Bullet handling... advice?

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Bullet handling... advice?

Post by sniperwolf »

Okay... I'm working on my bullet system a little, part of my optimization phase, and I was wondering if anyone had input on the way I'm handling them.

Here's a rundown of the current system:

Each individual enemy, and the player ship, has an AmmoController object. AmmoController objects maintain a linked list of Ammo objects currently fired from the object firing them.

Ammo objects contain information about the mesh used for the projectile: its mesh [stored in an AmmoMesh object, just a basic wrapper for DX's Mesh class], its firing type, and if applicable, its wave type.

Firing type defines just how the bullet fires, whether it's straight, angled [including 360 degree fire around the ship firing], spiraling, or in a wave. I plan on adding more, but I wanted to implement these basics for now.

Wave type determines, for wave type bullets, what the waveform is. Currently I implement Cosine, Sine, and inverses of both.

So when I instantiate a bullet in a ship.fire() call, I create a new Ammo object and pass it the required params, then store it in the controller. This ammo object represents one bullet in the world.

When it comes time to render, I run through the world's enemy controller [a linked list of enemies currently active in the world], and call each enemy's render function. In that function I call the enemy's AmmoController render function, which itself loops through all ammo objects owned by the enemy and renders / moves them based on their firing type, wave type, etc. I do the same for my player ship's ammo controller.

It seems like this way works well, and it's really quite easy to use - just define a bullet, add it to the controller, and everything takes care of itself. I think I've had about 500-700 bullets active on the screen [angled ones, they require extra horsepower due to more involved translation of the meshes] before I got a noticable drop in fps. This is just me turning the refire rate on the player ship waaaay higher than it'll end up being by default, to try to stress-test the engine. :)
How do I wrote code?
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