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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by Sinful »

OmegaFlareX wrote:
Sinful wrote:Oh man, this guy is awesome with a great sense of humour.
Yes, it sure was witty, ironic, and downright hilarious when he committed aggravated domestic assault over a fucking video game collection. Get the fuck out of here.
Hey, I can't judge someone too harshly in such a position as he was put into. I mean, imagine if all your childhood games got tossed in an unknown garbage bin by some psycho girlfriend and she wouldn't reveal their location? (I mean for someone to do that she might be a bit crazy. Especially since selling that stuff instead would of raked in some good money) So since I haven't been in his shoes to know for more certain how tense that situation was, I can't go around parading like some holier then thou just because I've never been in a tempting enough situation to hit a female before in my life.

Besides, he looks like he's got his life together now. He's got a new girl and kid with her. And it's not like he asks for much. Like when he found some space in the basement and asked his girl if he could use that spot for his gaming escape during the colder winter days (since he regular gaming room is outside in some shack).
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by Skykid »

I think a person, regardless of gender, throwing away your entire collection of anything is legitimate grounds for
an IRL Shoryuken tbh.
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by Sinful »

Going to say Awesome and Aummer Games Done Quick, and when I went to check for links, I found out the latest SGDQ marathon is happening right now on twitch;
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by atheistgod1999 »

Skykid wrote:I think a person, regardless of gender, throwing away your entire collection of anything is legitimate grounds for
an IRL Shoryuken tbh.
Xyga wrote:It's really awesome how quash never gets tired of hammering the same stupid shit over and over and you guys don't suspect for second that he's actually paid for this.
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by Bitter Almonds »

Yeah, I'd be pissed the hell off about it. I don't know if I'd go as far as fighting someone, but I'd definitely press charges to put her in jail and maybe get restitution. Some of this junk has value, after all.
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by OmegaFlareX »

Skykid wrote:I think a person, regardless of gender, throwing away your entire collection of anything is legitimate grounds for
an IRL Shoryuken tbh.
They're just things. Inanimate objects that, nowadays, mostly serve no purpose thanks to good PC emulation and flash carts. It's all just collector epeen bullshit. Then there's idiots who buy VGA-graded stuff and have store-sized displays of things they never play with, which in my mind is straight-up hoarding. I realize I'm talking to shmups forum here, though, where PCBs are the order of the day. Still, there's no excuse for domestic violence, ever. It is likely that his game collecting got in the way of the relationship (and possibly other more important life things) and she was tired of it.

Full disclosure, I used to have a game collection and the behaviors associated with one. I sold it all off a decade ago and haven't regretted it. If my ex had done that to me, I'd be upset at first, sure. But there's no way I'd attack someone I cared about over it and it would have been a wake-up call to get my shit together and ultimately improve the relationship, which is all that matters, really. Sorry for the derail but I just can't believe anyone would give this guy the attention he wants after what he pulled.
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by Skykid »

In life you occasionally cross paths with people who thoroughly deserve a good kicking. That's not to say you should whup them - I don't condone violence - but under certain circumstances some people can justifiably make other people lose their temper. Their rag. See red. Lose it.

The repercussions or lack thereof depend on the individual's demeanour. They may just curl into a ball and sob for two days, before tragically continuing with their life alongside a person they'll always deeply resent, or they may summon the six hit combo demon within and blindly execute a gender neutral reprisal that is in some way equal to the ill that they've been caused.

If a female partner is "sick of his gaming interfering with a relationship" there are other ways of managing that. You can leave for example - or threaten to leave - and if he cares enough he may actually tone it down and reach a compromise to salvage the relationship.

