The Self-Introduction Thread

This is the main shmups forum. Chat about shmups in here - keep it on-topic please!
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by PerishedFraud ឵឵ ឵឵ »

Hi, I'm PerishedFraud (based off of Deadliar, my favourite helsinki character :3). I hope we can all be friends.

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- Did you know tomatoes are red?
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by Camarguess »

Hello everybody, my name is Camarguess. I’ve always dabbled in shmups (I used to call them spaceship games), even when I was a little kid, but have been playing them exclusively for about a year now. I love the fact that I could pick up and play a shmup for 30 min. and feel satisfied with that amount of game time, because everything is moving so fast, stuffs blowing up, and you constantly have to be on your toes, and because I just don’t have the time to play for hours at a time. The first shmup I ever played as a kid was super Rtype on my uncle’s SNES. My favorite kinds of shmups to play are the older ones, made in the late 80’s and through the 90’s. I like the newer bullet hells too, but the old school shmups feel like home to me. Some of my favorites are Soldier Blade, Rtype, Darius, Rayxanber 3, Thunderforce IV, and Dodonpachi. Thanks for having me.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by JJHLH »

Hi everyone. I’ve been gaming for a long time but just recently realized that shmups are my true gaming love. I found this out when I bought the ShotTriggers PS4 release of Dangun Feveron. I loved that game so much I started to explore other STGs and had an absolute blast doing so. It’s become a bit of an obsession. I play on both PS5 and Switch. I love games that are exciting, that you can pick up and play, and that you can see the end of even if it means credit feeding (which happens a lot since I’m not a strong player haha). I don’t particularly want to think too deeply when I’m gaming, but instead get in a zone where I’m enjoying the audio and visual feedback. And no jumping. Schmups fit this bill perfectly.

I appreciate this forum where we can discuss our beloved genre. Thank you.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by Oldskool »

Hello everyone!

First off I am so extremely excited and happy to see that there is a Shmup forum! How did this escape me?

I just wanted to introduce myself. I am Oldskool, I am 44, Live in Las Vegas, and I am addicted to shmups.

I am on various forums around the net but mainly frequent Digital Press and Sega-16 (but haven't been much lately). I have been a shooter fan since the 80's. I was born in 77' and started to really get into video games by 81, maybe 82. The first shmups I recall playing were Asteroids, Defender, Galaga, Galaxian, and Missile Command of course because back in those days they were mandatory. Can't forget Centipede. In fact now that I think about it I suppose just about every arcade game back then other than Pacman was a shmup? :lol:

Once the NES came out I really started to gain some experience playing Gradius, Alpha Mission, Life Force, etc. Then Genesis came out and I was hooked on Truxton (drools), Thunder Force II, III, IV, M.U.S.H.A, etc. The Genesis/Mega Drive is by far my favourite console of all time and the selection of Shmups are quite amazing for it!

Some areas that I'd like to explore are the Euro shmups and Amiga shmups. If anyone can recommend me some please let me know. I have noticed that the Euro shmups have a certain flair to them that makes them just.. different.

I currently do not own many physical games but I do have some STV carts and a few NES carts remaining. My physical collection is quite lacking these days (Thanks Steam, XBL, PSN, EA, ETC ETC)

I could go on and on.. and I am sure that none of this is new to you all either. I'm almost certain that my story is many of yours.

Lately my "console" of choice is Steam. In my opinion it is the best platform by far at the moment for Shmup fans. I have hundreds of games and several dozen Shmups.. if anyone would like to remote play let me know (Kind of need someone to test it with) --- I drool excessively over the Steam Deck. I will own. Yes.

My current go to Shmup is Beat Hazard!

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Introducing myself, from Australia.

Post by xb74 »

Hello Shmups,

Long time lurker, finally taking the plunge and jumping into a new forum. Forgot I had an account here :)

Very glad to be here amongst other enthusiasts. I grew up on Raiden and R-type and am currently exploring the Toaplan era of games.

Many thanks and regards.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Hello folks!
Oldskool wrote:Thunder Force II, III, IV, M.U.S.H.A, etc. The Genesis/Mega Drive is by far my favourite console of all time and the selection of Shmups are quite amazing for it!
Make sure to check out Vastynex! It's a freeware game with Thunder Force mechanics by a prolific indie developer that's a love letter to various shmups.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by Aceskies »

Hi shmuppers

I have been playing shmups from time to time since a long time ago, being R-Type Delta probably the first time I got a hit, back in early 2000. I recenty got really attached to the genre when I started collecting retro games, being some Game boy games the beginning of the thing. Today I play regularly not only R-Type, but also Gradius, Darius, and some other games in 16 bits consoles and Playstation mainly. I hope I can learn here as I am kind of bad at playing these games :D
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by LenDar »


I'm a lifelong gamer starting with the NES generation but only much later got into shmups much at all. The Wii virtual console got me trying a few that became some of my favorites. Last December I went on a shopping spree and got shmups all over the place and have been playing TONS of them since then, some of my favorites being Ketsui and Battle Garegga, Crimzon Clover, and many dozens more. I'm mostly getting stomped for now of course but am seeing improvement in skill. I'm pretty sure that this is sharpening my mind right now so I'm kind of grateful for the exercise.

