Weightlifting/exercise thread

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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by drauch »

From what I've read on sciatica, it is usually herniated discs and such, but it can also come from inactivity. I think we're narrowing it down to me having super tight hamstrings, presumably from lack of movement/sitting compression. My doctor initially noted this before the PT and wrote it down as well, and I was initially unsure as of why, but now I get it.

This lady will 'massage' my leg so hard in certain spots where I'll involuntarily lift the other in pain. Still feel yesterday's today. But it's not a sciatica pain, just a a holy shit this is rough my body has never felt this before pain, like Sonny Chiba giving me a massage. I've basically never stretched my legs for shit; I'm about as inflexible as they come, can barely touch my toes, etc.. She did recommend me some hamstring exercises on top of my others, but they're pretty light and low reps. As you mentioned regarding that, I noticed some info on the wall yesterday at the clinic putting emphasis on the too much part. I'll give it a shot for a bit and see how that feels as well. I feel like the youngest grandpa, like some fucked up version of Jack or Benjamin Butthorn.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

Dayum. Well sounds like you're working through it. If it's not a damaged disk I would assume recovery would be easier but that's just conjecture. I work with (and hang with) people 20 years younger than me and do kind of pride myself in being cooler than all of them. So my pride takes a huge ass hit when it takes me like 20 seconds just to get out of a fucking car.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Stevens »

Hope you're all hanging in. Some hiccups here but nothing I haven't dealt with before.

Stay strong.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Stevens »

Hey peeps. Things going well here. I increased my pistol squat depth another half inch or so. Arm is rehabbing nicely too.

Anyways if anyone is looking for moar calisthenics (I always am:) I would suggest checking out Hampton over at Hybrid Calisthenics.

He has a complete, well thought out (definite Convict Conditioning influence - he even thanks Paul Wade) program complete with progressions, easy to digest text, and videos of proper form for each movement.

Full disclosure - I get nothing from this. I discovered this kid a while back and was really impressed with his knowledge and positive attitude.

Also I hope you guys are keeping a workout log.

As always - stay strong.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

That's awesome!

Sadly due to my back, a lot of exercises are gone from my life -- many for good. Part of my assessment was how far I could bend me legs before I start bending my back (and therefore getting in the way of the healing process). I've only got a 90 degree angle from leg to torso when my feet are straight. With a sumo squat, about 75. So, I can do squats again one day (within the above parameters) as well as deadlift, but I probably will opt out of the dead lifts.

There's tons I can still do w/ legs/ glutes so not bothered. Core is very tricky. Anything twisting is gone: Russian twists, mermaid lifts, chops... even situps and crunches. Slowly building up to a routine. Been in the gym a week going super duper light.

That being said, I'm not in as shitty shape as I thought I'd be. Doing The McGill Big 3 + a few extras for the last 3 months, along w/ walking like a mother fucker has keept me in decent shape. First day back in the gym I was able to do 3 sets of 8 pull ups... so not totally out of it. When I stopped I was doing 3 x 10 with 10 pounds hanging from my waste. Such is life.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Stevens »

GP - You know you're body better than I do. But I would take a good, long look here: https://www.hybridcalisthenics.com/bridges

If you're able - start with the first step and see if you can do it without discomfort.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

So glute bridges are actually in the routine... but once the spine starts bending I'm out -- not b/c I can't, but b/c I shouldn't. I've got spinal instability due to damaged disks - and moving them (twisting, flexion, extension) "picks the scab" as they say and allows it to not heal. To be fair, I have never been able to do full squats since I got back into working out (in my late 20's) so this damage has been there for ages, sadly. This program is meant to fix even that, so in theory, I'll be better than I was when I started posting here. It just takes a couple of years to finally get there.

Some ways I've definitely upped my game, is more core, while not rock solid, is firing off much more harmoniously than before. Since I started the book in March I've been doing the Big 3 daily which consists of side planks which are quite a bitch. I do a Russian pyramid (set of 8, 6, then 4) where one rep equals a 10 second side plank on one side -> 10 second plank -> 10 second side plank on the other side. For my last 5 reps, the side planks are actually star side planks which are pretty challenging. (For reference, when I started, I had to do the side planks only down to my knee). So, some silver linings for sure. And from reading around other communities like /r/backpain, I'm a very mild case. Pretty heart breaking reading stories of people that are in constant pain daily, even in bed.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by drauch »

Yeah, reading any ailment reddit is an instant trip down into hell. Everyone has it so bad it seems, which could potentially make you feel better yeah, but that doesn't erase your own problems either. But I'm a hardcore pessimist so hopefully others reactions to that sort of thing are better :lol: . There is some inspiring stuff though, especially regarding surgeries and the like. Just got filter out all the "it's been a decade and I'm still in pain stuff".