Or he might just let you walk off toward the lonely horizon until your shadow disappears forever, at which point you'll at least know you were loved less than a game collection.
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by Immryr »

OmegaFlareX wrote:
Skykid wrote:I think a person, regardless of gender, throwing away your entire collection of anything is legitimate grounds for
an IRL Shoryuken tbh.
They're just things. Inanimate objects that, nowadays, mostly serve no purpose thanks to good PC emulation and flash carts. It's all just collector epeen bullshit. Then there's idiots who buy VGA-graded stuff and have store-sized displays of things they never play with, which in my mind is straight-up hoarding. I realize I'm talking to shmups forum here, though, where PCBs are the order of the day. Still, there's no excuse for domestic violence, ever. It is likely that his game collecting got in the way of the relationship (and possibly other more important life things) and she was tired of it.

Full disclosure, I used to have a game collection and the behaviors associated with one. I sold it all off a decade ago and haven't regretted it. If my ex had done that to me, I'd be upset at first, sure. But there's no way I'd attack someone I cared about over it and it would have been a wake-up call to get my shit together and ultimately improve the relationship, which is all that matters, really. Sorry for the derail but I just can't believe anyone would give this guy the attention he wants after what he pulled.

I think you're lying to yourself if you think you would be upset at first, then ultimately thankful to someone for destroying thousands of dollars worth of your property.

"oh this person has just destroyed thousands of dollars of my property, much of which had huge sentimental value. it really is a wake up call. perhaps I should re-evaluate my priorities and dedicate my life to them."
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by BIL »

Yesterday, disembarking the engine at Tinkletowne BLVD on the corner of Rumpy Pumpy Ave, I bashed the sweet Jesus fuck outta my right foot! The muhfucka is now all blue and puffy :shock: THE PAIN. I heard avin a right good larf can reduce excruciating sensations, so in addition to an ice pack, elevation, and regular hits of taxpayer-funded high-grade ching chong chinaman charlie, I caught up on Razorfist's Metal Mythos series. I can fully imagine how screamingly unfunny this guy's shtick must be to many, but fuck, the timing and lyricism of his sweary barbs makes me laugh, and his passion is infectious.

Also I'm kinda useless outside of the most obvious NWOBHM/thrash stuff, so it's amusing hearing all the stories. Like the classic "ever intensifying shitstorm" gangster flick, the rock n' roller slide from record exec heavy petting to a five-alarm courtroom ass-fucking is forever riveting TV. Grim Reaper got shafted BAD! :o Poor chap, I could not help commiserate with his health woes - my foot is a swirling slushbag of broken glass and bare nerves at the moment, making me shiver in pain like a shitting dog - but at least it is still there! ;-;7

Iron Maiden ep was fun! I have to disagree about Back In The Village, its combo of boogieing riffs and ominous imagery isn't bad at all. I was intrigued that he boners for Somewhere in Time (I do too) but detests Seventh Son (prob my favourite OG Bruce era LP) - most fans I know who like one at least tolerate if not enjoy the other. Agreed on SIT's production, fuckin rich and crisp. I blasted the FUCKING FUCK out of the title opener right afterwards. Fuck me, the dual leads you might hear in heaven, or a rousing session of F-Zero X. ;-;7

Loved the Danzig ep too. Giving Judas Priest a go now, then Motorhead, and that's about it for bands I'm familiar with. Of the rest, the Stryper and Dokken episodes were honestly quite eye-opening. Was expecting so bad it's good, but those chaps have some catchy stuff and not inconsiderable chops. Ain't no fuckin Def Leppard that's for goddamn sure. Those lovey lyrics about Jesus are kinda fruity though, being part-Irish part-Jamaican I was a bit uneasy, we are a conservative folk. o_o He wanna get on his knees and start pleasin Jebus?! O_O I prefer the Doobie Bros and George Harrison for that stuff. I know they meant well though! (Def Leppard's first album is actually ok and the second, High n Dry, rawks hard - Deep Purple+AC/DCesque! I recommend!)
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by iplaymyshmups »

Yay channels:

Sarumaru is awesome. Huge PC Engine fan and posts quick reviews of obscure Japanese imports and posts live streams each Friday or Saturday depending on his mood. Also did artwork for the homebrew game FX Unit Yuki. All around positive guy in the community.

