are some of the worst out there, unlike any other shooter where tapping up or down moves the ship, here you have to hold the pad to accelerate in a specific direction. This can't be seen in YouTube videos, but once you're playing it you'll realize how broken the controls are, almost as bad as Akinofa. And just for a final insult to injury, the Turridamage issue that plagues Ploid is carried on here. A rapid succession of bullets can drain 3 of your 6 hit points and crashing will take all of them at once, and this is one of those games with zero tolerance 'cos if you die once, it's Game Over and you go back to level 1. But who cares anyway, the main objective is to get 50 diskettes to obtain all the achievements/trophies related to this game and you're done. I don't know the difference between normal and Infinite, but they're basically the same since you only have 1 life and if you lose it, it's all over.

The "Poorman" version of the final boss from R-Type.

The game only has one boss, and the levels repeat over and over and over. If you've thought the Famicom Macross game was repetitive, this is even worse. I'd rather play Macross than this.
Wish I could say more about the game, but unfortunately, there's nothing more to talk about it.

More of the same thing.

If you're thinking problems will be fixed on Uchusen 2, then think again. ALL of them are carried on. Repetitivity, zero tolerance, Turridamage, bad controls, the only difference is the objective: Picking vaccines.
If you've played Uchusen for a while, then you've played the second already.

Grpahically, the space corridor of the first game looks very dull with the palettes used with those green blue and purple it looks lifeless and without energy despite the efforts made to add some simple detailing in the style of Air Fortress.
The sound tries to be in the style of Hudson (Starship Hector) and Capcom (Megaman), and there's times that it feels like a Robot Master stage like in Uchusen 2's case, but the music is very short lasting as it repeats again and again and that's all. while I applaud the effort on make it sound like a legit NES game, it falls down on itself taking away that merit.

- Nape Games logo is based on the Nintendo 64 logo.
- Uchusen
(宇宙船) means "Spaceship" in Japanese.
- The interface used by Ratalaika for the compilation is the same as their releases of Gleylancer and Gynoug.

We've took out two bad games in one review.

Ratalaika threw 4 turds for the price of one, but the Uchusen games are the major offenders of the compilation. Its like Nape Games have the idea, but the controls and the gameplay itself are horrible. Like the whole compilation, it only serves as a Gamerscore/Trophy Milker. Unless your plan is to buy the compilation, get the achievements and uninstall it, then pick it. But I think ignoring it would be a better solution. The only comforting thing is that this wasn't a Breakthrough Gaming turd.

*Sing "Trash Games: Excrements Around" to the tune of "Mother" by Era*

Trash Games: Excrements around
Let me tell ya', all of them are turds
Trash Games, why on Earth don't leave us alone?
We know that all of you are crap
Excrement, begone, get out

Get out (Get out, get out, get out)
Get the hell out
Get out (Get out, get out, get out)
Get out, get the hell out
Get out (Get out, get out, get out)

All of you are vomit
Putrid trash, you are horrendous
Go to hell and stay there
You are a damned abomination

Think of you is repulsive
Sickening and damned disgusting
Disgrace for the whole world
Do us a favor, please leave us alo-ooooo-one

Bad games are disgusting, they're nothing but crap
Rotten and repulsive crate full of trash
A mountain of turd
You make me sick

Bad games are repulsive, disease for the mind
Putrid and disgusting cesspool of crap
Hell's upon us
You make me sick

God damn, now I'm getting upset
Getting upset
Getting upset
Sickening, disgusting, get out of my sight
Fan of Transformers, Shmups and Anime-styled Girls. You're teamed up with the right pilot!
Bringing you shmup and video game reviews with humorous criticism.

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