Speaking of core, man I've been doing various ones for a bit, but I feel the most helpful thing, which sounds silly, is to just suck in your stomach, then suck upwards and hold it for 10 seconds. Can do it sitting of course. Saw some PTs on Youtube (Bob and Brad, who rule) talk about it and I started doing it. Went to some meetup with people I hadn't seen in a couple weeks and they even gave me comments, which can even make a crotchety fellow like myself blush. You can definitely feel it, and it makes sense since you're basically sqeezing/flexing the muscle. I got my right arm way bigger just j/oing and squeezing my bicep so I'm an expert.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

Part of the McGill method and even the first thing he covers in his book is abdominal bracing - it helps with many back ailments as you're using your core to hold your spine as still as possible while moving. He points out that it's a dimmer, not an on / off switch. "Touching your belly button to your spine" is for the birds. You can't do that all day every day, so you have to only use what you need. Not sure if that will help you w/ your sciatica but it's been a life saver for me.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by drauch »

Reading about it now. Not sure what will help me at this point, 'cause I still don't have it isolated. Asked my doc yesterday what the next steps should be, and of course he couldn't tell me over the portal. Have to go in just for him to tell me where to go next. Oh well! Not sure where, but hopefully I can find out where it's coming from/what to do, instead of all these blanket "good for you" stretches.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

drauch wrote:, instead of all these blanket "good for you" stretches.
They're not good for you! Blanket anything is bullshit and sadly, everyone has a blanket for you when it comes to back pain. Yoga, Pilates, and Swimming are the go to ones. Guess what - I was swimming 3000 yards twice a week when I fucked mine up, so there ya go.

I will kindly nudge again to give Back Mechanic a try. It is an easy book to read. Most mentions of sciatica in the book talk about it in conjunction w/ back pain (I think?). I don't have it so those parts I don't remember much. But, it tells you how your spine works in pretty easy to follow terms.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by drauch »

GaijinPunch wrote:I will kindly nudge again to give Back Mechanic a try.
Yes! Thank you, I will. I'm usually a big reader, but lately with this I've just been playing games in my free-time as it keeps my mind more at bay. Making a note of it now ;)
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Stevens »

Did my first full ROM pull up yesterday, hadn't done one since April. Arm rehabbed nicely.

It's amazing what you can do when you have an understanding of things.

Dialed some things back and added the bike and hanging work. To help with my arm rehab I've been doing these:

https://www.hybridcalisthenics.com/side ... ed-pushups

I'll get back to archers at some point, but I want to milk side staggered for the most tendon strength I can.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

21/21 Done, and by this week I will be done with 2 weeks of pure cardio, lighter work to let the ligaments rest.

I will start again a new semester last week of August. Aim: finish the semester with proper 1-arm exercises (push-ups, Pull- & chin-ups).
Doable? I guess so, but for now my body is more or less screaming...Training at very high temperatures is rather intense, I guess.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by MJR »

I've now done gym for a year, and results are showing up really well. My belly and man boobs are gone, lost fat about 10kg but gained broader shoulders and muscular arms+legs. It feels really good to be able to do this in 48 years of age. Also, when I go out, lot of women seem to be noticing me, which didn't happen before :D

But the most important thing is that I can sleep now without cpap mask.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

Very good, though I guess that your already massive shlong is now clearly visible, since your newfound bulky legs are pushing trousers to the point of explosion :wink:

Astonishingly bad jokes aside, if your general health (blood values, pressure, etc.) is also vastly improved, you're on the path to fully physical glory. I will start training again next week for 21+1 weeks (calisthenics, rowing, cycling=winter training+one week full cardio), with possibly pool sessions on Fridays. Work may become all-absorbing, but I will keep an eye on this and a few other threads :wink:
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by MJR »

Randorama wrote:Very good, though I guess that your already massive shlong is now clearly visible, since your newfound bulky legs are pushing trousers to the point of explosion :wink:
..how did you know?? :shock:
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by DDDP »

hey erryone, glad to see people staying fit! Still working on the long-term goals. Since Feb, I've emphasized more bodyweight and ring exercises and less kettlebell, not that I've excluded it entirely but I'm "maintaining" at the current kettlebells instead of trying to push my swing, clean, etc into the next weightclass. Bodyfat and total weight is even lower than Feb, where I have veins and minor muscles popping without a pump (especially in forearms, obliques, and shoulders). Chin-ups are improving. I'm up from 1-2 chinups/15 per day to 3-6 chin-ups/30+ per day. I've done a few dirty 1h chin ups (wrist held by other hand) and the move feels within reach, but I'm focused more on increasing total chin-ups and incorporating the false-grip more frequently to build toward the muscle-up.