Studio Mudprints is an obvious choice for the shmup enthusiast.

Sega Lord X is very cool. He knows his shit when it comes to all things Sega.

KidShoryuken makes awesome Japanese street videos and does quick import reviews like Sarumaru does.

Nay channels:

Metal Jesus Rocks and all his friends in the Washington state retro gaming circle like Radical Reggie and John Hancock. They are all fake gamers, massive scalpers/hoarders, and live off of people's Pateron donations. Games have been going up in price because of them. John Hancock still hasn't done shit for his promised "museum".

Bithead1000 is the most overrated channel on the planet. I wouldn't give that edge lord and woman beater one click....
Last edited by iplaymyshmups on Thu Jan 23, 2020 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by BIL »

MAN, seeing this thread again makes me so fuckin grateful my foot is ok now :o wanted to chop the fucker off that weekend!
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by FinalBaton »

BIL wrote:Yesterday, disembarking the engine at Tinkletowne BLVD on the corner of Rumpy Pumpy Ave, I bashed the sweet Jesus fuck outta my right foot! The muhfucka is now all blue and puffy :shock: THE PAIN. I heard avin a right good larf can reduce excruciating sensations, so in addition to an ice pack, elevation, and regular hits of taxpayer-funded high-grade ching chong chinaman charlie, I caught up on Razorfist's Metal Mythos series. I can fully imagine how screamingly unfunny this guy's shtick must be to many, but fuck, the timing and lyricism of his sweary barbs makes me laugh, and his passion is infectious.

Also I'm kinda useless outside of the most obvious NWOBHM/thrash stuff, so it's amusing hearing all the stories. Like the classic "ever intensifying shitstorm" gangster flick, the rock n' roller slide from record exec heavy petting to a five-alarm courtroom ass-fucking is forever riveting TV. Grim Reaper got shafted BAD! :o Poor chap, I could not help commiserate with his health woes - my foot is a swirling slushbag of broken glass and bare nerves at the moment, making me shiver in pain like a shitting dog - but at least it is still there! ;-;7

Iron Maiden ep was fun! I have to disagree about Back In The Village, its combo of boogieing riffs and ominous imagery isn't bad at all. I was intrigued that he boners for Somewhere in Time (I do too) but detests Seventh Son (prob my favourite OG Bruce era LP) - most fans I know who like one at least tolerate if not enjoy the other. Agreed on SIT's production, fuckin rich and crisp. I blasted the FUCKING FUCK out of the title opener right afterwards. Fuck me, the dual leads you might hear in heaven, or a rousing session of F-Zero X. ;-;7

Loved the Danzig ep too. Giving Judas Priest a go now, then Motorhead, and that's about it for bands I'm familiar with. Of the rest, the Stryper and Dokken episodes were honestly quite eye-opening. Was expecting so bad it's good, but those chaps have some catchy stuff and not inconsiderable chops. Ain't no fuckin Def Leppard that's for goddamn sure. Those lovey lyrics about Jesus are kinda fruity though, being part-Irish part-Jamaican I was a bit uneasy, we are a conservative folk. o_o He wanna get on his knees and start pleasin Jebus?! O_O I prefer the Doobie Bros and George Harrison for that stuff. I know they meant well though! (Def Leppard's first album is actually ok and the second, High n Dry, rawks hard - Deep Purple+AC/DCesque! I recommend!)
Ah! hadn't catched that back then :)

(hope you got high af during dem foot pains) 8)
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by BIL »

Yeah I forgot I wrote that post tbh :lol: Image
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by FinalBaton »

Hory sheet! :V New Metal Mythos episode, on Saxon. Let us get on this, BIL, my nicca 8)

EDIT : watched
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by BIL »

Watched it last night right after it aired, good spiritedly informative stuff as usual! "Pants so tight you can discern the man's religion." :mrgreen: Although they're a ubiquitous name, I don't know them much at all other than a random copy of Solid Ball Of Rock from my teens. His passion is always contagious and he knows how to pick out some killer cuts, sounds like Lion Heart is one to investigate.

