Updates (20.7.2014):
- Added a few small bits and pieces here and there from Eaglet (thanks man!) and the Record Replays List that Plasmo and I compiled after Stunfest and I've kept up-to-date. You'll find the Record Replays a little bit further down in the OP.
At some point I need to go through this guide and rewrite/reformat, as it's becoming a huge hodgepodge of copy-pasted elements.
As requested by a large score of shmuppers here, and by Randorama who I offered to collaborate on a guide with, is a near-complete players guide to Raizing's much-loved and much-hated shmupping masterpiece Battle Garegga.
Love it or hate it, it's probably one of the few shmups that gets a lot of attention as being the most punishing and also the most rewarding shmupping treat ever created (outside of any Cave shmup that is). And as I've stated so many times before, a player wanting to even remotely improve at this game must have basic knowledge of the game's many gameplay mechanics in order to progress. So here it is, everything you wanted to know about Battle Garegga, in a nutshell
Please note however, I'm not quite the authority on this game, so don't take my random warblings as the be-all-and-end-all of strategic info. This guide is also geared towards scoring and thus contains intermediate to advanced level tricks and strategies, so if you are a player new to a Raizing style game, or a returning player looking to improve his knowledge and abilties, please take a look at the Training Plan that is housed in the General Information section of the guide.
If you do have any questions though, I'll be very glad to answer them, to the best of my knowledge, or you'll get a reply from someone who has an answer to your question(s). And if you have a musing of your own, please feel free to jot it down.
One important thing before we get started: I've reformatted this guide to make use of COLOR CODING for ease of use and navigation, since it's one of the biggest guides I've ever written. For a key to the color codes:
> CONTENTS <For the guide's Color Codes, Icarus wrote:
- Anything that is ORANGE in color is a header for a section or a subsection. This should make it easier for you to locate sections quicker without having to read through the guide
- Anything that is BLUE in color is an external link, usually to a supporting replay file. If a link points to a replay file, the codec used for the video, and the total size of the file will be listed next to the link, like so: (DIVX - 25MB).
- Anything that is VIOLET in color is very important information relating to successful execution of advanced scoring tricks, usually relating to boss or bullet behaviour, or to criteria that must be met to unlock/activate something. If you are looking to get consistent with certain tricks, then don't skip these bits!
- General Information
- In-Game Setup
- Items and the Drop Order
- Training Plan For Beginner and Intermediate Players
- Saturn Version - Options Menu Translations - Weapon System
- Shot
- Weapon
- Option
- Self Destruction - Rank System - The System In Basic
- What is Rank?
- What does Rank affect?
- Basic Rank-controlling Strategies - Rank System - A Hacker's Guide
- Scoring System
- The Medals
- Scenery Destruction
- Specific Attack Usage - Ship by Ship Breakdown
- Stage 1 Strategy
- Stage 2 Strategy
- Stage 3 Strategy
- Stage 4 Strategy
- Stage 5 Strategy
- Stage 6 Strategy
- Stage 7 Strategy
- VGMaterials - The Japanese HTML'ed Battle Garegga Handbook
- Highscore Threads @ Shmupsforum <current> <old>
- Garegga Tribute @ World of Arcades
- Battle Garegga Laboratory (Japanese site, maintained by KET)
- Japanese guide 01
- Japanese Garegga Scoreboards
Here's a quick list of all the currently available replay material I've created for the guide. Most if not all are direct downloads, so just right click and Save As. In the case of future kuso/superplays, they will be distributed via Bittorrent, so have a torrent client handy for when they become available.
Many many thanks to rjpageuk and snacky of ikaruga.co.uk for helping me host this massive list of replays! You guys rock!
More stuff to follow in the near future, once I get a bit of time to play and capture more footage.
- STAGE 1:
- Stage Replay -
- with Wild Snail (DIVX - 18MB)
- with Bornnam (XVID - 29MB)
- with Flying Baron (XVID - 30MB)
- Getting the tank bullets (DIVX - 1.1MB)
- Getting the Large Shot Powerup, using Chitta (XVID - 4.4MB)
- Noseslide Evasion Technique (DIVX - 1.1MB)
- Stage Replay -
- STAGE 2:
- Stage Replay -
- with Wild Snail (DIVX - 25MB)
- with Bornnam (XVID - 43MB)
- with Flying Baron (XVID - 36MB)
- Boss Strategy, using Bornnam (XVID - 18MB)
- Gunblimp Medals -
- with Wild Snail, 4 turrets, single suicide (DIVX - 1.8MB)
- with Bornnam, 4 turrets, single suicide (DIVX - 2.9MB)
- Pink Flamingoes -
- with Wild Snail, 1.8mil pointgain (DIVX - 2.5MB)
- with Bornnam, 1.55mil pointgain (XVID - 3.7MB)
- with Flying Baron, 1mil pointgain (XVID - 3.8MB)
- Suicide Respawn Technique, using Bornnam (XVID - 4.2MB)
- Stage Replay -
- STAGE 3:
- Stage Replay -
- with Wild Snail (DIVX - 30MB)
- with Bornnam (XVID - 47MB)
- Boss Strategy, using Bornnam (XVID - 17MB)
- The 1UP (DIVX - 9.1MB)
- Stage Replay -
- STAGE 4:
- Stage Replay -
- with Bornnam (XVID - 46MB)
- Four Large Tanks, Four Large Weapon Bullets, Suicide Technique (XVID - 3.5MB)
- Messy Medal Rails Collection Method (XVID - 8.2MB)
- Activating The Torpedoes, using Wild Snail (XVID - 3.3MB)
- Stage Replay -
- STAGE 5:
- Aerial Platforms, using Bornnam, 1mil pointgain (XVID - 24MB)
- Nose Lavagghin2 Demonstration, using Bornnam (XVID - 21MB)
- MadBall2 Demonstration, using Bornnam (XVID - 16MB)
- Giant Bomber Demonstration, using Bornnam (XVID - 16MB)
- Black Heart Demonstration, using Bornnam (XVID - 32MB)
- STAGE 6:
- Turret Wall Evasion, Positional Dodging Demonstration (XVID - 8MB)
- Turret Wall Evasion, Fast Dodging Demonstration (XVID - 9MB)
- Junkey Monkey Form2, Quick Evasion (XVID - 5MB)
Updating the replay list Plasmo and I compiled last year, with some additional things I've come across here and there.
