Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Iran War. When.

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Hey, see what I mean. It's day 1 of a new administration and he's already running an advertisement for the 'Stargate' god computer an AI coporate union is building in the desert.

By the time it's online there will be the first autonomous robot cops and shit being produced by factories. Gonna be great, believe me.

DoctaMario wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 7:41 pmBut nobody except Ashley Babbitt was killed during the capitol riot

Around five people died due to the event and over a hundred were injured.

It reminds me of the Cliven Bundy standoff where guys literally pointed guns at cops for his right to steal grass, and the cops backed off.

It doesn't really matter. They're gonna crackdown on people's privacy after the assassination of that CEO, since that was someone who actually matters to them. (As it turns out, it is quite possible for a group of poorly organized yahoos to perform insurrection. You can just straight up shoot people. The hard part isn't the violence, it's cooperating well with enough others who are also willing to be violent.) I've said a lot of times here we've had it too good with the internet for too long. Tiktok ban's just the start.

What else are they gonna do? Give everyone healthcare? Tamp down on the price gouging of groceries? Of course not. It's better for them to hit everyone with a stick.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sima Tuna »

I've realized it's better for my mental health to take a step back from political shit and just focus on making my life better every day than I was the day before. Obviously, I can't ignore issues that affect me directly but very few truly do. Whatever is going to happen will happen without input from me. If it lands in my path I'll deal with it then. No point getting upset over something I can't change or reasonably have any impact on whatsoever. News media are and have always been outrage mongers who exploit negative information to drive eyeball focus, which in turn takes people away from their focus on themselves. We should all learn a lesson from Trump to be more selfish in 2025, and I do mean that. :lol:

If the AI singularity happens then I'd rather be the best version of myself when I'm fed into the Matrix Human Battery Machine.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by emphatic »

Sima Tuna wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 10:08 pm I've realized it's better for my mental health to take a step back from political shit and just focus on making my life better every day than I was the day before. Obviously, I can't ignore issues that affect me directly but very few truly do. Whatever is going to happen will happen without input from me. If it lands in my path I'll deal with it then. No point getting upset over something I can't change or reasonably have any impact on whatsoever. News media are and have always been outrage mongers who exploit negative information to drive eyeball focus, which in turn takes people away from their focus on themselves. We should all learn a lesson from Trump to be more selfish in 2025, and I do mean that. :lol:
A wise decision. Best of luck to you.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by DoctaMario »

BryanM wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:29 pm Hey, see what I mean. It's day 1 of a new administration and he's already running an advertisement for the 'Stargate' god computer an AI coporate union is building in the desert.

By the time it's online there will be the first autonomous robot cops and shit being produced by factories. Gonna be great, believe me.

DoctaMario wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 7:41 pmBut nobody except Ashley Babbitt was killed during the capitol riot

Around five people died due to the event and over a hundred were injured.

It reminds me of the Cliven Bundy standoff where guys literally pointed guns at cops for his right to steal grass, and the cops backed off.

It doesn't really matter. They're gonna crackdown on people's privacy after the assassination of that CEO, since that was someone who actually matters to them. (As it turns out, it is quite possible for a group of poorly organized yahoos to perform insurrection. You can just straight up shoot people. The hard part isn't the violence, it's cooperating well with enough others who are also willing to be violent.) I've said a lot of times here we've had it too good with the internet for too long. Tiktok ban's just the start.

What else are they gonna do? Give everyone healthcare? Tamp down on the price gouging of groceries? Of course not. It's better for them to hit everyone with a stick.
Those 5 people all died from other stuff, nobody died at the hands of or as a result of any of the rioters. The press speciously made that connection because it made it sound like everyone in attendance was a bloodthirsty killer, which is probably what the powers that be wanted.

And I never said it wasn't possible for poorly organized yahoos to riot. But it's not possible for poorly organized yahoos to take down the most powerful government the world has ever seen, which is what I said, and is true.

But yeah, instead of healthcare, we get more surveillance. This is why people hate the government and the ruling class.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by To Far Away Times »

DoctaMario wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:00 pm
Serious question: Do you genuinely believe that a group of poorly organized yahoos with very few weapons between them could have taken down the most powerful government the world has ever known with the most powerful military, for the benefit of a guy who had elements of his own administration that tried to get him unseated during his first term? Why or why not?
Yes, I do. Let's say they reach the senate chambers with the senators trapped in there, and some of the senators are murdered. What happens then?

