Project RXN [Gulti]

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Re: Project RXN [Gulti]

Post by stryc9 »

It's a shame a lot of people here seemed to write off these new games on release, certainly Raiden V deserved better IMO. At least in it's Director's Cut incarnation (never played the Xbone original). There's plenty to love about it. Once it ratchets up the intensity a few levels in, it delivers some thoroughly satisfying Raiden moments, and with the new weapons and player ships, I think I like it better than IV atm. It doesn't hurt that most of the OST is off the hook either. It's not perfect, but it's pretty undeserving of the cold shoulder it received on the forums. Conversely I know there's at least a couple of regulars who love it.

RXN I can understand, although the issues I had with that game are not those that people were griping about pre-release in this thread anyway.

That Sisters Royal game by Alpha System seems to have suffered a similar fate, although I haven't bothered with that one yet.
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Re: Project RXN [Gulti]

Post by EmperorIng »

I agree about Raiden V. Even if some of my initial excitement has cooled off, I still consider the game to be quite excellent and the new weapons fun. I can get being bummed out about the shift away from realistic settings (the goofy giant pirate ships etc.), but I think enough of the heart of Raiden is there to be enjoyed.

I'm currently waiting for my physical copy of RXN to arrive, since I've heard that some framerate issues might be mitigated with the physical release. I'm remaining optimistic about it despite some of the rough early footage.
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Oh man, I completely forgot that game existed. The aesthetics didn't do it for me. Did it even get a Western eshop release?
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Re: Project RXN [Gulti]

Post by Despatche »

Raiden V is so great because it fixes all the weird little gameplay issues that the Raiden series has had since the beginning. Raiden III fixed a lot of these itself, and Moss clearly felt they needed to finish the job. That alone automatically makes Raiden V the best game in the series. Aesthetically, Raiden V also has a bigger sense of scale. You really feel like you're fighting this giant army across these huge stretches of land. Director's Cut is not a huge jump over the original game. It's like Daioujou Black Label or something. The biggest difference is the bonus stages.

RXN reminds me a lot of Shienryu Explosion. I haven't seen any huge issues with the game so far, and overall it seems like a quality release. People love to get hung up over really specific things, I can't stand that. Just... play the game. Damn.
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Re: Project RXN [Gulti]

Post by EmperorIng »

Several months later! While it might be hard to generate some discussion of the game, I thought I'd ask:

It feels like my shots are not doing anything to any of the enemies. I am on chapter 11 or so, with each ship leveled to 3, and even zako aren't dying all that well. I notice that I get different-colored gems from killing enemies, but I am not sure what I am doing to collect them (whether it's based on weapon or not). Are enemies weak to some weapons vs. others? Is there a shot type I am not using (3 + the health-depleting bomb).

The longer you hold a weapon on some enemies I can see a meter leveling it up, but moving away from them quickly empties said meter.

I am not sure if I am supposed to be 'grinding' earlier levels to get my mechs up to speed, or if I am just fundamentally playing the game wrong. I feel like I shouldn't have to expend so much energy concentrating on simple zako waves, nor should I be spending minutes at a time on early bosses.

Would love some perspective on how these systems work. I can see that getting different gems levels up different aspects of your ship, but you only level up when you get enough orange (I think) to get to 100%... Maybe you only get that if the other gauges have reached 100%? I am not sure.

The slowdown is unfortunate, because the frame dips make the game look/feel amateur. It's not all bad though!
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Re: Project RXN [Gulti]

Post by werk91 »

I had the same issues, I reached a certain point ( can't remember the exact chapter number but definitely a bit after 11) and I'm properly stuck. I either can't get past a boss since I run out of bombs and health way too early. Usually I can mitigate this by learning to dodge most bullets but this particular boss makes it kinda impossible. That on top of some enemies are just too hard to kill with the conventional weapons has made me abandon the game few months now, I'll probably get back to it, maybe playing with the arcade stick will help a bit. But its definitely not a let a good taste in my mouth. I even put several hours into grinding older levels to lvl up my main ship ?!?! Not the trope I expected in a shmup gotta say :lol:
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Re: Project RXN [Gulti]

Post by Stanshall »

I can hopefully answer some questions because I did complete this eventually. Unfortunately, the systems and mechanics never became any clearer. Long story short, it is a significant grind to get your ships up to the required level to do enough damage.

I first abandoned the game after spending literally twenty minutes on one boss and only taking off a third of its health. I went back to one of the short, most lucrative stages and hammered it for about an hour. That levelled me up enough to damage the boss and do it in about ten minutes. Then I hit another bullet sponge road block a couple of stages later and did virtually no damage and I realised this is the loop they intended, for whatever mad reason.

I sacked it off for a good few weeks or couple of months and felt I would never go back. Anyway, curiosity won out and I started playing it again as a podcast kind of game, like Diablo, a mindless but comforting grind. It's the antithesis of why I play shmups, I didn't especially enjoy it but it was palatable enough to switch off for an hour while listening to something. I couldn't explain what any of the levelling refers to and despite reading that different ships are effective against different enemies, extending the grind and spreading it across three characters, I didn't notice any effect whatsoever.

It took me about twenty hours or so to grind my way to the final bosses, although weirdly I still couldn't beat certain earlier stages. It's a pure numbers game, like Destiny or whatever. Your actual mechanical skill level means nothing compared to your DPS number. The anime chatter and cut scenes didn't bother me, it added some flavour, but the story went nowhere and when you're grinding, it means certain stages are unbearable.

And yet, perversely, maybe Stockholm Syndrome, I have fond impressions of the game. I hope that's of some use, anyway.
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Re: Project RXN [Gulti]

Post by BulletMagnet »

According to the Shmups Twitter this was delisted from the Japanese eShop but is still available in the USA.
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Re: Project RXN [Gulti]

Post by Ms. Tea »

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Re: Project RXN [Gulti]

Post by EmperorIng »

Well, it won't be missed much. I don't know what Gulti has done - I think the last thing I remember them putting out was a truly disgusting 'free' mobile shmup that had in-game ads interrupting the game every few waves.
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Re: Project RXN [Gulti]

Post by Darkseed_5150 »

I bought this on day one. Regrets.
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