Nightmare Fuel

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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BIL » ...

Chris Chan has perfected his stripper routine. That dead fish stare, the animatronic head wags, those doughy white rolls - my dick is rock hard Image Image

Just kidding, that's Lena Dunham and I'm going to kill myself ImageImage
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BIL »

In hindsight, that was terribly disrespectful to post on on 9/11 - apologies to anyone who was already having a bad day and had to witness that obscenity. Image

Beechcraft Bonanza, the "Forked-Tail Doctor Killer," strikes again. Warning, Violent Death. Now that's what nightmares are made of. Image
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by Mischief Maker »

Holy shit, clipped that SUV and spun it 180 on the way down too!

I don't know why the hell I clicked on this thread moments after I woke from a nightmare.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BIL »

As an avid connoisseur of feral autists, I never thought of Chris Chan as nightmare fuel.

Not Life Safe:

Welp. :/ I liked it better when he was getting arrested for trashing Sonic Boom displays at Gamestop, and drawing hilarious comics. Now he's just another depraved sicko, like my favourite internet horror story Lorne "The Face Of FAS" Armstrong. Nothing was worth this. Image

You know, speaking of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Blackpool in the English Northwest apparently has the highest levels in the country. I mention as, on a recent visit to see me nan, I noticed buses have started running ads with babies dressed up as Thor, or Hulk, or other popular religious figures - the message being that if expectant Mums can stay off the booze, baby will enjoy the superpowers of a non-blasted gestation.

In benighted former fishing capitals / tourism hotspots, not being cooked through with poison in utero is how you get superpowers :shock:

I remember when I were a lad, the joke going around that blighted shithole (a nice gaff BITD apparently, nan says) was One Up The Bum / No Harm Done. One up the bum and you won't be a mum! I heard that on the radio one summer and stole it hard, told everyone back home I'd made it up. :oops: Christ, they had all the killer Sega and Namco machines back then. I think I saw a Dreadstorm Pirates while I was hauling ass outta there Sunday, but like fuck was I going to get out.

I think the Mormons have a similar ditty, though I've never visited. All in all, what a godawful day it's been to check in on Sonichu. Image
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by Sly Cherry Chunks »

Theme of Chris Chan

I haven't been back to Blackpool since the 80s. It was the first place I ever played Salamander.
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BIL »

For me it was Daytona, the four linked cabs setup - going straight from Genesis Virtua Racing to that Image

This was later equalised by the Saturn port 3;>

Seems CWC is in jail without bond, and they've officially designated his victim. I can't even post Sonichu, I'm so disappoint.

Well I can, but yeah. Image Image

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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by drauch »

His 80 year old Mom? Nice. Glad to know not all heroes wear capes.
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BryanM »

I've been trying to keep myself from mentioning this one elsewhere these past couple of days; didn't remember we had this perfect thread for it.

I've actually always classified Chris as a cognito-hazard. I went all my life blissfully unaware this man existed, until an internet friend mentioned him like a decade ago. She was so enthusiastic about it, so I had to check it out. And my life was irrevocably made a little worse for it.

The internet's fascination with the man is not exactly a riddle: spergs who have to turn to the internet to have conversations and human connections that they can't find or establish in real life have obvious parallels with Chris. (A very common kind of comment on a RedLetterMedia video: "I can't find anyone in real life who'll spend an hour talking to me about movies..." There's a chance, a very tiny chance, that you might feel the same way about say videogames, or something. Our towns have been optimized to isolate people from one another, it's incredible.) If only we were that much less intelligent, that much less charismatic, that much less emphatic, and a shit ton more evil; but for the grace of god or a bad brain injury - there's a little bit of the guy in the absolute worst aspects of ourselves.

I'm not surprised by what he did, and I think he's capable of worse. Especially if he decides to commit suicide one day. His obsession with sex as this magic trophy that'll fulfill his life is identical to the sentiment shared by Elliot Rodger and other colossal assholes throughout time.
Oh my god wrote:Q: Does Chris still crap himself?

A:Yes and the Cwcki says...