Calisthenics are a much bigger part of my routine, and I'm very happy with the inclusion. Push-ups, squats, lunges, and TONS of isometrics (hollow body, planks, horse stance, handstand), and other stuff. Setting goals based on achieving a more advanced move (e.g. push ups to diamond PUs to belly-PUs to elbow planche) keeps me interested from week to week. I can do 1-2 pistol squats though I still struggle to get all the way down and maintain balance. I can eke out a few 1h pushups, too, without needing a wide stance: my weakness is in the arm and shoulder, but I've got the necessary anti-twisting STR in my core. Still working on handstand.

Jumprope is also a much bigger part of my routine, partly because I like it and partly because it helps me avoid having to do too much jogging, which I still hate. I don't bother with the fancy twirls and spins, just 3-5 minutes of jumprope without stopping, 30s break, then again, then 30s, then again. My footspeed and endurance have improved drastically. Boxing club has been a clarifying presence in my life, pointing me toward flaws in my overall athleticism and pointing me toward new goals.

@GaijinPunch If spine is your concern, you should still be doing back exercises but with an emphasis on anti-flexion and isometric strength. A daily routine of planks and reverse-planks works wonders, and once you are strong in planks work on your one-arm/one-leg planks to really target the anti-flexion muscles in your core. The added bonus is -- if you transition into heavy lifts with the back muscles -- your diligence with isometrics will make you stronger and prevent future injury.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Stevens »

MJR that's awesome.

Been a sparse summer here, but I've doing just enough to not go to shit.

Sparse workouts have been enlightening though. I've added more rest in between strength days and increased my time on the bike. My reps have gone up a fair bit with the added rest.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

12/21, Winter Semester 2022/2023.

I have been rowing for longer intervals and at higher intensity levels while keeping a very tight calisthenics schedule (numbers: I can hold a pace of 1' 50", even 1'45", at maximum resistance for 20-25 minutes, on a "C220" machine. The name may be wrong: it's one of those machines you can find in any gym).

I forgot something about rowing, which I practiced in my 20's (when I was in the Navy...long story): at higher levels, it pushes the core enough that chest, traps and abs get very thick, very quickly.
In particular, my six-pack may not look sculpted, but whenever I sit, I feel like I suddenly have a small slab of concrete protecting my spine.

Fridays I only cycle/run/train my legs: 4 days of calisthenics plus rowing really require proper rest. My gym has also installed rings, so I may add them once I will have absorbed the heavier workloads properly.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Stevens »

Always good to see a new post here. Admittedly I've been neglecting this thread, but not my workouts!

Your progress is always motivating Rando. Question - do you do anything specific for your back? Bridging or anything like that?

Rings always seemed fun - I've always admired the extra layer of movement they offer and how that forces you to really stabilize yourself more.

Since my last post I have been milking side staggered push ups for all they are worth. The issue I had been dealing with is seemingly been remedied as I have done the occasional archer push up with no discomfort. I'm going to stick with side staggered a few more weeks and then very slowly re introduce archer push ups back into my routine. I'll probably add them in grease the groove style - on push up day after my work set of staggered I'll do a single rep on each side throughout the day. Maybe one an hour or so. I'll stick with that for the next eight to 12 weeks and reevaluate.

Also my handstand push ups have finally broken through. Seems the obstacle in the way was myself, more specifically where I was putting my hands in relation to the wall. I watched a friend kick up and noticed his hands were about six inches closer than I had been putting mine. It was like I discovered a cheat code. Both blown away and humbled I had been making the error for so long and considered tweaking many things in relation to the exercise but never once considered my hand position.

DDDP - I know it's a few months late but with pistol squats (or anything where your not going full range of motion) I've always found it helpful to have a concrete stopping point. A pile of books, a box, anything that tells you you've reached the proper depth without guessing. How has your training been going since the summer?

Stay strong farm.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

I do levers, L-sits and other "static strength" exercises, but not bridges or other workouts that can also increase flexibility.

I don't feel that confident that my back still has enough elasticity, so I try to focus on strength. Rowing also stresses all the back muscles at non-trivial levels - in particular lower back and lower abs, which must keep the body stable during the pulling movement.

If I add rings at some point, any exercise will be really taxing for any muscle in the upper body - the need to learn how to handle your own body weight on such an unstable support (rings) forces all upper muscles to perform intensely.