Some good legal drama in there ala Grim Reaper, though not to that unlucky sod's same extent. Also, poor dudes getting booed off the field. :lol: "Worst night of me fookin life!"
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by Udderdude »

I just discovered this Virtual Gaming Library channel. At first glance, it sounds boring. But it has some really in-depth videos of console game libraries. Namely, every single game ever released for each console, with NA/EU/JP regions. There's a video on the Saturn that's literally 3 hours long (Yes, I watched all of it). Great if you want to get a birds-eye view of the entire library of a given console. I find it to be an excellent research tool. As well as giving me the occasional "wtf" look or a good laugh when some bizzare, completely forgotten about game shows up. ... ry=project

You can add a console name to the end of that link and get whatever system. Some systems are so big that they span multiple videos, though.
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by BIL »

Korean superplayer badass Janet - arcade action 1CCs, 1LCs, speedruns and general heroics. Skilled player with superb taste - whenever I go looking for authoritative footage of old-school hardcore, their channel tends to pop up. Lots of classic Capcom, SNK, Sega and DECO, among many others. Would be criminal not to share here.

Also some fun, offbeat (from a Western POV) picks, like 1CCs of Raizing's Golgo 13 gun games (KISEKI no DANDOU is my favourite - dynamite presentation, worth a watch purely as a fan of the mangas/animes!)


Horror movie fan channel Dead Meat, specifically his Kill Count movie rundowns (haven't bothered with any of his other content). While I'm sure his peppy metro persona will disgust some ( :lol: ), I dig his enthusiasm and thoroughness. Fun with good and shit movies alike!
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by vol.2 »

Aunz Railfan- Have you ever wanted to watch 4 hour videos of different major rail lines in Japan, shot from out of the front center of the train with a wide angle lens?

I find this killer material for just having up on a projector in my living room while doing just about anything else. I find it relaxing and like being transported to a different world; it's mesmerizing.

Soup Classic Motoring- ATM, I can mostly just recommend his Range Rover restoration video. It's done almost entirely as stop animation, showing the complete welding processes as he overhauls the tub and every little bit of it. It's *extensive* and amazing. I think pretty much anyone who's interesting in cars or welding would appreciate this.

Really Random Channel- Another restoration channel, but very, very high quality work. He mostly focuses on the complete restoration of motorcycles and 3 wheelers (with an emphasis on vintage Honda), but also the odd car video and many random tools. He's extremely professional, and amazing to watch work. I think this one is from Scotland, but I can't remember where I read that.

Laser Creation World- If you like models or modeling, this is one of the very best channels for that on youtube. It's out of Germany.

The Rasteri- He's mostly awesome for this one video in which he mods an OG NES cart with a raspberry pi brain and a bunch of shift registers to actually force the NES to play Chocolate Doom on original hardware. His other videos are a bit random, but of good quality, and I especially like his DJ equipment bits. I only wish he produced more material and longer videos.

Japan's Trucks- It was likely abandoned about 4 years ago, but it still features some of the best Dekotora videos on youtube.

Multiple Share- This is one of the many small motor restoration youTube channels in Southeast Asia. I have watched many of them (used to watch more) and I've come to the conclusion that this guy is clearly the best, most professional of the bunch (with the exclusion of Metal Restoration, which is full restores of Honda Supercubs, and is on a totally different level)
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by BIL »

Wanted to watch The Whip And The Body, a Bava-directed psycho BDSM drama (?) starring Christopher Lee, which I've never gotten around to. Discovered...

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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

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Been watching kiwami japan, which is a dude who makes knives out of all kinds of crazy stuff, but with a weird escape room horror theme. It's as bizarre as it sounds.