(prepare yourself)

he uses maxi pads as underwear liners because he refuses to wear adult diapers
Ok. No more gazing into this abyss for another decade or two.
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BIL »

BryanM wrote:I'm not surprised by what he did, and I think he's capable of worse. Especially if he decides to commit suicide one day.
On one hand, I never imagined this would happen. :sad: On the other, I'll set myself up for Internet Shame (:[) by saying I can't see CWC killing himself ever. He seems to be having a blast with his CPU Goddess tulpa menagerie. I wish I still got that happy about anything not involving payment of one form or another.

Then again, I became aware of him relatively late, in early 2014, when he burnt his house down making coffee in the bathroom (where his one remaining power outlet was - protip 4 hoarders, frayed electrical cord insulation = hawt hawt times ahead!).

This was over at infamously ribald, and it went something like "Chris Chan burnt his house down" "A vibrator must've overheated" "LMAO VIBRATOR" said I, and like you, soon discovered a world of Truth, Honesty, and DIRTY CRAPPED BRIEFS :shock:

But he was in a doldrums around then, his dad having died and the puppetmasters deciding the show had run its course. It was actually surprising when he slowly but steadily crept back to, and likely surpassed his former infamy, aided by the kinds of shit-eating jagoffs who'll actually give people like CWC money (it was funny seeing him rip 90% of them off Image who of us doesn't love procrastinating? CWC doesn't just love from a distance, he goes balls-deep until eBay KOSes his IP address).

So maybe my estimation of Chris is overly sunny. Maybe he'll crash harder than ever, and cock the glock to pop-pop until they all drop - or more realistically, until the first pop makes him shart, and he half-assedly attempts suicide by shooting his left manboob off - the bullet ricocheting off the food court's faux-grecian column and striking a pregnant woman, ensuring he finally gets (as so many of his less charitable observers have long wished) RAPED AND MURDERED IN PRISON Image

CWC? More like R&M in P!ImageImageImage
ShecameforCWC.jpg? More like TheycameinCWC.mp4 Image

Yooo, I am remembering the good old days :o Bryan I am an incorrigibly gaping asshole 3;>
His obsession with sex as this magic trophy that'll fulfill his life is identical to the sentiment shared by Elliot Rodger and other colossal assholes throughout time.
At what point does an Angry Pussy (cf Bill Burr's self-description) become an Armed & Dangerous Pussy ala Roger Rabbit, is what I wonder. I was doing some nostalgic TCAP browsing and happened across Lorne "Mr Penis" Armstrong, who I was surprised to learn commands a small but hardcore cult following - not unlike our beloved Hardass Arcade Games! Much like them, he can appear interchangeable at first, but he has untold depths! Not of challenge or recreation, but depravity and startling, CWC-tier gullibility.

He reminds me a lot of Cuck Island's Derrick Byrd, or however it's spelt. Better known as The Cumbria Shooter. Angry Pussy with a life story eerily similar to Lorney's. Finally snapped, murdered a few personal enemies, plus several more random strangers, before doing the world a favour.

I could maybe buy the tremulously cowardly, yet incandescently buttmad Lorne (currently a few years younger than 54y/o Bird) doing something similar - particularly with Burgers' infinitely higher Mass Shooter stat bonus. I... hm. Maybe I'm being dumb (AGEEN!), but I can't see Chris leaving his Happy Daymare cartoon world the same way. If anything, I'd expect someone from outside to get close and, whether by intention or clusterfuck, end up offing Chris.

Speaking of creepy - someone stole his license plate. Again! It's happened a few times.

RE fandoms, I find them an interesting quantity in and of themselves. Hardcore is a human constant! As is the desire to congregate with fellow afflicted. "Nan let me show you some knitting newsgroups, it'll be great" I said to my beloved old bat, ca 2003 when Goatse was young. "Oh no" she sneered, "they won't have anything about knitting on there." "Ah ok" I said. MUNEN Image I shoulda just pointed the browser to Knitmania The Forum, or whatever the fuck.