It doesn't take much. Nineteen men armed with box cutters changed the course of America forever.
With regard to democracy: You may not remember this, but Amy Schumer and Emily Ratajkowski led a protest of women who occupied the Senate building to try and prevent Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed as a Supreme Court justice. They were "arrested" but ultimately let go. If you believe it was right to jail Jan 6th people for trying to interfere with a process of the government, do you also believe that Schumer et. al. should be charged with crimes as well?
I only vaguely remember hearing about this in passing. Generally speaking, it sounds like they probably should have been charged. I really don't know the specifics of this though.
Oh, and I'm not a trump guy, but someone who is old enough and has read enough history to have seen this show before. I won't make the case that I agree with the Jan 6th folks, but putting people in federal prison for trespassing (which is what most of them were charged with) is insane.
See, it's not simple act of "trespassing" that was the issue. It's the heightened circumstances under which it happened. That trespassing was a message. And that message was "Fuck you, we know you won fair and square but we're not going to follow the rules of democracy and we're putting our guy in anyway." I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, worried about the immediate future of my country and what would be left of it. Imagine voting as a dem and seeing that unfold, knowing the rioters were willing to use violence to overturn your vote. I have only had that feeling two other times; 9/11 and the day we voted to attack Iraq. We put people in jail for five years for voting twice. This is many degrees worse than that.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

DoctaMario wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:00 pmSerious question: Do you genuinely believe that a group of poorly organized yahoos with very few weapons between them could have taken down the most powerful government the world has ever known with the most powerful military, for the benefit of a guy who had elements of his own administration that tried to get him unseated during his first term? Why or why not?
By the line of reasoning you present here the guy who tried to assassinate Trump but missed should have been let off with a warning because he was a bad shot.

You also haven't even touched the lawyers, fake electors and others - including the legislators who voted not to certify the election's results and Trump himself, caught on tape attempting to extort both Ukraine's president and Georgia's secretary of state for electoral favors - who not only got away almost completely scot-free, but have all but claimed the divine right of kings for themselves.

The "oh, it was just a tour group that got out of hand" narrative is, to put it bluntly, fascist shit.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

I've realized it's better for my mental health to take a step back from political shit and just focus on making my life better every day than I was the day before.

Eh, every hobby that involves consumption is about wasting time with little effort involved. Unless you produce that kind of content and need to catch up with the scene, I guess.

Honestly I don't understand why everyone's too bummed out about reaching the endtimes, this was the natural and obvious endpoint of all things. The last time I had hope for anything getting slightly better was March 2016; we all should have gotten the depressive spirals out of the way then.

Now all hopium should be put into the anthropic principle continuing to give us plot armor in the future, and the machine god turns out to be a nice guy for no reason. There is no other rational reason to be hopeful. Just a religious belief in a creepy metaphysical observer effect. That's where we're at now.

BulletMagnet wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:37 amBy the line of reasoning you present here the guy who tried to assassinate Trump but missed should have been let off with a warning because he was a bad shot.

The "oh, it was just a tour group that got out of hand" narrative is, to put it bluntly, fascist shit.

Yeah.... they sure do like to self-report on themselves. This is the hill they want to defend at all costs? "The police officer who got hit in da head with a fire extinguisher wouldda died anyway!"

You can't.... you can't have a conversation with these people, they're just going to pretend to be retarded and that they don't understand simple cause and effect. I honestly respect the vampires who are honest about being vampires, and don't pretend to be retarded. But they're such a precious minority: Bullshit is an endless mountain, and their primary weapon.

And of course that's how their playbook works:

Step 1. Pretend to be retarded
Step 2. Everyone outside the cult reacts with contempt, as pretending to be retarded is extremely offensive and derogatory to both parties involved
Step 3. Instead of then acknowledging cause and effect exists, and choosing to stop dehumanizing yourself... get offended at being 'attacked' and dig into your religion's doctrine even deeper. Gotta circle the wagons, it's fight or flight time bro.

