3d format for all who want it

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3d format for all who want it

Post by mrMagenta »

If you guys need an easy to parse simplistic 3d format (almost as simple as .obj) and an exporter for maya 7.0 i'm presently writing one, just done with the polygon part. i can implement suggestions for addittions and improvements if you come up with something good (preferrably simple things that are lacking from similar formats). i'll also be writing a parser/loader for it in java. so.. if anyone is interested just PM me or write some blurb here.

so far it has the following features:
easy to read ASCII formatting with aligned number columns.
optional comments - to make the file searchable for errors or manual editing

data - a convenience addition listing mesh vertexcount, trianglecount etc.
vertex list - no duplicates for vertices with different normals/uvs
normal list
uv list
vertex colors (up to four sets (could easily be made unlimited))
vertex blind data (four channels of selectable type (float)(byte)(boolean)(none)) (face bound blind data woudn't be to difficult to add either)

triangles - with index adressing for vertices, normals and uvs
quads - added this incase someone wants nice wireframe rendering or perhaps open the file in a 3d app for editing without having to painstakingly undo the triangulation

i've written a maya script where you can choose which data to add to the export, so you could basicly export files containing only additional color data if you'd like to separate that.

the exporter can export any number of polygon meshes into one file

that's basicly it.. so far..
next up will be to export skinned animations.
and when the need arises i'll write the binary version of the format (i want it to be pretty solid featurewize before i do that).

why make another 3d format when there are allready so many?
well, I want something ubersimple, no recursive XML out of control extravaganza. I want it to be humanly readable and support animation. most formats that fill those specs still miss out on some features and don't have up to date exporters. anyway.. i want it to be convenient for small indie games and be "artist friendly".
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