The other day I bought a new battery for my shitmobile. "TENG MOTORSPORT" with the familiar angry dicknose chap, read a promo poster on the garage wall. "Oh cool" I thought while buddy rang up my purchase. "I wonder if this dude ever played Art of Fighting BITD? Seems about the right age." Now, obviously, I kept me fookin cakehole shut, the guy might've thought I was some kinda bum driller. BUT MAYBE he went home that night to obscene shelfloads of vintage JP hardcore, JUST LEIK ME :o

Internet lets you cut to the chase and just post your best AOF2 1CC. Image Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes! Anybody wants to talk shit about SNK's goofy early fighters, you can leave em in a pool of their own blood and shit with a classic INTERNET CITY BEATDOWN Image (or DIE TRYING Image)

EDIT: Ahhh god fucking damn it. >_< You see? I used the idiom "go balls deep" about Chris, without even thinking. I can never do that again. I would never say that about Lorne "Yew Sound Sooo Sweet" Armstrong, the image conjured is invariably horrific. FML. Sick bastards. It's their fault, not mine, they're too amusing. Image
Last edited by BIL on Wed Aug 04, 2021 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BryanM »

BIL wrote:At what point does an Angry Pussy (cf Bill Burr's self-description) become an Armed & Dangerous Pussy ala Roger Rabbit, is what I wonder.
As it's a point of no return, when they see no possibility of any other joy in life and are ready to die. All of these mass shooters have put some time in on buying a gun and using it. But like the killdozer guy, some people are fucking psycho and can pick any day to snap.

Early youtube superstar (from back when you didn't have to be a rich affluent sod to get a viewership) Mr.Anime... Guy murders his family so they don't have to live knowing he shot up a school, he drives to the school, decides he doesn't want to murder anyone else, sits in his car and waits, and surrenders to the police. Regrets killing his family nearly immediately. There's no easy, neat explanation for that. The only lesson others can take from it is goddamn obvious: if you have a repetitive ideation of hurting people and you have a shitton of weapons, maybe get rid of the weapons and make it harder for yourself to fuck up.

Chris doesn't have guns or bombs, considering we know the most intimate details of his life. The most he could do is run someone over with his car.

I don't fear his rock bottom will end in a rampage. I fear it'll end in a strangling or kidnapping. Of someone much smaller than him.
BIL wrote:"I wonder if this dude ever played Art of Fighting BITD? Seems about the right age." Now, obviously, I kept me fookin cakehole shut, the guy might've thought I was some kinda bum driller
This is the sad, sad thing about being an adult, you can never know for sure.

Back in the aero force, there was this one time I ate dinner at the chow hall (called a "dining facility" with typical american's love of euphemisms. No place that does that to fried chicken deserves the moniker.) with some random chatty nerd who liked Total Annihilation and stuff. When we left to go our separate ways we crossed paths with my gf, who I greeted. The guy apologized and I was like "what are you apologizing for????" I thought he was just being an awkward sperg at the time, that he thought he was keeping me from meeting up with her, and I thought nothing more of it. Kind of shades of the innocence of Rich Evans when he went to see that one guy's Warhammer figurines.

Only many many years later did I look back at that moment and wonder. A 0.5% chance is a lot different from 0%.
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BIL »

CWC on a precipice (or what he perceives to be a precipice), that's quite a thing to envision... could definitely see him doing something small-scale, atrocious and easy, whatever that may be. Those three adjectives sum up CWC's ethos, tbh. He's no cartel death squad, but his greatest hits reel can make me lose my lunch comparably.

What am I saying - he already did just such an act. :o And I thought it was just the usual weeny ween weens hamming it up. It's all gone 2 real, Bryan. :sad: We who regarded CWC as a mere clown have all been *mff* hoist by our own pet tard Image *UWAAAAAAAAAA* Image

When I hear of a man driving his truck off a cliff because his dog died (while it was fucking his wife), I don't want actual dead dog Image
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by PerishedFraud ឵឵ »

Honestly cwc just isn't stable enough to be kept outside of a controlled facility. If they can abuse an elderly they're certainly morally capable of doing terrible things, and their previous actions (like the whole wrong sonic colors thing) shows that they don't care much for law or decency.

They also don't deserve our attention. At all.
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BryanM »

The Bella arc was more messed up than anything you'd normally see on an episode of Supernatural.

Anyway, in lighter things: Youtube has this pipeline that takes you from nice relaxing ASMR walks through rainy drainy weather, to the grimdark land of chiropractory. I had always assumed chiropractors were perverts who liked cracking people's spines, aaand.... the only thing youtube added to that, is that they also like to scrape off layers of skin.