What's shmup dawg? (lulz)
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by MontTheMonkey »

Hey y'all,

I came here a couple times looking around for Dodonpachi Saidaioujou steam port news but sadly nothing. Decided to join to see peoples insight into the genre. I started playing Shmups only last year and I only have a handful. I hope to find more from others recommendations. I only have Shmups on pc (Those being Ginga Force, Dodonpachi Resurrection, Deathsmiles, Mushihimesama, and Beat Hazard). I hope to find a whole bunch of new ones hopefully for my Nintendo Switch and maybe learn a thing or two. I really like CAVE SHMUPS so I want to play Espgaluda and Saidaioujou soon.

Currently my favourite Shmup is Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu : Black Label.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by kamadoma715 »

Hello from the Philippines. I'm new to shmups and recently decided to get into them properly. I just bought the Strikers 1945 I, II and III bundles yesterday on Steam and I'm currently playing with my Hori Fighting Stick Mini.

I used to play a bit of Strikers 1945 II and III in the arcades many years ago, and also enjoyed the very few times I played Gradius, Macross, and Tiger-Heli on the NES back then.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by Mr_Horizon »

Hello everyone,

Some of my very first computer games were Shmups, on the C64 and the Amiga. I have fond memories of Katakis, Hybris and Battle Squadron. Years later I got a Dreamcast and and enjoyed Ikaruga, Zero Gunner 2, Giga Wing and Mars Matrix.

Now I have a Nintendo Switch and intend to get back into it. :)

I'll read and maybe write in some of your game threads, and post a video game quiz I run in some other communities.

See you around! :)
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by PompPenguin »

Hello everyone!
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by thedirtyscreech »

Been shmupping for a few months between all of my other life requirements. Originally played a lot of Raiden 2/Raiden DX enough to clear it on the PSX version (The Raiden Project, which was both Raiden I && II, but really DX since I believe it had the extra levels) enough to clear the game in 2003. Hadn't played much for video games since then until I got back into it this winter.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by z3553 »

new here
addicted to rtype
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by Dynajay »

Hello-hello! I am Dynajay.

Just some Korean cowgirl from Texas who loves playing shmups as well as developing them. One of my fondest shmup memories is wasting handfuls of quarters playing Strikers 1945 II.
I am hoping to release at least one basic shmup featuring creatively indulgent elements just for the sake of getting my name out there. My dream is to finish a masterpiece showcasing concepts that either haven't been used yet or could be explored further. I'd love to stay connected to this community and give everyone first dibs on playing my games. :)

Other than that, I love speedrunning and currently have a SNES world record for completing Primal Rage on difficulty 16.
I also enjoy street racing and own a 2014 Mustang GT. Definitely passionate about fast cars.

So that's a little about myself. You might see me make a few posts regarding my upcoming creations. Stay tuned.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by MidnightWolf »


I'm a long-time lurker who finally got around to registering an account here.

My first SHMUP was either Action Fighter or Scramble Spirits on the SEGA Master System (can't remember which one came first tbh). Air Gallet, Blazing Star and Pulstar are probably my all-time top 3 favourite SHMUPs. I'm all about the Arcade machines and don't really care for console games these days. Haven't actually owned a console since the SEGA Dreamcast around 20 years ago now.

Nice to meet all you fellow SHMUPpers!
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by farnandez »

Hi I'm new here and I want to know if this forum is really dead... where should I post?
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Dynajay wrote:One of my fondest shmup memories is wasting handfuls of quarters playing Strikers 1945 II.
Strikers is one of those series that popped up unexpectedly in a lot of places in my experience too. I found one at a bar not long ago, and before that the last time I encountered it in the wild was at an airport in Calgary. Fun times.
MidnightWolf wrote:Air Gallet, Blazing Star and Pulstar
AKUU GARRET, BLOWS YOUR SOCKS OFF. Great picks, I'm very fond of those Neo-Geo shmups, though I don't envy playing them without an autofire circuit. They're unnecessarily mashy without, but with rapid fire they're great fun.
farnandez wrote:Hi I'm new here and I want to know if this forum is really dead... where should I post?