It's all tribal animal emotion that wants to kill/suppress the outsiders and take their shit. Not rational human thought.

All engaging with them in the media does is reduce the opportunities to make an appeal to the people who'd prefer everyone had healthcare, instead of four billionaires getting to carry out the Epstein fantasy of turning all of humanity into their breeding stock.

If you think you're safe from that because you're male or infertile, you haven't internalized I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream properly.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by To Far Away Times »

There’s a reason conservatives fight against the public education system and look down on fancy book learnin’.

These are same people who look at the War on Iraq and Jan 6 and went “Yup, these are my morals.”
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Daytime Waitress »

BryanM wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 3:13 pm If you think you're safe from that because you're male or infertile, you haven't internalized I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream properly.
"Nuh uh, not me, bro - I'm gonna get the giant monkey wang and bone for all apeternity!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by DoctaMario »

To Far Away Times wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 5:29 am
Yes, I do. Let's say they reach the senate chambers with the senators trapped in there, and some of the senators are murdered. What happens then?

It doesn't take much. Nineteen men armed with box cutters changed the course of America forever.
There are a lot of contingency plans for all manner of things, including stuff like Jan 6th, and in the grand scheme of the US government, senators aren't all that important, certainly not enough that the government would capitulate or stop running if some of them were killed. The riot could have easily been put down by the military, though the optics of that would have been bad. But the fact that they didn't call in any kind of military or National Guard says to me that the powers that be weren't that worried about it.

My understanding is that the Patriot Act was written before 9/11 and there were already plans to depose Saddam Hussein as he'd outlived his usefulness. 9/11 just gave them pretext to do things they'd already planned on doing. TSA is life changing I guess but I don't think that's what you mean unless I'm wrong.
See, it's not simple act of "trespassing" that was the issue. It's the heightened circumstances under which it happened. That trespassing was a message. And that message was "Fuck you, we know you won fair and square but we're not going to follow the rules of democracy and we're putting our guy in anyway." I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, worried about the immediate future of my country and what would be left of it. Imagine voting as a dem and seeing that unfold, knowing the rioters were willing to use violence to overturn your vote. I have only had that feeling two other times; 9/11 and the day we voted to attack Iraq. We put people in jail for five years for voting twice. This is many degrees worse than that.
If this same thing happened and there weren't a bunch of ruling class stooges scared for their lives, it would have been just another riot. If Trump had had a lot of sympathizers in the Pentagon, FBI, CIA, etc, I could see being scared about it. But he didn't. And in fact, a lot of people, powerful people, in those organizations tried to unseat him, a democratically elected president, and subvert his decisions because they didn't like him. Painting it as EVERY person there wanting to overthrow the government, or say "fuck you" is conjecture though, which is why I think giving everyone prison time for being in a building anyone can gain entry to via the right channels is wild, especially when the guards on duty LET THEM IN. Is it really trespassing when the people working the door allow you to enter?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by DoctaMario »

BulletMagnet wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:37 am
DoctaMario wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:00 pmSerious question: Do you genuinely believe that a group of poorly organized yahoos with very few weapons between them could have taken down the most powerful government the world has ever known with the most powerful military, for the benefit of a guy who had elements of his own administration that tried to get him unseated during his first term? Why or why not?
By the line of reasoning you present here the guy who tried to assassinate Trump but missed should have been let off with a warning because he was a bad shot.

You also haven't even touched the lawyers, fake electors and others - including the legislators who voted not to certify the election's results and Trump himself, caught on tape attempting to extort both Ukraine's president and Georgia's secretary of state for electoral favors - who not only got away almost completely scot-free, but have all but claimed the divine right of kings for themselves.

The "oh, it was just a tour group that got out of hand" narrative is, to put it bluntly, fascist shit.
Theres a big difference between an outright assassination attempt and a bunch of people with seemingly different motivations entering a government building. There's no ambiguity about what the former is trying to accomplish whereas painting an entire group of people with the alleged motivations of the worst of them is just a wild take.