This episode he makes a knife out of chocolate, starting from the raw beans. Has to go through a lot of trouble to get the chocolate hard enough to hold a good edge. Also, there's a doll that puts him in a compromising position.
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by BIL »

vol.2 wrote:This episode he makes a knife out of chocolate, starting from the raw beans.
Reminds me of Alan Partridge's perfect murder weapon. :mrgreen:
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

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BIL wrote: Reminds me of Alan Partridge's perfect murder weapon. :mrgreen:

"never throw water on a fat fire. it's take your face off."

the onion was funny too.
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by Searchlike »

Comedy Without Errors is great if you're interested in insightful stand-up comedy criticism, of which there doesn't seem to be a lot of. ... g/featured
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by Ex_Mosquito »

Sinful wrote:
OmegaFlareX wrote:
Sinful wrote:Oh man, this guy is awesome with a great sense of humour.
Yes, it sure was witty, ironic, and downright hilarious when he committed aggravated domestic assault over a fucking video game collection. Get the fuck out of here.
Hey, I can't judge someone too harshly in such a position as he was put into. I mean, imagine if all your childhood games got tossed in an unknown garbage bin by some psycho girlfriend and she wouldn't reveal their location? (I mean for someone to do that she might be a bit crazy. Especially since selling that stuff instead would of raked in some good money) So since I haven't been in his shoes to know for more certain how tense that situation was, I can't go around parading like some holier then thou just because I've never been in a tempting enough situation to hit a female before in my life.

Besides, he looks like he's got his life together now. He's got a new girl and kid with her. And it's not like he asks for much. Like when he found some space in the basement and asked his girl if he could use that spot for his gaming escape during the colder winter days (since he regular gaming room is outside in some shack).
+1 for Bihead1000. His channel is the only I sub too that I watch every video in its entirety without fail, he’s hilarious.

Btw, the story about him hitting his girlfriend and going to prison…….wasn’t true. It’s pretty messed up but this podcast clears it up, if I was him I’d take it down asap! I mean, wtf :)

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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by BIL »

Early days yet, but GAS STATION ENCOUNTERS seems like a cool joint! Enthusiastic and informative look into these notorious MAGNETS OF SCUM AND VILLAINY Image
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by vol.2 »

BIL wrote:Early days yet, but GAS STATION ENCOUNTERS seems like a cool joint!
That's good fun. Here's to hoping they keep up with decent content.

If anyone here is interested in consumer product testing, I would recommend Project Farm. It's just this guy on a farm who will buy like 20 different kinds of window cleaner and devise some kind of tests to see how they work completely on his own. He just does whatever people suggest in the comments, so you get really random stuff.

He just did a stress test on brands of diagonal cutters.
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

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So this guy is a PC hardware repair focus.

It's super focused on repairing PC components like graphic cards and motherboards, but he has decent and consistent production values and is very good at the repair work.

You will know if this is interesting to you so there's no point in me selling it. ... fXGBlKyvdw
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

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Big Joel. He does reviews of other youtube channels, pretty funny stuff.

I like this one he did on the Evangelical Christian show "Dream Hotel"
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by GaijinPunch »

I watch Minty Comedic Arts in the gym quite a bit. Mindless stuff, but entertaining with some good factoids I was unaware of quite often.

For returnees that miss the monotonous delivery of Japanese news can get their fill on ANN News Ch.

Hard to define melodysheep but worth a look for any space / sci-fi fan. Timelapse of the Future is perhaps the coolest video on Youtube.

David Lynch Theater: home of the David Lynch weather report.
RegalSin wrote:New PowerPuff Girls. They all have evil pornstart eyelashes.
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Re: Recommended Youtube Channels

Post by BIL »

NO@A Radio - classic Cumia/Norton/O'Neal and co, with Opie edited out. Bliss. Image

"I ain't goin' there! I ain't fuckin with Jesus!" :lol:


The Charismatic Voice - beautiful talented lady (and bonafide opera star) enjoys popular rock/metal vocalists, gives feedback. She really likes Dio and Halford and Dickinson. :cool: As someone only peripherally familiar with the biomechanics of singing, it's fascinating... also just fun from a casual music fan perspective, you can tell she's got a passion for this stuff.
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