- Silver Sword:
WR: G,751,930 - みぐ (Migu)
• F,082,330 - DXP-Yoshidaya (INH DVD "The Madness Battle Garegga" Omake Disc)
• E,945,710 - KET (three parts: one, two, three)
• E,893,540 - DXP-Yoshidaya (INH DVD "The Madness Battle Garegga") - Grasshopper:
WR: F,981,940 - DBS
• F,072,450 - unknown player (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-NgQBrEv_8 - SDD-Kaede's channel) - Flying Baron:
WR: G,105,190 - T-OMN2号♂X68ま♀ゆるーい用
• E,226,430 - DBS (http://youtu.be/tbrAt82YazQ) - Wild Snail:
WR: H,413,590 - 山中将人☆OMN2♂68 (Yamanaka Masato)
• H,334,020 - T-OMN2号X68(ま) (was on YT, now private video, highest known - mp4 rip of st1-5 by dannnn)
• G,630,070 - T3-神威 (Special Demonstrations #7)
• F,221,670 - unknown player (https://www.youtube.com/user/roland08100) - Gain:
WR: K,836,870 - T3-神威 (Kamui)
• K,836,870 - T3-神威 (Special Demonstrations #8 - new strategies, WR) NEW
• K,720,100 - T3-神威 (three parts: one, two, three - old strategies)
• K,432,610 - T3-神威 (Special Demonstrations #3 - new strategies)
• K,396,400 - T3-神威 (Special Demonstrations #1 - new strategies) - Chitta:
WR: G,790,350 - ツィ~まる@ボール部。 (Tsiimaru)
• G,062,720 - KET (three parts: one, two, three) - Miyamoto:
WR: I,546,440 - SDD-楓☆折り返し (Kaede)
• I,485,040 - SDD-Kaede (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmwSumHGSZM)
• I,119,230 - SDD-Kaede (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... 17CB72573B) - Bornnam:
WR: H,791,750 ~ X68ま
• H,121,140 - unknown player (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN_BWKQlwSw - SDD-Kaede's channel) - Harder Mode:
• C,898,850 - unknown player <Miyamoto> (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQB5HzLPZIY - SDD-Kaede's channel) - Extended Mode:
• Z,726,550 - T3-神威 <Gain> (personal DVD)
• T,062,670 - ZBL-JAC <Miyamoto> (http://youtu.be/IsCEI_ZWoCc)
I stupidly forgot to put in a list of big shout outs and thanks, as there has been lots of great contributions to the guide, not just in data acquired and submitted, but from ever-curious players asking a steady stream of good questions as they push on in their Garegga mastery. Here goes:
- Randorama
Many thanks for all your continued input with this game as I both write and play it. All your information has been a great help! - rjpageuk and snacky of ikaruga.co.uk
You guys get a huge thanks for kindly accepting my request to host my massive store of players guide video material on your server. I owe you guys, bigtime ^_^ - AWJ
Your efforts with the "hacking" of Garegga's rank system has made many things clearer, and the information you have added to this guide will be of great interest to past, present and future Garegga players. Much appreciated ^_^ - Twiddle
Another rank system hacker that's helped provide invaluable information to the guide vis-a-vis the inner workings of the rank system. Many thanks for your help! - BulletMagnet
Your discussions relating to Garegga have been of great interest, and your many good questions have helped me add to and clarify large portions of the guide. And many many thanks for the help with the rewrite of the Rank section of the guide, it's much appreciated. ^_^ - Plasmo
Thanks for the additions to the guide, and for continuing to push what can be achieved with this great game. Many thanks! - Eaglet
Thanks for the additions to the guide, and keep up the good work with the Wild Snail! - Vorpal
A great competitor, one with just as much passion for Garegga as I have, and the good questions you've asked (and the info you've provided) has helped me rewrite bits of the guide for clarity. The ALL is in sight ^_- - Rastan78
Thanks for the stage 6 preliminary writeup, sorry it took so long. Also thanks for asking questions and stuf in the ST and score threads, it helps me to get down in writing things that might be handy for the guide. Good luck with your Miyamoto ALL attempt ^_- - All the other forum members who've posted in this thread (too many to list)
Thanks for the interest in the game, the guide and kind comments. Good luck in your Garegga endeavours ^_-