Homer throwing people on a beat up garbage can is maybe a little too gentle. It's more like they're playing a game of chicken, trying to see how long they can go without paralyzing or killing anyone. Some of them might keep score in the reverse, getting a point for every paralysis and ten points for every murder.

And I'm someone who considered the possible merits of trepanation as a kid, just because Egon told me it was cool.
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BIL »

Jesus Fuck I just heard the Lorne Armstrong sex scene from his shitty book. I drink only rarely - it interferes with The Hard Gayming Image - but I'm glad this was one of those nights Image


I wonder if Lorne at least got some chomo lovin' in prison - rusty bedframe rasping as he stared a thousand miles beyond the wall. It would explain A WHOLE LAWT if he did - or didn't! Image

In further speculative proctology, I am ruefully unsurprised at the CWC fallout, tbh. Anyone indulging him at this point is going to be some variety of asshole. Actively fucking with him calls for an abcessed syphilitic gaper, and so the universe gave us Bella.

I'm MUCH more concerned by Lorne's fellow Internet Punching Bag MOWO aka TALLDREAMYDOC doin' the Dutch! And not long before Jeff "ITS A QUESTION" Stacy died in ambiguous circumstances! (fat fuck over forty + 50% aortic blockage + DOING THE DRUGS? a classic caper). The least these poor cunts can do is live long in their shame - for my amusement!

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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by emphatic »

Image | My games - | (Click) I have YEN stickers for sale
RegalSin wrote:Street Fighters. We need to aviod them when we activate time accellerator.
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BIL »

Can u imagine this happening to u? :o NEXT TIME IT COULD BE U!!! :shock:

Image ... i=15858554

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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by Mischief Maker »

WHY DO THE EYES GLOW???????!!!!!!!!
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by mamboFoxtrot »

They seem to be screens displaying CG eye animations instead of animatronic eyes/lids.
Maybe IRL they don't glow so bad? Cameras tend to blow out backlit screens like that.
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BIL »

Oh hey, new cave scuba-diving video in my recs.

Haven't watched it yet, but few recreational activities are as pants-shitteringly nightmarish as cave diving, imo. Jesus, I can't even imagine. Just open water scuba is pretty unnerving, imo. And dangerous - even if you're in a pussy-ass hood with bitch-ass fish! The Bends, motherfucker - it's not just a crywanking emo LP by whiney limey twats! In popular Caribbean dive spots, the procession of late middle-aged to elderly tourists who cark it on the beach is like the rising and setting of the sun.

And now, atop all this fuckery, you wanna play ECCO TEH DOLPHIN IRL? :shock:


In perhaps his worst adventure yet, Florida Man is caught trying to upload a literal ton of CP.


TFW human depravity is an endless looper. There's no TLB and there's sure as shit no 2ALL waiting for you, sonny. 3;
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by Hoagtech »

These AI nonsense videos are getting super weird. It makes you wonder how much user input went into the making Ai protocol or if it just off the rails topical generation.

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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by Blinge »

1cc List - Youtube - You emptylock my heart
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by Lemnear »

but...where is the Nightmare Fuel in this topic? :(
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BIL »

This is a mild-mannered community tbh. Even our Literal Nazis and ChiCom Cucks are quite amiable by wider internet standards, especially now that twatter and faecesbook have driven everyone violently insane. You will have to go elsewhere for nightmare fuel, I'm afraid! You can't even post goatse here without being permabanned.




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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by Lander »

Whoa, you can get away with that?

...I'm gonna do it.
(He's gonna do it :o)

Witness Meeeee!
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BIL »

A contemporary depiction :shock: It's good not to have to face The End alone ;-;7
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BryanM »

I was curious about egg cells being fertilized by multiple sperm, and what someone with extra chromosomes would look like. XYY, XXY, XXYY, etc. This was just motivated by natural innocent nerd curiosity.

So I google image searched triploidy, and, well... I strongly recommend you do not image search triploidy. Not if you want to continue having a happy day. If you must google anything, stick to the wikipedia page. A wikipedia page that is blessedly image free for a change.