Good result on handstands: placing hands in the right place is the first and hardest trick to learn, with most calisthenics exercises. I know from experience :wink: how is it going with ROM and reps?
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Stevens »

Randorama wrote:how is it going with ROM and reps?
Current depth is 3 1/2 inches from the floor, I use a stack of five identical books. I'm up to nine.

Out of curiosity I tried to go for full rom post workout and was able to do two. I'm going to stick with the books for a few more weeks, maybe another month. When I hit 10 - 12 I'll remove a book or maybe two. Good feeling to get the full rom.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Stevens »

Week update. There is always more to learn.

Knowing it would be a short week and wanting to get some stuff done before the holiday I jumped back after two days rest instead if my usual five.

After day two I knew I made a mistake. Everything was more sore than it should have been. I called it a week.

I would have benefited more from taking the entire week off (nine days total rest). Ill start back up Monday. I should be ok with six days rest.

I've been using the grease to groove method of late in regards to pull ups and dips. Ill do a max set to start and then cut the work by 50%. Then every 45 minutes I'll do another set. Want to see if my max reps increase any faster.

Stay strong guys and don't forget your rest! Especially if you're over 40.


Love Al.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

13/21, Winter Semester 2022/2023.

I don't remember how your rest cycles work, but I am having an annoying week-end. Humidity is increasing but temperature is too high for the season, so I tend to recover slower than I should. Longer warm baths and more rest are helpful though - and I need 8 more weeks at this pace, though I am getting "marginal gains" in my rowing sessions (increasing speed by half a second per kilometre every 2-3 weeks).

The GTG is great with anything for me, but with dips it may be a game changer. Proper dips are generally taxing for ligaments, even on flawless equipment and by performing textbook movements. Giving ligaments some time to recover rather than challenging them to multiple reps can help precision in the movement - and thus training efficiency ("gains", in lingo).

Fun fact I recently discovered: "Ahnold" Schwarznegger would mix a lot of calisthenics in his training. Even at his heaviest and biggest, he could pop the random dip or handstand set within reps of some other exercise. I also read a few comments of his praising any form of body weight lifting for just about everything, which is not surprising - calisthenics can be really tough for bigger, heavier people but they can also lead to massive gains. Doing one-arm push-ups for someone who's 120+ kgs/250+lbs must also be absolutely exhilarating, I guess :wink:
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Stevens »

Randorama wrote:13/21, Winter Semester 2022/2023.

I don't remember how your rest cycles work, but I am having an annoying week-end. Humidity is increasing but temperature is too high for the season, so I tend to recover slower than I should. Longer warm baths and more rest are helpful though - and I need 8 more weeks at this pace, though I am getting "marginal gains" in my rowing sessions (increasing speed by half a second per kilometre every 2-3 weeks).
I've been on a nine day cycle. Strength the first four, then five days off. Spin bike two or three days during the five days off.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

OK, I am doing something like this, now:

Mon-Thu: Calisthenics, full gas; Fri: rest
Mon-Wed: rowing, full gas; Thu: rowing, volume (i.e. rowing at a slower pace, just to build up endurance); Fri: rest
Mon-Fri: running or cycling, full gas (alternate between the two).
Week-ends: rest, possibly a walk (well, going to buy groceries, restaurant(s), etc.).

4+5 would probably give me trouble; I know that longer rest periods slow my recovery, somehow.

Interesting bit: my gym is still not using any heating whatsoever.
It's still not that cold, but when training inside I prefer longer sleeves and pants to keep a stable temperature, to short sleeves, copious amounts of sweating and seasonal flus because the heating is on.
I really don't get how people may want to use heating when they are moving their butts and generating heat, honestly, but common sense remains an advanced, unattainable skill for most people.
Last edited by Randorama on Tue Nov 29, 2022 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Chomsky, Buckminster Fuller, Yunus and Glass would have played Battle Garegga, for sure.

Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by xxx1993 »

I just started doing Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise every morning from now on. I've mostly been doing Regular Daily Workouts as of now, I'm not ready for the Heavy ones just yet. How do I unlock the other combos and punches? So far, I've only done straights, jabs, hooks, and uppercuts.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Marc »

Not quite at some of your levels, but I've gone from being a lazy unfit bastard, to having done a full year in the gym, a 50 mile bike ride, and a 10k in the last 12 mo the. Just need to cut down on the booze as the progress would be a lot more apparent.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by xxx1993 »

I think doing ducks in Fitness Boxing has become my Kryptonite... Not only do I feel cramped from doing them but it won't register when I do it for some odd reason...
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