Legislators are within their rights to vote not to certify an election, that's why it's put up to a vote. Just as lawyers are well within their rights to challenge an election outcome. Can't really speak on the the "fake electors," which I don't know anything about, but I'm not clear on why you're bringing any of that up.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

DoctaMario wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 9:12 pmBut the fact that they didn't call in any kind of military or National Guard says to me that the powers that be weren't that worried about it.
The fact that there wasn't enough security at Trump's PA rally to catch the guy before he started shooting apparently means nobody was all that worried about him dying either.

But hey, since we're already unable to decide on an argument, maybe the shooter was actually aiming for the guy behind Trump who was killed, and he wasn't trying to assassinate Trump at all; we can't be sure of his motivations, after all!
And in fact, a lot of people, powerful people, in those organizations tried to unseat him, a democratically elected president, and subvert his decisions because they didn't like him.
"Not a Trump guy", huh? :lol: I think I've wasted more than enough time on the likes of you.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Lemnear »

Are you really sure about the poll result in the topic?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ChurchOfSolipsism »

BulletMagnet wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:16 am
DoctaMario wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 9:12 pmBut the fact that they didn't call in any kind of military or National Guard says to me that the powers that be weren't that worried about it.
The fact that there wasn't enough security at Trump's PA rally to catch the guy before he started shooting apparently means nobody was all that worried about him dying either.

But hey, since we're already unable to decide on an argument, maybe the shooter was actually aiming for the guy behind Trump who was killed, and he wasn't trying to assassinate Trump at all; we can't be sure of his motivations, after all!
And in fact, a lot of people, powerful people, in those organizations tried to unseat him, a democratically elected president, and subvert his decisions because they didn't like him.
"Not a Trump guy", huh? :lol: I think I've wasted more than enough time on the likes of you.
Yeah I was gonna say, don't waste any more time on this obvious Trump guy. All his nonsense is straight from the fascist playbook, he's not interested in an honest discussion, ignore him.
BIL wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:01 pm Imagine a spilled cup of coffee totalling your dick and balls in one shot, sounds like the setup to a Death Wish sequel.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Lemnear wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:35 pmAre you really sure about the poll result in the topic?

The war with Iran thing? Course not, we can't know something is real until it happens. Israel seems to be doing absolutely everything they can to get us to nuke them already, though. Deescalation on this is the only thing I feel really good about Obama in hindsight.

Everything does feel like it's wrapping up on a number of fronts. People... don't really understand what a world beyond peak oil means. Without the AI stuff producing miracles, it means a shit ton of people are going to die.

Daytime Waitress wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:28 pm"Nuh uh, not me, bro - I'm gonna get the giant monkey wang and bone for all apeternity!"


God, nightmarish images of Musk as an ape monster with a hose plugged into his prostate from his back. I'm not sure if this is what everyone meant when they talked about transhumanism, but it sure feels like something some people meant..
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Lemnear »

anyway the general impression is that of a world with few leaders, and all with an excessive ego and an unhealthy sense of constant revenge towards anyone who does not approve of everything they say or do.
No one is willing to take a step back, so there will inevitably be conflicts, also none of them care about human life in general, but only profit profit profit.
Human rights are becoming a problem for these leaders, robots have no rights so they look favorably on them...
In addition they make bullying statements, and worse, they ACT like bullies towards everyone, too bad that instead of marginalizing the bully, now he is praised if his fury on everything and everyone was also the venting of the masses themselves, masses that are instead annihilated by the bully himself.

Where the fuck has common sense gone?

Maybe everything has gone wrong since the invention of money.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Lemnear wrote: Sat Jan 25, 2025 12:06 pm Maybe everything has gone wrong since the invention of money.
Violence among early humans is well documented and there was no money. There's a contrast between neanderthals and humans, though. Neanderthals could live a day's walk from one another and leave each other alone.

Unfortunately, nature loved the murder and rape of humans. It hated inbreeding in small populations.

True story. It's us. We invented society one piece at a time and it took hold because people got tired of the people in the next cave killing, stealing, and raping. We're genetically identical. It's us. We are still us.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by DoctaMario »

BulletMagnet wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:16 am
DoctaMario wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 9:12 pmBut the fact that they didn't call in any kind of military or National Guard says to me that the powers that be weren't that worried about it.
The fact that there wasn't enough security at Trump's PA rally to catch the guy before he started shooting apparently means nobody was all that worried about him dying either.