To balance things out, here's a wiki link about the cringe car scene. If you want some horror aspect to go with this, I will provide some, as a treat:

Nerds are basically the vanguard of trends. Normies tend to lag behind 20 to 40 years. What's considered "weird" and abnormal is only a matter of not enough exposure. So the itasha culture could catch on and become mainstream in the future.

It seems impossible. But if you're old enough you... you remember the macarena.
BIL wrote:especially now that twatter and faecesbook have driven everyone violently insane.
I've been visiting twitter daily these days for the dank AI safety memes during this AI apocalypse.

One of the recommended posts it showed me was one of those horrendous neoliberal memes proclaiming corporate liberalism as the best ideology the history of the world has ever seen. Denouncing Fidel for being mean to some group, but somehow failing to denounce the US for being mean (technically slightly more than "mean") to Vietnam and the like.

It got the rage neurons in my brain flaring high, before I reminded myself that the algorithms on Faceback and Twompper are intentionally designed to piss people off to maximize engagement.

It really is like rolling your brain across broken glass. For people with no hobbies or goals in their lives at all, I can see how they'd be addicted to stuff like this and Tucker/Maddow. It's an easy way to find a purpose for yourself: internet arguments with anons you don't like is a game with infinite procedurally generated content.
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BIL »

Human reproduction in general is a reliable storehouse of horrors from one end to the other. I wonder who the first happy couple were to encounter death in childbirth. I wonder about the first rape victim to encounter the same. It's all rather conducive to a cold and merciless heart, not that the rest of biology is any less pitiless.

Stuff I have to file in the "this will all be over soon" box while at church. 3; The light at the end of the tunnel may be a way out, or an incoming train. Either way, this will all be over soon~
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by Lander »

Man, that's quite the goldmine. Probably shouldn't have clicked on it :lol:
I, uh, may have increased P(Doom) slightly by trying to do ChatGPT's Haskell homework for it at one point.

Some hours later...

Apropos of absolutely nothing at all, do you chaps ever stop to wonder whether the world you perceive is merely a lucid dream in the mind of some godhead, over which you have a mild but wholly subconscious degree of agency?
Because sheesh, the whole nihilism thing is going to work out as a terrible long-term play if perception really is reality :|
Blinge wrote:
Huh, never knew analog horror lite was a thing. That's pretty good.

Hot take: That onion is exactly where it belongs.
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Re: Nightmare Fuel

Post by BryanM »

I never really ever got the adults who panic over doom. "We were born of the doom, made by the doom, undone by the doom", yadda yadda. It should be a comforting blanket by now, with the dozens of inevitable ways it descends upon us. Broadly and individually.

The "full stop AI" guys are kind of optimistic, considering the doom we've already got scheduled. Compared to that, the Terminator movies are positively utopian. Just look at how nice SkyNet is to humans: they get to LARP a fantasy wargame, so their lives still have a unifying purpose with their fellow humans. There's somehow still energy abundant enough to drive cars around. What luxury!

... granted the torture worlds are.... they might seem fun at first glance, but like joining a real cult in the real world, would get very boring and very very bad very quickly.......
Lander wrote:Apropos of absolutely nothing at all, do you chaps ever stop to wonder whether the world you perceive is merely a lucid dream in the mind of some godhead, over which you have a mild but wholly subconscious degree of agency?
Because sheesh, the whole nihilism thing is going to work out as a terrible long-term play if perception really is reality :|
There are times I wonder if this isn't a Mind Forever Voyaging thing, but I know what I'm being grown for isn't as something noble as a policy research schmuck or a submodule that acts as an AGI's oversight council. Probably as a doll for a coven of nerdy bisexual witches, or a meat donkey for some guy's basement for him to beat to death with a stick over and over.

One of the more out-there thoughts is the idea that our perception isn't tied to our particular configuration of meat, per-se. But rather the weights and electric signals they've formed between them. That you're being shunted constantly between various arbitrary universes where they continue from where they left off: the natural conclusion of pushing the ideas of quantum immortality and the anthropic principle way too far.

It sounds like a sweet deal in the short term, like a "Luigi wins by doing nothing" thing. But then try to imagine what the hell your neural weights will look like a million years from now, and well....

It's horror all the way down.

Here's that link to that happy living in a simulation video again.
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