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Last poll:
Goldman Sachs 51% [38]
Not Goldman Sachs 49% [37]
Preferred Flavors of Goldman Sachs:
Donald Trump [24]
Douchebag Celebrity [4]
Joe Biden [3]
Elizabeth Warren [3]
Kamala Harris [2]
One among Hillary Clinton / Michael Bloomberg / Mark Zuckerberg / Chelsea Clinton / Kirsten Gillibrand
And One among Deval Patrick / Julian Castro / Robert O'Rourke / Cory Booker / Peter Buttigieg
7 Nov 2018
This thing again.
Democrats' electoral strategy seems to be "defeat Sanders and hope for another recession."
If your favorite person isn't on here, I am sorry.
I tried.phpBB wrote:You have tried to enter too many poll options.
Without having the forum admin set the limit higher, our polls are unable to encapsulate even a fraction of our electoral system. As a stopgap some mandatory entries have been grouped together or been made genericized.
2018 Midterms Edition
20 Jan 2018
Midterms are upon us. By every metric this should be a repeat of 2006, where Democrats retake congress off reactionary revulsion at how awful republicans are. But what is the democratic leadership strategy for this year?

Therefore, I encourage you to replace Bad Dems with Good Dems this primary season. Which is right now. Today. There are various organizations that aren't complete crap that have endorsed some.
I don't want to listen any more about the disgusting things the president does with his penis, about Russia being a country I'm supposed to be afraid all the time, about how "backwards" the parts of the country Corporate America sacrificed for profit supposedly are. Help make the stupid go away. Please.
Do you believe Donald Trump will finish his first term?
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Yes 69% [53]
No 31% [24]
Bush: 2017 Edition
18 Jan 2017
Obama and Clinton got together, kicked reason to the curb, and made the impossible possible by getting their friend Donald Trump elected president.
A repeat of an old movie is to follow. The old team's back together to finish what they started. Time is a flat circle.
If we somehow survive this and everything else coming at us, we'll become Norway part 2.
For our Trump supporters who are actually happy about the ascension of this particular mascot of neoliberalism, I'll go ahead and keep the link to the Carolus Rex god-Emperor video here for your easy access.
Do you think they're REALLY going to repeal Obamacare now that they can?
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Yes, they're honorable men who would *_never_* lie, they said they were gonna, so it's going to happen 22% [4]
No, the insurance companies would disapprove of that 28% [5]
Maybe, I just don't know anymore 50% [9]
Obama: A Real American President Guy
8 Nov 2016
Yes, a whole bunch of this is going on. We'll touch on that when they pass the Burger King crown to the next sock puppet. In the meantime, it's that special time of year. That time that presidents pardon the other underlings who exposed themselves to criminal prosecution in the service of power. As all the political fallout will disappear into the wind, never to be tranferred to the next representative of the financial elite.
The very least he could do, is maybe give that Bradley Chelsea Manning guy a break. You know. The fellow who had fewer opsec violations than Hillary Clinton, but was mysteriously somehow prosecuted. Chelsea wasn't a literal Russian spy, just like Clinton wasn't, so the same standard should be held, right? Right?
Ah hell no, that bastard tried to kill himself so we tortured him so he'd try to kill himself again. America! It's the moderate thing to do.
Do you think there's a reasonable possibility (>3%) that Obama will pardon Chelsea Manning?
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Yes, I believe in hope and change! 12% [3]
No, I'm not a moron 88% [22]
Trump: A real American Hero Dude
Isn't it amazing how he's doing everything he can to break the GOP by making them lose against a FDR/Reagan magnitude slaughterbath, and his supporters love him for it?? And they're oftentimes too stupid to even realize he's giving them a mercy killing?
The upcoming schadenfreude next year is going to be sublime.
In the long term, who is the lesser evil this time around?
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The Sex Offender 36% [39]
The War Criminal 45% [49]
I really can't tell 19% [20]