But hey, since we're already unable to decide on an argument, maybe the shooter was actually aiming for the guy behind Trump who was killed, and he wasn't trying to assassinate Trump at all; we can't be sure of his motivations, after all!
And in fact, a lot of people, powerful people, in those organizations tried to unseat him, a democratically elected president, and subvert his decisions because they didn't like him.
"Not a Trump guy", huh? :lol: I think I've wasted more than enough time on the likes of you.
"The likes of me" :lol: I don't understand the idea that if someone isn't actively shitting on Trump then the only logical possibility must be that they're a trumper. As if there aren't 32 million Americans who are registered as Independent and that 43% of the people Gallup polled in 2024 identified as Independent. Yes, Trump sucks, but the Dems suck too and there are growing numbers of people who are over the whole Dem/Repub sportsball show that helps no one but the political class.

For the record, I was a Bernie bro back in 2016 and haven't supported any presidential candidate since then. It's a shame how he turned out.

ChurchOfSolipsism wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:43 pm Yeah I was gonna say, don't waste any more time on this obvious Trump guy. All his nonsense is straight from the fascist playbook, he's not interested in an honest discussion, ignore him.
"The fascist playbook?" :lol:
Mate, all you've done is call me names and not address or refute anything I've said. If I'm wrong, tell me why I'm wrong and back it up. But name-calling is what people who have no interest in discussion do, so it's comical that you're talking about wanting an "honest discussion." :lol:
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ChurchOfSolipsism »

DoctaMario wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:50 am
ChurchOfSolipsism wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:43 pm Yeah I was gonna say, don't waste any more time on this obvious Trump guy. All his nonsense is straight from the fascist playbook, he's not interested in an honest discussion, ignore him.
"The fascist playbook?" :lol:
Mate, all you've done is call me names and not address or refute anything I've said. If I'm wrong, tell me why I'm wrong and back it up. But name-calling is what people who have no interest in discussion do, so it's comical that you're talking about wanting an "honest discussion." :lol:
yeah yeah. the fact that you equate the Democrats with a bunch of xenophobic fascists who are actively dismantling one of the oldest democracies in the world tells me all I need to know about you, ex-Bernie bro. I am literally not interested in a discussion with you, honest or otherwise, if you don't see the problem here.
BIL wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:01 pm Imagine a spilled cup of coffee totalling your dick and balls in one shot, sounds like the setup to a Death Wish sequel.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Anyone enjoying the Deepseek R1 schadenfreude? So Delicious!
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

orange808 wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 1:25 amAnyone enjoying the Deepseek R1 schadenfreude? So Delicious!

Dunno what you mean, but I am extraordinarily sick about hearing about it.

It's EmDrive, room temperature super conductor-of-the-month, and solar freakin' roadways yet again. Trendy crap regurgitated by morons who don't know how anything works.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Both crashing the stocks and pushing away terminals running closed models over the network are victories to me.

You do realize this pulled down Trump's pants and embarrassed him just days after his big OpenAI partnership, right?

Sam Altman and Musk will kiss and make up soon enough. Evil must triumph! Maybe King Trump can get out his pen.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by DoctaMario »

ChurchOfSolipsism wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:11 pm
DoctaMario wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:50 am
ChurchOfSolipsism wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:43 pm Yeah I was gonna say, don't waste any more time on this obvious Trump guy. All his nonsense is straight from the fascist playbook, he's not interested in an honest discussion, ignore him.
"The fascist playbook?" :lol:
Mate, all you've done is call me names and not address or refute anything I've said. If I'm wrong, tell me why I'm wrong and back it up. But name-calling is what people who have no interest in discussion do, so it's comical that you're talking about wanting an "honest discussion." :lol:
yeah yeah. the fact that you equate the Democrats with a bunch of xenophobic fascists who are actively dismantling one of the oldest democracies in the world tells me all I need to know about you, ex-Bernie bro. I am literally not interested in a discussion with you, honest or otherwise, if you don't see the problem here.
Then why do you keep quoting me if you're "literally not interested in a discussion?" Either go away or be honest with yourself about wanting to engage and stop acting like talking with someone you disagree with is going to give you e-herpes.