Down the right hand side of each subforum you can see a column that says Last Post that shows the last time someone posted a response to a thread.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by LordOfDoubleDee »

Hello, glad to be here!

Love shmups!

Gradius on NES was my intro - just finally beat that recently.

Enjoying super old school Scramble.

Really got into Andro Dunos on the Neo Geo.

Right now batting the Bydo Empire as I make my way to the end of the original R-type.

Getting to the checkpoint on level 7 on one credit most days - trying to figure out a way through once I lose all my power ups - ha

Very fortunate to have been able to play all these games on original hardware in a dedicated arcade cabinet - the only way to fly!

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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by Valtele »

Hello all!
I feel lucky that I managed to find this forum with its infinite content and amazing translated interviews with my favorite developers of STGs. I got into this type of game not so long ago but now for quite some time, I am literally obsessed with the genre, researching companies, their games, and creators all the time. Of course, I knew cult classics such as Ikaruga and Crimzon Clover for a very long time, but my biggest discovery was games like BATTLE GAREGGA and basically the whole library from CAVE. At this moment, I'm trying to get good at IBARA, since it is one of the most important games for me personally. Of course, it isn't meant for a new player but I really like to get further in the game since I like its music, style, and aesthetics a lot. I think as a new player I do quite well and I just hope to not abandon these games in the future.

anyways, CAVE, make some arcade games again!!!
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Valtele wrote:I'm trying to get good at IBARA, since it is one of the most important games for me personally. Of course, it isn't meant for a new player but I really like to get further in the game since I like its music, style, and aesthetics a lot.
It's certainly a tough game that wouldn't be seen as newbie friendly! But part of getting good as a game is sticking with it, and if you're really digging the presentation and aesthetics of a game, then you're more likely to stick with it long enough to get good at it! Good luck. :)
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by thaIllsburyFlowboy »

Hello all. In the market for a Tiger Heli cabinet at present.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by sunnshiner »

Hello. Again. I managed to somehow lock myself out of my old account and render both the username (sunnshine) and email address 'unknown' when I tried to update the email address :roll:
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by Air Master Burst »

What's good, it's ya boy AMB!

Grew up playing the early 90s golden age shmups, went hard and got my only shmup 1cc ever on Ikaruga for DC circa 2002, mostly played run-n-guns and platformers since.

Truxton is probably my all-time favorite shmup, but I also adore MUSHA and Batrider. Someday I'll master Garegga (lol).

Been a while but ZeroRanger hooked me hard, it also teamed up with my normally-reliable Saturn pad to absolutely destroy my left wrist. I will have my revenge when my arcade stick arrives on Monday.

I also build Gundam kits, paint wargaming miniatures, and DM tabletop RPGs regularly.

Lurked around here for years, but I figure I'd finally at least register for now and maybe ask for some advice on stick mods or something.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by DirtyHerby »


I decided to join since all of the experts hang out here. I recall my early years of gaming on a SNES, that was my older sisters. It felt weird to create an account on a forum. I'm spent many years hanging out on e30 (car) and music forums.

Shmups isn't my all time favorite genre but I have great memories of/with them. Can we count Gauntlet on NES as a shmup? Lol.

Any modern horizontal shmups like levels from Cuphead?? I played mostly vertical games growing up and horizontal was a new world for me.

I also joined seeking help for an S-Video mod.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by ch2 »

[Introduction message incoming]

Code: Select all


Me like shmups.

Me like pew pew.
[Introduction message over]
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by Nugs »

ch2 wrote:[Introduction message incoming]

Code: Select all


Me like shmups.

Me like pew pew.
[Introduction message over]
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by ch2 »

Nugs wrote:
E x a c t l y .

Joking aside I quickly realized I don't have a whole lot to say that ya'll probably heard a million times, like I like the Caves, I like the Shikigamis, I like the Touhous..., so I just went to the point. :wink:
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by Sloppy_J »

Hi everyone,

Huge shmups fan who grew up on Sega systems. From the UK but I’ve been living in Tokyo for close to 15 years now. Been browsing these forums for years but only just got around to registering.

Peace and love to all of you on here.
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Re: The Self-Introduction Thread

Post by mikro »

Hi everyone,

I've already posted in the Sync Strike hardware thread: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=37285 but my post still awaits approval so I came to say hello. I'm not particularly interested in shoot'em ups (I had to google your acronym :D) but I like tinkering with Atari retro computers and just recently did some research about RGB signals in general (and found your nice forum along the way).
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