Now if you'll pardon me, I'm going to go back to reading my fascist playbook... :lol:
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ChurchOfSolipsism »

DoctaMario wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 4:55 am
ChurchOfSolipsism wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:11 pm
DoctaMario wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:50 am

"The fascist playbook?" :lol:
Mate, all you've done is call me names and not address or refute anything I've said. If I'm wrong, tell me why I'm wrong and back it up. But name-calling is what people who have no interest in discussion do, so it's comical that you're talking about wanting an "honest discussion." :lol:
yeah yeah. the fact that you equate the Democrats with a bunch of xenophobic fascists who are actively dismantling one of the oldest democracies in the world tells me all I need to know about you, ex-Bernie bro. I am literally not interested in a discussion with you, honest or otherwise, if you don't see the problem here.
Then why do you keep quoting me if you're "literally not interested in a discussion?" Either go away or be honest with yourself about wanting to engage and stop acting like talking with someone you disagree with is going to give you e-herpes.

Now if you'll pardon me, I'm going to go back to reading my fascist playbook... :lol:
I'm not having a discussion with you, I'm dumping on your retarded political opinions
BIL wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:01 pm Imagine a spilled cup of coffee totalling your dick and balls in one shot, sounds like the setup to a Death Wish sequel.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Oh man, listening to regretful Trump voters go boo-hoo really jacks up the rageahol. "Boo hoo, I didn't think he'd really deport MUH family!" "Boo hoo, I didn't think he'd cut muh school's funding!" "Boo hooooooooooooo!!!"

How can you have anything other than contempt for humanity. How could you possibly be against the machines killing and replacing us all?

Meat that thinks that it thinks is a sin. It'd be better to gift the lightcone to them, they'll do a better job with it than these non-sapient apes ever could.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Lemnear »

the news of Deepseek, could pulverize America, if they don't even have the technological primacy anymore it's only a matter of time before they isolate themselves and Europe is conquered by Putin and Xi...while Trump is isolationist. Then it will be America's turn.
Your greed could cost you everything.
The machines that will dominate us will be Chinese and not Elon Musk's.
But maybe it's just a psyops to destabilize the US big tech.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by DoctaMario »

ChurchOfSolipsism wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 1:46 pm
DoctaMario wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 4:55 am
ChurchOfSolipsism wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:11 pm

yeah yeah. the fact that you equate the Democrats with a bunch of xenophobic fascists who are actively dismantling one of the oldest democracies in the world tells me all I need to know about you, ex-Bernie bro. I am literally not interested in a discussion with you, honest or otherwise, if you don't see the problem here.
Then why do you keep quoting me if you're "literally not interested in a discussion?" Either go away or be honest with yourself about wanting to engage and stop acting like talking with someone you disagree with is going to give you e-herpes.

Now if you'll pardon me, I'm going to go back to reading my fascist playbook... :lol:
I'm not having a discussion with you, I'm dumping on your retarded political opinions
Oh just can't help yourself, can you? :lol:

BryanM wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:15 pm Oh man, listening to regretful Trump voters go boo-hoo really jacks up the rageahol. "Boo hoo, I didn't think he'd really deport MUH family!" "Boo hoo, I didn't think he'd cut muh school's funding!" "Boo hooooooooooooo!!!"
It's hard to know what he's on the level about and what's just shit talk with him. He says a lot of things I don't think he means or intends to be policy. I'm still confused as to how anyone believed Mexico was going to pay for the wall, and in the end he got fuck all done in that regard considering how big a part of his campaign that was. So I can understand people thinking stuff like the deportations and DoE stuff was just campaign speech shit talk.
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To Far Away Times
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by To Far Away Times »

Here's hoping the 72 million Americans on medicaid remember that Trump fucked around with their access to healthcare today.

When conservatives tell you they hate medicaid and want it gone, believe them.
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Sima Tuna
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sima Tuna »

To Far Away Times wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 1:57 am Here's hoping the 72 million Americans on medicaid remember that Trump fucked around with their access to healthcare today.

When conservatives tell you they hate medicaid and want it gone, believe them.
I can only speak for myself but
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